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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Got blown away last night in a good manner.

I have only worked at my school full time two weeks. The head custodian who has 38 years in it spoke to me. He is looking at maybe ten more years before retiring. "Ben, when I go you'll need to take care of ensuring this, that, and the other, ..."

"Hold up, old dog, I know I'm half deaf, but are you saying I'm stepping into your place?"

"Short answer, yes."

"What about Jus---?"

"He does great work. He could not handle being next level. Nothing against him at all, he is just not got the capacity for it. You lack capacity to drive, does that make you worthless?"

"But I've estimated what next level is paid. Seen the responsibilities. To me, it's not worth it."

"Not about worth in how you think. Worth comes in many shades. You'll figure that out, like you'll figure out a lot more regarding the work. I've seen it in you."

"Right, in two weeks, boss?"

He nodded solemnly. "You've got a routine. And you're aware like I said your routine isn't for crap, we got to do a lot of other stuff. You still make it work and get the job done."

"That's only due to being night shift."

"You'd do it on day shift as well. Sure, it may take you a little to get into the swing, but it's there for you."

"I don't know, I got ten years to prove you wrong."

"And I got ten years to Yoda you into my job. Who do you think wins? For the time being, put that on a back burner. Keep doing like you are, get better every shift. You do well, you can do better and will."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah, I left my beans to go to seed on the vine and have to pick some Green Tomatoes then bag the rest of the Basil to Freeze. My Garden did not do well this year and a FB Group I am in had many also saying that.
Mine suffered too, was a drought here just started gettin rain the last month or 2 but gave me good beans, I have a lot of hot peppers yet to pick and some sweet. Yes you are right, I have heard everyone had a tough year.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Mine suffered too, was a drought here just started gettin rain the last month or 2 but gave me good beans, I have a lot of hot peppers yet to pick and some sweet. Yes you are right, I have heard everyone had a tough year.

Some of my Tomato Plants are still 6 inches tall and the Birds were eating my Pickling Cucumbers Until I put up a Chicken Wire Wall~! The Beans did OK but not great.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It was a bad year everywhere in the US I think, haven't talked to anyone who did really good. Snapdragon NY had a tough year too, I think Goph did pretty good, well there's always next year ;)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
It was a bad year everywhere in the US I think,

The FB Group I am in is Worldwide and people in other Countries reported the same. I read about a disease on Cucumbers but I forgot what it was called. Some of my Cukes grew round like Golf Balls and I saw pictures from others with the same? Some said Calcium and other nutrients were lacking.

@Jimi did you ever hear about Epson Salts on Tomato Plants?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The FB Group I am in is Worldwide and people in other Countries reported the same. I read about a disease on Cucumbers but I forgot what it was called. Some of my Cukes grew round like Golf Balls and I saw pictures from others with the same? Some said Calcium and other nutrients were lacking.

@Jimi did you ever hear about Epson Salts on Tomato Plants?
Yes Epsom Salts is good for most garden plants, so are egg shells (calcium)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
10 Years is a Long Time to wait for a promotion and something could come your way in the waiting. Still something to look forward to................

In a way, yes, and I guess I would have to accept it. On the other hand, ... he told me my estimate regarding pay was correct. Head custodian only gets a couple bucks more per day, still works as custodian, then still has to do inventory, keep a good crew going.

All that being that, I think that I likely have found what I'm sticking to doing. Might enjoy material handling a bit more. Going tomorrow morning to likely be told I have to get a knee, maybe two replaced.

Material handling would only be more wear on me, from the constant moving. Custodial lets a person take little breaks, sort out your routine, catch a breath. Yes you move, but there's a lower sense of urgency. Material handling can burn people out quick. Custodial possibly could, but it is more of an "if you let it" kind of work.

I have fun too. People ask me, "does it smell clean?" I stare blankly. "Oh, well it does to me," they catch on. I nod.

"It's clean, don't need to smell it to know," I say. Sight, touch are handy too.

Well going for the rack. See the doc, round 9 AM. *yawns deeply*


Cranky Old Fart
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Some said Calcium and other nutrients were lacking.
Bone meal is better for calcium as it breaks down faster than egg shells.
@Jimi did you ever hear about Epson Salts on Tomato Plants?
I've seen conflicting reports with using Epsom Salts. Some say they can interfere with calcium and other nutrient intake.


Cranky Old Fart
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The planting in Cali was messed up by all the rain we got this year. I'm still seeing tomato trucks and the harvest here is usually finished by the end of August. Cotton is late this year as well.

My peppers did good this year. I had them in grow bags with drip irrigation. They are pretty much the only summer crop I had planted. When I was working I didn't have time to garden, but now I do. I'll see what happens with the cool weather vegetables I got started last week and the week before. The radishes are up and I'm seeing some spinach poke out now. I'll probably have to replant the lettuce. My dog smelled the liquid fish and bat guano fertilizer I used and was digging in my bed. She is now watched when outside.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So the other day I was in the garden picking Beans I let go to seed and afterwards I was sneezing. So I figured it was Allergies but yesterday I was sneezing with my nose running all day and I started to get a drip which was causing me to cough. So naturally I start thinking the worst and worrying but after a rough night I feel much better this morning. No Fever or Phlegm just like water dripping from nose. Still have taste and smell and no headache. I looked up the symptoms for the New Variants so I am sure it isn't that. Plus I feel so much better today.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I figured it was Allergies
Been taking a knock off Zyrtec daily, Flonase as needed. Yep, all kinds of hate on Big Pharma. Ultimately, finding though, if you point a finger three point back.

For example, in Honduras, Brand X soda company needed a mile and half of roadway. No road existed. Indigenous peoples had resisted any development, would not leave the land.

Well, in a round about manner, Good Old Uncle footed a bill which cost indigenous lives and built the roadway. I do not normally drink a lot of soda. At times, though, I do enjoy a Brand X soda company's flagship soda, much as it chaffs me.

Recently, spoke with an elderly lady. Her boy is military, so she follows such current events. I mentioned Honduras to her. She didn't mince words, "oh, that was a Charlie Foxtrot!" I could only nod, "yes'm". Charlie Foxtrtot is a polite military euphemism for cluster-f**k.

Much as I could point a finger, three point back. This case is one of those where I know what I know, end of discussion. Life happens and people grow and learn.

Robotussin cough syrup synthesizes tussin from a herb commonly called Colt's Foot. People don't see anything wrong in that, yet only a couple of hundred years ago many were brutally put to death for herbal lore, defined as witches. Yes, fingers three point back time and time again.

Am I saying to not fear, hate all our so called "new" "advances"? No, I'm just saying like most anything keep back a nugget or two of good old-fashioned common sense. Of course, I'll probably get chastised for even that. So mote it.

Far be it from me to invoke Cygnus, god of balance, I'm only a Rocinante.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Thank you for the reminder, brother. Reckon I best go make up a little pot of Folgers. I and wife had a brunch over at the Omelet Shoppe yesterday. They started me out on weak decaff, trying to kill me.

One of the veteran servers saw me sitting there all fogged in, come over with a pot of black top coffee. It's the super high test caffeinated coffee what picks you up and throws you out unto the black top, ready to grunt and growl through anything.

I had a Country Boy, so my day yesterday was set. Our brunch was after 2 PM too. Nah, we don't do the advertising industry's break fast. Both of us are three-year-old eaters. We like to snack when we feel hungry, stop when hunger subsides, run off to go do stuff, stop, snack, and so on. We might do one big meal for a day/night.

Ah, yep better get going. Mammy Murphy is fussing.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Had to do custodial/cleaning work here at the apartment over the weekend. I do that all week long as a paid occupation. Suppose it is hard to comprehend, I wouldn't want to do it over the weekend at home when I'm off work. *shrugs* Also don't care to bite bullets on weekends, but oh holy effing well, eh?

She wants emotional and mental stability? Yet lobs complaints, I'm still the same old, same. How more stable can you get than consistency? ... *smh* Yep, i'll hush. Liable to start thinking, or something.

Got a few suspicions, but I'll abstain. Neither really bother me, it's the dishonesty wrapping them up which hurts, and then acting as if she cannot trust me. Yep, back to "surface" before I drown in all the mess, back to ...

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