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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Mornin Porch Goers
@SteveS45 how's you mom doin buddy?


Actually Pretty Good but not as well as I would like but she is enjoying preparing for the Holidays and decorating the tree. Thank You my friend for asking~! How is everyone doing with you and the Family?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Actually Pretty Good but not as well as I would like but she is enjoying preparing for the Holidays and decorating the tree. Thank You my friend for asking~! How is everyone doing with you and the Family?
Well not to good buddy, my wife has been sick since April of this year and facing an 8 hour surgery comin up at the end of January. Just been crazy here, thank you for askin my friend ;)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Weight of Humility

Specter looking through you.
Meagerness a feeling, even over wire.
Communications technology hawked to bring closeness.

You haunt an ether unseen.
Wire binds families around the globe coldly.
Closeness of spirits offers so little in dire times.

Unseen tenderness exuding boundless.
Coldly facing acceptance of uncontrollable situations.
Times have changed, humbleness of being human, not.

Benjamin Badgley Dec. 12/11/2023


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So, tomorrow I start back to working two jobs. Go to Gabe's of a morning, the school of an evening. Had a meeting with superintendent this morning. Wife told me it was alright to work only one pay period for the school, then quit them. Further, she said it was alright for me to be a misanthrope now.

"All youse, off my lawn!"


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Bumped to the 3-11 PM shift at school. Suits me as it allows a short break at home beforehand.

"Some will wave their hats. Some turn their backs. It's all the same. They don't know. They have no idea where you've been, what you've done. It's all the same." -- _Spartan_

That aptly sums up my return to the school, this evening. The head custodian handed me a job listing packet. "Well, you know the job." I nodded, left the packet on the table. He then explained some of the students may likely be carrying in the Crud, I was to "work your magic".

I grinned at him, nodded. Finally, he broke and admitted that in his thirty-two years he's not seen much better worker. I shook my head and put a finger on my lips. "Don't jinx me." He smiled, said he forgot I dislike praise.

Think it may go smoother. Well, heading for rack with Mammy cat. 5 AM comes early.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Uhm, yeah, what "Butchy" says. That's my whole weeks now.
I'm working Gabe's of a morning, ride to terminal, then home for a couple of hours. Grab my lunch & catch a 2/2:30 to get to school at 3. Work until 11. Come home, pass out until 5, wake, rinse and repeat.

This Saturday, I thought my schedule read until 11 AM. My Boss, Deck, told me I was trapped until 2 PM because he had swapped my position out for the day (ha ha yuck yuck, but I did it because).

Josh the ass. Store manager was in the office too. He was the one to tell me they would take me back as a fairy princess. "Ben, extra hours will help in earning your wings," he told me with a grin, wink. All of us were laughing.

I was put in the back to help price some food. Deck & Josh come back later. Deck, "Ben, I thought you were gone. You were heading home."

"Realized I was still there, sir. I'm in bed, y'all just parts of my dream," I replied. He and Josh just laughed.

"Ben, that's a good way to give a f*ck," Josh said.

"Sorry sir, my give a fu$k has gone and f*cked off, I'm at Gabe's," I said. We all laughed. Deck had said I had worked 4 hours over during the week and had broken his labor rate. He decided to 'punish' me, by giving me more time to break next week's labor rate. LOL

At the school Friday night, it was me being an isolated human Roomba until 11 PM. Got off, texted wife, waited ten minutes and called. She had got up with her 10:30 alarm, fell right back to sleep. I wasn't mad, upset.

Kind of figured that was what happened. She's been having pain in her leg, inexplicable from the ER. Might be a cyst, might be a torn muscle, blood clot. As her doctor said verbatim, "Good news and bad news. The good news is there's no bad news, and that's the bad news."

Both of us staggered back into the apartment Friday night. I staggered in off the bus, Saturday afternoon. We swung by Heavenly Hills, about a half dozen 'day trippers' got off for the work release. One of them invited me to come in with them, they were having a little shindig. Told him it was bad enough doing the time with two jobs.

All of them stopped, give me a nod. "Worker, man, keep on keeping on." Guess I'm full on West Virginian, now. I was a Hillbilly about five years ago. Could be worse to be. :)

So yep, if not around here much, that will likely be why. "No news, is good news."
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Talked a little with Deck this morning. Conveyed that the school system has loads of folks thinking their poo doesn't stink. He shook his head, chuckling.

"That's how bad managers lose good workers, Ben," he said.

"Well, Deck you nearly let me get by with murder in here. That's not why I'm here totally, or why I value your words, ..." I replied.

"You know our policy on corpses, I presume, Ben."

"Yes sir, I clean up my own mess. Nothing ties back to the store." I responded.

"There you go, you're an excellent employee in my book. We will do all we can to keep you," He told me.

"Including crappy hours and pay," I asked.

"There's a vote on cutting pay in half tomorrow, just so you know. I'm all for it." A grin crossed his face as he spoke.

"Hell yeah! Great bosses of Gabe's at Parkersburg, gotta love 'em" I said.

"Seriously, Ben, I'm sorry to hear the schools are not what they were twenty years ago. You're not the first to tell me as much. I think you might just want to walk away from a place like that," He shifted and exhaled cigarette smoke.

"You'll continue making me a retailer, then?"

"Would I be doing something like that," he replied with a wink. "Patience, young one, we'll get you there yet."

I have been being given more autonomy there, and tasked with teaching a special needs employee. "Tweety", the other maintainer, is a bit flighty and has trouble training people. He's a good worker but a bit scatter shot at times. I think Deck somehow picked up I was used as a trainer before in other facets of life.

He is also having me pick up more responsibilities, more aspects of stuff done in the store. I got to make a minor management decision a few days ago. He approved it, saying it was a good call, but not to make such calls without him.

I get an impression I am gradually getting molded toward management. Hopefully, balking at running a register won't be problematic. I still need to learn how to price shoes as well.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I was out today for a H.U.D meeting / housing voucher pickup. While out, my wife needed to do some Christmas shopping for her mom, both in the sense of her gifts and gifts she buys for family.

We went to Gabe's of course, I spoke with Deck about a position I saw open. The spot is for IT Help Desk specialist. Asked him if corporate would help cover training costs for the certification of that, and if remote work was possible. He was busy stocking and facing a display.

"Ben, apply and if they think you can fit, they'll reach out to you. Ask them, then," he told me. "Think about this, Ben. I've been here for thirty years. You've seen the so called 'fat bonus' I get, ..."

"Yes sir, but you're earning just a bit over fifty K, too."

"Shush. I ought to have been making that twenty years ago. This company is far from comparable in keeping up salaries, Ben. No, why I stay is because of 'My' people here. This company keeps doing right by me for them. Who do you think got you all a 401K program?"

"That's messed up, sir."

"That's retail, Ben. It can be cutthroat, or a fun time at the park. It is a rollercoaster, and this time of year I have to cut hours for everyone. Some of the newer hires are already running off. I don't blame them. You're even pulling two jobs."

"I would like for it to be only one, and here."

"Well, there's your choice, isn't Ben," he said looking me direct in the eyes, now. "There are a few ways it can happen. You might have stumbled on one with the IT thing. Probably noticed I'm putting more to you, getting you crossed trained. There might be something in that. I can not tell you, though. This is for you to choose on your own," he went back to stocking.

"I better find my wife, …"

"Oh, she's running around here, Ben. I saw her just a bit ago. If I don't see you guys later, have a Merry Christmas."

"You do the same, sir."

"Ben," he caught my attention as I spotted my wife.


"I'm Deck."

"Yes, sir. You're still my boss, though. I respect that as well as I respect you as a friend, which with me speaks tomes."


"Yes, s ..."


"Yes, Deck?"

"Go shopping, go home and see you Tuesday."

"Alright, Deck."
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