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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
396467144_3317186738572408_5203698633253865798_n.jpg Someone is vaping, quick call the zoot suits!

Also finishing up a load of laundry, nursing a coffee. Didn't have any adult beverages. Instead, I looked at what I'm going to call the *donning Orange King voice* Huuuuuuge *drops voice* Rip, that was WWE Crown Jewel. Not much of an L.A. Knight fan, but he was screwed, as was Rey Mysterio, the WWE fan universe with the Ceno vs. Solo match.

Mr. John Cena, if you wanted to retire after your twenty years, fine. Be upfront about it and just fade out as your contracts expired. No, you had to cover for the company, I reckon. "Let's do a no sell, Cena gets slaughtered match. Yeah, it'll be great!"

*shaking my head* Totally blew kayfabe, totally blew it all.

In other news, ...

Got awake during the night. I must have give Mam a start. She ran up from her side of the bed and got herself side right up against my ear. The loudest quiet purring I've heard from any cat flooded my senses. Back out like a light I went.

Think she has adopted me as her kit. I'll go to the bathroom for number 2, she'll walk out to the end of the hall and sit parallel to me, look back mockingly. Though, I think this morning it was more of a "do your business kit" look.

She came to us rotten, I swear. I had nothing in making her that way.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Work Woes

Facing trouble at work. I am told I must do 12–16 hours of work in only 8. I have attempted doing so the way I usually have done, to no avail. Made attempts doing it the way the head custodian suggests, found his way has benefits and can seem to work.

Still, last night, I finished at about 11 instead of 10, On top of that one of the kindergarten teachers is saying I've not been sweeping and mopping their floor, despite I know I have.

It seems, no matter how good my effort, I'm not getting accurate work done in allotted time. The head custodian says my speed will improve in doing. Still, I'm pressured to be quick enough now, and rightly so. They need the work done, accurately, consistently in allotted time, now.

Can hear my head custodian asking, "walking away from what can be a lucrative career?" I can only respond to that with a question, how lucrative can it be if I'm incapable of doing it? The school and school board deserves their money in that I ought to be capable to do it.

"It" just isn't "happening" for me, and I have no explanation as to why it isn't. I am not lollygagging at the work, not slacking. I for the most part barely talk to anyone, eat lunch alone, keep my mind on the work only. "It" just isn't "there". Wish I knew why, or how to correct, but I'm at a loss.

Have I bitten off more than I can chew? I don't think so, yet that's the way it seems.

Time to resign? I don't want to leave a good job. Still, I'm not seeing any other options. Toughing out best I can, but it isn't all my call either.

Been there over a month. I ought to "have it", still eluding me.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I drink water as though I've crossed deserts. Learning that I enjoy ice-cold water. Like really finely crushed ice in it, bigger chips than "slushy" style yet small enough crushed up to be tiny chips.

Drinking that cool water always brings back memories of Pawpaw John's spring house, he had it run into the house plumbing along with the aquifer well. If the aquifer was low, he would run on the spring. It flowed year round.

Pawpaw never had an indoor toilet and only had a bathtub in the basement. You needed to haul water from the kitchen down into the tub if you wanted it hot. Sometimes we got lucky to find a hose that had gotten sun heated, got a shower.

We grew up running barefooted through pastures, woods, shale quarries, river beds. Now, I rarely go barefoot. The memories of growing up like we did remain, though. We knew to mind adults, to work right along with the men.

Hm, in today's age, I suspect a lot of our growing up would be seen as abuse. Sure, there was that in my case, but there was a difference in growing up country. I would play on hay rakes and get bruised up but good, didn't matter as I was catching bugs to earn a nickle. *smh*

A lot of good memories with the bad ones. Amor Fati. And yes, think I've found some peace from that.

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