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What song are you playing right now?


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OK, you tech-heads.

1977 Bell Labs Digital Synthesizer. There was ONE Digi-synth on earth in 1977.
There were more instruments than the sacred building-sized digimonster.
Oberheims, ARPs, MOOGs, Sequential Circuits, the occasional Roland, and Yamahahaha

This guy is a badass. Look him up.
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Never been there, have you?

***If you dig bass and drum work, well look no further***



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Who would ever think that there was "dance mix" of anything from King Crimson?
It's not a faggy version....


vape me

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A nice, mellow tune to start a Saturday morning.


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not sure who it was, but someone doing a cover on this on SNL..had to share it..again


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wifes new present..echo..must be broken, didn`t find or recognize Led Zeppelin

robot zombie

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What do you guys do most of your listening on?

I generally stick to my M-Audio BX5's. Pretty solid monitors for the $200 I paid for them. Bass extension could be better, but they're just 5's. I'm debating on whether to get a sub or just upgrade to 8's. They're about the same price, but one is much, much easier to set up right. I hate fucking with subs man. No matter what you do, it's hard to get a good, matched and balanced sound from a 2.1 setup. Better to have two speakers with balanced bass extension and roll-off.

For headphones, I have a pair of Sony RH-5Ma's which actually aren't bad for cheap beat em up headphones. Those are the ones that leave the house.

The serious listening is done with my trusty Audio-Technica ATH-M40x's. They're clean and balanced... ...a little scooped, though I think they do fill out the midrange pretty nicely... ...probably just two narrow dips at 400-800 and 3-4k, which I think is actually more desirable - lessens fatigue. Being closed-backs, there's really no soundstage to speak of, but the bass extension is great. Very clean and responsive low-range. I like that I can hear the dynamics of every performance... ...all of these little nuances in the attack come out through them. You hear every little scrape of the pick, every ghost-note on the snare, every slip and slide on the fretboard, every breath the vocalist takes... ...they're surprisingly detailed for $80 cans. I always look forward to putting those on.

I really need to upgrade my out-in-the-world setup. I usually just use my phone. I should at least get one of those little pocket amps. At home, I run my headphones into a Scarlett 2i2 USB interface. The DAC and headphone amp are actually pretty good on that little box.

I try to keep it all pretty cheap. I don't trust myself with expensive equipment.



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I`m not allowed anymore..I mean loud big bass and crisp high`s... too often (rarely) had to turn it way up...bird, and cat`s didn`t care for it I guess
the last thing I enjoyed H-Fi, was my `02 Avalanche with Bose sound system...
now nothing..still got a nice system though, it`s just put away..
started with this though,
old school..stuff,


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curious what others like bass or crisp high notes?
I enjoy bass but really crisp high notes/tones have always stood out for me,
bass, mids, tweet, complimented by horn tweets!

robot zombie

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Member For 4 Years
curious what others like bass or crisp high notes?
I enjoy bass but really crisp high notes/tones have always stood out for me,
bass, mids, tweet, complimented by horn tweets!
I don't really have a preference. I suppose it would depend on the music I happen to be listening to. Different types of music have different sweet spots in the sonic spectrum.

I usually tend to lean more towards gear and mixes with minimal coloration. I mean, there are some instruments and effects that have a naturally-high degree of coloration and that can be very desirable, but that's not what I'm talking about. It should all mesh and everything should sit in its own frequency spectrum. Whether that be the highs, mids, or lows, it should be in whatever pocket it most needs to fill and leave room for everything else to breathe.


robot zombie

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Thanks. I tend to get a bit hung up that stuff. I spend a lot of time listening and analyzing... ...just breaking down every component. All part of the experience. I'm all about the interplay of the various facets in the gestalt... ...the machine waiting to be reverse-engineered. When I hear something that has any sort of incomprehensible impact on me, I can't help but wonder what makes it do that and how.



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nothing like a musical experience that litterally makes the hairs stand on end!
some may not ever comprehend...or, FEEL IT, to be fair,..those not into music the way some people are
most who make a contribution to a thread like this are feelers


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I really enjoyed that share RZ! excellent musical talent with shades of darker descripton at first hearing it, The Contortionist
Something a friend of mine enjoyed a couple of decades ago, was Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Alan Parsons..I did not care for it at first, but years later found a craving for it...something you need to kind of get in the zone and IDK..after awhile seems like I just figured that one out

robot zombie

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Member For 4 Years
nothing like a musical experience that litterally makes the hairs stand on end!
some may not ever comprehend...or, FEEL IT, to be fair,..those not into music the way some people are
most who make a contribution to a thread like this are feelers
They most likely are. I don't think it's something innate to a person. It's an experience that's honed and cultivated over time. I think if you spend enough time listening intently... just making an activity out of that, then you will eventually reach a point where you start perceiving things that others may miss. But perhaps it is a pre-wired inclination in the sense that you have to be the type of person who's proned to do that in the first place, for whatever reason.

I think all that it takes is that initial spark, or just that simple eureka moment when you hear the right music at the right point in your life. It varies a lot from person to person, but I think anyone can foster a deeper appreciation for music if they just have that little push... ...doesn't really matter what it is. All sorts of things can tune you into what you've been missing.

I really enjoyed that share RZ! excellent musical talent with shades of darker descripton at first hearing it, The Contortionist
Something a friend of mine enjoyed a couple of decades ago, was Tales of Mystery and Imagination, by Alan Parsons..I did not care for it at first, but years later found a craving for it...something you need to kind of get in the zone and IDK..after awhile seems like I just figured that one out
Haha, that's a pretty apt way to describe it. My first impressions of them a few years ago weren't that spectacular. There was definitely something to it, but I just couldn't get into it. I thought I gave it due diligence, but something still felt kinda off and wrong about it. After a year of sleeping on it, a moment of boredom brought me back to it and it all hit me real quick, just like "Oh OHHHHHHHH, alright, wow. Yeah." Ever have one of those moments where something you heard surprised you so much that you laughed out loud? Very difficult to explain. It was sort of like looking at one of those 3D optical illusion things... ...the ones that just look like a bunch of speckles until you cross your eyes just right.

That was before this album dropped though. They really found their stride on that one, imo. I loved the album before it even came out... ...right when the first half of that two-parter dropped as a teaser. It really is the sort of music you have to step into and allow it to take you on a journey, though. You have to buy the ticket.


robot zombie

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Holy shit thank Youtube for letting me know these guys have a new album out. I think I like where they're going. I'm cheezin-out over this shit atm. The first minute is skippable. The rest will make you listen to the intro the second time around.

My one complaint with bands like this is their tendency to sort of rest on their laurels with the heavy stuff. I get that it's a lot of the draw for them, but just one goddamned album of all of that groove-oriented, textural, atmospheric shit doesn't seem like such a tall order for a lot of these flegling progressive metal acts. Why haven't any of them tried that? I think the most interesting parts are the mellow little breakaways. I feel like that's when they really come into their element and bring their most worthwhile material to the table.

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