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Im actually hoping for a real cold winter this year. My ex wants it hot all the time and constantly had the heater on 75 to 78 which was sweltering to me plus killed me on the electric bill. It will be a perverse delight knowing she has $300+ electric bills this winter or be freezing because she is a cheap ass bitch when it comes to her money :D

Ah, with three divorces under my belt, I totally get it.:giggle:

Actually only one was really that bad (maybe the third one a bit too). Still, revenge is always sweet, especially when taken cold.:giggle::devil:


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Ah, with three divorces under my belt, I totally get it.:giggle:

Actually only one was really that bad (maybe the third one a bit too). Still, revenge is always sweet, especially when taken cold.:giggle::devil:

I don't know how I managed it but my divorce went very well having heard horror stories about them. She just packed up and took off so I got to keep everything she didn't even show up at the hearing, works for me. Except now I am a single guy in a family size house but I ain't bitching by any means.


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Heating oil, it's like sasquatch to me I have heard of it but never actually seen it. :giggle::giggle:
I wish I could say the same! I had a new furnace put in about 4 years ago when the price of heating oil wasn't too bad. Plus it would've cost me about 5K to have a natural gas line run to my house so I could heat with gas so I stuck with oil. Then the price of oil skyrocketed and found out that I could come in on the other side of my property with the gas line for $395. New gas furnace is around 3 grand, which I don't have.


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I wish I could say the same! I had a new furnace put in about 4 years ago when the price of heating oil wasn't too bad. Plus it would've cost me about 5K to have a natural gas line run to my house so I could heat with gas so I stuck with oil. Then the price of oil skyrocketed and found out that I could come in on the other side of my property with the gas line for $395. New gas furnace is around 3 grand, which I don't have.

Yikes! That is steep I would have to bite the bullet as well.


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Careful folks the world is one step closer to ending!!! I had to turn on the heater this morning. :giggle::giggle::giggle:

G'morning all. :)

No furnace here yet, but I did turn on the space heater, which I also did a couple weeks back, when we had some chilly mornings. Hell, I had the AC on last night when I was cooking dinner -- but later, watching TV, I realized it really didn't need to be on... but my overshirt did! :giggle:

As for those denizens of too tight clothing, all I can say is :facepalm: because I damn sure don't wanna look at them either. However, I stopped hanging out the car window hollering "MOO!" at them, when I suddenly gained 35 lbs -- karma's a serious bitch, 'cuz when you're past 40, losing 35 lbs is a serious bitch! Now I'm about 10-12 lbs heavier than I'd like, and a LOT more outta shape than I'd like, but in public, I keep both my opinions and unsightly rolls outta sight. :D I get embarrassed if I'm in public and suddenly realize there's some dirt of some kind on my clothes, so I can't imagine that those with rolls of fat hanging out have any self-respect at all.



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I always get a chuckle out of these peeps who spend all sorts of money on camo, pant, camo shirts, camo jackets, gloves, boots. Even camo guns and face paint yet when they go into the woods hunting they have to wear this bright ass orange vest that the law requires them to wear. :giggle:
Back before the orange vests were required, I saw a hunter (actually, I smelled him first) dressed totally in camo, sitting on a log with his rifle across his knees, quietly scanning the woods around him (relatively thin pine forest) while smoking a cigarette. Maybe he thought deer didn't have noses...


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Back before the orange vests were required, I saw a hunter (actually, I smelled him first) dressed totally in camo, sitting on a log with his rifle across his knees, quietly scanning the woods around him (relatively thin pine forest) while smoking a cigarette. Maybe he thought deer didn't have noses...

Oh c'mon, you used to be a smoker. You know it's a case of, if I get a deer great, if not, oh well, but I still gotta have a smoke.



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Oh c'mon, you used to be a smoker. You know it's a case of, if I get a deer great, if not, oh well, but I still gotta have a smoke.
Yes, for 50 years. But I never smoked while hunting until back in the truck or back at camp. I was way too fire conscious to smoke in the woods unless I had cleared an area of all combustible debris. I have come upon fires burning brush and trees and put them out before they became a real forest fire, then (when back to civilization) called them in to the forest service to double check the area. Once I spent hours putting one out and drove to the nearest USFS field office to tell them and they told me I should not have put it out because it was a "controlled burn." Bullshit! It was started by an untended campfire (the campers obviously left and did not put it out properly). Controlled burns are supposed to be supervised and I was the only human for miles in any direction and that spot was not even in view of the nearest tower (they would not have even seen the smoke until it was raging out of control). If I had not put it out, it would have spread, uncontrolled, into a huge wilderness area across the fireroad, and once in there, they will not put them out. That was my favorite elk hunting area and I refused to let it be turned into ashes.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yes, for 50 years. But I never smoked while hunting until back in the truck or back at camp. I was way too fire conscious to smoke in the woods unless I had cleared an area of all combustible debris. I have come upon fires burning brush and trees and put them out before they became a real forest fire, then (when back to civilization) called them in to the forest service to double check the area. Once I spent hours putting one out and drove to the nearest USFS field office to tell them and they told me I should not have put it out because it was a "controlled burn." Bullshit! It was started by an untended campfire (the campers obviously left and did not put it out properly). Controlled burns are supposed to be supervised and I was the only human for miles in any direction and that spot was not even in view of the nearest tower (they would not have even seen the smoke until it was raging out of control). If I had not put it out, it would have spread, uncontrolled, into a huge wilderness area across the fireroad, and once in there, they will not put them out. That was my favorite elk hunting area and I refused to let it be turned into ashes.

Most addicted smokers don't have the ability to shut off the need -- I certainly never did; even an hour without a smoke was nearly impossible. And while I agree that most people are such idiots that just giving them a drivers' license is a real risk, nevermind a gun and a lit cigarette in the woods, some smokers aren't that stupid -- in the Air Force I was taught that if I need to discard a butt while outdoors, put it out completely, strip it in shreds, and bury it. I would certainly never let the *desire* to get a deer interfere with the *need* to smoke.

I am so glad to be over that. At the AA meeting I attended Saturday night, I discovered that it really is easier to go an hour without a vape, than without a smoke. :)



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Most addicted smokers don't have the ability to shut off the need
I guess I have always been an oddball in that area. As long as I was mentally occupied with a task I considered important, there was no desire to smoke. I could spend hours skiing, hiking, climbing rocks, designing circuits, etc., etc., but when I took a break, the desire to smoke was suddenly overwhelming, to the point where I chain-smoked until I caught up to the number of butts I would have smoked had I not been otherwise occupied. I find that vaping, for me, is pretty much the same way. When I am out cutting firewood, for instance, I don't even think about vaping until the truck is totally loaded, then I get in the cab and have a nice long vape. And that can't be the same thing as not lighting a butt in the forest because there is no fire to worry about.


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I wish I could say the same! I had a new furnace put in about 4 years ago when the price of heating oil wasn't too bad. Plus it would've cost me about 5K to have a natural gas line run to my house so I could heat with gas so I stuck with oil. Then the price of oil skyrocketed and found out that I could come in on the other side of my property with the gas line for $395. New gas furnace is around 3 grand, which I don't have.

They can do retrofits to convert from oil to natural gas. It's not quite as efficient as a new gas furnace, but mine works just fine. No waiting for an oil delivery, and my hot water heater is on gas as well. Uses a mechanical thermostat so even if I lose electricity, I still have hot water (a blessing after hurricane Sandy and 18 days without power).


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They can do retrofits to convert from oil to natural gas. It's not quite as efficient as a new gas furnace, but mine works just fine. No waiting for an oil delivery, and my hot water heater is on gas as well. Uses a mechanical thermostat so even if I lose electricity, I still have hot water (a blessing after hurricane Sandy and 18 days without power).
Thanks Eskie! I'll have to check that out.


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Speaking of those electric carts, a few months back I saw a woman (at least I think the blob was female) who so overflowed that cart that the fat from her sides was hanging down enough to almost touch the floor. I think she should have been in a hospital instead of the candy aisle in Wally World.


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I guess I have always been an oddball in that area. As long as I was mentally occupied with a task I considered important, there was no desire to smoke. I could spend hours skiing, hiking, climbing rocks, designing circuits, etc., etc., but when I took a break, the desire to smoke was suddenly overwhelming, to the point where I chain-smoked until I caught up to the number of butts I would have smoked had I not been otherwise occupied. I find that vaping, for me, is pretty much the same way. When I am out cutting firewood, for instance, I don't even think about vaping until the truck is totally loaded, then I get in the cab and have a nice long vape. And that can't be the same thing as not lighting a butt in the forest because there is no fire to worry about.
Me too Draco. I quit smoking cold turkey back in 1998. I had reached the place where I'd light a cigarette, take a couple of drags off it and think I don't really want this and put it out. I picked an actual quit date and just quit. After a couple of days, I could go around people smoking and didn't want one. After about a week, I couldn't stand to even be around people that smoked because they stunk! This went on until 2005 when stress drove me back to smoking. Why? I don't know.


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This went on until 2005 when stress drove me back to smoking. Why? I don't know.
Stress will do strange things to people (and different for each individual). My sister wanted to quit smoking waaayy back in 1979. She tried hypnotherapy and it didn't work. Program by program, she progressed until she actually tried the shock therapy thing (sounded like a SciFi movie to me). That got her to stop. A year later, she had an affair (long story) and got divorced from the husband she rarely saw anyway (she was day shift, he was night shift) and she started smoking again. I have been trying to get her converted to vaping, but it isn't working so far, and she's 1500 miles away so I can't go hold her hand. Her doctor has told her she MUST quit or it will kill her. She's still (choke) puffing (cough) merrily (pant) away.


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No idea, it's been down since she got home last night. She has done the usual restart the router thing, etc etc etc, but no good. She is finally calling her provider, but who knows how long that'll take to get it fixed.


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so I can't imagine that those with rolls of fat hanging out have any self-respect at all.
They don't. Food addiction, alcoholism, smoking, sometimes even exercise's all addiction and it fills a void so you can feel good in that moment. No one woke up one day and said I want to be hopelessly addicted to something I don't have the will power to control, that I want to drink a 5th of vodka a day, or weigh 700 lbs or cough up a lung everyday.

I don't enjoy seeing rolls of fat hanging out of clothes either, but for that matter I don't enjoy seeing a skinny person with barely any clothes on either, male or female. I don't wanna see some guys junk bulging in tight shorts anymore than I wanna see some woman's boobs spilling out or her ass crack cuz she can't pull up her pants or wear a shirt that covers it. This isn't directed just at you andria, just am surprised by ALL the judgmental comments towards fat folks when we've all been addicted to at least one thing...smoking.

Let Marley out and go figure she finds a snake, little bitty ole thing but still wtf it's a full scale invasion on my house.
oh no.......hope she never grabs a venomous one!

she started smoking again. I have been trying to get her converted to vaping, but it isn't working so far, and she's 1500 miles away so I can't go hold her hand. Her doctor has told her she MUST quit or it will kill her. She's still (choke) puffing (cough) merrily (pant) away.
my sil the same way, cept she never quit. Ironically she's the one who introduced me to vaping. She's convinced herself she's too addicted and can't quit. But I keep hoping. She has severe COPD and can't walk to the bathroom without coughing so bad she can't breathe. Even has recently had a bout with lung cancer. As with any addiction, each person has to reach their time when they're mentally ready to let it go, and do what it takes to let it go. She's not there yet and it breaks my heart.

I do have guns and 2 pickup trucks though yur a redneck then!! :p

I have to admit that I have never seen anyone in camo clothing.
Now, be real for a minute... IF it was truly camouflage clothing, you wouldn't be able to see them, therefore anyone I see who is wearing multiple shades of green, tan, or gray in patterns (some even look like leaves) who can be see clearly is not wearing camo clothing.
Humans have so much fun deluding themselves that they are something they are not.
I haven't in real life, but have on TV seeing snipers in Ghillie suits. Spot em once in awhile but sometimes they are completely hidden.

Good Morning Wompers!
Going back to the skunk subject for a moment.
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lmao! This is what I need to break frankie from his food obsession! (it might work) :rolleyes:

Careful folks the world is one step closer to ending!!! I had to turn on the heater this morning.
lmao........I'm freezing and so wishin I had a space heater. If the kids weren't coming back tonite I'd turn the house heater on for a least 20 mins or so. And it's 72 here now but musta got really cold overnight.

Good morning wompers! Another day, another $.50.
lol I've said that for a decade or so.......I think we're down to at least a quarter by now, maybe less.

It's because my Cubbies are one game away from going to the World Series. Gonna get really cold when they actually get there and WIN the World Series.
maybe, but I did notice that the cold front hit Texas last Sunday when my Dolphins beat the Steelers!

Im actually hoping for a real cold winter this year
Bite yur tongue! Bite it now........Bite it really hard! lol

Dang, guess it is cold right now for TX, 45 where Atcha lives.
Bout 11 last night we were colder than waco or killeen, so probably were colder than her too. Brrrrrrrrrr

I wish I could say the same! I had a new furnace put in about 4 years ago when the price of heating oil wasn't too bad. Plus it would've cost me about 5K to have a natural gas line run to my house so I could heat with gas so I stuck with oil. Then the price of oil skyrocketed and found out that I could come in on the other side of my property with the gas line for $395. New gas furnace is around 3 grand, which I don't have.
oh that stinks. Hope Eskie's info might help ya some!

She is finally calling her provider, but who knows how long that'll take to get it fixed.
she was on the phone with em for an hour, but wanted to get off the phone with her quick so didn't ask what they said. Her neck is really hurtin too, so I told her to take some of the strongest pain killer she has even if it puts her out.

Her electricity is not off is it?
lmao newp
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Well post roast is on for the cold evening and the recent screams of my prey still fresh in my ears. :D

I had forgot how fun it was to snipe people online and be cursed at in several languages.:giggle::giggle:


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shame on you! lol At first I thought you got an S in the first sentence by mistake, and now you got me dreamin bout pot roast!

Aww sorry Deb I was going to make soup or chili but they had a real nice looking roast so I figured what the hell. I can toss it in the slow cooker while I'm gaming and it will feed me for a few days. I'm all about cooking stuff that lets me not cook for multiple days. :D


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Oh and VAPE MAIL!!!! :vapemail:

Got my clapton coils to try out in the Reos and OBS Engine when I get it, and my 4 batteries to make 2 married pairs for the Alien/Baby Beast when it gets here. Pot roast, cold beer, Marley's healthy, new WW1 video game to play, coils to mess with can't get much better really.


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Think I will get stuff and make a big pot of Chili Monday.
Or maybe tomorrow :)
I got vapemail too my repair kits for Chester.
Set for years now.

Love me some Chili I'll trade you some pot roast for it over email. :giggle::giggle:

I think I am going to just go all out and may throw two logs in the fire tonight and really enjoy the cold weather. Kind of overkill but I love that smell in the backyard as it wafts out of the chimney.


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Aww sorry Deb I was going to make soup or chili but they had a real nice looking roast so I figured what the hell. I can toss it in the slow cooker while I'm gaming and it will feed me for a few days. I'm all about cooking stuff that lets me not cook for multiple days. :D
lol just messin with ya. Have actually been craving my pork roast for awhile! With smashed taters.
Oh and VAPE MAIL!!!! :vapemail:

Got my clapton coils to try out in the Reos and OBS Engine when I get it, and my 4 batteries to make 2 married pairs for the Alien/Baby Beast when it gets here. Pot roast, cold beer, Marley's healthy, new WW1 video game to play, coils to mess with can't get much better really.
oh kewl! lemme know what you think of the claptons in the Reo. Doubt I'll ever buy any, but ya never know. I'm so into not having to buy crap to vape. Cept more cotton, flavors, wire, and pg/vg, batts. At least stuff that won't go away in a couple years. Flavors might, but can do with what I've got if they do and vape unflavored if I have to. I just's been somewhere between 2 and 3 years since I've HAD to buy anything to vape except batts. And that's cuz I lost all but two in florida. But they were old and needed replacing anyhow.

Warm fire sounds wonderful. The kids have a fireplace, but no tellin how long it's been since it was checked/cleaned.


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lol just messin with ya. Have actually been craving my pork roast for awhile! With smashed taters.

oh kewl! lemme know what you think of the claptons in the Reo. Doubt I'll ever buy any, but ya never know. I'm so into not having to buy crap to vape. Cept more cotton, flavors, wire, and pg/vg, batts. At least stuff that won't go away in a couple years. Flavors might, but can do with what I've got if they do and vape unflavored if I have to. I just's been somewhere between 2 and 3 years since I've HAD to buy anything to vape except batts. And that's cuz I lost all but two in florida. But they were old and needed replacing anyhow.

Warm fire sounds wonderful. The kids have a fireplace, but no tellin how long it's been since it was checked/cleaned.

I always thought pffft I will never buy coils when I can wrap simple micro's but the deal wasn't bad at all. I got 20 claptons for just a few bucks less than that and was hella surprised to see they came with cotton(not that I need it), and in battery cases! I always need more battery cases so I got 5 spare battery cases now too. So even before vaping off them I am quite impressed if they vape well I can definitely see me buying many more in the future.


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I always thought pffft I will never buy coils when I can wrap simple micro's but the deal wasn't bad at all. I got 20 claptons for just a few bucks less than that and was hella surprised to see they came with cotton(not that I need it), and in battery cases! I always need more battery cases so I got 5 spare battery cases now too. So even before vaping off them I am quite impressed if they vape well I can definitely see me buying many more in the future.
Link??? I admit I am curious about them, and can always use batt cases lol


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and if anyone wants to try an amazing pork roast...... try this. Not terribly healthy, but hey, winter is the time to splurge on calories. We need em to stay warm :facepalm:

Picnic roast (shoulder) or pork butt in crock pot. Cover with a lot of garlic powder and Lawry's season salt. Like when you think you have too much, add a little more. :D

Mix up 3 cans cr of mushroom soup (or make your own) with enough water to make it a bit thinner than you'd want it for soup, but not super thin. Pour it over the pork roast. Don't matter if washes off the seasoning, it'll all mix and get into the meat.

Cook on high for about 16 hrs. jup you heard right. The meat will be done long before that, but cooking that long will break down a lot of the connective tissue and turn the soup into more of a gravy. The soup will change color from white to a bit darker.

Take the meat out, let it cool,

I got the 1.0 ohm regular ones since I always build to .5 duals, but am very interested in the twisted ones that measure out to .9 each as well.
thanks darlin!
and with your hands separate out all the fat. You'll be able to feel what is fat and what is meat as you shred the meat. put the meat back in the gravy. Serve it over smashed taters!! omgggggggggggggg good.


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and if anyone wants to try an amazing pork roast...... try this. Not terribly healthy, but hey, winter is the time to splurge on calories. We need em to stay warm :facepalm:

Picnic roast (shoulder) or pork butt in crock pot. Cover with a lot of garlic powder and Lawry's season salt. Like when you think you have too much, add a little more. :D

Mix up 3 cans cr of mushroom soup (or make your own) with enough water to make it a bit thinner than you'd want it for soup, but not super thin. Pour it over the pork roast. Don't matter if washes off the seasoning, it'll all mix and get into the meat.

Cook on high for about 16 hrs. jup you heard right. The meat will be done long before that, but cooking that long will break down a lot of the connective tissue and turn the soup into more of a gravy. The soup will change color from white to a bit darker.

Take the meat out, let it cool,

thanks darlin!
and with your hands separate out all the fat. You'll be able to feel what is fat and what is meat as you shred the meat. put the meat back in the gravy. Serve it over smashed taters!! omgggggggggggggg good.

That sounds goooooood, if I lose this post I may hit you up for that later this winter. :) And the 16 hours doesn't bother me a bit my pulled pork takes about that long as well probably why I used to be hammered by the time it was done. :giggle::giggle:


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That sounds goooooood, if I lose this post I may hit you up for that later this winter. :) And the 16 hours doesn't bother me a bit my pulled pork takes about that long as well probably why I used to be hammered by the time it was done. :giggle::giggle:
hit away. It's sooooo good. I start mine the night before and let it cook all night. Or start it before whenever I go to sleep, that's usually not at night.

I'll guinea pig for ya.
kewl thanks! I think I'll name you hammy :p


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Well I was going to try those coils but they won't even fit in my Odin's without running a risk of dead shorting against the build decks. Oh well I can use them in something else along the way.


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well that stinks

Yeah I was really looking forward to using them but in all fairness I am vaping on stuff that was the "hot" new thing 2 years ago. I am sure I will find something to put them in soon just might not be my Reo/Odin setups. Not going to let it ruin my day, in fact it gives me a reason to buy new toys next week "Hello bright side I'm Reign nice to meet you." :D


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I think I lived up to my nickname "Darth Mixtress" today. I made 3 new 60ml bottles of juice (new recipes) and topped off 3 more that were getting close to empty. I have so many flavors now, it was almost comical. The ENTIRE KITCHEN was covered in two toolboxes of flavors plus a tray of smaller bottles from one of them, and a cardboard box with the overflow. OMG. :oops: I took each recipe as I made it over to the kitchen counter and pulled out the bottles I needed for that particular one and took them back to the kitchen table to mix. Then when I was done, those bottles went back in the boxes and I got the ones out for the next recipe, and so on.

I'm gonna need more syringes... but hey, we're set for juice for a while. :D Good thing Rich had the foresight to get a 5-gallon bucket of VG last time he ordered it. :teehee:

The Cromwell

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I think I lived up to my nickname "Darth Mixtress" today. I made 3 new 60ml bottles of juice (new recipes) and topped off 3 more that were getting close to empty. I have so many flavors now, it was almost comical. The ENTIRE KITCHEN was covered in two toolboxes of flavors plus a tray of smaller bottles from one of them, and a cardboard box with the overflow. OMG. :oops: I took each recipe as I made it over to the kitchen counter and pulled out the bottles I needed for that particular one and took them back to the kitchen table to mix. Then when I was done, those bottles went back in the boxes and I got the ones out for the next recipe, and so on.

I'm gonna need more syringes... but hey, we're set for juice for a while. :D Good thing Rich had the foresight to get a 5-gallon bucket of VG last time he ordered it. :teehee:
I get my syringes at Amazon. duda diesel :)

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