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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Diamond Contributor
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Lots of folks cook like that, and think it's fine. :D And wonder why no one likes what they cook! :D I learned to cook before microwaves were invented, but at first it was the simple stuff -- hot dogs, canned chili, minute rice, the usual culprits. But after getting married, suddenly putting food on the table was "my job," and I'm creative, so... over the years, I got better and better. My son says he loves my cooking, because although I will use "packaged" stuff like the various Helpers and Knorr sides, I'm simply incapable of leaving them alone -- they're my building blocks for something much tastier than ever came out of a package. ;) And in many cases, I learned to cook things "from scratch" -- spaghetti sauce, early on, though now I can't digest tomatoes so that's a no-go -- jambalaya, one of my son's faves -- and an AMAZING apple-walnut-raisin spice cake that uses mostly whole wheat flour. For quickie shit like rice, microwaves are fine -- and some people use them for stuff like bacon, which seems a total travesty to me -- bacon must be cooked in a skillet!


Bet you can cook on a wood burning stove, too. :)


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Member For 4 Years
Hi farmer Vapin my friend good to see you buddy, hows your day treating you?
Worked this morning, weeding, taking it easy now. I own a ipv4, it's on it's last leg, misfires and the 510 is shot. Been looking for a twin battery mod to replace it, the Sigelei 213 caught my eye, at Origin Vape 79.99, not bad but!!! So I e-mailed MVS and they gave me a price of 77.95 and free shipping, I pulled the trigger, just glad to be getting a backup and Sigelei is decent, I have a Sigelei Mini 30 going on 2 years, still works like a charm.


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It's raining. Again. Pretty sure Ohio hates me

I had something very enjoyable & oh so sweet happen to me during our morning shower. I got Bucky-bushed. :)
Had been out to feed critters, go take laundry up to her dad's. I usually take a little bit to 'see' each critter and give some lovings. Well, I've maybe not 'seen' Bucky enough lately. That can happen being off in a fog of getting stuff done.

Went over to where Bucky was laying on some cardboard in the barn. Pet him a little bit, next thing I know I'm sitting in a folding steel chair, black ball of fluff on my lap. Then, the rain came on and he curled up against my chest in my arms. It felt pleasantly chilly as the rain sang off the tin roof over head. Bucky got back in my lap and sat there a bit more, nuzzled against me rubbing his noggin and giving him noogies. Then, as abruptly as he had 'prick' napped me, he steps off me back onto his bed.

While the rain lasted he was looking at me, then the rain. I knew he made it so as to snare me a few minutes for some loving. Could not resist his mad Sith skill.


Diamond Contributor
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HiYa Morely my friend hows it going buddy

Hey Jimi my buddy, it's going well enough here. Saw they brought in some Beech for splitting to firewood. I'd estimate some of it is at least 3 foot around. Big old logs, they are. Of course, they also have a chainsaw milling kit here now too. May see if they decide to plank out some Beech. Be nice to work up into projects. Shoot, might even look at making a mod from it. :) Hope your day is going well, too. ((((((( Jimi ))))))) :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Bet you can cook on a wood burning stove, too. :)

Never have, but to me, cooking really doesn't have that much to do with the power source -- it's mostly about, what seasonings go with what food, what foods go well together, how long each thing takes compared to the other items (logistics of getting everything ready at the same time -- that was by far the hardest thing for me, but it can only be learned by experience!), and then the little tricks -- like separating egg whites, whipping eggs by hand, etc. I learned to cook on a gas stove, but now really prefer electric -- you get residual cooking power even when the element is turned off, so it's actually more economical if you take that into account, and learn to use that residual power to your benefit. If you're used to that electric-element technique and then use a gas stove... it's rather jarring. :D



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Never have, but to me, cooking really doesn't have that much to do with the power source -- it's mostly about, what seasonings go with what food, what foods go well together, how long each thing takes compared to the other items (logistics of getting everything ready at the same time -- that was by far the hardest thing for me, but it can only be learned by experience!), and then the little tricks -- like separating egg whites, whipping eggs by hand, etc. I learned to cook on a gas stove, but now really prefer electric -- you get residual cooking power even when the element is turned off, so it's actually more economical if you take that into account, and learn to use that residual power to your benefit. If you're used to that electric-element technique and then use a gas stove... it's rather jarring. :D


Wife prefers gas cook stove over electric. I can cook on gas, wood burning, coal burning, oil, electric. Like you say it's not so much the source that matters. Yes, you have to take a little longer with wood burning stoves. If you realize that, and relax into it though, you can do fairly well on one. Used to do up breakfasts of porridge, eggs, bacon, sausage on a 'Warm Morning' with what had been dubbed the covered griddle top.

You lifted the top part of the outer heat shield, clicked the lift arm in place, cooked on the flat stove top, Suppers were pots of beans, stews, baked taters, pan fish. Of course, we got our bricks we'd set on the stove to warm. Nothing could beat a towel wrapped warm brick under the blankets at the foot of the bed on a cold Winter night.

Keep threatening the wife. "You'll use an outhouse and wood cook stove and love it, if we need doing it," I tell her. She laughs that womanly psychotic laugh. "You don't want fed at all, huh, " she replies. At that she has me bout half o'r a barrel. I'm not keen to 'look after' meself enough to know to eat right, or when all the time. I just go until I plop down, pass out. Not that I cannot fix, just don't get too concerned over it. *chuckles*

Ah yep, can cook on camp fire too, near forgot. *smn & chuckling*


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wife prefers gas cook stove over electric. I can cook on gas, wood burning, coal burning, oil, electric. Like you say it's not so much the source that matters. Yes, you have to take a little longer with wood burning stoves. If you realize that, and relax into it though, you can do fairly well on one. Used to do up breakfasts of porridge, eggs, bacon, sausage on a 'Warm Morning' with what had been dubbed the covered griddle top.

You lifted the top part of the outer heat shield, clicked the lift arm in place, cooked on the flat stove top, Suppers were pots of beans, stews, baked taters, pan fish. Of course, we got our bricks we'd set on the stove to warm. Nothing could beat a towel wrapped warm brick under the blankets at the foot of the bed on a cold Winter night.

Keep threatening the wife. "You'll use an outhouse and wood cook stove and love it, if we need doing it," I tell her. She laughs that womanly psychotic laugh. "You don't want fed at all, huh, " she replies. At that she has me bout half o'r a barrel. I'm not keen to 'look after' meself enough to know to eat right, or when all the time. I just go until I plop down, pass out. Not that I cannot fix, just don't get too concerned over it. *chuckles*

Ah yep, can cook on camp fire too, near forgot. *smn & chuckling*
Hell I use a wood powered cooking stove a lot. We call them a grill here in Texas. Mesquite is my preference. :shades:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hell I use a wood powered cooking stove a lot. We call them a grill here in Texas. Mesquite is my preference. :shades:

Like to grill chicken sometimes. Real good to set the chicken over an open can of beer on a grill. Grills are fun to cook on. Think I've cooked over ash, maybe some oak at different times. Often, folks here just use charcoal. Still all in how you cook it. :)
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