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Gold Contributor
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RZ, listen. Don't think. Don't talk. Just Listen at a substantial level:
If you have decent Headphones, this is what they were designed for.

You'll fall in love with this. OR TRIPLE YOUR MONEY BACK!!!!!

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
OK kids, it's time the 'phones. OR crank your rig up with the bass kinda high.
It should be just under "piss the neighbors off" kinda loud. But not distorted...

Trust me, It's tasty.....



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
Anyone remember THX-1138?
****George Lucas decided to name the now accepted standard surround-sound process "THX" after his college-projeKct movie****

Here's Uncle Jeff:



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Unlisted Vendor
RZ, this one is for you!

"Karn Evil 9"

[Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Part 1]

Cold and misty morning, I heard a warning borne in the air
About an age of power where no one had an hour to spare,
Where the seeds have withered, silent children shivered, in the cold
Now their faces captured in the lenses of the jackals for gold.
I'll be there
I'll be there
I will be there.

Suffering in silence, they've all been betrayed.
They hurt them and they beat them, in a terrible way.
Praying for survival at the end of the day.
There is no compassion for those who stay.
I'll be there
I'll be there
I will be there

There must be someone who can set them free:
To take their sorrow from this odyssey
To help the helpless and the refugee
To protect what's left of humanity.
Can't you see
Can't you see
Can't you see

I'll be there
I'll be there
I will be there;

To heal their sorrow
To beg and borrow
Fight tomorrow.


Step inside! Hello! We've a most amazing show
You'll enjoy it all we know
Step inside! Step inside!

We've got thrills and shocks, supersonic fighting cocks.
Leave your hammers at the box
Come inside! Come inside!

Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!

Left behind the bars, rows of Bishops' heads in jars
And a bomb inside a car
Spectacular! Spectacular!

If you follow me there's a speciality
Some tears for you to see
Misery, misery,

Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!

Next upon the bill in our House of Vaudeville
We've a stripper in a till
What a thrill! What a thrill!

And not content with that,
With our hands behind our backs,
We pull Jesus from a hat,
Get into that! Get into that!

Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!

[Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Part 2]

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside
There behind a glass stands a real blade of grass
Be careful as you pass, move along, move along

Come inside, the show's about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
Greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll, oh

Right before your eyes we pull laughter from the skies
And he laughs until he cries, then he dies, then he dies

Come inside, the show's about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll, oh

Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of vaseline
Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene
Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand
To Alexander's Ragtime Band, Dixieland, Dixieland

Roll up, roll up, roll up
See the show

Performing on a stool we've a sight to make you drool
Seven virgins and a mule, keep it cool, keep it cool
We would like it to be known the exhibits that were shown
Were exclusively our own, all our own, all our own

Come and see the show, come and see the show
Come and see the show
See the show

[Karn Evil 9 2nd Impression]


[Karn Evil 9 3rd Impression]

Man alone, born of stone,
Will stamp the dust of time
His hands strike the flame of his soul;
Ties a rope to a tree and hangs the Universe
Until the winds of laughter blows cold.

Fear that rattles in men's ears
And rears its hideous head
Dread... Death... in the wind...

Man of steel pray and kneel
With fever's blazing torch
Thrust in the face of the night;
Draws a blade of compassion
Kissed by countless Kings
Whose jewelled trumpet words blind his sight.

Walls that no man thought would fall
The altars of the just
Crushed... Dust... in the wind...

No man yields who flies in my ship
Let the bridge computer speak
Load your program. I am yourself.

No computer stands in my way
Only blood can cancel my pain
Guardians of a new clear dawn
Let the maps of war be drawn.

Rejoice! Glory is ours!
Our young men have not died in vain,
Their graves need no flowers
The tapes have recorded their names.

I am all there is
Negative! Primitive! Limited! I let you live!
But I gave you life
What else could you do?
To do what was right
I'm perfect! Are you?

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Hypnophone Good picks, man! I especially enjoyed the Alan Parsons, stuff. You weren't kidding about the production! Still ahead of its time! There's a lot of modern ambient out there that can't even touch Nuclear. I'll be coming back to that stuff for sure.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how that guy came up with that contraption. Never seen a Rube Goldberg instrument that complex and convoluted to use... ...and it sounds great, too!

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Radio-friendly pop rock usually isn't my bag, but this stuff is genuinely good. Dan Tompkins has the voice of an angel. Buncha talented musicians putting up tasty, gorgeous instrumentation behind him, too. It's kinda saddening to think that this stuff probably doesn't get any radio play. It's just different enough to sound fresh and just similar enough to be accessible.

Labels, take notice. Rather than forcing bands with their own visions to conform to your impression of the lowest common denominator, find people who already have visions that suit your coals and give them a platform to succeed. This is what you get when a band is allowed to make the music they really want to make. It's so much more visceral. They're totally in their element and the result is something that I think could reach a wide audience.

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
On some level, I'm always searching for stuff like that classic Adult Swim bump music... ...the ones where they would show a subdued photo manipulation and have beat looping for 15-20 seconds... ...usually during their anime block. This had to be right around the time when they switched over to the black-background, white-text "[adult swim]" logo.

Love those trippy, murky sounds and staggered, un-quantized beats. The atmosphere was just too perfect for setting the mood for what you were watching and when.

I think the guys over at adult swim knew their audience well back then - they knew that most of their viewers were young insomniacs and they cultivated the perfect atmosphere for us. I remember those bumps being like an oasis in a sea of late-nite/early-morning restlessness. I just wanted them to go on forever. I tried to find music like what they featured, but I wasn't savvy enough to know where to start - I was in middle school.

It's super relaxing and nostalgic to find something that takes me back to those long nights spent helplessly awake in middle school. This is the kind of stuff that got me through a lot of them. I started looking forward to it instead of dreading it.

So, yeah, I've got a lot of love for this stuff. It's awesome that you can easily find mixes like this on youtube. It's like this strange collective of now-adults who shared the same experience with it as kids have come together and brought it back for the world to join in. I thought for a long time that very few people knew of such an experience... ...that it would be forgotten by time and live on only in the memories of the few. A lot more people remember than I would've thought.

Nowadays I'm kind of at peace with my insomnia, so I don't need it anymore, but I find it's the best kind of music for coiling in the early evening. It's very serene... ...the kind of music that will make you nostalgic for unfamiliar times and get you waxing over memories you don't possess.
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VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
RZ, there is some SERIOUS synthesis and PRODUCTION here:

Pay no attention to the photo montage.

Eyes closed, ears and mind open:

Many people have no idea that Alan Parson was the sound engineer for Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon it puts into perspective what a genius the guy is

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Many people have no idea that Alan Parson was the sound engineer for Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon it puts into perspective what a genius the guy is
After looking into more of his stuff, I feel comfortable say thing that album would not be nearly what it was without his touch. Its got his fingerprints all over it. Some people will argue for transparency, but I think the mark of a good producer is that you can listen to something they worked on and tell immediately who contributed what, if you know what I mean. I guess that could make or break you as a producer, but I think in his case, the people who hired him had to know what they were hiring him for.

I always thought that album sounded a lot unlike anything else they did. It was my first PF album back in the day. There was something magical about the atmosphere that used to make me drift off in my head on the couch after school. Because of that, I had trouble getting into the rest for a while. Never felt it with other PF albums, though I will say my favorites are now Animals and Wish You Were Here... ...but that's neither here nor there. DSotM is one I still reserve special placement for.
weird night...

and for 'cause im persistent and you didnt answer :p
K... ...I want to know how you get from doom metal to trip hop. Don't answer that. I get it, haha.

Sorry I slept on your recommendation last time. I dig it... ...sorta like a mix of downtempo and a bit of Mogwai and really a bunch of those "what genre dyou call this?" thingys...


robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@robot zombie i find portishead is all doom, just without the metal.
Yeah, I can hear where you're coming from. It's very "doom" in spirit... ...just all about that heavy, murky, brooding atmosphere. Stylistically, they're all over the map, though. All different kinds of underground music flows through them... ...stuff that wouldn't normally be connected even though it was all kinda born from similar and occasionally interconnected scenes. Many have tried to recreate it simply by compiling all of the different stylistic elements but it's always lacking something.

They're an act that's really hard to pin down. Your interpretation of the music is going to depend on what you already have to go by. I love stuff like that. Most music that renders the genre debates meaningless is good to my ears. It doesn't belong to any label. It's just music! For listening pleasure! Portishead is Portishead. That's all it has to be.

heres a couple more i thought you might like]
Oyez. I especially liked that second one. Do I smell a hint of Flying Lotus?

and my current track
Hahaha, alright now! Isis! Now you're really speaking my language. Don't get much diversity in this thread. I mean, it does, but it doesn't. A lot gets underrepresented. And I ain't knockin' the taste of anybody here! I'm not exactly a tastemaker myself. I like some weird shit. Actually, I predominately like weird shit.

There's just so much out there nowadays, yanno? The internet has put a musical Library of Alexandria into the listener's fingertips. Lost gems are now easily located. People say music is dead because they're restricting themselves to the mainstream. The reality, I think, is there has never been a better time to be a music lover. The sheer levels of diversity and accessibility are the highest they've ever been. You just gotta be par for the course and go in on something weird every now and again. It does the mind and spirit good. There are niche genres for everyone now.

Nuff rambling. More music. I think you're gonna find my tastes hard to pin down. When people ask me what kind of music I listen to, I never know what to tell them.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah im more of a music is music guy, i like certain things that cross genres, like talent lol. words. skill, heart, groove etc. i generally like heavy over light, and serious over humor, but i like a lot of light and fun music too (major lazer!!!). im listening to gojira right now, but all day yesterday i listened to pre- die antwoord watkins tudor jones projects. i know the words to every bob dillan, and nwa song. i go to sleep to lana del ray or amber asylum and wake up to gorguts, cryptopsy or jimi hendrix. im just glad there are all these people expressing all these different things through sounds i can enjoy with nothing more than two holes in my head.


robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah im more of a music is music guy, i like certain things that cross genres, like talent lol. words. skill, heart, groove etc. i generally like heavy over light, and serious over humor, but i like a lot of light and fun music too (major lazer!!!). im listening to gojira right now, but all day yesterday i listened to pre- die antwoord watkins tudor jones projects. i know the words to every bob dillan, and nwa song. i go to sleep to lana del ray or amber asylum and wake up to gorguts, cryptopsy or jimi hendrix. im just glad there are all these people expressing all these different things through sounds i can enjoy with nothing more than two holes in my head.
Nail on the head, my man. Somewhat different tastes maybe, but we're cut from the same stone.

Feelin jazzy, but I don't want to listen to jazz. Hmm...
Really wish he did more of this sometimes, but I can't complain. Talk about genre-bending... ...DMM takes it to extremes. His EP's are crazy little self-contained journeys. They feel longer than they actually are just from all of the shit that comes out of nowhere. Crazy talented when it comes to composition. It's all just so seamless. Probably one of my favorite independent metal artists in the game right now. Every EP is gold and no two are alike, even though he recycles motifs!


Silver Contributor
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yeah im more of a music is music guy, i like certain things that cross genres, like talent lol. words. skill, heart, groove etc. i generally like heavy over light, and serious over humor, but i like a lot of light and fun music too (major lazer!!!). im listening to gojira right now, but all day yesterday i listened to pre- die antwoord watkins tudor jones projects. i know the words to every bob dillan, and nwa song. i go to sleep to lana del ray or amber asylum and wake up to gorguts, cryptopsy or jimi hendrix. im just glad there are all these people expressing all these different things through sounds i can enjoy with nothing more than two holes in my head.

Oh how I love Gojira. Haven't listened to them in quite some time. Years ago they played here and I still regret missing that show. It's been a Job for a Cowboy kinda day for me.

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