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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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It's only 31°F here but it is Raw out. My hands got so cold when shoveling even wearing gloves and just now running to the Market for fresh Club Rolls it was just Nasty~! My fingers are still cold and enjoying some hot coffee.
We've had a real artic blast here, it's -2 here now we might get above zero for a few hours today. It's headed you way Steve so good thing you got everything cleared off in case it makes it to you my friend ;)


Cranky Old Fart
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Me over at Angel's (formerly The Omelette Shoppe) yesterday.

Monday night, there was fine crystalline powder gently floating to the ground as waves of blankets. Tuesday morning, the powder turned to a bit heftier grated Parmesan, settling in quilts over the powdered blanket. Snowed all Monday night and only took about an hour off all day Tuesday.

Tuesday, school began under a two-hour delay, then closed. Tuesday evening, by 18:00 local time, today was called off due to icy road conditions & more distressing weather seemingly inbound.

Got movers coming today. They have given me a quote, I may add a bit as a tip for them. Appreciate folks going the extra if weather is bad. Speaking of, yesterday morning I got a shock.

The general manager of Easy Rider buses, transit authority, came in a huge block RAM truck equipped with chains and 4x locked in. He pulled up and identified himself, asked if I was waiting on his bus. Then, asked where I needed to go. "Hop in, I'm not putting my buses in this apartment lot. Roads are mostly clear save a few patches. I'll get you to work, Mr. Ben."

Directly I heard the specialized C.B. radio squawking, DOT was responding to state troopers confirming a road or two were no goes. Troopers roger'ed that and relayed a few more impassible routes.

The general manager shook his head, picked up the mic. "Jefferson," "Go for Jefferson" "Got your one passenger. Guess the school girl is staying home. Taking this one to Gabe's." "Roger. Hey Ben, have a good one. "Um, tell her I say hey back" "He says hey back, Misty. Clear." "Roger, Clear One."

It seems I inspire cults, but not the bad kind. People I might not know right off, "Oh hey! It's Ben. Hey, Ben, you keep on keeping on." Have even heard some pulling a "What would Ben do" thing. I try doing a little good for anyone every day. That way, I can't lie to myself and say I'm worthless. People remind me otherwise. I don't let the "fame" get to me, usually dashing off in the opposite direction as someone tries saying thanks.

"It's all the same, ..." *grin* "We look out for ourselves lest the bad guys look out for us, alright."

Funny watching folks up here in Parkersburg. North P'burg folks treat South P'burg folks like garbage. South folks come to do the crap work for the North section, nary a word of it. North folks get lost in the South section, run back North quick. I treat them all with equal respect, dignity. Always let ladies, elderly, infirm board a bus or go inside first, holding a door or taking an arm.

No point being anything but human with people. Well, better skid addle.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
17°F here this morning~!
15 F here to start the day. Being fair, we get Lake Effect and Ohio River effect.

Got the biggest items over to my new apartment. Have some smaller items which may go over Saturday/Sunday. Wife wondered why I didn't go on and stay over tonight. It didn't make sense to me, not having everything there. Getting there. :)

Someone from our local sheltered company made a delivery there. "Hey, Ben. Excuse me, sir, I need to put the delivery in your spot." "Gotcha, lemme slide over here," taking a sliding step aside.

It is like I've lived and worked all over Parkersburg, all my life, am part of the town's fabric. One of the moving guys looked at me. "Dude, knew you," he said, appearing surprised.

"Call me, Bubba," I replied with a shrug. He smirked and went back to pulling stuff out of the truck.

Think I frighten people in general. I've never met a stranger. For one thing, it is kind of difficult to get stranger than me. *grin* Another thing, we're all people out here in the world. To get respect, give it away. Love yourself and love others who are equally part of you, and you them.

Yep, "it's all the same, ..." :)

"Hey Ben, got a plan?"

"Nah, just letting it ride. Even if I had one, I wouldn't know how to use it."

"Hey Ben, how you feel about, ...?"

*shrug, blank look,* "I don't. Expounding that, I'm working two jobs and living life. Got no time to do the feeling thing. I accept my fate head on, whatever befalls. All a person can do is eat an elephant one bite at a time."
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hi @SteveS45 I was really missing the old crew and wandered over here to say hey. I know I can find you and dubya here so here I is. I don't visit the Beach anymore but please tell them I said hello and send a hug. I hope Blue and her room mate are doing okay.

How come you don't use Double The Fun?


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So our 1 to 3" Snow Storm was just a Dusting with people leaving work early and running home.

17°F here this morning~!
We got 4" - 6" here. Still considered a dusting. Closed schools and I was unable to get into Gabe's Saturday morning. Wife took a case of flu type A, whatever that means, thinking common flu. She told me Saturday was all day crash day for her.

I went out at 6 & 7 AM to wait for the transit bus. Reminded myself at 6 they ran at 7 Saturdays. Saw them go right by the apartment complex around 7:30, did not come in. The lot was a total mess anyway.

Called Gabe's, Deck said he and Josh figured I was unable. No disciplinary action will happen, many were out because of weather. Would have been there if I could have gotten in, Deck knew that, his store, his rules. *grin* He closed the brief conversation with "stay safe."

This weekend, I will hopefully be able to get the rest of my stuff into the new apartment. Think it may be a car load, or less. It's all around too cold. Going to make an effort to stay on as school custodian. Pay and benefits are good, retirement time comes there's a pension.

Everyone tells me not to let a career define who you are. Hmm, think it's too late in my case. The landlord at the new apartment mentioned wanting to get people in that kept up cleanliness. My wife told her I'm a custodian, so I ought to keep my apartment up fine.

Finalizing the lease, the landlord pointed out, as a real estate agent, she could do inspections. I sighed and said, "darn, there goes my idea of an indoor pool." The lady in the next office cleared her throat, "Ben, as her boss I'm reminding you of the lease." I responded, "yes'm, and I was only joking, mam. Got no intent of any such pool. Life is too serious, had to chuckle. Sorry."

They all got the joke, they were just tugging my chain back. We all ending up having a good laugh.

Well, seems I'm talked out.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
For the last 24 hours I have been dealing with a total shit show ordering Tires online from Walmart. It is too long to type out what happened but they shipped at 3AM this morning. So after 3-4 hours dealing with Customer Service who probably don't work in this country I finally got an answer to my original question. Now today FedEx starts messaging me about progress which my Phone App needed Updating which Wiped Out my User Name and Password. So after resetting the password I go from Saturday Delivery to Monday then back to Sunday and now Thursday?

Talk about a bunch of Bullshit and I didn't even get into the Tire Recycling Fee they charged me which started the whole thing. Th Asshole CS Rep said he would refund it as soon as I placed my order~!. Sends me a $10 Coupon of next purchase~! Tried to use it but only on Food~! Then he Cancels my Order and Locks my account out for suspicious activity~! Which is what took 3 hours to straighten out. Good thing I have many PC's because they banned the Mac address of my Laptop and could not get back in until I reset my password on a different machine.

All this because I wanted to save a few bucks on the tires themselves and the installation because I have a Tire Machine and heel Balancer in the garage. Only positive was Free Shipping~! Oh and I forgot to mention I originally wanted to order and pick them up but they don't offer it on these tires so they had to be shipped and delivered.
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