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Womper Woom Wejects


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I was so pissed the other day. We had to drive to Sturgis because I had an appointment at the dentist (just a cleaning), and while I was there, Rich ran to the store and picked up a few things we were short on. I asked him to get milk, and he only got 6 bottles. They're gallon bottles, but WTH? That's not gonna last until the next regular shopping day. I guess we'll have to ration... :(

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I was so pissed the other day. We had to drive to Sturgis because I had an appointment at the dentist (just a cleaning), and while I was there, Rich ran to the store and picked up a few things we were short on. I asked him to get milk, and he only got 6 bottles. They're gallon bottles, but WTH? That's not gonna last until the next regular shopping day. I guess we'll have to ration... :(
Thought you had kowz?


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Something to cheer you up Lynn and Andria!!!! Start watching at 2:19.
Watched him on AGT this past season.....he was a hoot! The other guy not so much!

So vape mail today! A new black back for my Triade and a black Engine to go on it.

I don't particularly like the dentist but I'd love to go and have all of mine pulled so I can have a complete full set of dentures put in. I inherited bad teeth from my mom, plus 2 kids that sucked all the calcium out, smoking for 30+ years, no insurance or money has taken their toll on my teeth. Getting them all out and replaced is the lesser of 2 evils. But...I need at least $2500 to get that done. Ain't happening soon.
I'm in the same boat. My teeth are awful. A lot of em are broken. My ins will only pay for dental stuff if/when it becomes a medical emergency. So the last one that abscessed nearly landed me in the hospital, but the dentist said he'd see me first thing in the mornin. Had it been only up to the dr I had to see first, he'd have had me in the hospital overnight. I qualify for any type of low cost/free stuff........there just isn't much in Texas! We're spendin all our money takin care of people that snuck in here from other countries. Don't want dentures of course, but would be so much better, no more infections or tooth pain and I'd sure do it if I could.

Did they ALL run off the the cat forum?
you know for sure that I didn't run off to the cat forum!! hehehe

I just came back from there and didn't see them... Lannie's upstairs...

View attachment 64384
if this was the OCD meme.........I love it!!!

Must be different now than way back when I had mine done. I just made an appointment and went in as if it were regular dentist. One appt was to make casting of my teeth, then a couple weeks later (when they had the plates ready), mom drove me in, they pulled all my teeth (count backwards from 100...99... Zzzzz), stuck the plates in, and escorted my wobbly body to the door. Haven't had to see a dentist since. No adhesives required (there's a trick to that but most dentists hate it) and I can eat raw apples, corn on the cob, etc. with no problems.
I wanna know the trick. I'd always heard that folks should have the teeth pulled, go toothless til the swelling went down, then have the cast made for the best fit, but I know most don't do it that way. My biggest fear about dentures is getting ones that don't fit right or weren't done right. Well, my biggest fear other than the price tag.

I was so pissed the other day. We had to drive to Sturgis because I had an appointment at the dentist (just a cleaning), and while I was there, Rich ran to the store and picked up a few things we were short on. I asked him to get milk, and he only got 6 bottles. They're gallon bottles, but WTH? That's not gonna last until the next regular shopping day. I guess we'll have to ration...
You splained it. But wuz thinkin the same come Helen is dry right now? Hope she's ok

Now I'm thinking about....
Love that movie!!

Evening folks! Thanks for all the words of encouragement! And yep! You're all right. Now is not the time to withdraw. Now is the time to let your friends(and I do consider y'all friends) make you laugh, lift your spirits, make your day worthwhile all are stuck with me now!! :giggle:
So glad you're staying!!!

So, back to the vet this morning for another injection of antibiotics (the dog, not me), then pick up a wood order for a threshold that needs replacing, and ending with the dentist at 4. The good news, those damn debates are over and I can stop mind bleaching every time I have to watch them go at it again.
Glad the dentist wasn't all that bad. Sounded like a horrible day all around. How's yur pup doin?


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Goood eveeening folks. Hope all is well.

Finally home from work after 14 hours, God bless customers who want something that night and are willing to pay through the nose or out their ass to get it. Took Marley on her first night walk she loved it but I hated it too dark to see if she was eating stuff she shouldn't. :giggle::giggle:


Silver Contributor
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Glad the dentist wasn't all that bad. Sounded like a horrible day all around. How's yur pup doin?

Pup is OK. Infection does look a little calmer tonight. Now she's on 4 weeks of oral antibiotics, which she doesn't mind, as pills mean more..................bacon! To wrap the pills in.:giggle:

So much easier giving a dog a pill. If I ever had to give my cat a pill it was freaking torture, and I needed to wear leather gauntlets to keep from having my arms scarred for life. On the other hand, if I was gone for several hours, the cat would be like "Oh, you're back. Like I care". Unlike the hysterical doggy "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, I thought you were gone forever!" I was gone 15 minutes, relax.


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Pup is OK. Infection does look a little calmer tonight. Now she's on 4 weeks of oral antibiotics, which she doesn't mind, as pills mean more..................bacon! To wrap the pills in.:giggle:

So much easier giving a dog a pill. If I ever had to give my cat a pill it was freaking torture, and I needed to wear leather gauntlets to keep from having my arms scarred for life. On the other hand, if I was gone for several hours, the cat would be like "Oh, you're back. Like I care". Unlike the hysterical doggy "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, I thought you were gone forever!" I was gone 15 minutes, relax.

Glad the pup is doing better! Marley is the same I can't even say medicine or take my medication without her looking at me like,"Uh is that mine?".:giggle::giggle:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Finally home from work after 14 hours, God bless customers who want something that night and are willing to pay through the nose or out their ass to get it. Took Marley on her first night walk she loved it but I hated it too dark to see if she was eating stuff she shouldn't.
hehehe on the walk. Yuck on the 14 hr work day, but glad you got paid well for it.

which she doesn't mind, as pills mean more..................bacon! To wrap the pills in.
wish I could get my pills wrapped in bacon. I've tried shovin Frankie's once a month pill in all sorts of things.......he is either sniffing it out of the food, or I just this month thought, maybe he's smelling the pill on my hands when I try to feed it to him. Next time I'll try stuffin it the food, then giving it to my son to feed him. Or wash my hands thoroughly before trying to feed it to him instead of after.


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hehehe on the walk. Yuck on the 14 hr work day, but glad you got paid well for it.

wish I could get my pills wrapped in bacon. I've tried shovin Frankie's once a month pill in all sorts of things.......he is either sniffing it out of the food, or I just this month thought, maybe he's smelling the pill on my hands when I try to feed it to him. Next time I'll try stuffin it the food, then giving it to my son to feed him. Or wash my hands thoroughly before trying to feed it to him instead of after.

I almost told them it would have to wait till tomorrow but damn if I haven't caught the shiny new vape stuff bug. :D

Well I am off to TV land for a bit then passing out for evening. Have a good one all.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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well, ain't THAT a bitch. After reading R1's response to a question, I realized that since sponsors of showings of "A Billion Lives" will get 5% of ticket sales, that would make my even MENTIONING my sponsoring a showing of A Billion Lives could (ACK!) get me kicked off ECF. I have pointed this out there, redacted all of my info, and I guess that now makes Vaping Underground the EXCLUSIVE site for individuals sponsoring showings of the movie. Hahahahaha.... Fuck you old man, and the TOS you rode in on.

That said, if I can sell 75 tickets or more, the showing will be at the United Artists theater 14 in Commerce Township, Michigan on 11/28/2016 at 7:30pm.
I will start a thread once Tugg has the tickets available on their website.


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well, ain't THAT a bitch. After reading R1's response to a question, I realized that since sponsors of showings of "A Billion Lives" will get 5% of ticket sales, that would make my even MENTIONING my sponsoring a showing of A Billion Lives could (ACK!) get me kicked off ECF. I have pointed this out there, redacted all of my info, and I guess that now makes Vaping Underground the EXCLUSIVE site for individuals sponsoring showings of the movie. Hahahahaha.... Fuck you old man, and the TOS you rode in on.

That said, if I can sell 75 tickets or more, the showing will be at the United Artists theater 14 in Commerce Township, Michigan on 11/28/2016 at 7:30pm.
I will start a thread once Tugg has the tickets available on their website.
well I can sure as shit mention it.......where ya want it??? lol Are you Louis over there, or are y'all co-sponsoring?


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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well I can sure as shit mention it.......where ya want it??? lol Are you Louis over there, or are y'all co-sponsoring?

I WAS Moueix over there in 2012 and 2013, before I invented Twik wick and got booted by the old man for being "ITB" after offering a friend some for free when he asked if it was me selling it on Ebay. Ooops.. there I go again, I AM going to lose my dual citizenship..

That would be REALLY cool of you Deb! I REALLY want this to happen, MULTIPLE screenings would be great. There certainly would not be any rules against YOU posting the info there. It felt good to drive home the point of just how ridiculous their TOS can be though.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Pup is OK. Infection does look a little calmer tonight. Now she's on 4 weeks of oral antibiotics, which she doesn't mind, as pills mean more..................bacon! To wrap the pills in.:giggle:

So much easier giving a dog a pill. If I ever had to give my cat a pill it was freaking torture, and I needed to wear leather gauntlets to keep from having my arms scarred for life. On the other hand, if I was gone for several hours, the cat would be like "Oh, you're back. Like I care". Unlike the hysterical doggy "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, I thought you were gone forever!" I was gone 15 minutes, relax.

Our cat always wakes up and jumps out of her box, when we come in from being gone for several hours. Of course, she knows that often means treats. She's a smart kitteh. ;)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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well, ain't THAT a bitch. After reading R1's response to a question, I realized that since sponsors of showings of "A Billion Lives" will get 5% of ticket sales, that would make my even MENTIONING my sponsoring a showing of A Billion Lives could (ACK!) get me kicked off ECF. I have pointed this out there, redacted all of my info, and I guess that now makes Vaping Underground the EXCLUSIVE site for individuals sponsoring showings of the movie. Hahahahaha.... Fuck you old man, and the TOS you rode in on.

That said, if I can sell 75 tickets or more, the showing will be at the United Artists theater 14 in Commerce Township, Michigan on 11/28/2016 at 7:30pm.
I will start a thread once Tugg has the tickets available on their website.

I'm just wondering why you CARE if you get kicked out of that shithole.



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ok.....well first, I just pm'd Oliver to find out it if it even is a violation of TOS, since you do earn 5% but my understanding was that you didn't get the $ but that it was to be donated to a charity of your choice.

2nd I asked him if we could have at least a thread for promoters to advertise their showings...... and even better a forum so that there could be a thread for each state, making it easier for folks to find one near them. Will see what he says and go from there. :)


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Yeah... the way the minister was carrying on, you'd think she was there everytime the doors were open, and nothing could be farther from the truth -- she was force-fed religion as a child, and never cared much for it as an adult. She gave it lip-service. If she was listening, she was probably saying "enough about God, talk about me some more, how great I was and how much everyone loved me." :giggle:


The last 4 funerals I been to was the same thing and I always thought it was odd that they would get a preacher/pastor/whatever to do the eulogy/talk when they really didnt know the deceased at all. It is well known that I do NOT want a funeral when I am gone. My wishes are that I refuse embalming because by state law they have to have me planted within 36 hours of my demise. I decided this a long time ago for a few reasons. I dont want someone who knew nothing about me turning my funeral into a sermon and I dont want a bunch of hypocrites who I really couldnt stand in life going to my funeral. Why should a bunch of people who wasn't there for me in life be able to look down on me and say "we are going to miss him" when I am gone. Screw that!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I'm just wondering why you CARE if you get kicked out of that shithole.

Now think about this, Andria. Do you remember who Louis Lebeau was? If Colonel Klink would have booted him out of the camp, he woulda snuck RIGHT back in. It was where he could do the most good.

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Now think about this, Andria. Do you remember who Louis Lebeau was? If Colonel Klink would have booted him out of the camp, he woulda snuck RIGHT back in. It was where he could do the most good.

Well... I recall the name over at ECF, but not otherwise. However from context I deduce that he must have been that smarmy little frenchman, so yeah, I guess I can see that. But there's no way to do any good over there at nazi central; they've stacked the deck completely in favor of the admin and mods, and the grunts are treated like kindergartners; just arguing with a mod about how that shithole is run is enough to get you banned. Fuck that shit. They've seen the last of me. I fucking HATE control freaks, and they positively exemplify that obscene quality.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Well... I recall the name over at ECF, but not otherwise. However from context I deduce that he must have been that smarmy little frenchman, so yeah, I guess I can see that. But there's no way to do any good over there at nazi central; they've stacked the deck completely in favor of the admin and mods, and the grunts are treated like kindergartners; just arguing with a mod about how that shithole is run is enough to get you banned. Fuck that shit. They've seen the last of me. I fucking HATE control freaks, and they positively exemplify that obscene quality.


I don't give a shit about the mods there. There are real people there, that need real help. Yeah, I've been slacking on welcoming new vapers and posting helpful info where I can. R1's shit turns my stomach and makes it hard. But I also want to try to help turn that big, off course, ship. It really needs doing. When new vapers are greeted by the likes of R1 with his admonishments, it isn't really a good thing for vaping. I live to poke that bear.


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I never got banned on ECF. I was reprimanded a few times with a stern "dont do this" but never banned. I just decided that I had no intention of being around Retarded1 whom I despise or any of the other gestapo over there.


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I don't give a shit about the mods there. There are real people there, that need real help. Yeah, I've been slacking on welcoming new vapers and posting helpful info where I can. R1's shit turns my stomach and makes it hard. But I also want to try to help turn that big, off course, ship. It really needs doing. When new vapers are greeted by the likes of R1 with his admonishments, it isn't really a good thing for vaping. I live to poke that bear.


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I wanna know the trick. I'd always heard that folks should have the teeth pulled, go toothless til the swelling went down, then have the cast made for the best fit, but I know most don't do it that way. My biggest fear about dentures is getting ones that don't fit right or weren't done right. Well, my biggest fear other than the price tag.
When I was knee-high to a grasshopper, my aunt had full dentures and was always complaining that they didn't fit right. I noted that she never even wore them except during meals. My mom also had them and she soaked them every night in Pollident and used Polligrip adhesive every day (and complained about the horrible taste of that crap constantly - by the way, she got stomach cancer - unproven as to what caused it - and they cut it out, but it came back in her bones and killed her). Many other people complain that their dentures didn't fit right, so they had to use lots of that adhesive crap (which you will swallow and if you think the chemicals in cigarettes are bad...). They all had one thing in common too: they took their teeth out every night when they went to bed. I heard lots of stupidity like, "My teeth have expanded and don't fit any more." Pardon my language, but bullshit! Dentures do not stretch, expand, grow... but your gums will change shape and shrink and they change a lot more if you don't keep your teeth in all the time... ALL the time. Yes, you can take them out to clean them several times per day (using a regular toothbrush - you do not need fizzy tablets), but don't leave them out because as soon as your gums become a different shape than the dentures, you will either resort to adhesives or go get fitted for new dentures (very spendy).

I had all my teeth pulled at a denture college, and if someone was gonna screw it up, it would be a greater chance there than at a full-price regular dentist (or so I heard with everyone who warned me not to go that route, but I had no dental insurance and was...ummm. low income). The dentures were placed in my mouth immediately after the removal surgery - yes, right on top of the stitches (which I removed myself a week later). But the logic of gum shrinkage made me keep them in all the time. Dentists* (see note below) will say you SHOULD take them out at night because your mouth tissues need to breathe. Funny how mine have never had a problem... and, by the way, this all happened in 1977... almost 40 years ago and I am still using the exact same dentures I got way back then and they fit perfectly today. Never used an adhesive and I can bite into a Granny Smith apple with no problems.

*note: Do you heed everything a dentist, doctor, or drug company tells you? Did you with cigarettes? Do you with vaping? Anytime someone like that tells you you need to do this or that thing, ask yourself who's gonna profit from this. FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL! The dentist (or denturist) wants you to come back for future treatments. The adhesive marketeers want to sell you poison glue to keep your teeth in... they profit and so do the doctors who try to cure you of the intestinal problems from swallowing so much of that crap. Think about it...
Last edited:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I never got banned on ECF. I was reprimanded a few times with a stern "dont do this" but never banned. I just decided that I had no intention of being around Retarded1 whom I despise or any of the other gestapo over there.

Exactly my situation -- the one suspension I received was enough to inform me that they don't appreciate me, they don't DESERVE me, either my money or my attention. Any vapers looking for info online can find VU in google as easily as they can find ECF. And get a much better welcome here, without a lot of asinine, control-freak rules.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
When I was knee-high to a grasshopper, my aunt had full dentures and was always complaining that they didn't fit right. I noted that she never even wore them except during meals. My mom also had them and she soaked them every night in Pollident and used Polligrip adhesive every day (and complained about the horrible taste of that crap constantly - by the way, she got stomach cancer - unproven as to what caused it - and they cut it out, but it came back in her bones and killed her). Many other people complain that their dentures didn't fit right, so they had to use lots of that adhesive crap (which you will swallow and if you think the chemicals in cigarettes are bad...). They all had one thing in common too: they took their teeth out every night when they went to bed. I heard lots of stupidity like, "My teeth have expanded and don't fit any more." Pardon my language, but bullshit! Dentures do not stretch, expand, grow... but your gums will change shape and shrink and they change a lot more if you don't keep your teeth in all the time... ALL the time. Yes, you can take them out to clean them several times per day (using a regular toothbrush - you do not need fizzy tablets), but don't leave them out because as soon as your gums become a different shape than the dentures, you will either resort to adhesives or go get fitted for new dentures (very spendy).

I had all my teeth pulled at a denture college, and if someone was gonna screw it up, it would be a greater chance there than at a full-price regular dentist (or so I heard with everyone who warned me not to go that route, but I had no dental insurance and was...ummm. low income). The dentures were placed in my mouth immediately after the removal surgery - yes, right on top of the stitches (which I removed myself a week later). But the logic of gum shrinkage made me keep them in all the time. Dentists* (see note below) will say you SHOULD take them out at night because your mouth tissues needs to breathe. Funny how mine have never had a problem... and, by the way, this all happened in 1977... almost 40 years ago and I am still using the exact same dentures I got way back then and they fit perfectly today. Never used an adhesive and I can bite into a Granny Smith apple with no problems.

*note: Do you heed everything a dentist, doctor, or drug company tells you? Did you with cigarettes? Do you with vaping? Anytime someone like that tells you you need to do this or that thing, ask yourself who's gonna profit from this. FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL! The dentist (or denturist) wants you to come back for future treatments. The adhesive marketeers want to sell you poison glue to keep your teeth in... they profit and so do the doctors who try to cure you of the intestinal problems from swallowing so much of that crap. Think about it...

Yep. The problem is bone loss -- once the teeth are gone, the bones start shrinking, but your method, keeping them in constantly, also worked very well for my father. he kept them in constantly, and never used adhesives.



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The problem is bone loss -- once the teeth are gone, the bones start shrinking
THAT was my reason for doing it in the first place. See, my dentures are a copy (at least in shape) of my real teeth. They were perfectly straight and lots of people claimed they knew I wore dentures because my teeth were too perfect - too straight, too even, etc., but that is how my natural teeth were. The problem was that they were all rotting from the roots upward (opposite of "normal" people) and this was causing a shape change in the jaw bones because the teeth were not rooted firmly any more, giving the jaw bones a chance to recede. The dentists told me that they could work on it, but I would likely have to spend $1,000 a year for many many years - maybe forever, because they likely would not be able to stop it completely. So for the price of just the first year's treatments, I got them all pulled and plastic teeth put in their place and have not had one mouth problem since. Oh, and those prices were from 1977... today that treatment would likely be $5,000 a year for life.


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The last 4 funerals I been to was the same thing and I always thought it was odd that they would get a preacher/pastor/whatever to do the eulogy/talk when they really didnt know the deceased at all. It is well known that I do NOT want a funeral when I am gone. My wishes are that I refuse embalming because by state law they have to have me planted within 36 hours of my demise. I decided this a long time ago for a few reasons. I dont want someone who knew nothing about me turning my funeral into a sermon and I dont want a bunch of hypocrites who I really couldnt stand in life going to my funeral. Why should a bunch of people who wasn't there for me in life be able to look down on me and say "we are going to miss him" when I am gone. Screw that!
Chopdoc, you are exactly right and why I chose to be cremated, park my box into the ground at sundown and be done with it! No funeral, no memorial service, no nothing!
My brother was not a religious person at all so we had his funeral at the funeral home. The pastor that did his funeral was a brother of my brother's SO. He delivered a really cool eulogy because he actually knew my brother. He ended the service by saying along the lines of "when he came sliding into heaven, leaking oil, grinning like a fool saying "hot damn, what a ride!!"


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Chopdoc, you are exactly right and why I chose to be cremated, park my box into the ground at sundown and be done with it! No funeral, no memorial service, no nothing!
My brother was not a religious person at all so we had his funeral at the funeral home. The pastor that did his funeral was a brother of my brother's SO. He delivered a really cool eulogy because he actually knew my brother. He ended the service by saying along the lines of "when he came sliding into heaven, leaking oil, grinning like a fool saying "hot damn, what a ride!!"

I thought about cremation but I dont want to be on a mantle or left in a box in the back of a closet somewhere. I really dont even care if the box they plant me in is made of cardboard. I just want to be planted and forgotten about when my time comes.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I don't have a problem with whatever sort of memorial my survivor(s) might choose to have for me; my family know my beliefs, and would plan something accordingly -- a celebration, of my moving on to whatever comes next, and definitely not taking up good real estate with my physical remains, but using my ashes in the planting of a beautiful, strongly scented red rose -- I am an absolute sucker for all roses, but the strongly perfumed red roses are my favorites by a mile. As it happens, bone meal is excellent plant food, for the roots and flowers. :)

The ceremonies and rituals are really for the living, not the dead; they mark a passage, a last sign of love and respect for the departed, and really should not be curtailed extremely -- even though I'm not a christian,. I still benefitted from the formal observance of my mother's passing, to help me move myself to the next state, my life without the one who brought me here. It's part of the eventual healing of grief.



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I thought about cremation but I dont want to be on a mantle or left in a box in the back of a closet somewhere. I really don't even care if the box they plant me in is made of cardboard. I just want to be planted and forgotten about when my time comes.
I've told Lannie to just put me in the burn barrel when I croak. Once I'm out of this body, I don't care what happens to it, but I do not want there to be a "place" where anyone can come to mourn my passing. I will not be in that spot, so burn the body and throw the ashes in the garbage pit for all I care. No markers (Here lies Rich Amber. He literally screwed himself right into the ground.) Bullshit! I will not be here!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I've told Lannie to just put me in the burn barrel when I croak. Once I'm out of this body, I don't care what happens to it, but I do not want there to be a "place" where anyone can come to mourn my passing. I will not be in that spot, so burn the body and throw the ashes in the garbage pit for all I care. No markers (Here lies Rich Amber. He literally screwed himself right into the ground.) Bullshit! I will not be here!

I've spent a number of years nurturing roses. I find it poetically just that my remains should continue doing so, even after *I* am gone. :)



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I was thinking more for my kids than anyone else. I still go to the cemetery on occasion to "talk" to my mom, dad and brother. They are buried in a row from each other. Since I'm dead, it doesn't matter to me what they do with the ashes though. I'm like chop in that I don't want people standing over me saying I miss you! That's all pure bullshit!


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I find it poetically just that my remains should continue doing so, even after *I* am gone. :)
That's what we did with my mother. After she was cremated, I took her box of ashes on a family camping trip. We went to a meadow that I knew mom loved and we each brought a plant that we knew she liked. I filled small dixie cups with ashes and handed one to each family member, then told them to go out in the meadow, to a place they thought she would like to sit and plant their plants with the cup of ashes poured in with the root mass. I brought along a red rose because she had once told me that was her favorite.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
I was thinking more for my kids than anyone else. I still go to the cemetery on occasion to "talk" to my mom, dad and brother. They are buried in a row from each other. Since I'm dead, it doesn't matter to me what they do with the ashes though. I'm like chop in that I don't want people standing over me saying I miss you! That's all pure bullshit!

That's true, but it does provide a focal point for the attention, similar to rosary beads -- I'm sure the prayers could be uttered without the beads, but most catholics I've known really liked using the beads. This is another reason for my own preference, the planting of a red rose -- talking to plants is good for them, as it provides a good source of carbon dioxide, which they use in order to provide us oxygen. I suppose it's evident that I prefer plants to most people I've known. :D



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I thought about cremation but I dont want to be on a mantle or left in a box in the back of a closet somewhere. I really dont even care if the box they plant me in is made of cardboard. I just want to be planted and forgotten about when my time comes.
I want to be cremated, put in an urn with a shark fin on it, and buried next to my mom in Louisiana. So, if it floods and I pop up, my urn will be a little "Jaws" floating around. hehehehehehe

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