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What song are you playing right now?


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hey Wally..
yeah JD was such a cool guy..
I spent a few weeks in West Virginia...
Trade my 4x4 quad for a sturdy mule any day..


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Party Like CS...without HIV..and before the news broke of couse..:(

erika jean

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Lindsey Stirling-
Her music is a little off your typical classical violin but damn can she play! Beautiful.



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EJ..I admit she can play, but the backgroung looked so cold and left me wanting to just snuggle..sick.huh?
back at you,


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One of my favorite songs that tells a story..creepy..


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peoples who are brought together by a greater...just meant to be kind of thing I feel


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going to crash now, with my donald duck light...


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Loving this Hazy, curious about origins..
peacefull and beauty, but this with signature..?
I worked in a factory with a couple of Russian men,..years ago..a couple of the hardest working, and happy to be in the USA, kind of guys..just curious


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Loving this Hazy, curious about origins..
peacefull and beauty, but this with signature..?
I worked in a factory with a couple of Russian men,..years ago..a couple of the hardest working, and happy to be in the USA, kind of guys..just curious

Rajaton are Finnish, My sig banner is in Russian.

Here, enjoy

robot zombie

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kind of Grab you by the behind and make you ask, Black Sabbath?..
good to see you RZ..
Hello mr. huff-n-stuff. Is weird that I just now got your username? It sort of hit me when I read "mr. huff-n-stuff" in my head aloud. I feel smart. Whatever.

Trying to catch up. You guys have been very prolific over these past few days. Jesus Christ that is a lot of music. Just trying to pick out the stuff I know so I know what I still need to get around to checking out later lol.

I'm generally liking what I'm seeing and hearing though. Where the fuck were ya'll when it was mostly just me, hypno, and antdog (well, mostly hypno...)

But anyhow...'s something a little... ...well maybe very inaccessible for some of yall. Just to be that guy. And also because this is what I'm up for right now.

Lots of people in the little corner of the electronica community who follow IDM, both listeners and musicians alike, really hate this guy for being so similar to the likes of Venetian Snares, Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, and so on. They say he's nothing but a very proficient rip-off artist. While the influences are undeniable, I think the music itself is original. I can tell when I'm listening to a passage from Teh Flahblub. I'd place him right up there with the other innovators of this very abrasive and hectic breed of breakbeat-doused IDM. He's a true master of his craft. In another decade, there will be major producers who'll cite him as an influence.


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I was most likely at work RZ,,going to check out your post/share now...
Yeah..much to catch up on Brain Salad Surgery.?..long time ago and missed..


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IIRC, that was originally posted by Hypnophone?.


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Justin Bieber's not a real lady ya' know...
You have problems.
What do you want, to run and get a mod when I explain the facts of life to you.
If you didn't have such delicate feelings I might indulge you.
Why do you need to interject your sophomoric humor into everything?
Do you actually think that you're funny?

This is a music thread. I posted a video. Why do you feel the need to ruin the moment?
I pity you, Dude.
You've been provoking me for quite some time.
But in Whiskey's thread you accuse me of being an instigator, that ever since @stevegmu and
I came from ECF there's been trouble.
Might that be because neither @stevegmu or I readily accept bullshit?
Why must you condemn me and @stevegmu both?
Have you looked at when it was that I got here before saying that ever since bla bla?
For almost a year then this forum has been dysfunctional and hostile because of me?
No shit.

Give it a break already. Grow up some before you run around calling people punk, Steve. Stop.

erika jean

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Justin Bieber's not a real lady ya' know...
I don't like being mean or causing problems at all but come on now really?
You're just a troll dude.
@HazyShades was on Whiskey's thread then comes over here and all the sudden there you are to sneak in your little smart ass remarks.
And to who?
Hmm...that's funny cuz I don't see you following anyone else around and inputting ever little dumb ass comment just to piss them off too.
Defines a troll.
Why don't you just take a step back and keep your comments to yourself?
I don't like drama.
I don't like instigators.
I don't like having all this drama in the way of posts that actually carry some sort of intellectual value.
It's not funny.
Please stop.
Thank you.


erika jean

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Did I?

I ruined your moment???
I think yer' getting a little emotional.

It's weird how you can be so nasty and abusive to those kind people in @Whiskey's thread
but here, when faced with the above little joke... all of a sudden you're the sensitive type...

Maybe if you stop disrespecting others... you won't get neutered by those who're tired of your ****ing mouth.
Got nothing to say about my reply cuz it's true.
You were trolling @HazyShades cuz you got jealous over him trying to be protective?



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Once upon a time, in the long ago, in the before time, there were people that were known as musicians.
They played strange objects that were called instruments....



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You kidseses... I swear, what am I gonna do with you?

One of the Grandfathers of electronic music.
NOT to be confused with "techno" (which is in itself is nothing more than disco, just maybe just a tad bit more gay).


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