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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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Well, it is official. Wife and I are in fact divorcing.

It will be amicable and for irreconcilable differences. We simply are not working too well together. Wish she had brought more of what she's brought to my attention earlier, under better terms. No, she held grudges instead and then counted score.

That isn't my idea of love. To me, love lets go of fault. You love someone warts and all, and yes, I have the whole time. I refuse though her terms of making her out to be a perfect goddess. She is just as human as myself and not without fault/s.

Thought she was enjoying a little love fantasy in such a notion. Yes, I granted a bit of it. Now, I see she wanted it full on. As it is, I left friends, left being an EMT, left everything and live here in WV. Yes, we lived in VA a while. It never suited. I've made here suit for myself, tried making friends. Not went back to being an EMT, figured we kept moving so much, so we could suit her, no point.

Apologies, y'all seeing only my side. I know I had three years out of work. Could not find anything for looking. Gave up looking due to not finding, tried writing, tried other self-employment routes. Nothing seemed to work out because ultimately, "takes money to make money". Never got ahead enough to get fully into the "game". Kept it all inside, it wasn't her worry.

Oh, but I found out it was her worry. Even though she agreed to me doing that stuff, it comes back. I don't dare remind her she agreed. It's just not "there" for us. Still wish she would have said something sooner. But then she'll say I ought to have noticed, ought to have done better, and so on. So, we're left at an impasse, it seems only right to not hurt each other anymore.

Even though at times, I can read people, pick up stray thoughts, I'm not a mind reader. She expects that. Have tried with her. Comes back to her asking my opinion though, then, doing whatever she wants anyway. I don't bother reading her mind, she won't settle to let me. She's her own woman, independent and such. I've always tried respecting that for her. Now, maybe I ought to have just clubbed her. I'm joking, of course, but folks know what I mean.

So anyway, two guys ran into a bar, the third one ducked. :)


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Sorry to hear this my friend and did you try any counseling?
Life happens. I'm kind of "rolling with the punches". No, we didn't get any counseling. What is not working with us is not "fixable". Sometimes those you pick as a "partner" simply doesn't work out. Sometimes both partners are both right and wrong. We simply are not "coming together".

Figure me and her will remain friends. It just isn't for us to be married, or romantically involved. And yes, sometimes it is better to simply be friends. Let's leave it at that, please.

Excuse me being quiescent, letting a lot of old and new life lessons sink in.


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Life happens. I'm kind of "rolling with the punches". No, we didn't get any counseling. What is not working with us is not "fixable". Sometimes those you pick as a "partner" simply doesn't work out. Sometimes both partners are both right and wrong. We simply are not "coming together".

Figure me and her will remain friends. It just isn't for us to be married, or romantically involved. And yes, sometimes it is better to simply be friends. Let's leave it at that, please.

Excuse me being quiescent, letting a lot of old and new life lessons sink in.

That is why I never Married my Fiance of 35 years. Still together but can't live together...............


Diamond Contributor
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That is why I never Married my Fiance of 35 years. Still together but can't live together...............
Starting to understand the two of you better, then. Will say this much, I'm the chick flick and romcom queen of this household. She's the action flick and horror king. I grew up seeing all the classical horror stuff as a very young, impressionable boy. So, it is old hat to me, save for what they dub as suspense ones. Those send me up a wall, cannot take "jump scares" or surprises due to that shell shock stuff.

She enjoys some horror, and to her there's a lot "new". I'd rather go hide and look at Nexpo videos. Some of his are at least halfway tame, others, well, get "out there". You can at least be sure he'll give you time to turn away. "The following is graphic /insert/, if that may upset you. Please stop watching now. Come back at XX:xx, we'll move to the next story."

I will not watch House of 1,000 corpses. We got a place very similar to that down around Bryce in VA. There's a section of back road, still black topped, police tell you if you break down, you're on your own. It's near where this family lives. The "boy" ain't all together in his head, nor is his "mommy".

Folks don't ask what happens to those taken in to the house. Those in the know, figure there's at least a thousand, likely far more stuffed around inside. The general advice to unknowing folk, "don't stop going by that place, or break down. Cops won't help, nobody comes to tow you."

People "pick up" vehicles there. Somebody comes along in daylight and fixes, drives off. Nobody reports stolen vehicles, nobody asks when registrations are just signed over, nobody looks too hard. People know, but won't say too much.

You just don't fool around up that way after dark.


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Well, that makes perfect bleeping sense, now. Duh. I need coffee to help lubricate my aching joints. No not the smoking kind, rather the ones that go "Gick" when I lay down to sleep, or rise upon waking. Yes, gick is a perfectly acceptable word. Ric Flair wouldn't have "woooo'ed" it if it wasn't. Speaking of, ... *gets up to go make and fetch his now, evening coffee*


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I've gotta tell y'all....I have had the week from hell. Don't think I've ever been so glad to get to Friday afternoon.

Don't even want to start making a list of all the sh*t that's going on here, in work and family and friends and bills and just every stinking thing I touched this week.

Good news of the decade for me is that I finally finished and passed the IBM iSeries RPG ILE Free-form programming class I've been working on since March. During that time I think I asked myself about a trillion times "aren't you ready to retire now?" And the answer was always "yes."

I think I'll go to sleep about 7:00 and not get up until Monday morning.


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I've gotta tell y'all....I have had the week from hell. Don't think I've ever been so glad to get to Friday afternoon.

Don't even want to start making a list of all the sh*t that's going on here, in work and family and friends and bills and just every stinking thing I touched this week.

Good news of the decade for me is that I finally finished and passed the IBM iSeries RPG ILE Free-form programming class I've been working on since March. During that time I think I asked myself about a trillion times "aren't you ready to retire now?" And the answer was always "yes."

I think I'll go to sleep about 7:00 and not get up until Monday morning.

Hang in there. I know the feeling… I’ve been mentally (and somewhat physically) ready to retire for two years now. Unfortunately, I’ve got 7-8 years before I can potentially consider it, financially speaking.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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I've gotta tell y'all....I have had the week from hell.

I know the feeling~!

What a day~! 1st my GPS wouldn't turn on which I haven't done anything with except leave it charging. Then my NVR died so I had to replace it which meant hooking a cable to each camera around the house to add them. Also had to reconfigure Gmail to allow a 3rd party app to Email. Which Gmail changed since the last time I did it! Still have some Tweaking to do but I am done and sick of climbing a ladder~! Plus Mom isn't having a good day so I have to keep checking on her..................

Time for cocktails~!


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Had a custodial substitute day for the schools. Clock-in/out was slated as 9A-5P. Got in about, asked to start early. "Start early, leave early."

Given a task of moving boxes of books. Finished that up in reasonably short order, mindful of the asbestos remediation going on. The rest of about two hours work, mostly involved playing a waiting game. Stand around and wait for the "planners" to fill in the "doers", typical and expected.

We knew what to do generally, not according to their specifications. Our wait paid out. Got the rest finished up.
"Alright, I'll send people out now. We're done."

Had a storm roll through. Gale force winds for a little. Rain that seemed a herd peeing on a flat rock. Here's me taking a wash while you wear clothes shower of 15–30 minutes waiting for a bus. Rode both buses home, drenched through and through.

Got in the apartment, peeled off clothes, turned heat on a little while in bedroom. Got fresh, dry undies, pants on. Wife watching Good Omens 2. I did until I passed out an hour or so. Really cannot "get into" it, the show. Nothing else beyond that of mention.

I'm tired, bored, on edge, hungry for some unknown something. Got 11 to 15 years before I retire. Work 4 hrs at Gabe's tomorrow in warehouse. Monday I go over to the maintenance crew there, go in at 7 AM and out by 11 AM. It's simply custodial work they've politely renamed. But, it'll be a full 20 hrs a week.

It's all just work to me, pays bills. Don't feel anything about it until people get petty, and, or in the way. Then, not the work, but the people I get frustrated with in how they act for no reason. Yep, just work, pays bills.


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Afternoon Porch goers!
Slept in this morning and then it was “off to the races” in getting Saturday morning chores/activities done. Just had a late lunch of leftover chicken (reheated) and garden tomatoes. I’ve got an appointment to get my truck’s oil changed and tires rotated at 3:00. After that it’s going to be just chilling out and piddling around for the rest of the day.


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Well, I'll be doing custodial at Gabe's of a morning & custodial for PHS from 3 P to 11 P of an evening starting next week. Today, I processed 478 units out of 51 cases. Did a bulk "order" of 384 units in 16 sleeves/cases in 45 minutes.

Got a new Requiem BF Kit. The mod is lovely. Not sure about the RDA with it yet. I tried one of the stock coils shipped with it. The vapor off that was a bit too hot for me. Some might like it.

The RDA may do fine though with something I build on it. I was not in a building mood this evening. Pat Put the Mongrel RDA over onto the mod. I think Vandy Vape has a winning mechanical squonk mod and possibly kit. It is real nice for a mid-range price kit.
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Hang in there. I know the feeling… I’ve been mentally (and somewhat physically) ready to retire for two years now. Unfortunately, I’ve got 7-8 years before I can potentially consider it, financially speaking.

I had planned to retire next July, and had told the new boss as much. But after three or four months of having to contribute to the support of two of my grown kids and my sister, my efforts toward getting finances in good shape for it have not progressed as I hoped. So one of the things I had to do during this godawful week was tell my boss that I need to extend my work time to the end of next year. He said he was happy with that, and I suppose since I need to work a while longer, I should be glad that he is.

@MyMagicMist I'm glad to hear you like the Requiem mod. I hope you'll like the RDA once you put one of your own coils in it. If your RDA has a low-profile drip tip like mine does, I bet you'd like it better if you put a taller tip on it. That's something I've had to do with most every really small RDA, because the size of them just puts my lips too close to the coil. I'm sad to hear about the unpleasantness and tension you're living with at home. Have been there and done that, and it is damn hard.

Last night, after my cheerful post of yesterday afternoon, we also had a storm roll through with heavy rain and wind. It hadn't been raining more than 10 minutes when the power went out. That was about 7:30, and they finally got it back on today about 3:30. Thank goodness for generators - but even so, we had no phone or Internet. Our stupid phone company no longer backs up their roadside switches with generators. They have changed to battery backups, and those backups last about 90 minutes. I spent a good ten minutes this afternoon just raving like a maniac in my husband's general direction because I am so sick of it. We pay good money every month to have phone and Internet, and by god, we should HAVE phone and internet. It is obviously possible for them to back those switches up with generators - they did it for DECADES - so for them not to do it now is negligent, irresponsible, and disrespectful to their customers. When I start having to use my vacation time because I can't work because the flippin phone is out, they are going to have one nasty conversation with me. Then I'll write my senator and start bugging the ever-loving crap out of the phone company.

End of rant. If you made it this far, thanks for your patience. I could go on, but I won't. Have been up since 4:15 this morning and don't have the energy.


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I'm sad to hear about the unpleasantness and tension you're living with at home. Have been there and done that, and it is damn hard.
Yes'm there are times it is a bit rough. Both of us are mature, intelligent, stubborn folk. We are trying to skirt around the elephant in the room.

I vowed to her granddad I wouldn't hurt her. Think in her mind and heart, I have. May have been a touch spiteful once on purpose with her. Otherwise, any I've done has been unwittingly & unknowingly.

Hurt in this case means emotional, not anything physical. Which is pure egg on my face, knowing absolutely how bad emotional can hurt. She obviously threw claws back, ripping me good too. Some asshole taught her too well. *pointing at self with a shameful face*

So, in our calmer and more reasoned moments, we agreed neither of us want to keep doing that. Like we've figured out, it's the being married which seems to mess us up as friends. She seems to have accepted us not being more than me, but we're both knowing and accepting we're divorcing.

Almost stepped off, ...

:hug::hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I broke my Think Vape Sailboat and took ut a Voo Poo Argus XT which is an awesome MOD. Using it with a Limitless tank but this MOD is built for my abuse.

That Sailboat mod looked to seem a pile of fish gills on a river bank. The Voo Poo Argus looks pretty decent. I got a broken Limitless tank once. Got it home from a B&M and realized the one piece missing was the piece holding it all together. *chuckles & flips off old man, Murphy* Crap happens. Borrowing from something former POTUS, Obama, said once. "Are we doing better than yesterday? Yeah, alright, let's do better for tomorrow, today." I could also borrow this, ...

"We're still flying."
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I had planned to retire next July, and had told the new boss as much. But after three or four months of having to contribute to the support of two of my grown kids and my sister, my efforts toward getting finances in good shape for it have not progressed as I hoped. So one of the things I had to do during this godawful week was tell my boss that I need to extend my work time to the end of next year. He said he was happy with that, and I suppose since I need to work a while longer, I should be glad that he is.
Know that feeling too! The two kids that live nearby get assistance from us. Basically free day care (we requested $5 a day from each of them to help cover food, gas, and misc. cost) which is switching to before/after school care in a year or two which will add taking and bringing them from school every day instead of a couple of days a week. Right now it comes close to covering the gas cost only some weeks because there is always some place they are going at least three days a week (preschool, speech therapy, doctor, zoo, aquarium, drive through safari, etc.) and we pay for the admission and parking. Then there’s been times the kids moved back in with us due to life change situations. We couldn’t make it if we also had to help a sibling out too. We’re lucky to get payday to payday.
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@SteveS45 I think someone needs blocked/banned.

it's annoying af.
I had to hand delete 45 posts, and deal with 4 reports all because some fucking moron can't even bother to read the rules.
The whole thing is kind of goofy if you think about it.
They spam the forum like some pimpled faced teenage 4chan shitposter but also expect us to take them seriously as professional businesses and buy shit from them.

You literally can't make this shit up. :giggle:


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it's annoying af.
I had to hand delete 45 posts, and deal with 4 reports all because some fucking moron can't even bother to read the rules.
The whole thing is kind of goofy if you think about it.
They spam the forum like some pimpled faced teenage 4chan shitposter but also expect us to take them seriously as professional businesses and buy shit from them.

You literally can't make this shit up. :giggle:

Thanks. It kinda chapped my a$$.

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