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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
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Good mornin Porch Goers

If they do, we still got the pretty blue daisy below.


Picture linked to an article on using chicory. It mentions its use in/as coffee in France first. During our Civil War in the States, the Southern states used in much the same fashion as the Northern states kept coffee from getting to the South.

*sits pondering a tonic of chicory, plantain, yarrow, garlic, nods taps the brim of the hat he doesn't wear, winks*


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If they do, we still got the pretty blue daisy below.

View attachment 202738

Picture linked to an article on using chicory. It mentions its use in/as coffee in France first. During our Civil War in the States, the Southern states used in much the same fashion as the Northern states kept coffee from getting to the South.

*sits pondering a tonic of chicory, plantain, yarrow, garlic, nods taps the brim of the hat he doesn't wear, winks*
Have you ever tried chicory? In a bind it does help the withdraw feelins you get when out of coffee


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My mom bought white-label Luzianne coffee for years. It was coffee with chicory. I always liked it. Never had chicory by itself, though.

Back in the day, it tasted similar to what today's coffee companies call "Dark Roast." It wasn't shy by any means. :)

I think Community Coffee (local brand, I think, down in bayou and delta areas of Louisiana) still has a blend that contains chicory.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
My mom bought white-label Luzianne coffee for years. It was coffee with chicory. I always liked it. Never had chicory by itself, though.

Back in the day, it tasted similar to what today's coffee companies call "Dark Roast." It wasn't shy by any means. :)

I think Community Coffee (local brand, I think, down in bayou and delta areas of Louisiana) still has a blend that contains chicory.

Choc ' Full O' Nuts brand coffee has chicory in it, if I'm not mistaken. Think there's another brand what does but not able to recall. I've had it on its own and with coffee. Not sure if I could replace it for coffee, but I know in a pinch it would help reduce consumption of coffee if used as an add-in.


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Funny happening.

A lady called from a medical equipment service. "Hello, this is ___ with ____, ..."

My Mammy cat didn't miss a beat. "Mrrrrrhhhhheeerrro."

Lady on the other end, "Hey honey, can you let me talk to your daddy?"

I chuckled. "Sorry, my cat is social."


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My Thursday helped make my Friday. I was actually capable of getting two loads of laundry done "in house" here. Then, I furthered the goodness of my Friday this morning. Applied for Sam's Club for custodian/maintenance on 'morning' shifts M-F only.

Have had two to four different spots use the "we're going with someone else" form response. Lowe's completely "ghosted" me. Still waiting for word on the school spot. Supposedly they'll get it sorted out by "next" meeting, where I had thought it would have been by this past week's meeting. I don't even pretend to understand bureaucracy.

Pot of coffee drank, medicines taken. Yep, Friday is going okay. Mopped the hall, living area, kitchen & cleaned litter box. Will take that out in a little while. Kind of hoping weather fares off a little. It's dreary, sprinkling rain to mild gush. Supposed to be a fair day. We'll see.

{(***) -- A toast to those good few gone before & the good few to come after.
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Good morning Porch folks! We are supposed to get strong storms and winds today. Actually, many schools announced yesterday that they were closing for today. Last night the weatherman said the winds are forecasted to be the strongest the current generation has seen in this area. I'm glad I got the impact and 130 MPH rated roof with a 50 year warranty five years ago.


Diamond Contributor
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My phone and the Echo Dot have been notifying me all day about Coastal Flooding and Strong Winds. Since half of the County would need to be under 100 Plus feet of water before it reached me I don't think I need to worry~!

Fucking Fake News even with Amazon and Verizon/Google?????


Diamond Contributor
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I think a lot of disinformation gets passed along out of simple stupidity rather than maliciousness. Why should news, weather reporting being any different from any other field where no one does their jobs? If an editor with actual "old school" journalistic credentials & ethics done their jobs, such disinformation wouldn't be publicized. The world has become too stupid to produce such people.

On a more positive note, I enjoy looking at The Good News Network, at times. I also have times when paying no attention to any news serves as "good news". Have grown tired of all the damn negativity in my life & I'm not alone. So, I make a choice and liberate myself. We all can.
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Diamond Contributor
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*Fades into being on the porch out of thin air, steps in, locates @SteveS45, gives him a big warm friendly hug and steps off back out onto the porch to sit nursing a mug of hot grog*

"Love you, Dude, and thanks as well."

Before you ask, simply being you. You accept without forcing you on anyone. Seen you do it time and time again. Also seen you got a few clear lines, everyone does and has to have. I know with s**t up, you put not.

I've been radiating more darkness than I care to admit. To your credit as a friend, you did not come barging in on me. Talking about it now. Yes, limiting the conversation. All that negativity is being tossed away, incinerated. Nobody needs that crap.

Had a serious talk with my wife about a dream. Quite a while ago, she told me something.

"You wake up writing, fall asleep writing, dream of writing. Damn it, you're a writer! Go write, I'll wait."

Well, let it suffice, I have been ringing a bell on myself. Any excuse suited, just don't write. Our most recent conversation involved me asking if she was serious in what she told me. Her reply was simply to ask me if I was serious.

Yes, I'm still going to look for a full time job. I am also going to work progressively on a goal. Need to get back into writing at least 2,000 words per day for a story. If not a solid 2K for one story at least a good five to six hours of writing, something, not social based but for "work".

I have to be serious and hold to my faith. Too many to let down otherwise. I know for sure, "Spanky" would be fussing at me.

"You've got that potential. Soldier, aim that rifle higher. Push you to be better than you."

No more arguing, no more excuses. Can see now how foolish, weak I have been. Am I going to worry over editing? No. Wife suggests beta readers. For now, not concerned. Everything will come to be as need arises. I'll get to writing again, start finishing stories, or "works". Then, do revision, put it on market and go back to writing. "Wash, rinse, repeat."

Not worrying on marketing either. The "product" will sell itself. I'll just keep busy "producing".
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Diamond Contributor
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Starting Monday, March 6th if I'm seen on this site between 8 AM EST and 5 PM EST M - F. Someone please remind me to get back to work. The only exception will be from 12 AM to 1 PM for an hourly lunch break.

Weekends are free time. :) Made a job, possibly a career, for myself. Going to be a content producer / author / writer / storyteller. It is what I do, what I enjoy doing, and to some degree there are folks thinking I do it pretty good.

Well, have some other stuff, yep stuff that is, to attend to doing. Y'all run 'er slow and head on back if'in ya want more chidlin's. We be a here.


Diamond Contributor
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Good morning Porch goers! Just checking in. Wife and I are both ill with different things. She has something worse than me. I'm just dealing with headaches and cold like symptoms. I hope the rest of the weekend for everyone is good!

Bah! You silly folk need to get rid of the crud. *grin*

Hope you all get to faring better soon. Not the time of year to get down. Soon be hay season with all its grunting joys.

Neighbor up the way from us, Tim. He had his three boys helping with hay. They come to fetch it from my wife's granddad. He had let them have the 3 acre bottom.

They figured about 70-100 75lbs bails. Well, it was a heavy hung year, so they got three cuts from it, ending up with about 275 bails. Tim was shocked at the volume.

One of his boys got on the flat wagon behind a tractor. Another drove the tractor, bringing the wagon up and down windrows. A third boy helped me and Tim. We gathered bails, tossed them up onto the wagon.

His boy on the wagon didn't understand making a buffer on the end of the wagon. So, we had to keep tossing bails higher and higher each round. Here's Tim struggling to lob a 75lb bail up on the second level of stacked hay, on a wagon sitting already 4 feet off the ground. Here's me facing the same struggle after his boy gets it to level four.

Tim stepped back, got hold of my arm. "Let them boys figure it out, old dog. Me and you need to realize we can't keep doing this." Her granddad stood there chuckling at us both.

The next year, I showed those boys how you manage doing it better for everyone. Tim's wife Julie has kept trying to wrangle me on as a shepherd / ranch foreman. Tim's a good guy, got a fair sense to himself. He just sometimes doesn't see the need doing for the need doing. *grin*


Cranky Old Fart
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Hey porch friends, I'm still alive and kicking. I'm just back on full on travel mode for work at the moment. I tend to not do too much social media when traveling. I don't like the trackers thinking I live in what ever state I'm traveling in and then sending me ads for those states. I do use the corporate VPN on my work laptop which helps in confusing the trackers, but still...

Anyway no need to send out search parties during the week and just being home on weekends tends to mean multiple honey-do's. I'm just glad I don't live in the Sierra's under 14 feet of snow...


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On my way to work. Need to get my coffee, medicines and something for a breakfast. Like a hard fried egg, slab of processed cheese stuff, mayo on toasted bread.


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Breakfast turned into an omelette, instead. Didn't exactly follow the set schedule. Got caught up writing on Working Title A. Got my schedule split, allegedly to have three Working Title works going.

Found out, too, I can forget planning. Got a prompt, rough two paragraphs, outline from a random generator online. I let the story "tell itself" and it kept me interested.

Planning, plotting, outlining, character sketches for me would wipe out interest. If that is how you write, more power to you. It doesn't suit me after years of trying in various methods. Organic flow or I don't go.

WC: 1853 in about five hours time, averaging about 6 words per minute hunting and pecking. After that five hours, spent time doing some research on agents, editors, publishers. It was not actual writing, but ancillary related.

Hope everyone had a great day. Wife made bake sketti for our supper, two 9*12 aluminum tins full. We'll have it breakfast, lunch, supper for the next three days. *smh* Oh is it good? Nah, i'll spare everyone by eating it.


Diamond Contributor
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Little over 2800 words today, so about another 1,000 over yesterday's.

Got a phone call from Wood County School's HR secretary today. She was calling to ask a few things.

1. Will you consider working as a sub custodian again?

"Sorry but no. Did that for three years for Jackson County. Do not want to do again. Yes, I understand different county. Sorry, wife says I need more stability, and I'm an odd husband, I agree."

"I understand that perfectly. You're correct, both of you."
"Well we do work on seniority, they play musical chairs too. Keep applying for full-time, though. I'm sure you'll get something."

2. Passed the state's competency test for custodian? If so, got proof?

"Yes and yes, included it on the electronically filed cv/resume as an image file."

"Let me see, oh yes you did. Okay."
"Again, keep applying. I'll let you go back to a great day!"

ETA - Mar 07, 2023, 22:50:35:

I was glad of her calling. I still am glad. Her call indicates a few things.

1. Wood County Schools does actively consider applicants. Yes, they have a policy similar to Jackson County Schools, they promote and prefer giving jobs internally based on seniority. Wood County, though, still leaves the door open for outside applicants. It seemed clear Jackson County did not.

2. Wood County Schools have people that remember the human. She did not have to phone me at all. I could have waited until the next scheduled meeting to read the minutes, available via their document site.

3. People working for Wood County Schools are professional and convey that with positivity. She didn't need to encourage me to keep applying. Instead, she did, which is supportive of professionalism. Professionals strive to see others rise up. Sometimes the act of simply offering a word to encourage helps that along.

Her call meant a great bit for me. It also helps to see being positive and putting positive out, does return positivity.
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Diamond Contributor
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Awe, that's nothing, everyone knows Micheal Jackson went from being a poor black man to a rich white woman. Then, recently we got Anne Greene on CBS news, she's went from black lady to powerful white male news anchor. I write that with no disrespect in either case, and nothing racial. Apples to apples, oranges to oranges is the intention, if initiate this then return that. It seems to be is what it is.

Our world is so full of absurdity. Would not surprise me to read that Dodo birds are living fine on a remote island. Also, don't think of the moon being made of cheese anymore, no, it's obviously peanut butter. Someone had an allergy, ergo we've not been back.

"You could've got that off the internet. I saw a picture of Bill Gates with three titties on the net." -- 20 year old movie and I know for sure the Bill Gates picture was 20 years older than the movie. LOL My point regarding absurdity stands.

Time for an axiom: Our world is absurd.

That is why I drink Tang and remain hopeful. Eventually, absurdity guarantees I'll be granted Serenity. I simply need to keep going through the Stargate to find it.

Until then, ... *blows bullhorn whistle,* Calvinball on!

I play a Wild Card and launch at E3 while juggling a bat, and kicking the puck over the net. There is no foul because speedball allows tripping as a form of tackle, capture of the tennis ball.
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