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Womper Woom Wejects


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Member For 4 Years it wasn't the pic of the mod.......but I did quote that...... pics are hard to quote here unless you hit reply, but then you gotta go back up to where it was since that takes ya to the bottom of the page...... but wow........ that samurai was wild!! Truly amazing!!


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Hate to post and run but I am off to the vet.....again..... I am going to go broke caring for this big doofus. C'yall later unless Battlefield 1 takes over my life.:giggle::giggle:
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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JUP! when my son was getting ready to deploy the first time, we of course had to have this discussion about him, so while we were at it, we discussed it for me too. We are Christians, so I told him for me, I told him far as I was concerned, he could put me in a Hefty bag and set me out the curb cuz this body is only a shell. I don't care what happens to it when I'm no using it anymore. But from the experience of my dad passing, with no memorial service or anything, that was hard on me. So I told him to do whatever made it easier on him when I go. His feelings are the ones that will matter.

Exactly. I don't share the beliefs of the rest of my family, but I still found value in the formal observance of my mother's passing, with words said that would be a comfort to those who shared my mother's beliefs. The only comfort for me is in knowing that she is no longer suffering, and considering the last 4-5 yrs of her life, I am very glad of that.

I don't have a lot of friends, or even many acquaintances, so I daresay any formal observance of my passing would be quite modest -- planting that rose, perhaps. :) But it should do something for those left behind; I'll be gone, so it won't make a bit of difference to me, one way or the other. My only major requirement is that I be cremated, not buried or stored; land should be for the living, the dead don't need it.



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My only major requirement is that I be cremated, not buried or stored; land should be for the living, the dead don't need it.

JUP and considering your love of roses, I love your idea for that. I had no idea that cremated ashes were good for plants. Need to look into that. I really love that idea. May need to borrow that for a magnolia or gardenia. Those are my favs! Something that can be taken if they move, but is right there at home if they want to "visit", and jup a focal point is great to have, but I hate the idea of someone feeling they have to drive to a cemetery on holidays or whatever to "visit" or bring flowers. I also don't like cemeteries taking up land, at least not for me. For those who feel the need for that, that's ok, but not for me. I hate the horrible expense of funerals. Cremation is cheap. Thanks for mentioning this!!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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And I'd just like to say this: if you are diabetic... PLEASE take it seriously. That disease is not only a killer, it can make your life not worth living, if you don't keep it in control. It will destroy your body one inch at a time, until your death is a mercy. Please take it seriously! Seeing someone you love in that kind of pain is terrible; losing them years too early is also a travesty.



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So if you don't have a pistol or shotgun, how'd you kill it? Please don't say you strangled the cottonmouth with your bare hands.:blech:

Deb nailed had it a machete 'round here you gotta go melee on the little bastards. THIS IS SPARTA!!!! :giggle::giggle:

And I really, really love my vet I called with a minor issue this morning and she said she wanted to see Marley this afternoon. When I finally got to see the Doc she said she had to know Marley was ok before the weekend so no charge to check on the issue I had this morning. And all is well in the world again.


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I only dispatch poison ones close to my house.
I aint gittin close enough to em to ask if they're poisonous. Shoot now, ask questions later. lol

And I really, really love my vet I called with a minor issue this morning and she said she wanted to see Marley this afternoon. When I finally got to see the Doc she said she had to know Marley was ok before the weekend so no charge to check on the issue I had this morning. And all is well in the world again
Oh that's wonderful to know she really cares!!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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he did say he had a machete, but ya gotta get way too close to use that!

Ah mang, I have to tell this story again. We have a cat door on the garage door. Feed the cats in the garage, "barn" cats. They get lots of love, attention, and a warm place to sleep though.

Racoons, especially when food is tight, find their way in and once they find the food bowl, it's over. They gotta go. So I have a Havaheart live trap. Set it up in front of the garage with a bowl of food inside. Drive to another area of woods, open, release, done.

I set the trap one day to catch one, and forgot I had. As I walked around the corner of the garage, I damn near TRIPPED over that trap. And to my complete horror, it was filled with a SKUNK. Ah crud, NOW what? So I called the Humane Society. They said approach it from behind a blanket so it doesn't see me, slowly lay the blanket over the trap, and then take it to the woods and release it. Oh, OK! It died shortly thereafter of lead poisoning.


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I damn near TRIPPED over that trap. And to my complete horror, it was filled with a SKUNK. Ah crud, NOW what? So I called the Humane Society. They said approach it from behind a blanket so it doesn't see me, slowly lay the blanket over the trap, and then take it to the woods and release it. Oh, OK! It died shortly thereafter of lead poisoning.
Yipes........can imagine how freaky that was. How did you know it died of lead poisoning?


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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My guard skunks dissapeared.

Sorry, Bob.

Was that your guard POSSUM in my garage too? Those are the only 2 beasts here in the wilds that I try to give wide berth. The Mrs. called to me one day from the garage. Said there was a dead possum in a roll of carpeting. ?? POSSUM! I grabbed that 10/22, opened the back of my pickup, and gently lifted the roll and slid it in. Shut the gate. Jumped in the truck to drive it far away. It went NUTS. Was leaping up trying to get through the back window. I didn't want it getting loose in the hood, because it had clearly found Food Eldorado. So I stopped the truck at the end of my drive, and jumped out with the rifle so I could take it out when it came over.

Oh, it came over all right. You'd think it would just want to be free? NON. It had a GRUDGE. It came RIGHT AT ME, with a mouth full of teeth like a German Shepherd. I NEVER KNEW! I saw the fur fly on it 5 or 6 times from impact before it even slowed DOWN. I emptied the whole magazine into that possessed sumbitch. The hairs on the back of my neck were erect for 3 and a half hours, just barely avoiding the need to seek medical attention. IT SCARRED me. I have PTSD dreams about that mouth. So yeah, I don't mess with those any more. I leave em, unless I can't. Then I shoot em from a distance, and to a Possum, every one takes MULTIPLE shots to kill. BADASS little devils.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Forewarned is forearmed. Or something like that.


Possum facts:

They have more teeth than ANY other mammal. FIFTY!
They are mostly immune to rabies.
You cannot poison one. The are immune to most toxins. Snake venom, scorpions, scientists even tried to kill some with Ricin! Heck, a tiny drop of it would kill any of us. THEN they tried BOTULISM. Nope.
They have very high calcium needs, which is why they also eat the SKELETONS of their prey.
They LAUGH at honeybadgers for being pussies. See photo above.

The Cromwell

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Forewarned is forearmed. Or something like that.


Possum facts:

They have more teeth than ANY other mammal. FIFTY!
They are mostly immune to rabies.
You cannot poison one. The are immune to most toxins. Snake venom, scorpions, scientists even tried to kill some with Ricin! Heck, a tiny drop of it would kill any of us. THEN they tried BOTULISM. Nope.
They have very high calcium needs, which is why they also eat the SKELETONS of their prey.
They LAUGH at honeybadgers for being pussies. See photo above.

And they can take 3 .22rounds in the head and not go down.
Guess they don't have much brainz?


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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And they can take 3 .22rounds in the head and not go down.
Guess they don't have much brainz?

Actually, they have amazing memory. They outperform cats, dogs, even rats, in food mazes. Their ability to remember food sources is not too far behind our own.

edit: Hahaha... I just googled Badass Possum and there are a LOT of stories out there about them withstanding all KINDS of things that would kill most anything. One guy put SIX arrows in one, before it fell outta the tree. Prolly from all the WEIGHT. THEN he had to repeatedly BASH it with a Cragar Mag wheel. Hahaha.... oh, they are something..
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Ahhh...Deb. I see we need to get acquainted. :blowkiss:
No story is complete without a lil bullshit...
lmao.......jup, I'm as gullible as I seem sometimes! :facepalm: oh well.

My ex used to work on crew boats that took machinery and supplies out to the oil rigs. One night in dock, he had to take the trash out to the dumpsters. He startled a possum, that in turn startled scared him shitless. He screamed like a girl. The possum screamed like.....well.... a possum. They chased each other around the dock several times, til he finally got close enough to the boat to jump on the back deck and run inside.

Didn't look like 50 teeth but I was willing to overlook that and believe ya anyhow hehehe


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I know they're crafty little fuckers we found one in a steel barrel with horse food in it at our ranch when I was about 8 that had a 10lb lid on it, yet it couldn't or didn't want to get back out. Gave my Grandfather and I quite a shock when we opened up the horse food and were met with the face above hissing and making a racket. But he just lowered the lid went and got some leather welding gloves grabbed it by the tail and tossed it out behind the barn.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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lmao.......jup, I'm as gullible as I seem sometimes! :facepalm: oh well.

My ex used to work on crew boats that took machinery and supplies out to the oil rigs. One night in dock, he had to take the trash out to the dumpsters. He startled a possum, that in turn startled scared him shitless. He screamed like a girl. The possum screamed like.....well.... a possum. They chased each other around the dock several times, til he finally got close enough to the boat to jump on the back deck and run inside.

Didn't look like 50 teeth but I was willing to overlook that and believe ya anyhow hehehe

Only the part about honeybadgers was bullshit, the rest is TRUE! LOL, LOVE your story! Yeah, I can see that happening. You get a look in that mouth, and OMG... Only one man has EVER been able to get VERY close to one, er.. 12..

I know they're crafty little fuckers we found one in a steel barrel with horse food in it at our ranch when I was about 8 that had a 10lb lid on it, yet it couldn't or didn't want to get back out. Gave my Grandfather and I quite a shock when we opened up the horse food and were met with the face above hissing and making a racket. But he just lowered the lid went and got some leather welding gloves grabbed it by the tail and tossed it out behind the barn.

They don't make men like that anymore... GRANDPA was badass!


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Only the part about honeybadgers was bullshit, the rest is TRUE! LOL, LOVE your story! Yeah, I can see that happening. You get a look in that mouth, and OMG... Only one man has EVER been able to get VERY close to one, er.. 12..

They don't make men like that anymore... GRANDPA was badass!

True that, I always said if I could just grow up to be half the man he was I'd be ahead of the game. Forged by war and the great depression they didn't get any harder but still found a way to be kind and courteous to everyone he met.


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They don't make men like that anymore.
that's the stinkin truth!!

True that, I always said if I could just grow up to be half the man he was I'd be ahead of the game. Forged by war and the great depression they didn't get any harder but still found a way to be kind and courteous to everyone he met.
Jup, the country would be a lot different if we still had men like this that were younger than 100!

I chose not to partake I'm a redneck but not THAT redneck.
Very glad about this! hehehe


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that's the stinkin truth!!

Jup, the country would be a lot different if we still had men like this that were younger than 100!

Very glad about this! hehehe

lol Yeah no possum for me but I have eaten deer that was taken down with less than conventional hunting methods but freshly done.


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When I become supreme ruler of this corner of the Milky Way I will make them only work for 1 hour a day.
Good idea! But haven't become supreme ruler yet??? Whatchya waitin on??

lol Yeah no possum for me but I have eaten deer that was taken down with less than conventional hunting methods but freshly done.
didn't eat it, mostly cuz the only few times I've had venison, I didn't like it. But when I lived with the tribe, we often got called about deer that had been killed, and would get them for the hides, dew claws etc if they weren't torn up


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One thing I have noticed its that cell phones promote being rude.

When I become supreme ruler of this corner of the Milky Way I will make them only work for 1 hour a day.

Ya know I went without one for years simply because I hate talking on the phone and because my sarcasm doesn't translate well without my facial expressions. But the weeks after Hurricane Ike we had no power, so no phones and the only way to communicate was through cells and back then I was a family man so I got one after the stores reopened for emergencies. Still have it and hate the fucking thing but it's a just in case for me at this point.


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Good idea! But haven't become supreme ruler yet??? Whatchya waitin on??

didn't eat it, mostly cuz the only few times I've had venison, I didn't like it. But when I lived with the tribe, we often got called about deer that had been killed, and would get them for the hides, dew claws etc if they weren't torn up

The only way I like it is when it's cooked like a chicken fried steak with some homemade cream gravy but I gave up hunting decades ago.


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Ya know I went without one for years simply because I hate talking on the phone and because my sarcasm doesn't translate well without my facial expressions. But the weeks after Hurricane Ike we had no power, so no phones and the only way to communicate was through cells and back then I was a family man so I got one after the stores reopened for emergencies. Still have it and hate the fucking thing but it's a just in case for me at this point.
they do come in quite handy. mine is a smart phone, but pretty old and has no service to it. But I use it like a PDA. Calendar, time, store my pw's in it since it can't be hacked lol etc. But I am hoping the kids will put me on their plan when they change carriers. My son will likely get a newer one and I can use his note 3 one. He said some things aren't acting right, but I'd mostly use it just for calls and maybe playin subway surfer


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Actually, they have amazing memory. They outperform cats, dogs, even rats, in food mazes. Their ability to remember food sources is not too far behind our own.

edit: Hahaha... I just googled Badass Possum and there are a LOT of stories out there about them withstanding all KINDS of things that would kill most anything. One guy put SIX arrows in one, before it fell outta the tree. Prolly from all the WEIGHT. THEN he had to repeatedly BASH it with a Cragar Mag wheel. Hahaha.... oh, they are something..

yeah.. but cars on the highway take 'em out pretty easily, since they just lay there and play dead when they see a threat... then they're flattened.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Ya know I went without one for years simply because I hate talking on the phone and because my sarcasm doesn't translate well without my facial expressions. But the weeks after Hurricane Ike we had no power, so no phones and the only way to communicate was through cells and back then I was a family man so I got one after the stores reopened for emergencies. Still have it and hate the fucking thing but it's a just in case for me at this point.

The only reason I got a mobile phone was so I'd have a wifi hotspot for my tablet, to be able to DL my Kindle ebooks. I hate phones, I hate talking on the phone; I forgive my mobile for being a phone, because it's also a computer. :D


The Cromwell

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yeah.. but cars on the highway take 'em out pretty easily, since they just lay there and play dead when they see a threat... then they're flattened.

NEVER try to dodge a possum. When the headlights hit them they just start running in a random loopy pattern and you have the same odds of hitting them if you just pretend they are not there.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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NEVER try to dodge a possum. When the headlights hit them they just start running in a random loopy pattern and you have the same odds of hitting them if you just pretend they are not there.

I never try to dodge anything that runs in front of my vehicle. If they're stupid enough to run in front of a fast-moving Silverado, they deserve the Darwin award of immediate death. Trying to dodge things is how you wreck -- and trying to stop yourself from falling is how you get hurt when you fall; if you just let yourself drop, you might get bruised, but that's all. I know that because the one time I tried to stop myself from hitting, to try and avoid a miscarriage when I slipped on ice at 4mos pregnant, is how I initially hurt my back, resulting in weakened connective tissue at L4/L5, which resulted in a herniated disc 6 yrs later when I lifted something incorrectly.


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