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Womper Woom Wejects


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm here. Went to bed kinda early for me, so I woke up at 10am and couldn't go back to sleep. Gotta get some laundry done this afternoon.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The We Love Cats thread is another great place to get cheered up. It was my first stop, every evening after getting home from the hospital, and then after getting home from the funeral home/burial. Those silly kitties. :) I'm heading there right now in fact; found a new meme to post. :giggle:



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Dangit Atcha, Stop posting videos. I can't watch them at work. Well, OK, I can wtach 'em, but I can't listen to 'em, no speakers. Now I have to remember to look for them when I get home.


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Member For 4 Years
Very nice!!!!!
You don't like the dentist? I love getting my teeth cleaned. Yea, I'm weird.
I don't particularly like the dentist but I'd love to go and have all of mine pulled so I can have a complete full set of dentures put in. I inherited bad teeth from my mom, plus 2 kids that sucked all the calcium out, smoking for 30+ years, no insurance or money has taken their toll on my teeth. Getting them all out and replaced is the lesser of 2 evils. But...I need at least $2500 to get that done. :( Ain't happening soon.


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There is but it takes an act of Congress to get accepted. I've tried.
Must be different now than way back when I had mine done. I just made an appointment and went in as if it were regular dentist. One appt was to make casting of my teeth, then a couple weeks later (when they had the plates ready), mom drove me in, they pulled all my teeth (count backwards from 100...99... Zzzzz), stuck the plates in, and escorted my wobbly body to the door. Haven't had to see a dentist since. No adhesives required (there's a trick to that but most dentists hate it) and I can eat raw apples, corn on the cob, etc. with no problems.


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ECF Refugee
Must be different now than way back when I had mine done. I just made an appointment and went in as if it were regular dentist. One appt was to make casting of my teeth, then a couple weeks later (when they had the plates ready), mom drove me in, they pulled all my teeth (count backwards from 100...99... Zzzzz), stuck the plates in, and escorted my wobbly body to the door. Haven't had to see a dentist since. No adhesives required (there's a trick to that but most dentists hate it) and I can eat raw apples, corn on the cob, etc. with no problems.
I've known people to go to Mexico to get it done too.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The only way I'll agree to get in any dentist's chair for any purpose is if they give me laughing gas. Many of them have stopped using it, because of some risk to the unborn, so... I pretty much gave up going to the dentist, when dentists gave up nitrous oxide. Tried once, when I needed an extraction, just taking the pill they offered. It was fucking VALIUM, which is pretty much just booze in pill form; all it did was make me cry, not helping my stress/anxiety AT ALL.

Now you know why all my photos are closed-mouthed.



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All packed and ready for tomorrow. Everyone stay safe and I will try and pop on now and then.

I'll miss this crazy gang :blowkiss:

@Eskie, when you get your kit, pop the T8 coil in the baby beast, work ya way up to 70w, really nice vape buddy.

Loves the lot of ya.

Rixy n Emmy x x


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So vape mail today! A new black back for my Triade and a black Engine to go on it.

View attachment 64378

This will cheer me up until I have to leave for the dentist.

Congrats. I put mine on a black Hex Ohm V3, polished the hex ohm symbol back to shiny alloy, they go so nice together. I will have to show you but there packed up atm.

Hope the dentist don't give you too much grief
Have fun!

We will x

OBS Engine review and a look at the new Q Class mod with 25mm 510 YAY, about time !!

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G+ Class anyone <3


Looks like Spiderman vapes LOL

Much prefer the anit spiderman look though


Now this is flash


My favorite


Q Class they should of released to begin with

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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I've known people to go to Mexico to get it done too.

Hell yes! I am in need of two crowns, they've cracked. I am just waiting for one more major need, be it medical or dental, and I am off to Malaysia. Their medical care is considered MUCH better than ours, and at about 1/10 of the price. Already, just the two crowns would be CHEAPER there WITH hotel and airfare, than here. And a free vacation to an equatorial country! From Michigan, that looks REAL good.


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Member For 3 Years
@Rixsta , I didn't get it with the tank, just the mod. I did get a Super tank, the full size, not the mini. Did I mess up? That new G class certainly has style. I might wait for the AMG version.:D

Have a great trip, enjoy yourself, and a big Hi to Emily!

Ah, the dentist. It was OK. I don't like gas or sedation. Just give me a good local block and go to town. I'm sure I'll be a bit sore later (very sore soon) but there are pills for that.:eek:

Did build out the new Engine, running as smooth as the other. What a great tank. Tomorrow, new Alien and tank to compare against.:vapemail:


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@Rixsta , I didn't get it with the tank, just the mod. I did get a Super tank, the full size, not the mini. Did I mess up? That new G class certainly has style. I might wait for the AMG version.:D

Have a great trip, enjoy yourself, and a big Hi to Emily!

Ah, the dentist. It was OK. I don't like gas or sedation. Just give me a good local block and go to town. I'm sure I'll be a bit sore later (very sore soon) but there are pills for that.:eek:

Did build out the new Engine, running as smooth as the other. What a great tank. Tomorrow, new Alien and tank to compare against.:vapemail:

Super tank is great but the baby beast is another level. I have been vaping nothing else today ha...well that is partly because my OBS is packed away for the journey tomorrow. There is no doubt though, gotta rate that OBS as one of the best flavor tanks ever made. Even Daniel was impressed with it and for good reason. I have been using geek vape wire, twisted clapton wire 28g/32g, absolutely perfect for the engine.

You'll like the Super tank though, they are great.

More vapemail tomorrow, your getting as bad as me my friend :devil:


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Congrats. I put mine on a black Hex Ohm V3, polished the hex ohm symbol back to shiny alloy, they go so nice together. I will have to show you but there packed up atm.

Hope the dentist don't give you too much grief

We will x

OBS Engine review and a look at the new Q Class mod with 25mm 510 YAY, about time !!

Nice review. Pretty much exactly what we've been saying about it. My only tiny difference is I don't use quite as much wick, that looks like a lot to me. But whatever works, and I'm getting no gurgling or spitting, so no complaints. I saw him mount it on the Alien so I have an idea how the black should look on it.


This stuff, no ramp up time, dual coils, 3mm ID, 6 wraps 0.4ohm. 65w, great for that OBS


That sounds real good. I wanted to pick up some Clapton wire anyway. I'll give that one a shot. I've used Geek Vape wire before and it seemed really clean. Might look for it in 316L. I'm on a real TC kick of late and just built this out with dual 28G 316L came in at 0.5 ohm and vaping great at 450F.

Between this tank and the Merlin, I think I'm done playing with RTAs. Anything else will need to be special to make me try it. These are just so damn good. OK, maybe the Sapor as another top air to check out. And I still never got around to picking up an Aromamizer Supreme..............:facepalm:

It never ends, does it?

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