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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Start at the elementary school on Wed. 13 September 2023.
The principal asked me to reply, confirming I got her message regarding start date. I did. She then emailed asking t-shirt size and favorite color. Told her I would be happy to wear the school's color of green.

Looking forward to it yet do have some minor trepidation. It is a bigger job than I expected with the mowing added in. Think I'll do fine once I get at it and settle a routine.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Start at the elementary school on Wed. 13 September 2023.
Looking forward to it yet do have some minor trepidation. It is a bigger job than I expected with the mowing added in. Think I'll do fine once I get at it and settle a routine.

Congratulations~! And you will have no problem with cutting the Lawns since you used to use a Weed Whacker.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Was out on the front Porch watering flowers and pouring more water into the fountains. While pouring the water into the fountain one of these Master at Flying Beauties....Hummingbird flew right in front of my face checking me out :teehee: she was so close to me I could feel the breeze her wings were giving off 😎


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I wonder how @MyMagicMist made out on his first day of the New Job?
First night I did better than head custodian of 38 years thought I would. The second night was, well, okay due to our big boss coming to "train" me. Tonight was crap. Lost my focus from thinking about personal issues, the "training".

Difficult not to think of personal issues. Spending 8 hours a day cleaning up after other people's kids, teachers included. That issue of human children is kind of right in the face.

That, then, leads to the issue of the "traditional" life. Go to school, grow up, get a job, spouse, kids. Well, I'm not able to sire and soon to be ex-wife never wanted. I take testosterone, which unfortunately raises my libido.

A fellow can take only so much self-love, pleasure. Only natural to desire a partner. The one I've had has been nearly frigid for twenty odd years. I get told a million reasons why I'm being inappropriate for that desire. Winter? Too cold. Summer? Too hot. Fall? Not feeling well. Spring? I'm too modest around family.

We moved away from family. My "timing" was completely off, I "missed" her "cues". So, in one sense I'll be happy to be without her, maybe find a lady who likes taking care of a fellow, or another fellow. Who knows? I might just say screw it and be a hermit.

Never mind the fact I got a bad knee, co-workers notice, I'm on my feet working 10–14 hours a day. I could have walked a 20-minute walk home tonight, "mostly downhill". And I'm working like that because I'm an honorable man, wanting to pay off debts we both incurred, so as not divorce her left owing, or her in a lurch.

Ultimately, though, doing just fine. About to go to bed with my cat Mammy/Murph. Go to Gabe's for three hours in the morning, my week done then. What to do over the weekend? Laundry, pass out, sleep, shower, maybe eat a bit.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
For some reason didn't have the Backyard Cameras Emailing Alerts so I had to turn them on yesterday. Had a bunch of critters visit last night an Opossum and a Racoon~! Haven't finished going thru the Emails so could be more~!
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