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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Big haul from my local B&M! Very happy to get all this juice for $

Kevin H.

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good evening to any and all still up here in the Corner! Hope everybody had a great holiday weekend. Hey @Boattlebot , good luck with the job prospect, with selling your car and with getting your bike up and running!! Everything is gonna fall into place for you, I know it will.
Good evening Cave :). Gonna try to head to bed and get a couple of ZZZZZ's before the morning. G'night.


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Because it was always a side thing, kind of a hobby that I was good at and really enjoyed. Since it has been my main gig for the past 4 years, it has become a job. I want to continue doing it, but not because I have to but because I want to. I want to go back to doing it on my terms.
Fair enough. Altho, if you come up here, bring your gear with you :) like i said, need more ink


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Hi Cave I am doing pretty good tired but good, how are you doing? and where have you been?
I've been job hunting, working in the yard and house....I had no idea unemployment would be so much work, lol! With all of the rain we've had everything is growing like weeds, ESPECIALLY the weeds. Getting rid of invasive plantings like Morning Glory and Mint... both have creeped under concrete sidewalks and are growing where they shouldn't. Learning as I go Jimi! I'm glad you're feeling good, make sure you get enough rest though. Gotta keep that good streak going Jimi!!


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I made Pineapple, Juicy Peach, Sweet tarts, Gummy Worms and Taste the Rainbow. All at 7%...seems to be my sweet spot. Will see after it steeps a few days. I am looking for a good grape/Apple recipe now. Want to make that tonight.

Sent from a pay phone
Another good one is HIC's Purple Cow. Haven't vaped it in a month or so, but it's heavenly. I use a different grape than FA Concord Grape as I'm not partial to the floral flavor of that one, but wellwe worth a mix. Hope you'll like it as much as I do

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Things are good Jimi, or at least I'm gonna make it good, lol! Did you have a good holiday weekend? Mine was quiet but really nice and weather cooperated by staying beautiful. Hope you're feeling good Jimi and all is well with you. :hug:
Yes I had a restful weekend worked in the garden a little, nothing hard and feeling pretty good too. So how are feeling, did you do anything fun over the weekend? Having any luck on the job front? I sure hope so. something good will come along soon.


a touch oɟɟ
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A couple low ball offers, we figure we have all summer to list it for better offers close to our asking price:)
Summer vacation dreamers make a great market.

As a side note, it seems dip shit's inability to follow instructions, or restrain himself, has cost me over 100 posts with the disappearance of the MTL thread.
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