Are you both moving together? Sorry if I am being rude or nosy but you said you were having issues and possibly splitting up.
No, the new apartment is for just me and Mammy cat. Wife will remain at Luna Vista Palace (not its real name), possibly move elsewhere when her lease expires. She's taking Shrek dog.
We've agreed that when the time comes, she will get me to be with Shrek in passing. That might not be something she cares to be overly involved with beyond taking him to a vet. Me? I want to hold my bud's paw as he "goes home". Not to be morbid, figuring he has another 17 or 18 years.
Yes, we're getting divorced. It is waiting to come up on the county court's docket. Then, all that remains is for a judge to see we agree to terms, sign off on us divorcing. I am to pay a set amount to help cover debts we both incurred together. That's reasonable & fair I think, only proper. After that we will be only friends and any dealings will be based upon good faith.
do not loathe, even hate, one another. Yes, we both can get frustrated with each other. That's different though and expected. A person doesn't always agree with the best of friends, or one friend likes onions, but the other doesn't. None of that is direly important.
I apologized to her yesterday for not being there. Realized I could have communicated a financial expectation better, aside from presuming she would "just understand" what I meant. Other ladies in the area have said they understood it, but then Chr--- isn't as "traditional" Appalachian as some of them.
"If your man works, brings his pay to you," I asked some ladies.
"I pay the bills, if any is left I might let him have some spending money, or not. Might need other stuff, or just save. He'll be happy for a roof, maybe three hots, a cot, clothes," I was told.
I kind of figure she would have "picked up" on what I meant. We "pooled" together when we first started going together. Somewhere, I think she lost the plot along the way, and I fumbled by not keeping the star chart out for her to read.
We're both wrong, both right. We both agree we no longer want to fight. Being married isn't for us. It makes us both nuttier than squirrel poop.
Now, maybe later on, we each find someone. Who knows? I might find a cute husband next time. We just know that for us together, marriage doesn't work. Yes, we've tried making it work. No, we've not tried therapy or counseling. We both agree that if we being reasonable, intelligent folks cannot figure ourselves out, no stranger could either.
To simplify, for some getting hitched is all in the cards, for others those cards might not match up. We both had crap hands, we tried it, but the dealer cut us out.