Went to get my fortnightly shot. Snaked down the alley to Unity Cafe, they were closed. *sighs* Sat in health dept. waiting room, on news, Israel & war, I got up and walked out of the room a bit. Lady at front desk give me a slight apprehensive look. "I'm okay, just stepping away from the news a little, mam." "Ah, gotcha yeah."
Got home, put on coffee. Grabbed a couple of p-butter and margarine sammys. Will catch the 12:45 bus to get to my school around 1:45. It won't get here until around 1:30 but best to go at 12:45 to wait, just in case.
Missed my bus home the last two nights. Stinking paperwork. I'm there to do the work, not push paper. They even tell me so, but, but, ... gotta push paper. "Nobody out to get ya, still do these check offs just to cover your butt." "Um, erm two mutually exclusive ideas huh? Um, ..." "Huh, what?" "Oh never effing mind." Told I'm trusted to do the work, but it's made obvious I'm not. *sighs* Yep, fuck all.
You care. They want you to care. You get admonished for caring. So you care only a quarter what you did. Care more, they say. Remind them they admonished. Get blank stares as a response. "You want the job, to do the work or not?" "Well, you want to let me do the work or not?" *smh*
"It don't matter how done just do work." "Okay, my way works well for me." "No, do it our way." "You just said, ..." "*blank stupid stares*" "Oh never mind."
Wife says, just do it my way, get done as quick as I want. Have time, be done. "Fuck 'em they can't take a joke," she said. You know you're getting all the checks done. So do your way, have time to do check off sheets. They don't like it, tell them to find another dummy.
Because I am doing the show up, shut up, no thinking, do assigned work, come home, get paid routine. People are still messing with me, or trying to. *smh* No point to it.
I'm there simply to do the work. No trouble, no drama, nothing. Just the work, "just the facts mam."