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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Did it again. Put 2 pounds rasins in sun tea jar. Covered with water. Add bread yeast. Covered with cloth. Dropped on floor. Threw out door. Went to store. Bought grape juice. Added 1.5 cups 210 proof Everclear. Poof biker wine.
Send a few jugs my way. Gunna need it tomorrow. Went out to cover the bike and smelled gass and noticed a small wet spot :gaah: fliped my petcocks off and ill investigste more tomorrow. Along with figureing out an electrical bug and i want to replace the rest if the exhaust studs with new ones along with new bolts and the list just keeps fucking growing.... why couldent i be rich so i coukd just get a harley and be done?

So on thst bombshell goodnight!


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ECF Refugee
HiYa celtic my friend where have you been? your tomatoes getting red yet?
Not yet! I'll take a pic tomorrow and show you my pretty little green babies. I estimate that they are about the size of a golf ball.

I've been busier than a one legged me in an ass kicking contest. Taking my carless neighbors to the store or to pay bills, helping out another neighbor by doing odd things around her house and mowing her lawn, Doing yard work and such here. Now if I was only getting paid for all this work, we'd be in business. ;)

PS and by yardwork here I mean cleaning up the trailer trash that was left by the druggie neighbors (all on one property). It seriously looked like a trailer park, and I don't mean the nice ones that might be for old folks, I mean the m*** and c***k infested run down trashy redneck from hell trailer park. Trash and junk everywhere. Not to mention the weeds and kudzu taking over everything.


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ECF Refugee
Whats this Soy is bad for you crap? I went with a Bro to Sam's club a while back & bought 2 boxes of what I thought were Hamburger patties. 32 in all. When the Tequila wore off I saw the damn things were soy burgers. Cooked one & liked it. They might kill my old ass but I won't die hungry. :cool:
You will die with estrogen grown boobs, and estrogen shrunken junk.

But you will die with a helluva rack.


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Good morning Itsme & Kev!!


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Liz says hello... so do I. I'm very sorry about the long absence, but we've been busy beavers.

The double-entendre of the last word in the previous sentence takes Liz and I back to the Sickie Seventies.

Has anyone seen the most recent Schick razor commercial with the three bikini-clad ladies using their razors to trim little trees in a location proximate to their genitalia?

Liz dislikes the commercial.

I think it's just more subjugative, sexist fodder for the masses watching TV. :crazy:

I use a Schick Hydra 5-blade to shave my head, and face.

The Schick razor for the ladies costs $5 more than mine; same thing for the replacement blades.

Someone oughtta call Gloria Steinem. Hopefully, she's still with us.

Good day to all. :wave:

LW & Liz :hug:

Good early morning from Liz and I. We're off to a meeting; then, shopping and other 'stuff.'

May everyone have a peaceful, serene day. It's Thursday!

LW & Liz :hug:


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Okay, solved that issue pretty quick. Sold shop internals minus the new TV to a friend. He'll have it cleared out by Saturday. I work appointment only so won't be a big deal not having the shop. Just don't want it right now. I can always set up again if I want.


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It's done. Chad just stopped by, paid for the furnishings and autoclave, needles and supplies. I'm going to pick up the TV later on today. Paid the last month of rent and terminated my lease. Just have to stop by the landlords office and sign the papers when I go to get my personal stuff from the shop. I even sold the flash, never really used it. I kept a few things but not much. I'm not a pack rat with anything but DNA mods, apparently. I don't attach to much, but the things I do attach to tend to be large and unwieldy. Like bikes and cars. Haha


Gold Contributor
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Dilemma. My sister is flying to NY next month to visit our parents. She asked for a recommendation on a DNA mod with a lipo. She also doesnt want to spend money like I do on mods. She wants affordable. I said DNA and affordable aren't really allowed in the same sentence. She won't let me get her one. She won't take one of mine. Any ideas who has a good deal in a DNA 75 or 200? Thanks.


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Problem is, I know nothing about them and if I go in blind I'll end up with something terrible. Lol. No shiny. Black and matte for me.


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The only soy veggie stuff I eat is my breakfast sausage. All my burgers and patties are pea protein. I actually eat very little soy.
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