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What song are you playing right now?

robot zombie

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@robot zombie lol i just cut all mine off a few months ago.
Haha, I had it down to my shoulders last winter. Cut it during the fall so I could sleep in a bit more before work. Started growing it back out for a few months only to get a short, clean cut because I thought it was getting to be too much hassle. Now, I can't wait for it to grow back. I always tell myself "Yeah, I'm definitely gonna do it right this time." or "I'm gonna just keep it short from here on in." Neither of those things ever come to pass. I don't know what is wrong with me. I love having it, but hate having it.


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@robot zombie i havnt missed or regretted it at all. i actually did it without thought. i was shaving with my beard trimmers, and thought 'what if...'. within seconds i had half my head shaved and that was that. the main difference i notice is how other people react to me now. i had long hair since i was a kid and people have never been so nice to me since i cut it all off. its shitty but kind of a funny lesson for me.


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This goes out to Sharon at Home Depot off of Flagler,
from the "pseudo-biker" cause this is how she made me feel


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:) Hadn't seen this thread before, but a bunch of Neil Young, hell yeah. I know where I'm getting my music tomorrow, thanks for the additional links to things I haven't heard! (also hell yeah for 12stringer, my old history teacher used to bring his in and play once in a while while we were in study groups, we even spent an entire day's lesson listening to him and one classmate who was an amazing pianist play together, gotta love "after the AP test" AP classes.


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@robot zombie i havnt missed or regretted it at all. i actually did it without thought. i was shaving with my beard trimmers, and thought 'what if...'. within seconds i had half my head shaved and that was that. the main difference i notice is how other people react to me now. i had long hair since i was a kid and people have never been so nice to me since i cut it all off. its shitty but kind of a funny lesson for me.

Well damn, if you only shaved half your hair off and you're walking around like that
and vaping to boot
I'd be treating you real nice also...



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:) Hadn't seen this thread before, but a bunch of Neil Young, hell yeah. I know where I'm getting my music tomorrow, thanks for the additional links to things I haven't heard! (also hell yeah for 12stringer, my old history teacher used to bring his in and play once in a while while we were in study groups, we even spent an entire day's lesson listening to him and one classmate who was an amazing pianist play together, gotta love "after the AP test" AP classes.
Yup, my ex used to play one of those. Gave her a '66 Fender Mustang for V-Day once..
She gave it away to the church when we got divorced..Was just thinking about her
'cause I'm on a romantic streak...

Just looked at your profile, lot's of music out there you probably haven't heard.
It's not all good but some of it is the best. Enjoy and Vape on!
Hazy :cool:


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:D Same could be said about most everyone with the sheer amount of music out there, but always happy to be introduced to more. I've lost my old music guru's (people who would flood me with links to things I haven't heard). So always happy when someone can fill that need.


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:D Same could be said about most everyone with the sheer amount of music out there, but always happy to be introduced to more. I've lost my old music guru's (people who would flood me with links to things I haven't heard). So always happy when someone can fill that need.
Oh sure it could be said, there's gazillions of composers/lyricists/artists and performers in about as many genres
and styles. I meant relative to your comment re Neil Young et al, considering your age.
But yeah, there's several old as well as young guru types running around who I'm sure
would be more than happy to share the wealth with you.

In the meantime...

& enjoy


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Oh sure it could be said, there's gazillions of composers/lyricists/artists and performers in about as many genres
and styles. I meant relative to your comment re Neil Young et al, considering your age.
But yeah, there's several old as well as young guru types running around who I'm sure
would be more than happy to share the wealth with you.

In the meantime...

& enjoy
For sure, though if you're going off my age, as far as music is concerned I'd be more 50 :D, Love the classic rock, and classical. Love many different genres though. One thing (and thank you for it) is I love good covers of songs I already love. It's always nice to hear songs done well another way. 3 covers come to mind in this regard. The Disturbed one my current favorite song (but favorite songs are fleeting and change week to week as I outplay them). Then of course Johnny Cash's Hurt always comes into the "best covers ever" but I'm sure you've heard that.

EDIT: adding another of my favorite cover bands:
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robot zombie

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Member For 4 Years
Haha, back from "get shit done" land already are ya? Or maybe just passin through? Either way, good to see you around here again.

Also, nice one with that pick. I see what you did there.

Also, Moody Blues. Props to you for breaking that one out. Those guys are a class act. It's weird to me that more people who are of those eras or worship music of those areas tend to ignore them than not.

@robot zombie i havnt missed or regretted it at all. i actually did it without thought. i was shaving with my beard trimmers, and thought 'what if...'. within seconds i had half my head shaved and that was that. the main difference i notice is how other people react to me now. i had long hair since i was a kid and people have never been so nice to me since i cut it all off. its shitty but kind of a funny lesson for me.
I bet it's very liberating. I may try that next time I inevitably get sick of keeping it long. Always kinda been curious about what it feels like to lop it all off.

And yeah, people do treat you different when you go from long to short. It goes both ways. People in general treat me with more respect when I'm all cleaned-up. But on the other hand, more women get flirtatious with me when I haven't cut my hair in months and haven't shaved in weeks. I work with the public day after day, so I can't help but notice these things. The difference is night and day, in many regards.

I expect that, but one thing still surprises me. With short, professional-looking hair, people have said "You don't seem like the type." when I told them that I listen to metal. I've never understood why people think that you have to practice a certain lifestyle, act a certain way, and look a certain way to listen to certain music. That's like saying only the "secret agent" types watch James Bond films. Who identifies with music in such a way? If I like eating a certain kind of food often, do I have to build a lifestyle around it? Am I a cheeseburgian, or do I simply enjoy a good burger? What are the defining personality traits of people who like cheeseburgers? It's just completely absurd to me.



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i forgot to mention that i shaved off the rest in the following seconds :p
LOL..yea, I figured, just messin wid ya :)but it is what you said LOL

I know what you mean. I've gone crazy with those clippers too.
A couple of times in fact, the first I was only 14. Thinking of doing it now but I wanna see how long it gets in the back where I still have hair before I shave it all off. I'm getting to look like Willie Nelson now...

And yes, you're correct about the people treating you differently when your hair is cut short
than when it's long..BTW, the same goes for clothes.
A friend pointed out that his clients treat him with more respect
when he wears a polo style shirt with the the collar and little buttons
than when he wears a t-shirt, even if the t-shirt has his company logo on it.
T-shirt =employee underling, polo=the boss. A shirt tucked into your pants and socks work wonders too.

A very wise man once told me to always polish the backs of your shoes
'cause it's the last thing people see when you walk away.


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Totally hear ya as well. Right now I'm in full on mane mode, had my own reasons, but decided about 8 months back I'm just not going to cut any hair on my head, ended up shaving at my top lip sometimes because well, I like pulp in my orange juice :D. But, you're right, I've been pleasantly surprised by having a few girls give or ask for numbers, surprising. The respect of cleaned up I've never really had to deal with, because well, fear/respect are hard to differentiate sometimes and being a large man if I just stand with confidence no one really ever gives me crap (always hear stand with your chest out, though I think that's pretty awkward, always liked how my Dad described it better, imagine you're being held by your head, naturally your posture gets better and chest is out a little but in a more natural way than the throw your shoulders back and push your chest out that I see far too often and laugh at).


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HazyShades said: ↑
@robot zombie
Click to expand...
Haha, back from "get shit done" land already are ya? Or maybe just passin through? Either way, good to see you around here again.
Also, nice one with that pick. I see what you did there.
Also, Moody Blues. Props to you for breaking that one out. Those guys are a class act. It's weird to me that more people who are of those eras or worship music of those areas tend to ignore them than not.

Just passin through upload_2016-3-14_3-4-17.jpegThanks. Still have a shitload of to do
but am taking a shit eating break and hanging loose. Crystal Blue was just for you...part of the secret handshake.

Ha-Ha, give my best to your mom...;-)
Moody Blues is a little too deep for most. So is Floyd, really.

Here ya go, he isn't as good as his dad was but is a great technician
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Didn't even watch it and already gave the upvote just for the names, but didn't disappoint. Still giving my brother shit for not inviting/telling me about a Dweezle Zappa Concert he went to a month or so ago.

Certainly not his dad, I mean Frank Zappa is one of the best musicians of all time in my books, composed orchestras, rocked on the guitar including teaching many of the current greats, and had his own fucking hilarious stuff on the side that was technically great but made you laugh the whole way through.


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Just in case anyone hadn't heard it yet, knowing who composed it and hearing it surprised me, but it's just beautiful.


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Totally hear ya as well. Right now I'm in full on mane mode, had my own reasons, but decided about 8 months back I'm just not going to cut any hair on my head, ended up shaving at my top lip sometimes because well, I like pulp in my orange juice :D. But, you're right, I've been pleasantly surprised by having a few girls give or ask for numbers, surprising. The respect of cleaned up I've never really had to deal with, because well, fear/respect are hard to differentiate sometimes and being a large man if I just stand with confidence no one really ever gives me crap (always hear stand with your chest out, though I think that's pretty awkward, always liked how my Dad described it better, imagine you're being held by your head, naturally your posture gets better and chest is out a little but in a more natural way than the throw your shoulders back and push your chest out that I see far too often and laugh at).
LOL..I agree with Zombie about longer hair being more attractive to ladies.
Maybe you just look better with short hair...But it definitely makes a difference in how customers
and people in general treat you. Especially if you're big, hair automatically makes you a dangerous biker
even if you're a friendly biker..dangerous or not. Facial hair too. I read somewhere in a psychology journal that
beards and 'staches make men look aggressive and inspire danger vibes in the subconscious of the perceiver.

I think your dad got it right. Standing at attention only makes one look awkward.
You wanna stand tall but relaxed and natural, squaring your weight evenly w/o puffing yourself up
like you might when confronted with violence or violins.



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Didn't even watch it and already gave the upvote just for the names, but didn't disappoint. Still giving my brother shit for not inviting/telling me about a Dweezle Zappa Concert he went to a month or so ago.

Certainly not his dad, I mean Frank Zappa is one of the best musicians of all time in my books, composed orchestras, rocked on the guitar including teaching many of the current greats, and had his own fucking hilarious stuff on the side that was technically great but made you laugh the whole way through.
Indeed! Google/youtube Frank's early stuff, like his appearances on the Johnny Carson Show,
the man was hilarious even w/o the Mothers but the whole was awesome.
It's really sad he died before he got a chance to run for president.

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Just in case anyone hadn't heard it yet, knowing who composed it and hearing it surprised me, but it's just beautiful.
That was very nice, even the violins were pleasant. The oboe at the beginning is wonderful.
Thank you so much. I know I've heard that melody but can't place it.


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LOL..I agree with Zombie about longer hair being more attractive to ladies.
Maybe you just look better with short hair...But it definitely makes a difference in how customers
and people in general treat you. Especially if you're big, hair automatically makes you a dangerous biker
even if you're a friendly biker..dangerous or not. Facial hair too. I read somewhere in a psychology journal that
beards and 'staches make men look aggressive and inspire danger vibes in the subconscious of the perceiver.

I think your dad got it right. Standing at attention only makes one look awkward.
You wanna stand tall but relaxed and natural, squaring your weight evenly w/o puffing yourself up
like you might when confronted with violence or violins.

Scared the crap out of this little older guy the other day, was getting food, went in and got my to-go order, and was walking out and the guy was standing in the doorway talking to someone, I just waited a second, he turned around and looked up at me and kind of cowered and apologized. I laughed and said "no problem" but it was funny.

Anyways, my coworkers have taken to calling me "Grizzly Adams" makes me laugh. I'm hoping to shave it soon but again there was a reason I started and it's not going till that changes.


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Indeed! Google/youtube Frank's early stuff, like his appearances on the Johnny Carson Show,
the man was hilarious even w/o the Mothers but the whole was awesome.
It's really sad he died before he got a chance to run for president.

My uncle got my brother and me into Zappa, I want to think I've heard everything he's gotten, but I'm sure there's something I haven't. I can say I wouldn't respect him as much if I hadn't heard at least most of it. What amazes me is the range he has. I have no problem calling him the best musician of his generation. People can argue that of course, but as far as I'm concerned it's true.


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My uncle got my brother and me into Zappa, I want to think I've heard everything he's gotten, but I'm sure there's something I haven't. I can say I wouldn't respect him as much if I hadn't heard at least most of it. What amazes me is the range he has. I have no problem calling him the best musician of his generation. People can argue that of course, but as far as I'm concerned it's true.
I won't challenge that. Zappa was probably the best musician of several generations.
He was also a satirist, composer, arranger, a man of many talents who could play a vast array of instruments and make music with stuff not known to be musical instruments.
People say to me, "Eric Clapton". I say "ehh." Sure, I like Clapton, B.B. King, all kinds of Flamenco guitarists nobody has ever heard of
but Zappa was the man. I named my first dog, a black lab a hippie gave me in the Grove after Frank Zappa. "Zap".


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Scared the crap out of this little older guy the other day, was getting food, went in and got my to-go order, and was walking out and the guy was standing in the doorway talking to someone, I just waited a second, he turned around and looked up at me and kind of cowered and apologized. I laughed and said "no problem" but it was funny.

Anyways, my coworkers have taken to calling me "Grizzly Adams" makes me laugh. I'm hoping to shave it soon but again there was a reason I started and it's not going till that changes.
Once upon a time I looked like that. I shaved the full beard off a couple of years ago
'cause around Christmas time all the little kids would point at me and giggle
the rest of the time since I live in Miami I'd have old Cuban ladies point at me and say I looked like Castro.
My kid wants me to grow it back..but it's like what we're talking about,
some people are intimidated by guys with hair be it on their face or head, especially if the guy's large to begin with.

The hair isn't getting cut for a while yet though.
It's a promise I made which I suspect may be something similar to your not shaving.
I didn't shave for over 20 years once..


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Totally agree on Zappa, doesn't mean I don't love Clapton, doesn't mean i don't think someone like Satriani or Malmsteen are better technical guitarists, but if you jump to the overall musician, it's a hands down to me Zappa all the way. I will say it's no wonder Steve Vai is as awesome as he is with not only the natural talent he had himself and hard work, but also Joe Satriani and Frank Zappa showing him the way. Gotta say he's probably the number one guitarist to envy because of that.


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For sure, though if you're going off my age, as far as music is concerned I'd be more 50 :D, Love the classic rock, and classical. Love many different genres though. One thing (and thank you for it) is I love good covers of songs I already love. It's always nice to hear songs done well another way. 3 covers come to mind in this regard. The Disturbed one my current favorite song (but favorite songs are fleeting and change week to week as I outplay them). Then of course Johnny Cash's Hurt always comes into the "best covers ever" but I'm sure you've heard that.
EDIT: adding another of my favorite cover bands:
Very interesting..though I'm generally not too keen on covers those were still enjoyable.
Once of the reasons I so enjoy Walk off the Earth is they were originally a cover band but have morphed
into great performers in their own right. Some songs are so popular that even the covers are good.
Pat Benatar did some rockabilly covers I really like.
'Sound of Silence' above though an interesting performance is sacrilegious to me.
I much prefer

and since you can't have one w/o the other this one which was my watchword for years

and ya can't have those w/o my namesake


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Totally agree on Zappa, doesn't mean I don't love Clapton, doesn't mean i don't think someone like Satriani or Malmsteen are better technical guitarists, but if you jump to the overall musician, it's a hands down to me Zappa all the way. I will say it's no wonder Steve Vai is as awesome as he is with not only the natural talent he had himself and hard work, but also Joe Satriani and Frank Zappa showing him the way. Gotta say he's probably the number one guitarist to envy because of that.
Carlos Santana is an underrated guitarist and musician, there are dozens of examples of true genius we can come up with
but Frank could compete in almost any genre. Dweezil is a master technician, watch him play. But he just didn't inherit Frank's
talent (or personality)

I like this chick, talent personality and technique


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