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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

That is just so wrong. LOL

Caught the Jefferson bus into the terminal. B--- was the driver, explained being twenty minutes late. Hopped onto the Broad street bus to the school board. Got there at 10:20 instead of 10:00, apologized for being tardy.

That got met with a chuckling and being told we were never tardy. Reached in a box, not looking, drew a numbered disc out. Give it to the HR person, signed a paper that was basically, "I agree the lot draw is fair."

We'll see how I fare to turn a phrase. Going for hamburger helper supper.


Cranky Old Fart
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That is just so wrong. LOL

Caught the Jefferson bus into the terminal. B--- was the driver, explained being twenty minutes late. Hopped onto the Broad street bus to the school board. Got there at 10:20 instead of 10:00, apologized for being tardy.

That got met with a chuckling and being told we were never tardy. Reached in a box, not looking, drew a numbered disc out. Give it to the HR person, signed a paper that was basically, "I agree the lot draw is fair."

We'll see how I fare to turn a phrase. Going for hamburger helper supper.
I hope you drew the lucky disk @MyMagicMist!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I hope you drew the lucky disk @MyMagicMist!
I do as well. Hard to tell when I'll know. Probably know when I get blocked from a job bid. "Sorry, X had seniority." Seems the way of bureaucracy.

Got a regulated mod out of my put back stash. It is the Lost Vape's Drone squonker. Got it from @MannyScoot a while back. Seems to be doing alright at 30 Watts, which is a little bit more than my mechanical mods do. It is a beast in my hand and hits like a bullet. :)

Nice to try something different once in a while. Ran late this morning to Gabe's. Stayed over until 1:30 to make up the time. The Jefferson line has been knocked to 1 bus, lack of drivers. The driver on it for mornings seems keen to stay 20 to 30 minutes late.

Rained and stormed a bit here just a bit ago. It was up to 90 F and who knows the humidity. Storm broke the sinus/tension headache I had all day. Got to love being a human barometer. Worked processing toys this morn. Got a feeling of being tired of doing stuff for kids, when I'll never see any of my own.

Then it all blurred, got ceramics, some kind of household stuff in with toys. All of it just became "product". Kevin, the warehouse manager, kept sneaking back, checking on me. I must have seemed sick from the heat. In once sense I was, but I was also still functional. Stepped off for a break, bought me and a bud each, a bottled water. Told bud when I come back, "yeah, I took my fifteen." He nodded.

We both knew different, but he understood. They treat us pretty well at Gabe's despite the seeming drudgery. You want to do good for them. As it is, I go in for four hours and put in eight hours of work. They don't complain if I take a few minutes here and there, just try staying in task.

Well, bout talked out, ...
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So my pump is done except for the galvanized bucket and water to be filled.

View attachment 206269
Looks really sharp. It genuinely does.

Need to eventually get my comic book collection inventoried. Had roughly $5,000 collection twenty some years ago. I have added to it roughly another $2,000 or so by twenty-year-old market prices.

Who knows, I might be looking at $50,000 now, or maybe just $1,000. If I've not got an inventory, it makes it harder to grade and appraise them. Been putting it off because to get an independent appraisal requires money, yet to make money on them, you need that.

The data entry part will be tedium. I know it'll require a spreadsheet. I'm not really too great with those. I am, but I'm not, if that makes any sense? Maybe I just don't like data entry.

Dunno too much anymore, ... damn being an adult.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
That sounds really ingenious and quite an attention draw. Got giant poke weed out back of our building here. Mentioned to wife that "they" (apartment management) ought to cut it down. She agreed, saying she would have thought they would have, or even the lawn care folks would have.

Poke does have some medicinal properties. It can be toxic though for people and pets. You don't ingest the berries, subtle hint, at least not without processing them properly. The stem, roots, leaves are alright. Again, it's one of those things you need a little studying on and some of that now missing stuff, common sense.

I would have cut it down, but, ... as the expression goes, not my circus. Ah, they got twenty some properties each earning at least $750,000 or more per annum, got no time to consider a lowly weed. Reckon they will if someone's dog, cat gets sick and dies from poke berries, heavens forbid.

A lot of times the thinking person has to forget the terrors they know, smile, shrug and say, "Okay".


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
That sounds really ingenious and quite an attention draw.

This all started because I wanted the antique pump in front of my GF's house she is selling. I got permission to take it and had it here until the new buyers saw it was gone and made a stink so I toll my GF they bought a house not a decoration but was forced to bring it back. Since I can't have my sentimental value antique which my Mom loved I did this. If the C You next Tuesday who is buying the house tries too sell it she will regret her decision



Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This all started because I wanted the antique pump in front of my GF's house she is selling. I got permission to take it and had it here until the new buyers saw it was gone and made a stink so I toll my GF they bought a house not a decoration but was forced to bring it back. Since I can't have my sentimental value antique which my Mom loved I did this. If the C You next Tuesday who is buying the house tries too sell it she will regret her decision

View attachment 206271

If it wasn’t attached and wasn’t included as part of the contract then they really don’t have any grounds to demand it. Just saying.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Nice. We used to have "country" water down at her dad's. Her granddad ran a pump. He told me about having a hand pump in his basement.

Old fool had gone and dug a splinter shaft and sank the hand pump into his well. That may sound a heap of technical work. I thought so myself at first.

He grinned and pulled up a canvas tarp laying over an auger bit. I had already seen his belly brace borer. All he did was angle it down 45 degrees, bore until he hit water, sank a tube for the hand pump to "come off".

Not so technical at all. I'm sure it took some grunting. Lot of stone in the clay, and he did cut through bedrock. I just shook my head at him. That was about when he told me the famous, "sometimes you do what you don't want to get to where you want to be."

Know damn well he didn't want to cut bedrock. I know he did anyway. He wanted a spare non-electric pump.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Nice. We used to have "country" water down at her dad's. Her granddad ran a pump. He told me about having a hand pump in his basement.

Old fool had gone and dug a splinter shaft and sank the hand pump into his well. That may sound a heap of technical work. I thought so myself at first.

He grinned and pulled up a canvas tarp laying over an auger bit. I had already seen his belly brace borer. All he did was angle it down 45 degrees, bore until he hit water, sank a tube for the hand pump to "come off".

Not so technical at all. I'm sure it took some grunting. Lot of stone in the clay, and he did cut through bedrock. I just shook my head at him. That was about when he told me the famous, "sometimes you do what you don't want to get to where you want to be."

Know damn well he didn't want to cut bedrock. I know he did anyway. He wanted a spare non-electric pump.

My pump is just a working Decoration. It will only work at 6-7 Meters and water here is like 300 Meters so it is a just a homemade reservoir. Just for effect.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
My pump is just a working Decoration. It will only work at 6-7 Meters and water here is like 300 Meters so it is a just a homemade reservoir. Just for effect.

Still a worthwhile project, bud. You took time and effort to make something functional that looks sharp as well. :) Anymore, that does express a fair bit about someone.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That sounds really ingenious and quite an attention draw. Got giant poke weed out back of our building here. Mentioned to wife that "they" (apartment management) ought to cut it down. She agreed, saying she would have thought they would have, or even the lawn care folks would have.

Poke does have some medicinal properties. It can be toxic though for people and pets. You don't ingest the berries, subtle hint, at least not without processing them properly. The stem, roots, leaves are alright. Again, it's one of those things you need a little studying on and some of that now missing stuff, common sense.

I would have cut it down, but, ... as the expression goes, not my circus. Ah, they got twenty some properties each earning at least $750,000 or more per annum, got no time to consider a lowly weed. Reckon they will if someone's dog, cat gets sick and dies from poke berries, heavens forbid.

A lot of times the thinking person has to forget the terrors they know, smile, shrug and say, "Okay".


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hell yeah! Poke salad rock-a-billy. Yep, you can eat poke leaves with dandelion, field & water cress, frog mint, plantain, wild chives and have a really yummy salad. My grandma and I used to gather field cress out in a pasture by the railway. We'd find it along the rail as well, but more than not we found horseradish, wild mustard there.

They both went into salads as well, Pap would harvest the horseradish, take it to the shed. About three months later, he brought the dried pulp in to grandma. It would be made into homemade horseradish sauce. Pap even saved out juicy chunks for her to put in.

Folks these days just got no idea (pronounced I D eee) what good forage eating is about. Pap never got to teach me about mushrooms but given my form of learning, youtube does have many mushrooming videos. I'll still get written guides before attempting it. I know one needs to take great care regarding mushrooms.

Lots of plant a person can eat up and live quite well. Lots of venison one can eat too. Worst case one can eat grubs, bugs, worms for high protein snacks. Been finding myself nabbing up dry roasted sunflower kernels of late. Would like adding pin nuts, but they get expensive at $4+ per bag. And yes, I'll buy them instead of the labor intense boiling them out.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
*sits on porch with three different mods by him, vapes first the SQ, then a Wasp topped Athena, finally a Gorge topped Athena, ... sits seemingly chain vaping all three in rotating order at random*

That'll learn me watch Third Watch, 4 Brothers, Tears of the Sun. *smh, vaping on*

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