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Whiskey's Corner#3

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No luck and it's getting worse. He's a national missing person now. He actually called and he's had no insulin or food for two days. He says he can't see so he's probably going into a diabetic coma. My gut is twisted. He won't tell me where he is. I would bring him insulin and food I told him. He's not willing to back to treatment either at this point. He said he's going to jump in front of a bus and I believe he will do it. Hope the cops get to him. I as in Jersey for hours with no luck. I know approximately where he is. I'll keep trying. TTYL


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No luck and it's getting worse. He's a national missing person now. He actually called and he's had no insulin or food for two days. He says he can't see so he's probably going into a diabetic coma. My gut is twisted. He won't tell me where he is. I would bring him insulin and food I told him. He's not willing to back to treatment either at this point. He said he's going to jump in front of a bus and I believe he will do it. Hope the cops get to him. I as in Jersey for hours with no luck. I know approximately where he is. I'll keep trying. TTYL
My heart is breaking for you Breazy:( Hope you find him


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Very quiet for me, I was enjoying the outside until the rain hit. I read cold weather and possible snow is coming your way. We are going to see the 40's here tomorrow. Winter is coming fast.


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Whiskey, I just filled the bowls for my dogs with a new Blue Buffalo dry mix, Wilderness Rocky Mountain, they are munching away, it's a winner. I like feeding them a varied diet. They are happy, all is good.
I'm having a couple of burgers on the grill for me.


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No luck and it's getting worse. He's a national missing person now. He actually called and he's had no insulin or food for two days. He says he can't see so he's probably going into a diabetic coma. My gut is twisted. He won't tell me where he is. I would bring him insulin and food I told him. He's not willing to back to treatment either at this point. He said he's going to jump in front of a bus and I believe he will do it. Hope the cops get to him. I as in Jersey for hours with no luck. I know approximately where he is. I'll keep trying. TTYL
My dear friend. I choose my words damn carefully sometimes. You can't fix this. Some things are out of our power no matter how bad we want to change them. I been thru shit I just can't talk about. You can stand and say you did your best. When the cards hit the table that's the hand each of us is dealt. That's all I got.


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Really? have they cracked the secret for kanthal temp control? What is the magic? (Why am I always the last kid on the block to know? :sad:)

From what I understand, the iPV 6X - like iPV 5 before it - has a parameter called 'Manual TCR' - you can adjust it by temperature, and an offset gradient from 0.00050 to 0.00700 - it can adjust (with limits for Kanthal) temperature in that manual mode for all current coil wire used. The regular settings are for Ni200, SS316, Ti101, and SX PURE (a tank mod made by pioneer4you). With 'SX PURE' selected when using a SMOK TFV4, or Uwell Crown/Crown II - it only works at a max setting of 40 Watts...

For the box mod's final parameter, you have 'Manual TCR.'

Bedeah-bedeah-bedeah-bedeah-bedeah that's all, folks! :giggle:

LW & Liz :hug:


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I suddenly don't have a good feeling about tonight. It may have something to do with the blood red sky..


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Liz and I send our prayers and best wishes to @Breazy_Com, and his son Sal. If anyone in this thread lives between NYC and NJ, and hear about/see this poor fella, give @Breazy_Com a PM.

Addiction is a disease - not the stereotypical responses from people, like:

"S***, we need to get away from this neighborhood. Nothing but ****** panhandlers, and gang-bangers here..."

"Excuse me. Do you have a dollar? I need to get something to eat."

"Get lost, @$$hole..."


"I'll bring you something from McDonalds. Wait here. I'll be right back."

Sometimes, they wait. Oftentimes, they don't.

It's a disease. Period.

For Sal, and the millions like him in this country, we need to show compassion. These unfortunate souls need not be ostracized, at all.

They need help. Ours, if we can.

This is from people who work our twelve steps; who, live our lives one day at a time.

Sometimes, under stress, mere minutes at a time.

Everyone here send prayers and positivity to @Breazy_Com, and his son, Sal.

With love and Grace -

LW & Liz :hug:


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That's just a point of view in the sky. Or Bad Taco Bell. I feel it too. Ordered some Mesquite Jerky seasoning about 3 minutes ago. Enough for 6 pounds. Fall is the time I make Jerky. :cool:


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Liz and I send our prayers and best wishes to @Breazy_Com, and his son Sal. If anyone in this thread lives between NYC and NJ, and hear about/see this poor fella, give @Breazy_Com a PM.

Addiction is a disease - not the stereotypical responses from people, like:

"S***, we need to get away from this neighborhood. Nothing but ****** panhandlers, and gang-bangers here..."

"Excuse me. Do you have a dollar? I need to get something to eat."

"Get lost, @$$hole..."


"I'll bring you something from McDonalds. Wait here. I'll be right back."

Sometimes, they wait. Oftentimes, they don't.

It's a disease. Period.

For Sal, and the millions like him in this country, we need to show compassion. These unfortunate souls need not be ostracized, at all.

They need help. Ours, if we can.

This is from people who work our twelve steps; who, live our lives one day at a time.

Sometimes, under stress, mere minutes at a time.

Everyone here send prayers and positivity to @Breazy_Com, and his son, Sal.

With love and Grace -

LW & Liz :hug:
LW I have a pretty good idea what will happen. Seen it before. Not my place to say, just hope I'm wrong. One of the best guitar players I have ever played with took the easy way out. I have missed his skill & laughter for 30 years.


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Got to go get 6 lbs of flank steak. Dusted off the convection oven. It was inherited so go for it. Been told an Idiot can make jerky so it should work.


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LW I have a pretty good idea what will happen. Seen it before. Not my place to say, just hope I'm wrong. One of the best guitar players I have ever played with took the easy way out. I have missed his skill & laughter for 30 years.

I know what you mean. A childhood friend's father took his own life - by parking a 1966 Plymouth Valiant in a one-car garage, door closed. His reason, aside from his alcoholism: folk music had crossed over to Top 40, thanks to Peter, Paul & Mary - and not long after, Bob Dylan.

My friend's father was a folk musician who traveled in the same circles as Pete Seeger and Arlo's father, Woody. He was well-known in my neck-of-the-woods, and even played a folk festival in N. Adams with a young, budding songwriter named James Taylor.

My childhood friend wanted to be a drummer. As luck would have it, I had an older chum who taught me how to play drums. I was already taking guitar and piano lessons - like now, music was flowing through my veins - so, I taught him.

It was then that he answered my unasked question: "Where's your dad?"

He showed me pictures of his father, and even played an album that his father was featured on. It explained why a kid - younger than me, by a year - acted like an old sage. His mother dated - even had one fellow move in with her - but, he wasn't long for leaving because of the insurmountable baggage that she carried.

My friend was her only child. He had some of the most raunchy, hilarious comedians of that time on LPs.

In turn, he cracked all of us up, too. He analyzed life like a man of fifty. He was great to play music with. We stuck a mic in front of him not for singing (he couldn't) - but, for commentary:

One time: "See that girl over there?" We all answered 'yeah,' and he said: "She can't be Catholic - there's no panty lines."

He was funnier than many. That gig just happened to be at a Catholic Junior High School mixer (BEFORE THE ADVENT OF CO-ED CATHOLIC SCHOOL). Even the Priest laughed, before he came to me and said: "Tell your drummer to be careful. The Monsignor is coming to the mixer. Okay?"

I replied, "Yes, Father."

In one year, he became the hottest drummer in our area (he was twelve).

We gigged through high school. Those were the days...

Pray for @Breazy_Com's son, and I'm out. Liz is getting hungry... since it's getting late, leftovers are looking pretty good -

LW & Liz :hug:


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Made it to costco. Bear hot heavy and runnin dark. Good thing I listen to the bear report I was 15 over while the wind was to my back instead of playing me like a fiddle. Guy ahead that didn't let me on got nabbed tho so karma is a bitch I guess lol. Had Pandora playing the Beatles station the whole way. This wind is insane.
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