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Whiskey's corner

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Im just wiped out from this weekend. Im gunna head to bed early i think. So much driving, little sleep, and enough beer to drown an elephant. But it was worth it. Had a blast with my friend yesterday.

And on that bombshell, goodnight!
Good Night Boat see you tomorrow


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nice diner Pete!!!
On that note have a great night everyone!!!


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I saw Him do it! Smoke was goin' every wich way. Had a smile on his face like he just got laid. Heard a boom & the engine noise stopped. He said, Shit, this one's broke. Laughed like a crazy man. Oh well, Sometimes your the rifle, sometimes the Rabbit. :cool:


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Anybody watching ufc fight night?

sent from a dumb operated smartphone


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mom has her subox which I won for her.. she loves it but hates the tank.. I threw out the protank (fuck building those heads again ever, besides she would outpace the wicking and melt the insulators to hell. Good riddance to fucked up commie design.

Got my LE80 cheap, gunna abuse that a bit and let my sig 150 take a break for a while, it has been my work horse but if I really foul it up I will be up shit creek for devices. \

Reordered from temco just going to a side by side to what is left of my lv wire. it just tastes off. not sure if it is me or the wire is that much different.

Not heard anything from HG other than they are forwarding it up that was thursday.
Caravan still has not gotten my win to me but notified me two weeks ago that I won.


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I am so about ready to put my cat in a pillow case and sink it in the swimming pool.
I love him dearly but his non stop yeollowing has got me to my breaking point, I know he loves me and he misses/missed me but argh.
I just yelled at him and he shut up and has been blissfully silent for 10 minutes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am so about ready to put my cat in a pillow case and sink it in the swimming pool.
I love him dearly but his non stop yeollowing has got me to my breaking point, I know he loves me and he misses/missed me but argh.
I just yelled at him and he shut up and has been blissfully silent for 10 minutes.
Tell Him My story about the Cell Phone & the Fish Tank. :cool:


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Tech Tip/ Old Women carry Bricks in their purse. If they manage to hit you. Your goin' down. :p
OK so many moons ago when I thought bullets, blades and bitches would not slow me down I had kind of a save a dude complex.
So picking my gf up downtown when I hear a woman yell fire. Now that you know ladies yell fire not help or rape but fire!!
Drunk bitches scream rape and help all the time so that gets them ignored.

I look up and see a greasy long hair shaggging ass away from an older lady yelling fire while whalloping the bejesus out of him as he attempts to flee with her giant old lady purse. I could hear the impact across the street and knew the old gal was packing some serious weight in there.
When she said he tried to cut her husbands throat for his wallet I was off like a shot...

Long story short, I will shoot a greasy bastard if he is armed now, or run him over.

Btw her purse was an easy 35lbs. She would thor purse him and on her back swing the husband would cannon a few awesome shots into the scumbag's jaw. got about 15 punches in him before he hauled ass away.
I got ahold of him and tripped him while he was stripping off his shirt and he power slide bare chested a good 10-15 feet on the sidewalk.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Man's theory of Women. Their smaller, Must be weaker. Wrong answer, after carrying a Purse 40 + years, She can Punch your ass out. Women's theory of Man. If you don't fuck up too much I just might keep you. :cool:


Diamond Contributor
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There are two kinds of Ainamils here, The kind that behave, & the kind that didn't. I feed the ones that behave, I rub spices on the ones that don't. :cool:


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
There are two kinds of Ainamils here, The kind that behave, & the kind that didn't. I feed the ones that behave, I rub spices on the ones that don't. :cool:
I think he is seriously lonely, next weekend we are going to go adopt one that chooses mom. He does not really deal with mom other than to get goodies.


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So I just put dual 28gax2 wrapped in 34ga fused claptons in a new tobeco turbine I picked up. Holy crap
I twisted a single piece double over 28 kanthal. Then doubled it over again and went the opposite way.
Dropped some 24 in a parallel.. meh but foggy.
Might rethink this twist and do double parallel and see how it is without the 24ga.


Bronze Contributor
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I think he is seriously lonely, next weekend we are going to go adopt one that chooses mom. He does not really deal with mom other than to get goodies.
Animals make noise for a lot of reasons and when there's folks around, lonely ain't one of 'em... Sometimes, not always but sometimes there's a problem or they're hurt. When they're ailing they make noise and bitch about it just like people do. Sometimes folks don't notice cause it's not obvious. Just sayin'


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Animals make noise for a lot of reasons and when there's folks around, lonely ain't one of 'em... Sometimes, not always but sometimes there's a problem or they're hurt. When they're ailing they make noise and bitch about it just like people do. Sometimes folks don't notice cause it's not obvious. Just sayin'
Nah he is a chatter box, always has been, been catching him staring at himself in the mirror in the hallway getting super vocal and loud.
He enjoys wandering into a room and announcing he is there.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Tech Tip/ Old Women carry Bricks in their purse. If they manage to hit you. Your goin' down. :p

No bricks in this old bag's bag, but with two mods, a water bottle, a huge fucking wallet and usually a paperback, I could definitely do some damage with my purse. :D It's on a shoulder strap too, so I could really wind it up. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
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Nah he is a chatter box, always has been, been catching him staring at himself in the mirror in the hallway getting super vocal and loud.
He enjoys wandering into a room and announcing he is there.

Is he a siamese? I've heard they talk a LOT. Our Tuxie is just a little squeaker -- she talks to me a lot more than to my husband, who is annoyed about that; I told him it's a girl thang. :D



Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Is he a siamese? I've heard they talk a LOT. Our Tuxie is just a little squeaker -- she talks to me a lot more than to my husband, who is annoyed about that; I told him it's a girl thang. :D

his mom was a tortie manx, his liter mate that passed 2 years ago chirped a ton and carried on conversations.
Just in the last few months pup has gone on super yeowling mode, only in the bathroom where it echos and in the living room with the vaulted ceilings. Now he is just walking in the room we are in and starts until we acknowledge him then he walks off.

A couple weeks ago we had to do some major move stuff around and that fucked his world up like no other, no idea why but it messed with his kitteh brain.
My hospital visit screwed him up further, he sleeps near my feet on my bed or rides my hip and or shoulder.. he is just now starting to get back to being able to do that. The tummy pillow has him all sorts of fucked up also, oh it fucks him up.


Bronze Contributor
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Nah he is a chatter box, always has been, been catching him staring at himself in the mirror in the hallway getting super vocal and loud. He enjoys wandering into a room and announcing he is there.
Fair enough (just tryin' to help). You know.. they get older, shit happens. Better safe than sorry. They're like family, hell, some are better than family...

... Got my LE80 cheap, gunna abuse that a bit and let my sig 150 take a break for a while, it has been my work horse but if I really foul it up I will be up shit creek for devices...
Don't see to many LE80's around. They're great mods. Don't abuse it too bad cause you might end-up liking it more than that Sig. :) Nice as the Sig's are... still.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
his mom was a tortie manx, his liter mate that passed 2 years ago chirped a ton and carried on conversations.
Just in the last few months pup has gone on super yeowling mode, only in the bathroom where it echos and in the living room with the vaulted ceilings. Now he is just walking in the room we are in and starts until we acknowledge him then he walks off.

A couple weeks ago we had to do some major move stuff around and that fucked his world up like no other, no idea why but it messed with his kitteh brain.
My hospital visit screwed him up further, he sleeps near my feet on my bed or rides my hip and or shoulder.. he is just now starting to get back to being able to do that. The tummy pillow has him all sorts of fucked up also, oh it fucks him up.

Post a pic! I wanna see him! I love kittehs -- I've been fiercely allergic my whole life, but now finally with 24-hr zyrtec, we can have a cat!! YAY!!!



Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Post a pic! I wanna see him! I love kittehs -- I've been fiercely allergic my whole life, but now finally with 24-hr zyrtec, we can have a cat!! YAY!!!

I will post the old trio pic.
We are the firm belief abu the first who passed at 14 helped heal mom's masectomy scars. He went super stubborn and lay down her breast bone between the surgery sites and purred. he was just not right after that.

Pugs made it 2 more years and took over abu's purrr healing job duties. He had on of the best personalities and personality quirks I have ever seen in a cat.

Puppy is just football helmet short bus even for a cat.

Thinking of doing a maine **** rescue or kitten and making sure it bonds with mom.


Diamond Contributor
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@BigNasty, you are correct. The fresh spinach scare five years ago was due to human waste in the rows of growing spinach.

The workers in the produce farms are paid in 'piecework,' much like the sharecroppers during the 1920s and '30s were.

You harvest more fields - you make more money. To be fair, people from these countries (which, out of respect, I need not name) are different culturally than Americans. They work; then, to save time - they relieve themselves in the fields.

In their countries, they do not have stringent regulations like our United States Department of Agriculture has enforced; or, more recently - TRIED to enforce.

We Americans, in our pursuit to pay LESS for our food at the grocery store - create the very SYSTEM that the e.coli and salmonella come from, while allowing corporate greed to pay low wages to people who work in fast food - that's the crux of the biscuit.

You and I have both worked in food service, @BigNasty (I've ran and owned restaurants). As an American working for any fast food restaurant with paltry wage earnings, do you think that they really care about the food they make? Bathroom habits notwithstanding?

Those workers in the fields are just starting out in their American experience. I come from people who emigrated from Italy, to become US citizens - as my grandfather would say in broken English: "The land of the round doorknobs."

We all need to talk about these things - without rhetoric that is not permitted in this thread.

It's just a need to return to sound moral values. I'm finished now. (finally!)

LW & Liz :):):):)

LW&Liz, Sue and I hope you are doing well. Take care my friend.
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