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Whiskey's corner

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Diamond Contributor
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You ever have a vape day where nothing seems to be working right? Yeah that's been the entire last week for me. Hopefully can get it all sorted out today UGH
More than I admit.
Actually had so many bad coiling days most of my 100' spool is trashed. Glad I ordered more thur. from TEMCo which is going to be delivered today with my get well gift to myself.

Been playing with some twisted ideas, Did a nice 28 ga test bit and now looking forward to stalking the mail slug.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good morning always! Sorry to hear you're having problems with your vape, any idea what's going on with it?

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Nothing major, just been fighting with everything for the most part. MVP thing is basically a brick, won't read any of my tanks. Had several burnt coils (my fault I know, just irritating when it happens) and dumped several tankfuls of juice before I got the Griffin to even half ass work. And that one will likely get sold now, just too much tank for me lol


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Nothing major, just been fighting with everything for the most part. MVP thing is basically a brick, won't read any of my tanks. Had several burnt coils (my fault I know, just irritating when it happens) and dumped several tankfuls of juice before I got the Griffin to even half ass work. And that one will likely get sold now, just too much tank for me lol
Clean the contact, lift it slightly.
MVP as damned good for what they are.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah have done all that. It is finally reading the subtank (not my favorite of tanks but it works better for the harsher juices for me) so there's that. I usually keep certain tanks "married" with certain mods so I just need to figure out how to rearrange them.


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I do too, but that doesn't detract from the gigantic pile of suckage that is Monday lol

I guess my perspective is different -- as a housewife, Monday is the day I get the house to myself again. :D Just me and my cat. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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it is actually quiet as hell around here for a change.
Or I am just too freaking wiped out tired that I do not hear it.

I like quiet -- when our son was little, everytime he and his dad would leave the house, I'd go around turning off radios and TVs that no one was listening to or watching anyway. If the TV/radio is on and no one is actually watching/listening, I consider that "extraneous noise," and I hate it!

In the quiet, I can hear when the mail truck comes up the road -- "vroom - pause - vroom - pause - vroom - pause".. :D



Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I like quiet -- when our son was little, everytime he and his dad would leave the house, I'd go around turning off radios and TVs that no one was listening to or watching anyway. If the TV/radio is on and no one is actually watching/listening, I consider that "extraneous noise," and I hate it!

In the quiet, I can hear when the mail truck comes up the road -- "vroom - pause - vroom - pause - vroom - pause".. :D

Well normally hear the neighbors or something going on, this morning just hearing a red tailed hawk and what sounds like hawklings pitching a bitch.
The hum is deadened due to the new hate chicken they put in.

Been looking forward to getting some good ole southern bible belt chicken and this gallbladder shit hits and I cannot eat it.


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Good morning, Corner Folk :).

Liz and I both have doctor appointments (at the same medical center, thank goodness) at 2 and 3 pm.

Gallstones. According to my recent MRI, I've got a 'lucky' seven - three of which, are larger than golf balls.

I guess that explains why my right upper stomach protrudes further out than my left, and the occasional visits from our friend 'Ralph.'

I'm a tough nut, though. Even though I have a prescription for pain, I'd rather ride the storm out, than suffer the digestive OIC.

I haven't had to refill that prescription in months. After my 'wild' days up into my forties, and I became disabled - the lack of finances put a brake on my bad habits.

That was the beginning of the end for my substance abuse. With help from fellow musicians who had traveled the same road, and sheer will, determination and my Higher Power's Grace - there go I.

One day at a time. Yet, with psychiatric and therapeutic help, I've had to relearn my coping skills.

Kidney stones notwithstanding (chuckle). I've got another appointment for that coming up, to reschedule my surgery.

I will address that today with my primary care doctor, as the urologist I've been seeing is Mr. Assembly-Line medicine, at its finest.

The weather is becoming problematic - so, with Liz's help, I must get ready. ;)

LW & Liz :):)

I hope you both have a successful Dr. Appt. Praying for you guys


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Good morning, Corner Folk :).

Liz and I both have doctor appointments (at the same medical center, thank goodness) at 2 and 3 pm.

Gallstones. According to my recent MRI, I've got a 'lucky' seven - three of which, are larger than golf balls.

I guess that explains why my right upper stomach protrudes further out than my left, and the occasional visits from our friend 'Ralph.'

I'm a tough nut, though. Even though I have a prescription for pain, I'd rather ride the storm out, than suffer the digestive OIC.

I haven't had to refill that prescription in months. After my 'wild' days up into my forties, and I became disabled - the lack of finances put a brake on my bad habits.

That was the beginning of the end for my substance abuse. With help from fellow musicians who had traveled the same road, and sheer will, determination and my Higher Power's Grace - there go I.

One day at a time. Yet, with psychiatric and therapeutic help, I've had to relearn my coping skills.

Kidney stones notwithstanding (chuckle). I've got another appointment for that coming up, to reschedule my surgery.

I will address that today with my primary care doctor, as the urologist I've been seeing is Mr. Assembly-Line medicine, at its finest.

The weather is becoming problematic - so, with Liz's help, I must get ready. ;)

LW & Liz :):)
Ya do not discount the gallstone, if it blocks the gallbladder you are in serious hell and could seriously affect the absorption of food and skew the blood sugars let alone correct fat absorption. Since it is interfering with liver and pancreas function.
Went from playing with chuck to seriously crashing from sepsis in a matter of less than an hour.

Follow up is on the 24th and had to apologize for not remembering who did my surgery since I was so out of it.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Ya do not discount the gallstone, if it blocks the gallbladder you are in serious hell and could seriously affect the absorption of food and skew the blood sugars let alone correct fat absorption. Since it is interfering with liver and pancreas function.
Went from playing with chuck to seriously crashing from sepsis in a matter of less than an hour.

That's what worries me. I've known for a couple of years that I have gallstones; I know I *could* live with them for the rest of my life... or I could have the situation you've experienced. I'm just praying that if the shit hits the fan, at least it will wait till I'm done paying off for the appendectomy. :D



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
new Kanger bell tank, vapes like crap though....too used to my GS


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
That's what worries me. I've known for a couple of years that I have gallstones; I know I *could* live with them for the rest of my life... or I could have the situation you've experienced. I'm just praying that if the shit hits the fan, at least it will wait till I'm done paying off for the appendectomy. :D

mine went from blocked to dead to rupture. when it died it shut my kidneys damned near down.
pain on a scale of 1-10 I was 45 praying for death.


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I ordered a subg tank and the post office tracking says it's delivered, I checked and nope..I'm sooooo pissed!!!!!! I never order stuff...and when I do, this happens! !!! Ugh!!!!

I have the worst mail luck as well. Which postal system is tormenting you? Never made sense to me the whole "going postal" thing. What have THEY got to be pissed off about?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I have the worst mail luck as well. Which postal system is tormenting you? Never made sense to me the whole "going postal" thing. What have THEY got to be pissed off about?
Considering walking down this steep freaking hill to go to the local PO. motherfuckers pushed my delivery back a day.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have the worst mail luck as well. Which postal system is tormenting you? Never made sense to me the whole "going postal" thing. What have THEY got to be pissed off about? down the fucken drain...I'm pissed...makes me just want to go to my local b&m for stuff. I'll pay more but at least I'll have my stuff ..ugh ..

Vape on


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Considering walking down this steep freaking hill to go to the local PO. motherfuckers pushed my delivery back a day.

My guarenteed 2 day delivery is now 10 days old and counting. Canada Post's website was down last I checked, and said to checK Twitter for updates. Like an idiot I did. Twitter update? Our website is down.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
mine went from blocked to dead to rupture. when it died it shut my kidneys damned near down.
pain on a scale of 1-10 I was 45 praying for death.

Well I had to go to a low-fat, almost-zero-cholesterol diet about 20 yrs ago, or I suffer a great deal of digestive distress -- finding out I had gallstones supplied the reason! so I reckon I'll just stick with the low-fat, almost-zero-cholesterol, and hope for the best. At least, being accustomed to eating that way, if I ever do have to have the thing out, the diet afterward won't be too hard to get used to.



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I have the worst mail luck as well. Which postal system is tormenting you? Never made sense to me the whole "going postal" thing. What have THEY got to be pissed off about?
Because they get yelled at by people for a mistake a guy made that is 700miles away because that guy didn't follow protocol. Or maybe it just got lost in the 10000s of pieces of mail going through that day. Or the worst, the person shipping it is a dumb shit and did something like mailing it to "[email protected]" yes, my brother works for UPS and someone tried to ship something to a hotmail address.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nothing major, just been fighting with everything for the most part. MVP thing is basically a brick, won't read any of my tanks. Had several burnt coils (my fault I know, just irritating when it happens) and dumped several tankfuls of juice before I got the Griffin to even half ass work. And that one will likely get sold now, just too much tank for me lol
There are a few of us in the corner who really like the Griffin.. Seen here with a simple 24g build after 120ml of juice vaped thru it..No leaks, no dry hits, vaping it at around 70w on the RX200.. Also 100% VG produces a smooth vape that with only 2.5mgs of nicotine truly satisfies my craving in two or three deep lung hits..
Griffin is a good RTA, and I would try another build in it on a different mod before giving up maybe..

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