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And of course I'm just kidding about Patsy, I know who she is. She's the Crazy lady that went Walkin' After Midnight so she could get Back in Baby's Arms. Apparently she was chain smoking on that walk cuz after she got there she put Three Cigarettes in an Ashtray, then said "I Fall to Pieces every time you give me A Poor Man's Roses."


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Cardiologist said last angiogram done showed I had elevated pressure in my lungs at rest which was effecting the pressure of my heart so now gotta deal with Pulmonary doctors. No end in sight for the nightmare yet :(
Google the phrase "pulmonary hypertension." Cardiologist said I probably have that and it sounds a lot like what you have described.


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I was kinda amazed up in Michigan that there are gulls around the Great Lakes; I guess they're just inland freshwater seas, but it still seems weird to me -- "Look, a seagull.. er, a lakegull."
Around here, they get called "Prairie Gulls." The claim is that when there is a big storm pushing in from the Pacific, they come with it and don't know how to get back. They look to be the same kind I used to see on the Orygun coast. It makes me wonder, however, how they survive the high altitude trip over the Rockies to get here.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Around here, they get called "Prairie Gulls." The claim is that when there is a big storm pushing in from the Pacific, they come with it and don't know how to get back. It makes me wonder, however, how they survive the high altitude trip over the Rockies to get here.

Maybe they're the offspring of Jonathan Livingston, trying to push the envelope. :D



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That, I believe, is one of the most logical statements I have ever read in any book. Way too many authors, especially when dealing with the spiritual side, make claims as if they are the only ones who know "truth." Richard Bach, on the other hand, freely admits that what he thinks he knows might not be valid for everyone.

Learning is finding out what you already know.
Doing is demonstrating that you know it.
Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That, I believe, is one of the most logical statements I have ever read in any book. Way too many authors, especially when dealing with the spiritual side, make claims as if they are the only ones who know "truth." Richard Bach, on the other hand, freely admits that what he thinks he knows might not be valid for everyone.

Learning is finding out what you already know.
Doing is demonstrating that you know it.
Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you.

If every religion took that approach, I probably wouldn't despise religion so much. I've always heard that certainty is evil, and most certainty I've observed definitely qualifies as evil in one way or another. Uncertainty is the mark of an open, teachable mind.



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If every religion took that approach, I probably wouldn't despise religion so much.
Having thoroughly researched/studied every major religion on this planet, and with apologies to any believers who might read this, I despise ALL religions, simply because they have hard and fast rules and lack a great deal in the area of logic. I choose to believe that the reality you live in is of your own making - whatsoever you truly believe is that which you will receive. The key there is to KNOW what it is you truly believe. Way too many humans waste their lives saying "I want this, I want that" and they never get it because... well, the Universe says "you say you want, so we give that to you; you'll just keep wanting." To create, you must live "as if" your vision already exists.


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The key word, Crom, is "may" (might).... I think most of them started with "intent" to control the mindless masses.
Even if they had a benign prophet in the beginning, as soon as it became "organized," it was already done with intent to control so that power (and, therefore, accumulation of tithes/taxes/donations) was focused only for the select few who ran the organization. And those who ran the organization were never the prophets who did the initial preaching.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Having thoroughly researched/studied every major religion on this planet, and with apologies to any believers who might read this, I despise ALL religions, simply because they have hard and fast rules and lack a great deal in the area of logic. I choose to believe that the reality you live in is of your own making - whatsoever you truly believe is that which you will receive. The key there is to KNOW what it is you truly believe. Way too many humans waste their lives saying "I want this, I want that" and they never get it because... well, the Universe says "you say you want, so we give that to you; you'll just keep wanting." To create, you must live "as if" your vision already exists.

I like the point you made about what one already knows -- it's pretty easy to tell right from wrong, if you really pay attention to the small voice inside -- I have *always* found that if that little voice is saying things like, this may not be the best idea, you ignore it AT YOUR PERIL. But most people make too much noise to hear that small voice; it's necessary to, as the Eagles put it, "Learn to be still."

I once saw something very valuable amongst all the many wise sayings posted in AA rooms, about doing "the next right thing." That pretty much spells out my own personal "religion" -- to try and figure out, in any given situation, what the most *right* thing is, and do that.

I still find the Serenity Prayer to be one of the most profoundly wise things I've ever heard. I don't know if God will "grant" serenity, courage, and wisdom, but they are definitely goals to aim for.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Morning Y'all.

It's so nice to find someone who's not even a southerner who spells y'all correctly. Since it's really a contraction for "you all," a plural "you" -- never ever used when referencing a single person. :) Somehow those who portray southern accents always manage to misunderstand that, and have southern characters tossing around "y'all" when addressing a single person. :facepalm:



People's Reviewer
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Just a pic for now, lovely mod though. Alien coils for an Alien mod lol



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Member For 3 Years
Morning wompers! That OBS looks real nice on the Alien.

Gotta bring my pup into the vet today. She's got something going on with her right ankle. She keeps licking at it and she's favoring the leg. Probably just a little infection, doubt it's an abscess, but its over a joint, so I need to make sure it's not extending into the joint space. Oh well, it's not like i had anything else like work to do today.


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Morning wompers! That OBS looks real nice on the Alien.

Gotta bring my pup into the vet today. She's got something going on with her right ankle. She keeps licking at it and she's favoring the leg. Probably just a little infection, doubt it's an abscess, but its over a joint, so I need to make sure it's not extending into the joint space. Oh well, it's not like i had anything else like work to do today.

I am sorry to hear that Eskie I hope everything turns out ok.


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Member For 3 Years
Just a pic for now, lovely mod though. Alien coils for an Alien mod lol


Well finding this thing in stock anywhere is a nightmare. Finally dug up a deal from Ecig, which is having a 25% off sale. I was able to get an Alien with 2 LG batteries for ~$38 with the discount. Unfortunately, they only had it in blue. I would have preferred the gunmetal, but I guess I'll have to learn to love blue. Rixy, to make up for it I took your advice and got a Super tank which was available in blue, so at least that's all matchy matchy. Now I need some blue drip tips.


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I am sorry to hear that Eskie I hope everything turns out ok.

Thanks. She's had her share of orthopedic crap. A few years ago she was hit by a car and got her hip dislocated. That was fixed without surgery but she's gone on to have some arthritis there. Then about 2 years ago she was chasing a damn deer and popped the ACL of her left knee. That required surgery which is a big deal in a dog. Had to go through a few months of physical therapy with her after that (had the routine down from her hip at least).

She's still out chasing deer, and other than preferring to lay on a rug instead of the wood floor, she's just fine after all that. Some days she does look a bit stiff, so puppy Motrin does the trick. Because of all that earlier orthopedic work, I get concerned with anything around a joint as that would be so limiting for her, as she really can't rely on the opposite side to make up the difference.


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Thanks. She's had her share of orthopedic crap. A few years ago she was hit by a car and got her hip dislocated. That was fixed without surgery but she's gone on to have some arthritis there. Then about 2 years ago she was chasing a damn deer and popped the ACL of her left knee. That required surgery which is a big deal in a dog. Had to go through a few months of physical therapy with her after that (had the routine down from her hip at least).

She's still out chasing deer, and other than preferring to lay on a rug instead of the wood floor, she's just fine after all that. Some days she does look a bit stiff, so puppy Motrin does the trick. Because of all that earlier orthopedic work, I get concerned with anything around a joint as that would be so limiting for her, as she really can't rely on the opposite side to make up the difference.

Hopefully it's just a little stiff and can be remedied easily, will be praying for a good outcome like we just got.

My parents dog and my ex's both had the ACL surgery and I know what a booger that can be, they recovered well but you're always worried about them hurting it again. When Marley runs on the tile and slips I gasp because I know how bad that can be for them.


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Hopefully it's just a little stiff and can be remedied easily, will be praying for a good outcome like we just got.

My parents dog and my ex's both had the ACL surgery and I know what a booger that can be, they recovered well but you're always worried about them hurting it again. When Marley runs on the tile and slips I gasp because I know how bad that can be for them.

I'm that way with her on the stairs. They're uncarpeted wooden, and I can just see those paws sliding as she runs up and down. One time she did slip going down, but no harm, other than freaking me out.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Well, this could get interesting. I have been approved as a promoter for a local screening of "A Billion Lives". I intend to promote the showing at my local vape shops, here, reddit, and ECF. I want this sucker SOLD OUT, and additional bookings added.

Where it may get interesting, is when I promote it on ECF. SURELY they will let me promote "A Billion Lives". In fact, Tugg, the Theater group that is willing to give us a shot at this, was contacted by me LONG ago about this movie, and they sent me the contact information, which I forwarded to the team at A Billion Lives.

But the "Promoters Name" is going to be Moueix/LouisLebeau. LOL.. Go ahead you old farkin bastard, ban me for having previously banned me, which was for inventing Twik wick, and do it for THIS. Dickasaurus. IN YOUR FACE, SOUR OLD MAN!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Well, this could get interesting. I have been approved as a promoter for a local screening of "A Billion Lives". I intend to promote the showing at my local vape shops, here, reddit, and ECF. I want this sucker SOLD OUT, and additional bookings added.

Where it may get interesting, is when I promote it on ECF. SURELY they will let me promote "A Billion Lives". In fact, Tugg, the Theater group that is willing to give us a shot at this, was contacted by me LONG ago about this movie, and they sent me the contact information, which I forwarded to the team at A Billion Lives.

But the "Promoters Name" is going to be Moueix/LouisLebeau. LOL.. Go ahead you old farkin bastard, ban me for having previously banned me, which was for inventing Twik wick, and do it for THIS. Dickasaurus. IN YOUR FACE, SOUR OLD MAN!
Planned date? Theater? Not a damn thing close to me. Tempted to try doing one in South Bend, just don't know how much luck I'd have selling enough tickets.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Planned date? Theater? Not a damn thing close to me. Tempted to try doing one in South Bend, just don't know how much luck I'd have selling enough tickets.

This showing is going to be at the United Artists megaplex in Waterford Michigan on 11/28/16 at 7:30pm
ANY member of ECF or VU will be given the opportunity to be reimbursed for their ticket at the door, or have their ticket price donated to CASAA, BY ME, as long as they bring at least one other paid attendee. Their choice. Heck, between you, Falala, and Lady Dinger, that would be SIX tickets gone. :)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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This showing is going to be at the United Artists megaplex in Waterford Michigan on 11/28/16 at 7:30pm
ANY member of ECF or VU will be given the opportunity to be reimbursed for their ticket at the door, or have their ticket price donated to CASAA, BY ME, as long as they bring at least one other paid attendee. Their choice. Heck, between you, Falala, and Lady Dinger, that would be SIX tickets gone. :)
Dammit, one week late for Falala, she'll actually be in the area a week prior to that. I may have to find an excuse to visit our corp offices on the 29th, which will give me a reason to be in Fenton on the evening of the 28th. Surely I can convince a couple of the vapers I know at corporate to show up.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Dammit, one week late for Falala, she'll actually be in the area a week prior to that. I may have to find an excuse to visit our corp offices on the 29th, which will give me a reason to be in Fenton on the evening of the 28th. Surely I can convince a couple of the vapers I know at corporate to show up.

WHAT?!? You visit Fenton, and have yet to come say hello?!? I could meet you at the Firehouse or The Laundry ANY time you want to sit down over a sandwich! I practically live at those two during Motorcycle season, which starts on Feb 29 and ends on November 31st. Plus any reasonably warm and sunny days in between.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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"I have a question. Do we have ANYWHERE on this site, where members who elect to sponsor a viewing can promote that viewing? That is, if it isn't against that enormous and ridiculously strict TOS we all live under here."

Is the infamous R1 online over there?


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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WHAT?!? You visit Fenton, and have yet to come say hello?!? I could meet you at the Firehouse or The Laundry ANY time you want to sit down over a sandwich! I practically live at those two during Motorcycle season, which starts on Feb 29 and ends on November 31st. Plus any reasonably warm and sunny days in between.
Actually haven't been up there in a couple years, but I'm sure I can find an excuse.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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"I have a question. Do we have ANYWHERE on this site, where members who elect to sponsor a viewing can promote that viewing? That is, if it isn't against that enormous and ridiculously strict TOS we all live under here."

Is the infamous R1 online over there?

The message is consistent. I support FREEDOM. He can go pound sand.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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"I have a question. Do we have ANYWHERE on this site, where members who elect to sponsor a viewing can promote that viewing? That is, if it isn't against that enormous and ridiculously strict TOS we all live under here."

Is the infamous R1 online over there?
Yep, that's my favorite part of the post too. I cracked up.


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Well, this could get interesting. I have been approved as a promoter for a local screening of "A Billion Lives". I intend to promote the showing at my local vape shops, here, reddit, and ECF. I want this sucker SOLD OUT, and additional bookings added.

Where it may get interesting, is when I promote it on ECF. SURELY they will let me promote "A Billion Lives". In fact, Tugg, the Theater group that is willing to give us a shot at this, was contacted by me LONG ago about this movie, and they sent me the contact information, which I forwarded to the team at A Billion Lives.

But the "Promoters Name" is going to be Moueix/LouisLebeau. LOL.. Go ahead you old farkin bastard, ban me for having previously banned me, which was for inventing Twik wick, and do it for THIS. Dickasaurus. IN YOUR FACE, SOUR OLD MAN!
Wooohooooooooooo! Yippie for YOU MOO!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Ahh. Good point.
I got dragged to that horrible The Suffering of Christ (i think it was called) movie.

That was probably Mel Gibsons "The Passion of the Christ". Which might have been a great idea coming from anyone besides the bigoted, racist, anti-semitic and washed up actor that directed it.. the biggest problem with Christianity, is Christians.

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