More like "Here Kitty Kitty Kitty"
Once upon a time (in a galaxy far far away
- OK, a different state), I had a large Manx named Bugs (because I got him as a kitty from a girl named Bunny), who befriended my newest kitty (the tuxedo named Killer from a few pages back). Bugs and Killer would go out hunting together and Bugs would act like a big brother (in the human sense), obviously training Killer. I had seen Bugs get between Killer and dogs and other potential predators, obviously protecting the little guy. We had lots and lots of those bald eagles where we lived at that time and one day Killer came home without Bugs, looking so very very frightened and he refused to leave the house for many weeks, and when he finally did, he kept scanning the sky when he moved from sagebrush to sagebrush. Bugs never came back and, although I scouted for miles around, I never found any sign of a body. I strongly suspect he protected Killer from an eagle and lost the fight.