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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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I am very much

Stay away from flash (that is the stuff on the wall at the local shop). People never think of this; your tattoo artist has probably don that tattoo more times than he cares to remember. It is also probably something he learned on. It is boring. We are in that chair just as long as you are and it can be tedious inking your eighth Tasmanian Devil that We like variety as much as you! If you let your artist go, you usually get the best results. Give some artistic license to the artist and you will reap the rewards.
MiNe wasent off the wall. My dads was. I literaly just took a picture of my dads tattoo and brought it to my artist. Iit may have been a common one in the 80s but ive only ever seen two. The one on my dads arm, and mine.


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Worn out from helping momma do chores. Screw horses. They are all assholes
see y'all tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow will go well for me and i won't have to deal with the shit.

sent from a dumb operated smartphone

Kevin H.

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Member For 4 Years
It's my anniversary today :slowclap:. 17 years :rolleyes:. There's some good to it.....but also bad with it. The good part of it, is my son:). The bad.....Well....Too much to get into. I hate how I feel a lot of days, and wish that things are better. That being said, no "Happy Anniversaries" are needed/wanted, and I'll just pretend like it's a regular day for me. Don't feel bad for me, as I know that there are a lot of people that have to deal with worse shit. Just needed to say it, and hopefully, get the stuff that brings me down ....out of my head......At least for today. Sorry to dump this here on y'all. OK.......Back to your regularly scheduled program. I'll be OK;).
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