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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
You prolly could anymore. Took one them thar all fancy new fangled Interwebs tests. It done tole me, "son youse drink 11 cups o' coffee in a day, youse done gonna die." (Fuck Grammarly, the accent and dialectic are punch.)

Spent ~$50 over at IMR. Got 4 new 35 amp Molicell 18650s and a new Nitecore charger, one with digital display. Going to take the still Mrs.s out this evening for supper at our local all you can Chinese buffet. Figure that'll be another ~$40 to $50. It'll be worth it.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
@SteveS45 I got my first maters the other day

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Look like some good 'uns.

Tomatoes hold a bit of mixed emotion, memory, for me. Used to not eat them as a kid. A stepdad was fond of the expression, "eat it or wear it". I turned 16 and one day sat down, gulping grandma's home-made horseradish sauce. He kept chickening out from eating it. I stood up, jar in hand, dumped it over his head and face. He never revisited that expression with me again.

My mom busted a gut laughing at him. He stood hollering about it getting in his eyes. She grabbed garden fresh tomatoes and put them in his eyes. It stopped the sting. He tried getting mad but couldn't, he knew he had done lost.

I now, will eat tomatoes. Like fried green 'uns pretty well too. :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Many of the plants I started from seed are tiny and still not doing well~! But all the Volunteers are getting big and flowering. Cucumbers aren't Giants like usual but lots of flowers. String Bean plants are enormous so we will see when they start producing.
"the Volunteers"

Ah, got you some Tennessee 'Maters. :) Bet they'll sing off the vine. :D


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

Rainy Stormy Morning here...............

"Lemme a tell ya, ..."

Wife and I had a "fun" day yesterday. She took me over to Gabes's. After dropping me out, she ran down to Sam's Club & did some bulk supplies shopping. Won't need TP/Vaper Towels for at least a month, maybe more. She came back and got me, taking time for a little shopping at Gabe's.

She asked if I wanted to ride to Charleston with her, giving me the option to stay home. Told her I might not like riding all that much, but I would go with her, it was a "trip". So, we got here to the home, unloaded the rest of the Sam's Club load, she had stopped and put out the frozen/refrigerated, then headed out.

Not seen the likes of the rain we drove all the way down in. We use an expression here in WV, "yep, cow peeing on a flat rock" to describe a burst of rain coming down hard. This seemed to be a whole herd of cattle all peeing on the same tiny flay rock. And the sky took a brilliantly hued shade of arcing blue, you could be forgiven thinking the sky split open and revealed a whole new sky the purest blue you ever saw beyond it. Lightning sheered the cloud cover that well.

A few times it felt as if the car was being tossed. She told it was a combination of the water on the road, and the wind, which seemed to pop up out of the road like a snare wire. There were "hardcore professional WV NASCAR drivers" pulling off the road, blinkers on, some crawling with blinkers. Wife put hers on a few times, but we kept pushing through.

She needed to go down to cancel some insurance that was on her car, a bank had put it on for some reason. Well, got there and the fellow at the Ford dealership through which the bank aliened the insurance through said the bank had already cancelled it.

Our trip was not fully wasted though, we found a place called Marco's. It was a pizza place and close to where we had come into Charleston. Decided we'd give it a try. I got a Philly "bowl" and she had a "cow's bone". I think we both figured we wanted to stay there and wait for breakfast, but we then decided we ought to get back home to Parkersburg.

The weather had fared out by then. All that was left was a light drizzle. Thought you'd like the light show and rain. :D :)
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Yeah, I planted a bunch of seeds but had 40 Plants come up where I had the San Marzano planted last year and in my Herb Garden I got another ton of Tomato Plants come up from my compost. Yesterday I found this growing in between the bricks when I was cutting the lawns~!

View attachment 206527

"Mater's Gone Wild! Film at when the f ever, .."

"Tune in to Our Dull World next time when @nadalama says, "you know we ought to get a tomato seed bank going on, ..." and @MyMagicMist says, "oh, excuse me thought I was in Montgomery Wards, ..." and @SnapDragon NY says, "No sir, this is Woolworth's that took over from Ben Franklin's five and dime, can we help you?""

I'm proud and glad you got tomatoes like you do @SteveS45. You'll be able to do up some home-made marinara, ketchup, can tomatoes, enjoy fresh ones on sandwiches. Saw fresh local grown tomatoes in our Vienna Piggly Wiggly/Grant's IGA, yesterday, after we got into Parkersburg. Didn't get any because they didn't look so well. Got a Farmer's Market, an Ohio based farm/greenhouse, stocks and runs during Summer. Not been to it yet, just a matter of finally getting there.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Many of the plants I started from seed are tiny and still not doing well~! But all the Volunteers are getting big and flowering. Cucumbers aren't Giants like usual but lots of flowers. String Bean plants are enormous so we will see when they start producing.

Well I hope your maters start doin better my friend
This year was hard on my plants too, the plants that those maters come off of are small for this time of year. We've had a bad drought this year and nothing is doin very well.
I have gotten a couple cukes already and a couple zukes. Gonna pull my onions today maybe.
I am just gettin ready to plant my green beans for the year, I always put them in later in the year when something else comes out, seems like less bug problems too. I don't use any pesticide at all the most I'll use is Diatomaceous earth.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I never use Chemicals in my Gardens not because I am some Organic Professor just never did. My Cucumbers are starting to get little fruits~! Plenty of flowers coming on the matters too. The Pole Beans are growing big but losing the lower leaves. I believe I should get beans but we will see. Some of my Tomato plants are only 2 inches tall while some are 3-4 feet?


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Well no matter how it works out go ahead and post a pic in my garden thread

Yesterday I had some leftover Liquid Fertilizer from my Compost Bin and used it on a couple of the tiny plants as an experiment. They didn't die overnight so lets see if I need to drain a gallon?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday I had some leftover Liquid Fertilizer from my Compost Bin and used it on a couple of the tiny plants as an experiment. They didn't die overnight so lets see if I need to drain a gallon?
I had some broccoli that was growin slow and after the fertilizer they took off, been eatin broccoli for a couple weeks now so I think that was a wise move to fertilize them

With any plants grown from seed you always need to fertilize 2 weeks after they break dirt with a mild fertilizer solution as a rule of thumb.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Kind of a weekend day for me here. Today and tomorrow off. Got spam called by some degree mill site.

One lady was trying to hook me into a 3-year degree for screen writing. Told her I would stick with custodial work, writing has proven to be a pipe dream for me. "Well, if you don't believe in it, you're right."

I have for 20 years tried to write, tried "breaking in". "It" just doesn't "happen". I almost asked her about the current screenwriter strike going on. Are those writers living their dream, fighting to be paid fair?

I'm over 50, tired of people trying to sell me dreams. Used to have some myself, then I met reality. Besides, I got more important stuff to work toward and for.

Still not quite sure what she wants to do. Not bothering to ask, either. Figure once bills are paid up, I'll use my "allowance" money to help us sort out a divorce if that's what she still wants.

I scheduled a blood draw appointment for tomorrow. Well, she saw it on mychart. To her, it was a full on appointment. I had to explain six ways that it was just a blood draw, I had scheduled. She kept telling me I had to see the doctor. *sighs* We're not able to even communicate for simple things. I may as well divorce her, can see what she means about us not gelling.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Evening porch sitters. Processed and priced nearly 500 units out of 44 cases this morning. Now, people can buy near 500 units of product.

They will, too. Went for my 15-minute break and found I would have waited 30 minutes in line to buy a cold drink. They had 4 on registers, inclusive of 1 manager. Everything was still, still. The line didn't get shorter, only longer.

Put my cold drink back. Cupped my hands in the restroom sink and got cold water to drink from it. I then sat down on a bench out front to enjoy the air conditioning a few moments. I'll start carrying a water bottle in with me.

Received batteries and charger from IMR today. Products seem keen and functional.

Well, ...

ETA: Just took 2 hits off a new 35 amp Molicell. *looking for the back of his skull* Nice! Hits like a speeding freight liner that's burned its brakes off. Not sure if it is extra amps on the battery or the new charger which charged new batteries. Either way, "damn, playa." :D :)
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