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Whiskey's corner

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Yeah, whiskey i should also apoligize for getting the argument started. In hindsight shoulda just left it at wow my cars loud and it gave me a headache.
My bad
Thanks for that Boat, maybe would have been best, but here we all are allowed to post what we want, but also comment how we want on what gets posted


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Whoot! Tomorrows going to be a good Vape Mail day for me, new unicorn bottles, a few juices, wire, cotton and my mini volt!

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Let me know in 3 days when you're done with the mini volt and wanna sell it for 10 bucks LMFAO

Hank F. Spankman

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FT can kiss my hiney, still waiting on that damned battery charge:mad:


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so went to the health club with mom today, I normally hit the steam room but that is out for a few more weeks.
So I abused the shower, the last stall at the end is over sized, the shower head is put at almost 7' up so it is perfect and one of those handheld options.
First time I have felt clean in a week, not that I have not showered just have to play a fucked up game is disabled twister and bend how I cannot currently bend. Plus they have this kick ass pineapple scented pina colada body wash.
Kinda cool here today, so got my hospital issued grippy socks in the dryer along with sweats and shorts. Kinda in the mood to bundle down and get some zzzs.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so went to the health club with mom today, I normally hit the steam room but that is out for a few more weeks.
So I abused the shower, the last stall at the end is over sized, the shower head is put at almost 7' up so it is perfect and one of those handheld options.
First time I have felt clean in a week, not that I have not showered just have to play a fucked up game is disabled twister and bend how I cannot currently bend. Plus they have this kick ass pineapple scented pina colada body wash.
Kinda cool here today, so got my hospital issued grippy socks in the dryer along with sweats and shorts. Kinda in the mood to bundle down and get some zzzs.
There ya go:)


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Weird thing happened with one of my mods today. First off, tragedy struck when my purse fell off a kitchen counter at my mom's house, breaking both driptips of the two mods I had in my purse. As if that wasn't bad enough (if I hadn't had angled adapters under both of those tips, it would have been a very tense 45 min ride home!), one of the mods seemed disinclined to work again -- a kbox mini. I could hear the battery (flat-top, Samsung 25R) rattling around inside, kinda loose -- which never happened before. Now I'm home, got the battery out, it's charging, and I put a diff battery in it, this one a button top, to see if I could get the mod to work -- at first, it didn't seem that it would; the battery fit, but none of the buttons would respond. So, I plugged a USB into its USB port, and HELLO! it came alive, showing the battery nearly charged, just flashing one square. I don't know yet if it'll still be responsive, once the charging is done. Any ideas on what could have happened to it? It was only $23 at VaporBeast, so if I have to replace it, I will, but I'm curious.



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Weird thing happened with one of my mods today. First off, tragedy struck when my purse fell off a kitchen counter at my mom's house, breaking both driptips of the two mods I had in my purse. As if that wasn't bad enough (if I hadn't had angled adapters under both of those tips, it would have been a very tense 45 min ride home!), one of the mods seemed disinclined to work again -- a kbox mini. I could hear the (flat-top, Samsung 25R) rattling around inside, kinda loose -- which never happened before. Now I'm home, got the battery out, it's charging, and I put a diff battery in it, this one a button top, to see if I could get the mod to work -- at first, it didn't seem that it would; the battery fit, but none of the buttons would respond. So, I plugged a USB into its USB port, and HELLO! it came alive, showing the battery nearly charged, just flashing one square. I don't know yet if it'll still be responsive, once the charging is done. Any ideas on what could have happened to it? It was only $23 at VaporBeast, so if I have to replace it, I will, but I'm curious.

With the battery out dose anything rattle in the mod?


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With the battery out dose anything rattle in the mod?

No, it just seemed that the channel for the battery had become longer than it was previously, like one of the posts got pushed in or something like that. The button-top fits it though.



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No, it just seemed that the channel for the battery had become longer than it was previously, like one of the posts got pushed in or something like that. The button-top fits it though.

Conector might have been pushed in or the tray got distorted. If it was mine id probably disasemble the mod and make shure nothing was broken inside and go from their.


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I have a small hard case I keep in my purse for my mods, I always have 2 with me.

I should probably get something like that; I am DAMN tired of breaking drip tips! I prefer acrylics, which are a little more hardy than glass or ceramic, but if they hit the floor hard enough, they WILL break.



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I've been a passenger in cars that drove faster than that on the autobahn. Difference being the autobahn was designed and is maintained with those speeds in mind and German drivers are, lets face it, better, more competent drivers than the average U.S. driver. (In all the time I was in Europe, I could count on one hand the number of times I ever saw a driver camped-out in the left lane, and have fingers left over.) Furthermore: German drivers expect other vehicles might be going that fast. Lastly: The cars I was in were designed with such driving in mind. I would never dream of driving most cars I've owned in the U.S. at those speeds--even if they could have done it.

Driving at those kinds of speeds, here in the U.S., in the average American motor vehicle, is, IMO, the height of irresponsibility.

And that's all I'll say on the subject, as I know Whiskey does not appreciate contention in her Corner.
Germans have to take extensive drivers training before they can get a license and it's not cheap. I was fortunate that I had extensive driver training and racing training so in Germany I was in heaven driving there.

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Conector might have been pushed in or the tray got distorted. If it was mine id probably disasemble the mod and make shure nothing was broken inside and go from their.

I really wouldn't have any idea of how to go about disassembling it, or knowing if anything looked wrong, even if I got it apart.

I'm considering replacing it with a Sigelei mini (30w) instead of another kbox mini; the kbox has the 510 post that can be pushed down, and the sigelei says it has a spring-loaded 510 post -- which I nearly always prefer.



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I really wouldn't have any idea of how to go about disassembling it, or knowing if anything looked wrong, even if I got it apart.

I'm considering replacing it with a Sigelei mini (30w) instead of another kbox mini; the kbox has the 510 post that can be pushed down, and the sigelei says it has a spring-loaded 510 post -- which I nearly always prefer.

I have had a Sigelei Mini 30 for 2.5 years, love it, always works, perfect size, solid. :)


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Germans have to take extensive drivers training before they can get a license and it's not cheap. I was fortunate that I had extensive driver training and racing training so in Germany I was in heaven driving there.

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One day. One day i will drive the nurburgring.

Ive driven a few smaller road courses but the ring is my ultimate goal. As long as i have a car up to the task (or atleast get my hands on something good). One day......


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I have had a Sigelei Mini 30 for 2.5 years, love it, always works, perfect size, solid. :)

Still a consideration, but actually I think I'd probably go for a black iPV Mini; got a blue one for xmas and I just LOVE it, and I found a black one just now for $19.99, even cheaper than another kbox mini

It finished charging, and as I feared, once I disconnected it, it went back to playing possum. I took the battery out and gave it a shake, and it's hard to hear, but yeah, there's a slight rattle inside it now, so I guess some contact inside it broke. Damn it all, I've only had it about 3 months. :mad:



Diamond Contributor
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Still a consideration, but actually I think I'd probably go for a black iPV Mini; got a blue one for xmas and I just LOVE it, and I found a black one just now for $19.99, even cheaper than another kbox mini

It finished charging, and as I feared, once I disconnected it, it went back to playing possum. I took the battery out and gave it a shake, and it's hard to hear, but yeah, there's a slight rattle inside it now, so I guess some contact inside it broke. Damn it all, I've only had it about 3 months. :mad:

19.99, How could you go wrong, great price. You have my vote. :D


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19.99, How could you go wrong, great price. You have my vote. :D
Wrong? Lol
Cheap mods are cheap quality... to me they are a waste of money..keep having to replace them because they're cheap and don't last a good quality mod and be done..some of mine are over 2yrs old and still perform like the day I got them...but paid $100+ for them too..I guess making the old saying you get what you pay for ring true, well most of the time anyway, lololo

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And most of all I appreciated the last comment you made, for that especially, thank you!!
Whiskey I apologize too I think something I posted got it all started. I sure didn't know the reaction would be that way. I felt so bad I had to take a break for awhile.


Diamond Contributor
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Wrong? Lol
Cheap mods are cheap quality... to me they are a waste of money..keep having to replace them because they're cheap and don't last a good quality mod and be done..some of mine are over 2yrs old and still perform like the day I got them...but paid $100+ for them too..I guess making the old saying you get what you pay for ring true, well most of the time anyway, lololo

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Paid $30 for my Sigelei Mini 30W. It's 2 and half years old and yes I do use it every day. So if you drop any of them hard enough, they all do the same thing, they break.


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Wrong? Lol
Cheap mods are cheap quality... to me they are a waste of money..keep having to replace them because they're cheap and don't last a good quality mod and be done..some of mine are over 2yrs old and still perform like the day I got them...but paid $100+ for them too..I guess making the old saying you get what you pay for ring true, well most of the time anyway, lololo

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

I won't pay that much for a mod, just because I'm clumsy and accident prone (also I just can't, can't afford it) -- breaking a $23 mod doesn't break my heart, but breaking a $100 mod definitely would.

The iPV Mini is a terrific mod; great shape, size, weight, heft; takes external battery. My blue one has become my favorite.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I have an IPV mini, They rock

Absolutely agree! And I love that wrap, it's almost a UGA wrap, with those colors! :)

Here's mine, and the now-defunct kbox mini... and the 2 driptips I broke today. I'm more pissed about the driptips than the mod; breaking the mod gives me a good excuse to get another iPV Mini. ;) But tomorrow I'll have to go up to the local shop and replace those driptips; they're closed on Sundays, we discovered when we went by on the way home.


I had to use the angled-adapters as temporary driptips on the ride home -- thank goodness I had my red CF4 with me, to take the place of the kbox.



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Im just wiped out from this weekend. Im gunna head to bed early i think. So much driving, little sleep, and enough beer to drown an elephant. But it was worth it. Had a blast with my friend yesterday.

And on that bombshell, goodnight!


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Hey there, good evening:)
I had to learn to cook because my gf can't cook

And thanks @Whiskey. About to take em up and nom out

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I can cook, but due to my current situation I just don't really get the opportunity (roommates taking control of the kitchen and me not wanting to deal with them). My favorite is Pasta Primavera or Fried Rice. I can also barbeque a mean chicken thigh. Hopefully moving soon (to a much more comfortable climate) and then I'll be able to have my way on the cooking front.

I've taken 3 cooking classes, though the ones I took as Electives in school the ladies had me washing dishes, which I didn't complain about, I mean do dishes eat good food, not a bad deal.


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Was just gonna edit the first post about food but what the hell. They sizzled real good

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That's what I had been planning for dinner tonight, but last night my mom popped for CaptainD's, so I figure we're at quota for fried food right now :D -- so I went with BBQ chicken instead.

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