Somehow everyone just accepts everything these utter criminal liars spout about Russia? This is my biggest problem with all this. After you have been lied to your face, over and over and over, for years about EVERYTHING ELSE, somehow they are now telling the truth? Aww, c'mon people...
But wait! There's more!
Remember early on in Russia's SMO, March perhaps, our glorious cadaver leader announced to Congress that these (never ineffective throughout the history of their use) sanctions would cause Russia's "Ruble to become rubble"? At the start of the SMO, the Ruble was somewhere in the mid 90's to the Dollar, and a week or two ago it strengthened to 53 I think. Yep effective sanctions there.
Then these clowns decide to go nuclear (fiscally speaking) and seize another sovereign nation's entire foreign reserve assets, some 300 billion, with ZERO DUE PROCESS! Dis the idiots not remember we have a FIAT CURRENCY, i.e. based on trust? The whole damn world saw that. But if we kick them off Swift, they will implode for sure, and we will get the regime change we officially do not seek yet every stupid Neocon and Neolib can't help but scream out loud on national "news". How many times has Lindsay Graham called for Putin's assassination now? Even Biden has said on live TV we want to overthrow Putin. But I thought meddling in another nations affairs was against international law?Aren't we always accusing Putin of doing that? How many times have we heard Russia is out of ammo? They are running out of missles, tanks, planes, bombs, soldiers.... yet they are clearly only increasing their use and production. Only now has Russia made their first, partial mobilization of RESERVE troops, not every man, woman and child as our "news" would have you believe. How many FULL mobilizations has Ukraine commenced now? I have lost count... 7? 8? 9? Isn't is Ukraine who is constantly begging everyone for more money, more arms, more drones, more bullets, more howitzers, more EVERYTHING? Is it just me or is this starting to resemble confession through projection?
Bur Russia is just a "gas station with nukes", right? That's what we were told. Apparently, their economy is far more diversified than our brilliant "think tankers" told us. And by the way, Russia has kept their FAR LARGER stockpile of SUPERIOR nuclear ballistics updated over time. We have not updated ours in decades. They have fu$king hyper-sonic nukes for Christ's sake! But if they were going to hit us, they would not use a nuclear warhead exploding over a city, they would instead launch it into space over thus and destroy every single transistor and circuit in the country with an EMP attack. Far, far, far worse. Imagine no electricity for two weeks.... But I digress.
Why do we even care so much about Ukraine. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself this? because we must "defend their democracy"? Does ANYONE actually believe that? NO! Because it's utter horseshit. Do democracies lock up and eliminate their political opposition? Zelensky did. Do Democracies outlaw native languages? Wasn't Trump impeached because talked on the phone to Zelensky and asked him to look into corruption at Burisma, where Hunter "worked"? A "Quid Pro Quo"? Didn't Obama put Biden in charge of Ukraine years before? Didn't we see video of Biden bragging about how he told the former Ukrainian leader (whom we installed via a coup in 2014 as bragged about by John Bolton and Victoria Nuland)if he did not fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma (and therefore his son), he would withhold the Billion dollar aid package? Isn't that a Quid Pro Quo? Which is stupid because ALL foreign policy everywhere is based on Quid Pro Quo, but whatever. Of course, we learned later Trump was not impeached that SECOND time, at the end of his presidency (when the vote would come after he would have left office) for this highly irregular phone call, no. We learned it was extortion to prevent him from pardoning Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, those slime RINOs McConnell and Graham told him they would vote to impeach him if he pardoned either or both of them. He had the pardons on his desk. Sigh.... so close.
So isn't it a bit strange how we seem to be obsessed with Ukraine, and Putin? Why? Could it be that we have had a venomous, seething hatred for him ever since he came to power, depriving us of our just, neo- colonial desserts? We had won the cold war, the bear was down and we would keep it there, and extract all the riches. Which we did, for awhile. This is, of course, how the original Oligarchs were created. Putin does not like them, but over here you always hear how they are all buddies. He allowed them to keep what that had, provided they stop selling additional resources for pennies to us. This is why Abramovich and the others never went back. We call him a dictator, is he? He pulled Russia up from perhaps it's darkest period ever, and utterly transformed it into a place their people could have never believed. Thjis is how he has remained so popular for so long. And yet, he has critics. Many critics over there. Does he silence them, as you would expect a dictator to do, sort of like we do here? He does not. Russian media is quite free to criticize those in power.
This is why we appear so obsessed. Despite our promise to never move the NATO line beyond the eastern border of Germany, if Yelstin agreed to a unified Germany, we have slowly, methodically moved it closer and closer to Russia's border. A Baltic nation here, a Baltic Nation there... They are not blind. They quite clearly recognize NATO is not a defensive force, but an offensive force. Russia has said for years if Ukraine were to join NATO, it would trigger war. Our own ambassador to Russia wrote a letter saying the same a few years ago. Would we want nukes pointed at us in Canada or Mexico?
Ukraine is the natural highway into Russia for invasion. The Huns used it. Napoleon used it. Hitler used it. Speaking of which, if you think there is no Neo-Nazi ideology problem in Ukraine, then just go back and read about the Azov Battalion and others, who praise Bandera, in the New York Times just a couple years ago. Watch the video of Lindsay Graham and John McCain visiting with them around 2015 or 2016 where they pledge to do everything possible to help them defeat Russia. "You're war, is our war", Graham says.
However, the primary reason for the SMO is Ukraine's utter refusal to adhere to the Minsk Accords, which ended the fighting in 2014 after our coup. Watch Oliver Stone's "Ukraine on Fire" to learn much on this. Instead, for the last 8 years, Zelensky did the opposite of what he ran on and resumed shelling the Russians living in the Donbas. Russia has more reason to do this than we ever could have dreamed when we did the same ting and invaded Iraq. This is their border, their history. This was Obama's policy on Ukraine as well. It's NONE OF OUR DAMN BUSINESS. And the clowns are claiming it's so important, we should consider using tactical nuclear weapons.... These assholes want to start World War II and kill us all. And actually, this would have been over in March, they had come to terms negotiating in Turkey. Then what happened. A western leader, Boris the dunce goes over there and tells them the West will fully support them but there will be no peace.
Europe is collapsing. Many thousands are likely to freeze to death this winter because the geniuses who run the EU, like Vandercrazy, and the climate change alarmists have seen to it Europe will be de-industrialized because now their only source of cheap, constant energy is gone because they decided to ban Russian gas, as if they wouldn't just sell it to everyone else!
Is any of this making any sense? Russia has, in fact, been fighting with both hands tied behind their backs. Come November, when the ground freezes, we will see what the Russian army can do. Because, up until now, few Russian soldiers were there doing the heavy fighting, it was mostly Militias of the Donbas. Russia has been providing mostly artillery and air support. Ukraine has never been winning,. Sure, they took some undefended land, and were slaughtered anyway. God help us if these nutjobs get their way and get US boots on the ground. We must do everything to avoid this likely doomsday scenario...
And it's not like we aren't hurting here either. We are likely heading into the worst recession of our lifetime, we cannot afford this proxy war and paying Ukraine's payroll....