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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Omg invader zim


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How good it is to get off my feet. Day off tomorrow. I love how my schedule works out that I get two days a week off but it dont mess with my pay Tuesday ends pay period. I'm off Tuesday and Wednesday or Thursday. Awsome lol
just gotta go in and get my schedule which sucks. Hopefully my manager will just call me tomorrow to "talk" to me about my 11 hour 53 minute (not a full 12 damnit) overtime pay then I can ask her

sent from a dumb operated smart phone


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Hello, everyone, and good morning. It is truly amazing that I, once a regular post guy (now, with Liz riding 'shotgun') at @Whiskey's Corner; then, @Whiskey's Corner #2, aka "@Whiskey's West," have been 'late to the party' in my visits to this forum thread. Too much stuff going on in my life, I suppose.

I miss being able to post, insert all the 'likes' that I can, and just being more interactive. Once we get settled in The Rockies, I'll try to pick up the pace :treadmill:.

This week: Wednesday, I go to get registered at the hospital for my upcoming surgery on the 27th. This Thursday, yet another surgery:gaah:. This is becoming very tiresome, to say the least. I've not been feeling well, and I've not been in a very good frame of mind. I spoke with both of my kids early yesterday evening; it was bittersweet, hard to endure, and it turned my evening into a crying jag.

I should've turned on one of our saved 1080i/p films (we're up to around 360 of them, now) that fell under the nomenclature of Action/Adventure, or something along those lines - science fiction, or something that would take my mind off of the conversation with my grown kids. Instead, being the hopeless romantic that I am, I turned on Disney's film "Cinderella." What an idiot.

There wasn't enough Kleenex to get through that. Liz had already fallen asleep, so I was alone.

Of course, we all 'know' that men of my generation, and generations past - were TRAINED to keep emotions bottled up, and away from the public eye. Yet, I was powerless to control what I was feeling. Even when your children have grown up, it is still your job to love them.

Yet, the life path that my son is taking is distressing... his mother, my ex, is an alcoholic. So is he. He never leaves the county that he lives in, and has adopted a twang in his speech that, to me, is quite annoying. I had worked with both of my kids, to make sure that their speech wasn't my Boston brogue, or any other dialect. They started off their lives in the Tidewater area of Virginia, which is a melting pot - due to the presence of the US Navy. They did very well, when it came to their diction. I was earning enough money to keep them in private school. I wish that we had remained there, instead of moving to the Deep South. We made the move from Tidewater, to please my ex - so that she could be closer to her family.

My father, at that point in his life - had also begun his heavy drinking, after my mother had passed. Eventually, he ended up joining us down there, and lived another five years, until cancer took him in 2006.

Damn it, Jim...

My son has also begun to dip snuff, in the belief that he's "...saving his lungs." Yet, I held my tongue, and I encouraged him as best as I could. My daughter's conversation with me was better - even though it was more emotional, and she finally realizes that I'm really going away this time.

She said, "Maybe I could come out to visit, and go to Red Rocks to see a concert with you guys." I told her that she was welcome in our home anytime. She's an apprentice to a major tattoo artist in Tennessee. She already has her 'sleeves.' Her husband-to-be is supporting both of them, and while I may not agree with how she's applying her artistic talents - like her brother, I encouraged her, as these are their life paths.

PTSD? Oh, yes. Anxiety? Definitely. My psychiatrists and therapists have all agreed upon those two, as well as depression... so, last night I prayed. It helped, but the feeling of abject misery still did not go away. My health has been worrisome; yet, there are other people here in this thread, who are going through far worse, so I'll insert :deadhorse:... No offense meant, here. I'm writing about myself. Forgive me, if it sounds like a 'pity party.'

Stress headaches have become the norm of my days, lately. Liz and I are still very much in tune with each other, so she feels my stress and strain; and, is very supportive. I couldn't ask for a better life partner. She and I are together forever. Yet, there are days when she is grumpy, and out of sorts... and, the bickering starts. Afterward, we both apologize, and the day continues in her sunshine.

Well, it looks like I've made good use of the new smileys. I can only hope that today is an improvement, over yesterday. May everyone have a wonderful Sunday.

LW & Liz (yay! She just got home :):):):))

Yet another post from LW, aka "Mr. Happy." I've spent an ENTIRE Monday making motel reservations for two disabled people with dogs, a Penske Truck, and a car ("two disabled people with dogs, a Penske Truck, and a car" sounds like the end of a stanza from a Tom Lehrer tune... :crazy:). @Kevin H. says it well: "Mondays suck!"

I responded to my own post - due to the fact that I'm too exhausted; spiritually, emotionally, and physically to go through myriad posts (sorry, everyone) since my last one. Sunday wasn't a good day, either. Liz ended up inhaling a BEE yesterday, around 2:15 pm. She had just gotten home, and went outside to ride with me to get some groceries. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she coughed herself to the point where she couldn't breathe. She has COPD, and after her lung collapse when she went through her H1N1 experience that nearly took her life - I was PETRIFIED.

So, after cajoling her to go - we went to the ER. I hate going to those places - you never know what you're going to see. I saw one girl (she dressed like a boy, but hey - whatever 'floats your boat, trips your trigger, or blows your hair back') with a dislocated shoulder, and I felt for her - as I'd been through it myself. Then, the plethora 'doctor shoppers' that come in with a couple of second-degree burns, or a scrape from three days before... saying the mantra:

"I need something for the pain, doc. Percocet, or Darvocet. Nah, man. Demerol. I'm reeaally hurtin,' man." The walls in these rural hospitals, in the words of '70s author Peter Benchley, "...are made of Kleenex and spit." You can hear the screams of people really in pain, from bad accidents - the families, wailing over their loved ones - and, after Liz went through triage - we were led back to the ER, and got into an exam room. They cuffed her up, put an blood-ox/pulse sensor on her finger, and went through the motions of getting her x-rays.

The doc said that her throat was swollen, but whatever got her wasn't on the x-rays - but, go see your doctor soon, to follow up.

We didn't get home until eleven. PM. Then, check sugar - inject insulin, fix food for the both us, and cleanup (Liz helped me - she's the Grace of God).

We're having Italian sausage subs tonight. Mushrooms, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms simmered in Olio Oliva, garlic, and basil will rest under the sausages, and low-moisture, part-skim Italian Cheese blend over the top. Yum. Street food from the North End of Boston. You've got to love it. This should make Monday evening brighter, and more wonderful. Lord knows we need it. Later, everyone. :inlove:

The inimitable LW & Liz... if we each had a wooden leg, the suckers would have termites (LMAO)


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Sorry been absent for a day. More troubles with the kid. Ruined my day at the casino I was having a good time and winning. Hopefully it's over for a while tomorrow. If he gets on the plane he's going to rehab in Beverly Hills. You heard me right Beverly Hills ! I think I'll go get whacked so I can go to Beverly Hills for Rehab lol. Anyway worn the F out. I'll update you guys in the am. Nice vacation week I'm having right ?


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Sorry been absent for a day. More troubles with the kid. Ruined my day at the casino I was having a good time and winning. Hopefully it's over for a while tomorrow. If he gets on the plane he's going to rehab in Beverly Hills. You heard me right Beverly Hills ! I think I'll go get whacked so I can go to Beverly Hills for Rehab lol. Anyway worn the F out. I'll update you guys in the am. Nice vacation week I'm having right ?
Maby he will meet Lindsay lohan lol. Good luck with him.

I cant find a rear master cylinder for this damn bike. Rebuild kits out the ass but id love to just find a clean housing or a good working one for not thousands. Wheres saddle when you need him? Wonder if hes got any yamaha conections....


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Goodnight yall. Gonna sleep in tomorrow. Then I might get up and make it to the couch for a lounge day
Yea right. It will be a go play in the garden/this needs fixed, that's making funny noises day. That I'm sure of.
Later corner folks

sent from a dumb operated smart phone


Diamond Contributor
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Sounds like you are taking control, he will learn respect faster with a good pack leader, he will soon look to you for direction and focus. :)

Hope so. Part of disliking being domineering on my part lies in having
dealt with abuse. I sometimes lack confidence. Difficult feeling it when
you fear slipping and being abusive.

In all seriousness have had a couple psychologists suggest I lower my
guard. Know it isn't a guard from against others, rather a guard from
the inside spilling out. I need that discipline though. That is what
makes it difficult for me. I cannot excuse myself for being angry, being

I work on it daily. Some days I do well and others not quite as well as
I'd like. Finding this though is the struggle of being human in itself.


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Use a pattern interrupt in training, something that slightly startles him and gains his attention. A plastic jar or bottle with a few rocks in it that you shake during training.

Possibly even help me as well, let me stay focused in. Like shoving a paint brush handle into a quadriplegic's mouth, telling him to shut the fuck up with his self pity and fucking paint. Yes, have seen it done. Worked quite effectively too.

Now I see how you are. :) "You relax there, you have too many minds. Try it with no mind."

Which is kind of odd how that works out for someone with no mind. * grins and chuckles * Yep, understand where you're coming from and going. Thanks. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sorry been absent for a day. More troubles with the kid. Ruined my day at the casino I was having a good time and winning. Hopefully it's over for a while tomorrow. If he gets on the plane he's going to rehab in Beverly Hills. You heard me right Beverly Hills ! I think I'll go get whacked so I can go to Beverly Hills for Rehab lol. Anyway worn the F out. I'll update you guys in the am. Nice vacation week I'm having right ?


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Morning Saddle.:coffee:
You sleeping in waders, just in case?

Morning Angie.:coffee:
Full road gear. The "Give me's" are crawling out of the wood work. New Orleans ain't said shit. Funny how that works. All the Katrina victims are wanting Mo money, never saw that coming, lol, just waiting for the Bible crew to get all fired up, wanting Mo money, cause that's what they do. 5 Idiots crossed the bridge into the next life. I am plotting a route to Duncan DoNuts. :stars:
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