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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Hank F. Spankman

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I never thought I would enjoy vaping "fancy" 4mm coils. I was wrong. Yeah, I know they're ugly. Don't care lol awesome vape still


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Just popping in to cool off, eat some cashews for lunch and grab some cold water, then it's back out to the slave pit of hell, also called my backyard. Picnic table is built. 2x10's are heavy, patio tables are sanded and painted. Awning is assembled but not installed. Still have to tear out the patio, but may wait for it to cool down some. It is damn near 90 out there right now and the sun is directly overhead.

Kevin H.

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Member For 4 Years
Afternoon everybody :). 87*F and muggy again in CT. Trip to the bank, then to the store for pool supplies, then pickup some cheap frozen drinks:cheers:, and then some burgers and stuff for the grill tonight:p. Found a $100.00, 5000 BTU A/C for my new "sleeping" quarters:teehee:......Just didn't have enough room in the car to put like I'll be headed out a bit later to pick one up :wait:. Wife went out to Wallymart, so I got a few minutes for myself :bliss:.


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HiYa Huck my dear friend is paint here on the forum? Is kitty getting any better Sending get well (((HUGS))) for Kitty
Jimi, paint is a Windows Accessory. You should have it, if you're on a Windows computer. Click the start button, then "all programs", the "accessories" and you should see it listed there.
Good morning Huck
Hey Huck!
Hi Pete and Vapin! :hug:


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Goodafternoon yall Got out @11 hours today.
Time for a drink and then gonna mow the yard. Gonna work 10-12 hour shifts tomorrow-Wednesday then I'm off Thursday

sent from a dumb operated smartphone
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