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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

@SteveS45 Hope you and your mom are ok with the flooding in your area! I saw some pretty wild pictures.

Thanks but we are Safe and not in danger of flooding. I was outside yesterday checking the gutters and making sure no water was in danger of coming inside. Did have a few inches of water on the lawn where I rerouted a leader to keep water off the patio.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Friday - Went to see my endocrinologist, who doubles as my family medicine GP. He took a look at my left knee. He confirmed, by visual and touch, it seemed the knee "cap" bone was "not where it ought to be".

Doc Ben (Yes, his actual first name is Benjamin, just like me.)-- "I'll get you x-rayed. If we can do physical therapy and work it back, you'll see me again soon to set that up. If not, you'll get referred to an orthopedic surgeon."

Me -- "Okay, doc. Like I said, been this way years. I'm a masochist, so put off having it looked at. Go figure."

Doc Ben -- "Dumb fucker. You get pain like that again? You find us. We'll sort it out and help get rid of the pain. Now, what did I say, jackass?"

Me -- "Pain like that again, see you immediately."

Doc Ben -- *imitating spitting in his hand and extending it to shake mine* "Swear it! Dipshit."

Me -- *does likewise,* "I swear by our spit, Doc."

Doc Ben -- "That's twenty thousand for today, by the way. Break our swear, and I'll charge you a million. Now, scram!"

And yes, he talks to me like this, exactly. He is a very young looking twenty-something fellow, very slight build, coal-black floppy hair. He assures older patients, "Yes, I graduated twelve years of medical school. I'm a child prodigy, only child. I know my shit, you'll not play tricks on me."

*cue Jeopardy music*

Ten minutes later, on the bus, his secretary calls.

"Custodian Ben?"

"Roger, go ahead."

"Hate to bear bad news, but the x-rays show the cap is out. It's too far out to work in and there's a lot of it ate away from arthritis. Got a preference on orthopedic surgeons?"

"No mam, y'all pick me the best, I'm sure."

"Alright, sir. I'll get the details sorted and put it up on "your chart"."

"Roger, Wilco. Thank ya hon."

"Alright, have a good one, sugar."

They aren't foolin' 'round, means it is rough. I'm just staying "on the surface" I don't want to think too much on it. Let the docs do their job.

"Gentlemen, We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability, ..."

I'll be up and back to workin' better soon. My boss man J--- ,
tells me the sooner I get "fixed" up, the better I can leap over twelve to fifteen years.

Feels weird having folks that actually give a shit, where you work. I must have been doped/knocked out and dragged off to Stepford CT. *nodding, looking around for household chemicals, edged tools*

Moral of the story? You never know where you'll meet yourself doing this or that job. Swear, I keep running into me all the time. A doctor, a crane operator, a mechanic, a truck driver, a burger joint guy and on, and on, … . Eventually, the IRS will itemize and consolidate all my paychecks. Until then, I'll go respawn another 250 of me. Ha!
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Three more days left in keeping a building clean, safe, secure this week. Told Monday, there was a "bug" going around. I told our head custodian/day shift last night, whatever it was would die at our school before spreading. He laughed, said we'd get some sick. The only way not to was to bubble each kid, and that won't happen. We minimize the threat, all we can do.


Cranky Old Fart
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Three more days left in keeping a building clean, safe, secure this week. Told Monday, there was a "bug" going around. I told our head custodian/day shift last night, whatever it was would die at our school before spreading. He laughed, said we'd get some sick. The only way not to was to bubble each kid, and that won't happen. We minimize the threat, all we can do.
Glad it sounds like you finally got a good crew to work with Mist!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Glad it sounds like you finally got a good crew to work with Mist!
Minor hiccup in that. Took a picture of some graffiti in a bathroom for the principal. There's more to it than graffiti yet confidentiality. So principal replies with a thank you and says her teachers have complained I'm going through their stuff, eating foods.

What I've taken of foods has been stuff left for trash, or candy presumed open for all. Not aware I've gone through teacher stuff. Principal finished with, "we're family here, will not tolerate that." Told her I would not disagree, I'll not allow another complaint to be made. Apologized for misreading the word family to have included myself.

So, 125% professional worker. I'll not go near anything of a teacher's, not eat any foods left, just trash it. Will refrain from candy, even directly offered to me. I am there to simply do the work assigned, go home, get paid. May seem mercenary, it was not my call but the principal's. If asked why I'm not overly social any longer, will state, I'm simply there for the work.

The crew in general seems good and sound. I'll just not have any further complaints brought to my principal. There to do the work and be paid, not for any trouble.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Last post, got figured out. I put down St. Jude's and United Way as beneficiaries to split any retirement. Payroll can get in touch with local reps from both for details.

While there, my bud from the information desk told me to let folks use the inner school mail system called pony. I don't need to rush out for buses to ride an hour to cross town in an hour when it would take two minutes, for doing a minute of paper work.

"Don't let the board office push you around like that sugar," he said. "You work probably three times harder than the 'professional' types in here. You need your rest and tranquility, more so than running all over town."

We talked some about my upcoming move to a complex behind the school. It is also walking distance from Piggly Wiggly, Wendy's, a tavern he knew about, Emerson Lanes bowling alley, a post office. I would still keep up a bus pass, I think, just in case I need to go out for a doc visit or other longer jaunt.

The complex has apartments ranging from $400 to $700 a month. I'll make that and a bit extra each pay period. There's at the least two periods a month, and some have three. Figuring communications, inclusive of Internet will run about $100 monthly, low maybe $70. Electric will run about $50 per month.

Should be able to put back for savings. Not exactly sure what to save for now, but rainy day funds are nice. Hmm, may get a Vespa scooter.*shrugs* I don't know. It's a thought.

ETA: Looking at Vespa costs, hm, probably not.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Coffee for days. When I think of actually no longer needing to "play the game". Set up an urn like this for a week of coffee & binge Cheers yet again. Though, I would likely not be able to suffer that kind of life.

Gene told me there's an expression and three reasons for it.

"Never tick off a custodian."

1. They know where _everything_ is.
2. They're the only ones able to _clean_ everything.
3. What you think constitutes an emergency may not be what your custodian actually knows is an emergency. "Sure, sure, be there for you after I deal with twenty other things."

A fourth reason we both added. "There's never enough custodians."
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Went to the terminal this morning. Needed to get a "fresh" bus pass. While there, I brisked through an alley over to the Unity café. Bought myself a $2.25 cup of "Unity" blend coffee, add just a bit of cream & sugar. Took a sip. Felt the world become righted. Took another sip. Heard the sound of Gloria Upon High. Looked over to the husband, lady of the couple owning the place.

"We get the beans out of Peru, fair trade," she told me. "Good, huh?"

I must have been doing the doggy leg shake. "Uh huh," she said. "Now, you're really trapped. We got you forever."

Had an apple-cinnamon Blondie brownie with it. Oh my, I could see spending $7 every morning for coffee and a "bisquit" to "get going". Forget corporate coffee, fair trade is where it's at. The café uses the Peru beans with other beans to get its own house blend. I'll tell you what, ..... "Wot!"

Head out in a bit for school/work. Just needed to say, "hmm, coffee gooooooooood."

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