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What song are you playing right now?

robot zombie

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@robot zombie i agree as usual. im starting to feel like you and me should be taking long walks on the beach at night and talking about music or something dude. want to hold hands? ;)
Hmmm... ...well, I guess it's alright. You gotta buy me dinner first, though. We can hold hands and maybe exchange fiery gazes, but no gay shit. I swear to god, bro.

@AntDog ANTDOG!!! Long time, no see, dude! I can't believe you got to see Ghost!

Welcome back and fuck you. Ya fuckin prick. I hate you.:p


robot zombie

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I totally agree. They're one of the first bands I got into in middle school when I was really on a metal kick.
Haha, same. I think the first thing I heard that really caught me was Master's Apprentices. It was just so much cooler than any of the -core shit that my friends where listening to... ...something more of the caliber of the classics. A few years before that, I was introduced to Dream Theater and through that, quickly turned my back to most everything else I was listening to. I went straight into metal with them... ...they were my gateway band. And then Opeth came along and it was just meant to be. "THIS! I didn't think it actually existed..." Just one of those "too perfect" moments.

I'd have to say that Opeth and Dream Theater have informed my tastes in metal more than anything else. I started listening for things I wasn't even aware of when I got heavy into them. Opeth, especially. It really got me dialed in... ...started prodding me to listen intently and analyze so that when I was searching for things to scratch the same itch, I'd know them if I heard them. They really changed the way that I listened to music, man.

My initial "kick" lasted for 5 years. If I listened to one thing on any given day, it was Opeth. I had it bad, man. They're still easily one of my favorite bands of all time. I'm not listening to them today, though I probably will later. May just have to put on Damnation tonight. Top 3 for me, though I don't think many Opeth fans consider it one of their better albums. I adore dialed-back Opeth. The only thing that could make me happier is an all-acoustic original album. And the thing is, I could almost see them doing it one day...

By the time I found this song, these guys had split up to do different projects. I get it. I don't find their metal shit all that interesting. There are some really nice chord voicings in their distorted rhythm work... ...very pretty chords - it was melodically tactful stuff, across the board. A bit angst-ridden and to the status quo of the times, maybe. I just didn't find the compositions engaging at all. Just very predictable music. Couldn't find a reason to listen to them over other bands I was listening to at the time.

This chill, snowy tune, OTOH, is the one that made me think they weren't another metal band from "that" circle. Would've liked to hear them explore this sound more deeply across and EP or something. The chemistry was there.
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robot zombie

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Got one of these to replace the Scarlett 2i2 I was using as a DAC and headphone amp. I thought the Scarlett was decent... ...and it is, but I had no idea what I was missing with the Modi. No idea... much more detail just pops out of the speakers. I can actually hear the bass in busy mixes now. Like, it's not just there...'s actually isolated in its own pocket. The instrument separation is quite good. I'm very impressed.

Glad I bought this before I went and replaced my M-Audio BX5's. I feel like I'm hearing them for the first time now. It's a beautiful thing. Ever buy a piece of equipment and feel like you have to go back and listen to everything on it? Worth every bit of the $150 it cost me. I feel like the cans and speakers I have now are the only thing holding it back. It's worthy of higher-end stuff than I currently have...

...which is why I also got a pair of Beyers


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i am way out of the loop on audio hardware. got any recommendations for a mid/high end surround setup for pc? im stuck rocking a hand-me down pc that i brought back from the dead and im slowly upgrading (done gpu and display so far). i dont even know where to start with audio though. home theater? pc audio? its been so long since i had to deal with this stuff lol

heres a couple of chilling tunes. when i hear this womans voice it feels like someone is literally playing the song on my spinal column with a cello or violin bow.

Ms. Trixy

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Jim Chappell - Instrumental Piano. Calms me down and takes me places...childhood, love for my sons, happy days...soul searching...good relaxing piano. I also like violin. Classical ballads. Yanni is also a favorite.

For Mother's Day I'm going to send him Danny Wright's CD, A Mother's Love...."My Son's Lullaby". All of the above is great when you are stressed. Takes you away from the madness and into pure bliss.
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robot zombie

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i am way out of the loop on audio hardware. got any recommendations for a mid/high end surround setup for pc? im stuck rocking a hand-me down pc that i brought back from the dead and im slowly upgrading (done gpu and display so far). i dont even know where to start with audio though. home theater? pc audio? its been so long since i had to deal with this stuff lol
Can't really help you there. I'm real big on headphones and I've spent a lot of time sifting through the audiophile bullshit in that realm. But the price point for a good headphone setup is much lower. You can spend $500 and have a truly high-end setup... ...the point of diminishing returns for DAC's and amps is much lower - you can spend $250 on a pair that will sound great with most any expensive headphones. Headphones in the $200-$300 range are excellent. Past that, the increase in performance is not as significant as the jump in price.

Whereas for a 5.1 system, you'll wind up spending like $800-$1000 for something good, and that'll still be considered entry-level. Or at least that's my understanding. It's mostly in the speakers. You can get a cheap receiver that will sound great with great speakers... ...but if you get a $500 receiver and that's half of your budget, the speakers you wind up with might not sound so great. Those numbers may not be accurate, but that's the logic. You can run very expensive speakers through a cheap receiver and they will still sound like they should. Focus first on finding a cost-effective receiver with the features you need and dump the rest into the best speakers you can get.

As for PC audio, it's all about the DAC. You can go with a sound card or an external. IME externals are more geared towards headphones and stereo systems, while sound cards tend to offer 5.1 more frequently. Fortunately, great dacs are quite cheap either way. You can often skip either if you get a decent receiver - it has the DAC and amps built-in, so you just need some sort of digital out from your computer. If you can go usb, then you're golden. If not, then you will need a sound card with some sort of digital optical, SPDIF, or what have you to output the digital signal to your receiver.

Probably good to add that you don't need a great PC to have a high-end setup. You just need a good sound card or some good external components. If it runs and it will accept modern audio components, then its fine.

You can go cheaper for powered 2.1 systems. There are ~$300 pairs of powered bookshelf speakers and studio monitors that sound great. You don't need to worry about amps, that way. Just get a cheap DAC and you're good to go. Closed-cab subs are superior and start at $400-$500 but there are excellent ported ones in the $200 range. Some 5" powered speakers benefit from subs, but most don't need them (my BX5 D2's do, while Audioengine A2's and KRK Rockit 5's really don't.) Point is, you can spend $300 on speakers, $100 on a DAC, and be good to go with a great music and decent movie setup. Doesn't take up much space and its much easier on the wallet.

Or, you can start with a 2.1 and branch out over time. Get a receiver that can do 5.1 or 7.1 and just start with a 2.1 speaker setup. If you like it, you can expand later without having to change your whole rig.

All I can really say is to start looking at gear and sifting through the hype. Ask yourself what you want and start researching what's in your price range. Comb reviews... ...check out forums. Take a trip to your local hi-fi and demo some systems. Try the ones outside of your price range and work your way down. How they compare might surprise you. The basic things you need for a functional surround setup hasn't really changed since you were into it. A lot of high-end shit sounds good on paper, but what's important is how it all sounds to you. This is why it is important to actually try gear. There's only so much you can gather from reading spec sheets and flowery descriptions of the sound.

I will say one thing... ...don't be afraid to try modestly-priced gear. If people say it sounds good, then it probably does. Audio equipment is not that complicated - every component has basically one job and these days, it is not expensive to make stuff that does its job well. I personally started with cheap shit and upgraded a little here and there, but I think my entry level setup sounds awesome. I honestly can't hear much of a difference between what I've got and stuff priced well above it.

Quite often, when audiophiles pick at gear, that doesn't mean it sounds bad at all and often, it sounds quite good. They listen for things that most people won't hear. Audiophiles have a lot of experience with all sorts of gear and this makes them picky. Technology has come so far these days that you don't have to buy stuff that audiophiles love to have something that you will love. Finding a good hi-fi setup for your needs is a very personal endeavor imo. Don't take my advice or anyone else's beyond how setups work. People can only tell you what they like and what works for them.

I found a pretty good guide over on reddit. It's pretty comprehensive and even the comments are helpful.

Nice tunes btw. Treating me well over here.

I'm in heaven with these headphones. I like to think I'm pretty familiar with weird physical reactions to music... ...tears, twitches, chills and such... ...but giggling is new. I just don't know what to think about that..., completely involuntary grinning and giggling. Somehow, that's just weird to me.

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@robot zombie thanks dude. that should be a good start lol. i have had great setups before, but im starting over so i might as well start with whatever is current. my previous best setup was pretty scavenger style. i had a setup where i had an adapter from 3.5mm headphone to standard rca running from each of the front/side/back surround outputs on my sound card, going to separate 500w amps and matching speakers (all 80s high end hifi stuff). it was awesome but all those huge speakers and amps and wire would be a hassle at my current residence.

for todays mission i required extreme focus so i was rocking some cryptopsy on the ear buds. at first it all sounds like noise, but with some time, you can start to spot these moments of extreme clarity and precision, then you realize its complexity and start to hear more and more.
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Ms. Trixy

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Love Antonio. Haven't seen that movie. On my watch list!


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MMMMM..... Angry Hammond..... Angry Guitar.... Pissed-off Drums

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I love Rick James, great music. The "man" himself? he had quite the life. I love the Chappelle show and always love this skit. I know this is not technically a music video/ track , but its about music.

This is base on Edie Murphys brothers stories.

This is another true story about Charlie Murphys experience on basketball with Prince


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wow man thats an obscure one. a buddy showed me this band/album many years ago and until right now, that moment was the only time i have ever seen or heard another reference to it.

lots of hits in this combo man :cheers:

We deal in quality. ...mostly.
Hey there Mach1ne, were are those Trouble guys from?


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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Listening to some new music the Queen of Pop put out:


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Gotta listen to some good ol' Ozzy every once in a while.


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This should cranked up. REAL ROCK AND ROLL LOUD!
You will dig it. ...OR triple your money back!

Moonlight Sonata is probably my favorite piece of music ever. But, I appreciate any classical piece of note. Some is just pleasant background noise, others are captivating and I can't leave without listening to the whole piece.


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@RonaldStark wow thats crazy, i was going to post this track and there you are posting that one...

and the song thats currently seeing me through the day (teeth clenched, head down, stay out of the way kinda day)

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