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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Well the party's over ! The kid that was agreeing to 45 days is now demanding to leave after 30. I got him to agree to not this Friday but next Friday and that would be 37 days. Maybe when he transitions into the next phase Friday where he gets his phone and more freedom and two man apartments he might change his mind again. I can only hope. Even if I get the 37 days out of him it's more than he's done in a long time. An even better reason for birth control than diseases.............KIDS ! They're cute when they're little then they grow up ! Anyway have a good night everyone ! See ya briefly in the am !
Shit Breasy my friend so sad to hear that I sure hope he changes his mind. He is still in my prayers and so are you buddy

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Hi Bird my friend I think I am getting another good streak going again, have to go to the Dr. again Thursday for blood work and a visit they always have a way to screw that up. How are you doing buddy.
no complaints at all jimi, I can safely say, for the first time in a while I'm in a good place.
- granted its only 2000 so plenty of time for shit to go south


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Hi itsme my friend did your tomatoes survive? and how's the boat project going buddy?
Two of the three died sadly. The otherone is still in shock and hasn't grown any, it also hasn't wilted anymore lol.
I got the floor busted up but I haven't gotten the stringers cut out yet. Haven't had the time. When I get home it's either almost dark or raining. Gonna try to take the cutting bit and remove them tomorrow. Then it's all about letting the boat completely dry out and gettin the fiberglass compound and sheets
still haven't decided forsure if I should dick with the old ass motor that came off of her or not.
I'm thinking about getting a 70hp one to put on her. Being a light fiberglass boat, I think the 70 would get her going plenty fast

How you doing buddy?

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Well the party's over ! The kid that was agreeing to 45 days is now demanding to leave after 30. I got him to agree to not this Friday but next Friday and that would be 37 days. Maybe when he transitions into the next phase Friday where he gets his phone and more freedom and two man apartments he might change his mind again. I can only hope. Even if I get the 37 days out of him it's more than he's done in a long time. An even better reason for birth control than diseases.............KIDS ! They're cute when they're little then they grow up ! Anyway have a good night everyone ! See ya briefly in the am !
Good night Breazy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Two of the three died sadly. The otherone is still in shock and hasn't grown any, it also hasn't wilted anymore lol.
I got the floor busted up but I haven't gotten the stringers cut out yet. Haven't had the time. When I get home it's either almost dark or raining. Gonna try to take the cutting bit and remove them tomorrow. Then it's all about letting the boat completely dry out and gettin the fiberglass compound and sheets
still haven't decided forsure if I should dick with the old ass motor that came off of her or not.
I'm thinking about getting a 70hp one to put on her. Being a light fiberglass boat, I think the 70 would get her going plenty fast

How you doing buddy?

sent from a dumb operated smartphone
Doing pretty good my friend you might take the old motor apart and see how it goes what have you got to lose if you're considering getting a different one anyway just to see how it goes, might surprise yourself


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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When you add in the humidity that is not hot that is misery.

that is pretty mild, for summer in Atlanta. Late July will see low to mid 90s, with humidity that feels like trying to breathe jello.



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Hey LW
hope y'all are well

We won't deny it - the trip from NC to CO kicked the **** out of us. Liz had ran out of her tremor medicine, and I-70 through Kansas COOKED us.

By the time we were 35 minutes from our destination, Liz had a full-blown panic attack - and I had to calm her down.

That took at least an hour.

My back pain, sugar, and anxiety levels hit me like a roller coaster. Stress while traveling with two dogs, two vehicles, for 1870 miles with four overnight stops in-between... it was much easier when I was a younger 'road dog' musical performer.

Staying in a motel for extended periods is also a stressor. Yet -

@Saddletramp1200, @always9988, @Whiskey, @pete67, @Break-19, all of you - from our hearts, to yours:

We made it! The walk-through in our new home happens this Friday :zombie:... the closing on Friday :bliss:... we rent another Penske truck the same day :crazy:... it will be loaded with the stuff we brought from our old place :vapemail:... then, with help from my son-in-law, my brother-in-law, and one of my mother-in-law's neighborhood friends (Salvatoré) - the truck gets unloaded at our new home... then, our first real night will be spent in our new home on the eve of Memorial Day:stars:... then, my son-in-law will hang our new American flag on our front yard flagpole - so that we can celebrate Memorial Day
properly :inlove:... then...

Next week... 4G satellite internet dish and wiring installation, then... we get Dish Network installed - and, we get the newest version of The Hopper DVR - 16 films can be recorded at once... full 4K spec for our new 4K 62-inch Samsung with 3D encoding... not long after...

I'm going finish a tune I've written for VU and @Whiskey's Corner, and I'm going to dedicate it to everyone - but, the strongest dedication will be for @Saddletramp1200 - as he has been the most supportive, and complimentary about my playing. On my new custom-built Brian May electric guitar... it will be posted on Liz's and my YouTube page, and... it is my VU profile's home page - but, with @Whiskey's permission - I will share the video here, in one of my posts.

We love yas!

LW & Liz :hug:
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