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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I am awake too early. In so far as aware, only work at Gabe's today. Decided I am not taking further assignments at PHS.

It is pretty rough when the person acting as supervisor creates a hostile work environment. They had me in tears, filled with rage, doubt, sadness one night, over a simple mistake on my part. I was even contemplative.

That, I had earlier in home life. I do not need such in my life anymore so, at all, especially not in a seeming professional work environment. So, no, I'll not take further work at PHS.

Going to be keeping alert for material handling work. Will continue substituting for school custodian, until I attain full time in it, or a material handling spot comes up full time. Do not mind the custodial work, work is work, for me. I always do it the best I can, yes, inclusive of self-appointed work.

The people are what cause me any issue. Thought by following wife's "rules", that would clear up. Ha. Guess again. Her rules:

1. Show up.
2. Shut up. Recall, "not my circus, 'follow the example'."
3. Do the assigned work/task the best able. All any can do is their best.
4. Go home after shift end.
5. Get paid.
6. "Wash, rinse, repeat."

No real joy lost, though, in PHS. It's just a school I'll not work in, again. There are other schools. There is even other work, in other fields.

At Gabe's the consensus seems to be I could get more than 20 hours a week, for the asking. Granted, it doesn't pay as well as the custodial for schools, or even other material handling work. A lot can be said for the value of it being a nicer place to work, though.

At any given, thinking I'll return to my more reticent self here. Nothing is really wrong. I have a bit to process privately, and yes, think it can remain private. Sorry, anhedonia leaves me with little desire anymore, betwixt that and trying to keep working, ... well, ... there you are.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Swapped out next week at Gabe's to the processing schedule. Wife is going out of town to deal with a mild cancer issue, then. I'll not be able to make the 6 AM to 10 shift, but can bus the 9 AM to 1 PM. Besides that, it seems of late corporate is trying to fill our warehouse. They'll be needing any processors they have.

Any call-outs for school substituting have been no goes. I have also done my required 20 days per year to stay active as a sub. Had a few long assignments, 12, 15, 9, and few short ones. It made up the required days quickly enough. I've taken to clearing my availability to after 3 PM, not up for 6 AM to 3 PM for doing school custodial.

Keeps me free of any trouble, what could be rallied against me being inappropriate with children. Not that I am, but if I can limit even any perception of it, so much the better. Damn shame, a person cannot care without it being seen in such negative light.

Oh well, not my circus. *shrugs* I just sweep up.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I miss Saturday morning cartoons. Feel sorry for the next generation not having a regular dose of them. Merrie Melodies, Warner Brothers', Deputy Dawg, Casper, Betty Boop, Jeckyl & Hyde, Hanah Barbara, Classic Woody Woodpecker, Mighty Mouse, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Fractured Fairy Tails are the ones I recall, Jabberjaw, Scooby, Capt. Caveman are a few others.

Also kind of sad kids will miss out on Mr. Rogers.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
One word from Japanese. Seppuku.

That is The Horror That Remains Nameless. *sighs* I shall "good day you, sir." You have disturbed my daily happy pill with abject terror. *goes hmpmh, trods off*

*loud deep growling screams are heard trailing off* "It puts it in the basket!"

ETA & NB: For those in the U.K. you guess right in that I'm taking a piss. For others, I'm having some very dark sarcastic fun with levity and humor, it is rather droll now explained.

*sits on edge of porch, counts on fingers,* Hmm. *shakes a matchbox* How long ago? *gets no reply, pulls battery from mod, swaps in a fresh one, wanders on*
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