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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I'm around. The last two days I pulled day shifts. Al you day lighters are weird. That's what I say. :)

Keeping busy, staying afloat.

Not scared by any avatars. :D I kind of drift in and out at times. Life seems to be balancing out for me. Still need to be nimble, not overturn the apple cart.

Today, rode to a presentation for professional learning with my supervisor's boss, (the Big boss). Thought for sure he might have written me up, or said something at least regarding me using snuff. I had a spit bottle and was discrete in the vehicle.

He said nothing at all. We talked going to the thing. Both of us fell asleep through it. He didn't even care as I told him I got the gist of it. "Treat everyone with equal respect, capable or not." They were discussing differently capable folks in education.

As custodians, our role in education is limited. We do as what Gene says, "show the kids at least someone cared." Beyond that, we do not really educate students, or interact. So this highbrow presentation which spent millions I'm sure to research, compile, film, create slides ... all to sum up basic common decency of "treat everyone with equal respect", missed the mark in a way.

In fact, one could almost be insulted that such a presentation was even deemed 'required'. "Hey you, Professional! Yeah, you! Be professional." You interrupted my usual work for a two-hour nap? "Uh huh" Oh, cool, give me more presentations I'm paid to take. :D
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I work 3:30 to midnight, but I took a day off today.
2 PM to 10 here. Justin comes in for the 3 to 11 shift. Today, our head custodian Gene left early. He phoned me to meet him in the 'break' room, broiler room.

Got there, and he was seated, looking three shades of white. Before I had gone out to attend my work, he asked me to set our big ladder up in the gym. I did but thought it kind of odd.

Got upstairs and someone needed the big ladder as well as a climber. Back down to the gym I went. Back up with ladder in tow. Put a couple light blinds up on the overheads.

Gene called, asking if I brought the ladder back to the 'pit'/broiler room. Explained, I sat it back up in the gym. "Bring ladder, meet me, break room."

Back up to paragraph two. So, he went on home after giving me a short task list and reminder to ensure, clean, safe, secure. Told him it would be under control, to go home or a doc right away. He nodded, I ducked back out and went to go attend the work.

Come back to the pit after twenty, or thirty minutes, he had gone. Later on, after I had got back from PL thing, he called and let me know his blood pressure had spiked then bottomed out on him.

<speculation> imho, think he might have been knocking on the door of a stroke. </speculation> He keeps going so much and could really benefit from the subtle art of DILLIGAF? Of course, I'd know nothing t'all about that, no, not me.

Can see now the urgency of wanting to find someone to "take care of his kids".

Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Member For 5 Years
Sounds like Gene needs to take care of himself.

I never have really mastered the art of DILLIGAF. I'm more likely to just say IDGAF right to their face, which, when speaking to a boss/supervisor/SO tends to go over not so well.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Sounds like Gene needs to take care of himself.
Agreed, but he's one of us wise ass tough as nails types.

I joke with him, what with him having been a Marine and me Navy. Tell him I'm pulling a boss card on him, sending him home at 2 when I come in. He'd stay and keep going otherwise. And it's real clear to see he's spent and then some by then.

He is all for "his kids". I respect and appreciate that. For myself, it is "honest work for honest pay" and decent enough pay + benefits. Where the two meet is he's become something which I've never experienced before to such an extent, a benevolent mentor, a good Shepard.

I don't mean that with any religious intonations, though, they will come through. I'm Agnostic but listen as he speaks of the Good Book. I can respect that because he respects my view and tells me time and again, "I'm not saying what you need to do." He is reminding me of stuff from my upbringing. But, we go on and work together as a team.

So he might do it for "his kids", I'll do it for the pay and also because Gene is my bud, on a mission/duty. We may not see directly eye to eye on all things, but that doesn't matter, we agree the kids need to see an example of people that care. And that has to sink into them, so they carry hope forward.

What sank it. Gene reminded me of and completed an expression my Papa John told me singularly. "You don't do it for anyone else. No, never. You do it for yourself, prove to you that you can. Then, go do for others, help. But you better know you can, better do for you so you can help."

Gene brought that up, then explained the whole context and meaning of it with me. He told me that I knew it already, he had seen it. Then, he said I needed to be reminded and being in such a way was not selfish but smart. "You cannot help others, if you cannot first help yourself."

Hmm, guess I need to give him some humble pie. *chuckles*

ETA: Alright you sappy types, I'll admit yeah, part of it is the kids for me too. :)
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Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Member For 5 Years
Guess I need to go do some vape maintenance, finally pulled one of my Coppervapes out of storage, can't get it to fire. :mad: Tested atty with ohm meter so that's not the problem, good batt, so time to clean contact surfaces and possibly play with the spring under the button. Nice thing about mechs I guess, at least I know it isn't the board.:giggle:

I could just pull out one of the other handful I own, but that would be too easy. :cool:

Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
*examining the patient*
"Hmmm, well let's get you cleaned up. First I'll need to strip you completely Miss Coppervape"
*removing various bits and pieces*
"Dammit!!! Nurse, why didn't anybody tell me our patient had a fracture?"

"I didn't know Doctor Kadly. Where is the fracture?"

"Can't you see how short this pin is? The rest of it is broken off in the cap that screws onto the bottle. Quickly nurse, get me the CV repair kit. STAT!"

"Here's the new pin Doc."

"I said the entire kit! If I have to perform open mod surgery I might as well do a completadectomy."

"Errr, what? What's a completeadectomy?"

"Never mind nurse, I just made the word up. Hey, why doesn't this new button fit properly into the hole? Dammit, give me back the old button nurse, guess this patient has to live without a button transplant."

"Doctor Kadly, the new spring only has one bend, the old one has two. Maybe you should use the old spring also."

"Don't worry about it nurse, I'll make it work, when I screw these down it'll be forced to bend properly. I think."
*performing partial completadectomy, putting everything back together, putting battery into CV, putting atty onto CV, pressing fire button, seeing and hearing signs of life*
"Nurse, we have Coppervapor!!!!"

Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
Long ago in a thread not so far away a group of people used to regularly greet other by saying GFY.
It was there that the late Hank Spankman first told me about his Goon. He was quite proud of it. Our first convo about the Goon went something like this if I recall.
"Kad," said Hank, "My Goon is the shizzle. Man do I love my Goon."
"Errr, " says I, "I'm not sure I really want to hear about you loving your goon."
"Kad, you need to get out more. I'm talking about the Goon RDA. You'll love it for squonking."
Well, he kept trying to sell me on it. I did eventually get one, but never had the chance to tell Hank that it really was a fantastic vape. And for some reason I never actually put in the bf pin and squonked with it. But that is what I put on my CV last night after performing mod surgery.
So, Hank, if you are out there somewhere, GFY and the Goon really is a great squonk atty.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Started this morning with a friend stopping by for coffee at 7AM. He wanted to bring it but I told him mine was ready~! Then Joey stopped by so we had a regular coffee clutch going in the Backyard~! Started my Sauce at 7AM for Pasta Fagioli which is Sunday Dinner~! Have to shower real quick and hit the market for Pancetta and Fresh Bread.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So, Hank, if you are out there somewhere, GFY and the Goon really is a great squonk atty.

*hug* He says GFY back you bastige. :)

He snuck around on ECF to recruit me over here to VU. It was Hank that got me introduced to squonking and mechanical mods. Also got into RDAs as a result. Not thought twice about any tanks since. Have one or two I've bought to keep back, maybe try later on, or just for a pinch. But I'm not keen for tanks.

I still "hear" the good ones at times.

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