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Whiskey's corner

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I am so about ready to put my cat in a pillow case and sink it in the swimming pool.
I know you jest and love this kitteh to pieces.
He enjoys wandering into a room and announcing he is there.
My girl kitteh does this EVERY evening. MOWWwww MOWWwwww... boy kitteh's ears perk up, then he lays back down. Dog goes nuts at this time of day. It's a ritual now.
Been a grumpy butt past few days and haven't had much to say lol.
SOUL SISTAH!! I do this. We're allowed.
not sure if it is me or the wire is that much different.
BN, I've been wondering this myself. I have one spool from there. Something about it just ain't right, or Temco is that much better. I can't nail it, but I'm glad you brought it up. I've purchased many things from this vendor, the wire being my least fave, but everything else has been top notch.
Let me know in 3 days when you're done with the mini volt and wanna sell it for 10 bucks LMFAO
That ain't gonna happen. Everyone loves their Minivolt, if nothing else, for the novelty of it.

You guys been busy!! Got muh belly full at a bday cookout today.


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I know you jest and love this kitteh to pieces.

My girl kitteh does this EVERY evening. MOWWwww MOWWwwww... boy kitteh's ears perk up, then he lays back down. Dog goes nuts at this time of day. It's a ritual now.

SOUL SISTAH!! I do this. We're allowed.

BN, I've been wondering this myself. I have one spool from there. Something about it just ain't right, or Temco is that much better. I can't nail it, but I'm glad you brought it up. I've purchased many things from this vendor, the wire being my least fave, but everything else has been top notch.

That ain't gonna happen. Everyone loves their Minivolt, if nothing else, for the novelty of it.

You guys been busy!! Got muh belly full at a bday cookout today.

Did you bring me some leftovers?


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I think it would be dumb to try and go to court with any company that has a panel of high paid lawyers just for this kind of purpose. You cant blame a car for a drunk driver. You cant blame a spoon if your a fatty. People shouldnt blame the gun for the mind of a unstable p.o.s. that kills kids and innocent people.
And on that note I'm going to bed. Hope I didn't piss in anyone's sandbox with my opinion.

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


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Stuck at a choice.
I tripped and caught myself and my side is ouching the hell out of me.
Checking my temp, coloring and keeping an eye on my blood pressure.

nothing feels overly fucky besides my ribs and under my ribs.


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If it were me..
I'd try and sleep, maybe ice it. Keep an eye on things that you mentioned and if not better, especially if worse, contact doc in the morning. If you feel worse in the next few hours, and your pain level isn't manageable, then I'd get it checked out. Years ago, one of my cats jumped directly my abdomen right after my hysterectomy. That didn't feel good either. I went from lying flat on my back to sitting straight up in the blink of an eye and screaming, lol. No stitches popped, but felt like hell.


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If it were me..
I'd try and sleep, maybe ice it. Keep an eye on things that you mentioned and if not better, especially if worse, contact doc in the morning. If you feel worse in the next few hours, and your pain level isn't manageable, then I'd get it checked out. Years ago, one of my cats jumped directly my abdomen right after my hysterectomy. That didn't feel good either. I went from lying flat on my back to sitting straight up in the blink of an eye and screaming, lol. No stitches popped, but felt like hell.
the pulled section feels fine. no glue popped the bastards itch like crazy and have all day. The hot long shower got some gas build up released and was actually pretty damned good.
The ribs flat out fucking suck, they have been sucking hard since the surgery, my right collar bone has REALLY sucked.

I ate some and no nausea, that is the tipping point for me. If I projectiled it would mean something internal is fucky.


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the bastards itch like crazy and have all day

my right collar bone has REALLY sucked.
Yep and yep. The itching is normal. Healing. My collar bones and shoulders were the worst parts for me when I was recovering from surgery. Well, the cat jumping on my gut wasn't so pleasant, either. Though I know you don't feel great, yet, I can tell you're doing better. Feeling really good can be deceptive, so don't push yourself TOO much.


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Yep and yep. The itching is normal. Healing. My collar bones and shoulders were the worst parts for me when I was recovering from surgery. Well, the cat jumping on my gut wasn't so pleasant, either. Though I know you don't feel great, yet, I can tell you're doing better. Feeling really good can be deceptive, so don't push yourself TOO much.
I did today, 8 blocks walked.
What REALLY gets me is I can walk about but putting shoes on due to tightness is a no go. Fliflops are order of the day, and since my gut muscles are still spazzy been packing my cane with me in case I get to unsteady.
oh 25lbs weight loss.
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Anyone wanna come fold about a million loads of laundry for me? Why do we need clothes anyway? One day when I'm rich I'll just wear new clothes every day and never do laundry again
Clothing is on my list of banned items when I am master of the universe


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This is what I see a lot of, recently:


I'm guessing one-or-another Firefox security update or one of my add-ons is blocking those.


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clock is running slow.
Tired as fuck and in a far amount of pain, need to set up a follow up with the Dr.
Seriously post trip over the cat it has been an uncomfy night, no temp spike, no yellowing, no vomiting just think it was a tweek of healing spots.
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