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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well, I have a head cold and sound like a gravely frog when talking. I know it is a head cold and not the dreaded Crud. Two different strains of the Crud infected me at different times.

The normal Crud hit me and put me down hard. It's 'brother' the Super Crud come on after getting over the normal Crud. It only tickled. Got vaccinated after having them, found out the vaccine I took did nothing. *shrugs*

Figure I've got immunity since both strains tried their hands. Don't think I'll take any more vaccines. I might go see a doc at a clinic, get some sulfa drugs, or amoxicillin to knock this along with some Robitussin. I could always drink chicken broth, wait out a fortnight, too.

*wanders off to the galley*


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hope everyone has had a good Thanksgiving. Wife made meatloaf on Thur. & we stayed here at the apartment, instead of going to her dad's today.

Getting over a head cold & possibly passed a few more tiny kidney stones, she is just getting a cold. We weren't fit to go visit family, not, and possibly carry something in.

I got to looking at part-time spots on Indeed. Even checked some full-time spots. Seems like if you're a nurse, you can write your own ticket currently. Otherwise, the consensus is drivers, high school kids, or retail sales.

Not great at sales in retail. It usually involves working register, dealing with customers and money. Always afraid of dealing with scammers, coming up short. That's something I have no desire to learn as a skill set.

Keep in the back, or stocking, I might even bag but leave me off the register, thanks. I could probably do it in a pinch, but rather not.

Well hope all is well. Y'all run 'er slow.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I'm reminded this morning of an issue of The Eternals by what was then Marvel Comics. In the issue Black Bolt, leader of the group, and one who had a voice that could destroy planets, was contemplating his annual single word he was allowed to speak. They were all gathered for a meal to await his one word. After what the issue concluded seemed an eternal, long pause, he spoke.

"Relax," he said in a very quiet and plain tone, with a big smile. :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Dag nab it. I had a story for Rhino Pills. *chuckles* Oh well. Ninja'd by moderators. *Has thought, watches it get nixed by moderator* Damn, spoil sports. *chuckles and holds up pinky finger* Y'all gets a feather. Got to save the bird for those worthy of a golden egg.

Besides, love everyone here too much. *looks out at white coffee, shakes head no ... wanders on*


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
I looked out a bit ago and we have about 2 inches here and big flakes comin down
Ended up getting around six inches of snow ❄️
It's funny, at the beginning the weather guessers were saying a dusting to two inches, than on Thursday guessers were guessing two to four, than on Friday oh we are guessing four to seven, lol. Went from winter advisory to a winter storm, lol. I'll take the winter storm ! The first snow pretty much beat all of last year snow fall.
Did my usual snow angel, however, it didn't turn out so whoopee, oh well, still had fun making it :)

Hope you didn't have to do any shoveling!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Start back at Gabe's Sunday at 7 AM EST. What I think recall of the schedule, this week seems to be 32 hrs. Of course, that'll drop off after holidays pass. Or, maybe it won't, all depends on what the home team wants. Chief of that is Deck.

Think they might give me 'dog' hours as an incentive to stay put. Have to see. Felt good walking in today and cutting up with others there.

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