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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So I decided to take advantage of some sun and cut the lawns yesterday. It got sunny and humid which was insane~! Then I decided to go pick up some retaining wall stones and build a wall in the flower bed. Then I said I am dirty so I need to make a border around the base of the well pump. So tired I showered and waited for Mom to get hungry and made Mushroom Swiss Black Angus Burgers.




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
So I decided to take advantage of some sun and cut the lawns yesterday. It got sunny and humid which was insane~! Then I decided to go pick up some retaining wall stones and build a wall in the flower bed. Then I said I am dirty so I need to make a border around the base of the well pump. So tired I showered and waited for Mom to get hungry and made Mushroom Swiss Black Angus Burgers.

View attachment 205842

View attachment 205844
You did a great job. Looks really nice !

! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So I decided to take advantage of some sun and cut the lawns yesterday. It got sunny and humid which was insane~! Then I decided to go pick up some retaining wall stones and build a wall in the flower bed. Then I said I am dirty so I need to make a border around the base of the well pump. So tired I showered and waited for Mom to get hungry and made Mushroom Swiss Black Angus Burgers.

View attachment 205842

View attachment 205844
It looks great Steve


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
what is that!
Good question. Before I posted it, I couldn't tell. But, now I see it.
Apparently, someone is spiking the coffee with some sort of Love pill 💊
Nobody drink that coffee or else....not less you really want to go for've been warned. If you had already taken a sip hurry up and make yourself vomit....Get it out of your system !


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So I decided to take advantage of some sun and cut the lawns yesterday. It got sunny and humid which was insane~! Then I decided to go pick up some retaining wall stones and build a wall in the flower bed. Then I said I am dirty so I need to make a border around the base of the well pump. So tired I showered and waited for Mom to get hungry and made Mushroom Swiss Black Angus Burgers.

View attachment 205842

View attachment 205844
Looking really sharp, brother. Hmm. I see a spot for a gnome. Need a guardian of the well pump. Don't need a big gnome, maybe a tiny one sitting right in front, coming toward the viewer in front of the pump. Maybe find one shooting dice, piddling with something.

Please do tell us more of these Black Angus Swiss Mushroom burgers. :D LOL Used to get something of the like at Bob Evan's. Once they saw I liked them, they quit serving them. Unfortunately, those burgers ain't no Firefly.

The Ballad of Serenity

(written by Joss Whedon, performed by Sonny Rhodes)

Take my love, take my land,
Take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out to the black,
Tell them I ain't comin back.
Burn the land and boil the sea,
You can't take the sky from me.

There's no place, I can be,
Since I've found Serenity.

And you can't take the sky from me.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Bubba Burgers
There are Bubba Burgers down my way. Wife's dad got me started on them. They're made square with a pat of butter on them, flash froze. They are so damn juicy! He bought a box of 32 I think it was, I ate 16 one day before he had to stop me. "Easy dog, we'll get more."

My mind is gone now, thinking of Black Angus Bubba Burgers.



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
There are Bubba Burgers down my way. Wife's dad got me started on them. They're made square with a pat of butter on them, flash froze. They are so damn juicy! He bought a box of 32 I think it was, I ate 16 one day before he had to stop me. "Easy dog, we'll get more."

My mind is gone now, thinking of Black Angus Bubba Burgers.🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔

The Bubba Burgers they sell here are shaped sort of like a Dogs Head??


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
The Bubba Burgers they sell here are shaped sort of like a Dogs Head??

Huh. Well, "ain't that something?" And as my rocket scientist nephew "Roo" is found of saying, "yep, it is, but we still can't figure what thing it is."


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
@MyMagicMist remember I was debating what to do about that Sony HDTV that stopped working? Yesterday I can across a Sony which was the same Model # so I brought it home disassembled it and took out the T Con board. Then I opened the TV that wasn't working but the part was different. Seeing I had the TV apart and I took out the board I said let me check it to see if it is just a connection. TV came on for a split second but went back to black. So I ordered a board last night and should have it in a few days. Since it came on I think it is just the board but I will know when I get the new used one. Can't find it new any longer.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
@MyMagicMist remember I was debating what to do about that Sony HDTV that stopped working? Yesterday I can across a Sony which was the same Model # so I brought it home disassembled it and took out the T Con board. Then I opened the TV that wasn't working but the part was different. Seeing I had the TV apart and I took out the board I said let me check it to see if it is just a connection. TV came on for a split second but went back to black. So I ordered a board last night and should have it in a few days. Since it came on I think it is just the board but I will know when I get the new used one. Can't find it new any longer.

Kid you not, over on 7th street here there is a television repair shop, or what it once was. The place is named "Paul's Television Repairs". People no longer get televisions repaired, shoes re-soled, coats mended.

Interesting seeing that you are doing repairs. I figure the whole planned obsolescence notion will seek you out. Don't worry, though, I'll recognize 'borg you when they make you trans-human. Me? I'm just going to go take the form of a cinder block. They are almost as ubiquitous as cardboard boxes. Zombies, aliens, bad guys, will never bother me.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I changed the T-Con Board yesterday so now I have No Error Code but TV will not Power On? Only a Green LED when you plug it in. So more Diagnosis but may recycle the TV.

Yes, still believe the internet can serve an educational purpose. To whit, I kind of generally "figured" about what a T-Con board was/does. Looked up replacing it, other errors. Found the below.

If you have replaced the T-Con board in your LCD television and you are still not getting any video output, there are a few other things that you can check to try to troubleshoot the problem:

1. Check the connections: Make sure that all of the cables and connections between the T-Con board, the main board, and the LCD panel are properly seated and secure.

2. Check the power supply: Make sure that the TV is receiving power and that the power supply board is functioning properly. You can check this by using a multimeter to measure the voltage output of the power supply board.

3. Check the main board: The main board is responsible for controlling the overall functionality of the TV, including the video output. Make sure that the main board is functioning properly and that all of its connections are secure.

4. Check the LCD panel: If none of the above steps work, there may be an issue with the LCD panel itself. You can check this by using a multimeter to measure the voltage output of the panel's connectors.

If you are not comfortable performing any of these steps yourself, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a qualified TV repair technician to properly diagnose and repair the issue.

Interesting to see these newer LCD televisions / computer monitors are almost as simple as mechanical mods to troubleshoot, repair.

Also interesting seeing the capacities of an AI chatbot application to help folks. I checked up how to manipulate an array pointer to open urls set in a key & value based dictionary.

It was an issue I faced ten years ago. No one could programmatically explain how it could be done. No one had really done it. This chatbot did it with a plumb and showed examples of creating a struct to do it in. :)

What I wanted to do can be done in object-oriented programming. I don't need LISP, or ASM. Ha!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Yes, still believe the internet can serve an educational purpose. To whit, I kind of generally "figured" about what a T-Con board was/does. Looked up replacing it, other errors. Found the below.

Interesting to see these newer LCD televisions / computer monitors are almost as simple as mechanical mods to troubleshoot, repair.

Also interesting seeing the capacities of an AI chatbot application to help folks. I checked up how to manipulate an array pointer to open urls set in a key & value based dictionary.

It was an issue I faced ten years ago. No one could programmatically explain how it could be done. No one had really done it. This chatbot did it with a plumb and showed examples of creating a struct to do it in. :)

What I wanted to do can be done in object-oriented programming. I don't need LISP, or ASM. Ha!

I have to dig further into it but was too tired yesterday after trimming some bushes in the back yard.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I have to dig further into it but was too tired yesterday after trimming some bushes in the back yard.

Heard that too. Fortunately, I guess, don't need to be terribly concerned with yard work presently. After pulling 12-14 hour days, a few times I was glad to not have that as well.

Still reeling and figuring stuff with wife out. Reckon, I'll manage and get sorted eventually. Figure if I divorce, there will be no other in life for me, save maybe critter kind.

Don't want hassled, hurt anymore. Will be a misanthropic miscreant curmudgeon, "f*ck 'em they can't take a joke".

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