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Womper Woom Wejects


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I just ordered a black Engine, as I'm so freaking happy with this tank I had to have two. I just rest the wick in the holes, not through the holes, and no problems at all from it. I wish I could find a 23 mm for stuff like my Pico, but no joy from a US vendor. Oh, and I missed out on the gunmetal Alien. I didn't read the choices correctly. AND I missed the flash sale for them on Ecig, which would have brought a whole kit in for ~$38. Oh well, guess I'll just add it to my list.

That Smoant looks great for travel. I wonder if a Merlin would manage to fit in there. The only other small tanks I have that might fit are a Bellus and an Ultimo. I guess a Super Tank mini would be a good match.

I can confirm that the Merlin does fit in the Smoant mod perfect. Sorry about you missing out on it, even in our shop, they sold out in one day, I expect the same with the new stock tomorrow, especially the gunmetal ones.

Tell ya what though, this TFV8 baby beast in terms of flavor with the T8 coil can kick it with the RTA's, even hold it's own against the OBS, fantastic if you just want to pop a coil in an have a very good vape.
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I think I know why, was you getting a short ? I should of mentioned that you have to clip the wires flush with the deck and I mean flush, if the tiniest bit of wire is sticking out it won't work.

Wrap coil anti clockwise, hold the coil, centre over the airflow, tighten screws making sure the wires are trapped and that the bottom of the coil is clear of the airflow ring ( slightly, do not raise the coil too high), clip legs flush with the deck, check ohms on the mod, screw the chimney on, check again, if you get the same reading your good to wick her up..

Mommy bear xxxxxxxxxx Afternoon / Morning. I had an early one as you probably saw lol

If I bought the beach and the air space I could use a rifle to shoot them as long as it was registered. I do have a slingshot though :) They mess all the windows up with their crap, rip all the stuff out the bins, swoop down and attack you if you have Ice Cream and keep me awake. I hate them ! They do look kinda cute though.

Throw Alka Seltzers at them. Just make sure the kids are no where around and the lil lady isnt around either. Its pretty gory. They eat the Alka Seltzers and blow up. Its also pretty cruel but will kill them.


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I just ordered a black Engine, as I'm so freaking happy with this tank I had to have two. I just rest the wick in the holes, not through the holes, and no problems at all from it. I wish I could find a 23 mm for stuff like my Pico, but no joy from a US vendor. Oh, and I missed out on the gunmetal Alien. I didn't read the choices correctly. AND I missed the flash sale for them on Ecig, which would have brought a whole kit in for ~$38. Oh well, guess I'll just add it to my list.

That Smoant looks great for travel. I wonder if a Merlin would manage to fit in there. The only other small tanks I have that might fit are a Bellus and an Ultimo. I guess a Super Tank mini would be a good match.

OBS on a Wismec Presa 26650 mod



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I was going to say that earlier, but decided not to. lol! You're BAD choppy!

It is a lot more humane to shoot them. I have no problems with killing a critter but I dont want them to suffer. Wonder if in the UK Rixy could have a pellet gun? I have a Gammo pellet rifle that will shoot .177 pellets at around 1100 fps and will kill just as well as a 22 rifle.


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It is a lot more humane to shoot them. I have no problems with killing a critter but I dont want them to suffer. Wonder if in the UK Rixy could have a pellet gun? I have a Gammo pellet rifle that will shoot .177 pellets at around 1100 fps and will kill just as well as a 22 rifle.
I have that AK airsoft. I don't think I'd kill a seagull though. They really can be a pain in the butt though.


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I have that AK airsoft. I don't think I'd kill a seagull though. They really can be a pain in the butt though.

I use to hate them when I worked offshore. They would shit all over the heliports and guys had to walk thru that shit to get to the helicopters and then seagull shit would be all over the floors. Use to have to clean it up nightly.


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I bet y'all never thought to see ME here this early. Amazing, ain't it. But I wanted to give out greets, since I won't be around till sometime in the afternoon; funeral's at noon, visitation again at 11, so we'll have to leave here around 10.
<3 <3 <3 We were all with you in spirit!

This just says new so don't remember what I quoted or why, but yay if it was for your new sumpthin ;facepalm:

Morning all! Another action packed day here, none of it fun stuff, but it's gotta get done.
((((((eskie)))))))) sorry ya got stuff to do ya don't like. is it chores or emotional stuff. don't anwer if I'm bein too nosy.

See? You thought us colonists were nuts for keeping guns in the hands of anybody who could possibly lift one. We can just shoot the damned birds. Along with any people who dare to cross your section of the beach (yay for no trespassing private property), as well as anyone who cuts you off in traffic. As for that last one, well, leg it after you fire. That one might get you in trouble.
all of those will git ya tossed in the pokey except under particular circumstances. However, I am purdy sure there are still parts of Texas, where the "he needed killin" defense is still valid!

My take on gulls.......which I truly can't stand to be around........and deer etc..........if you choose to live at the sea, in the woods, etc where nature is.......... you have to deal with nature. People that go way out in the Ocean, complain they got bit by a shark.......well, keep yur ass outta the Ocean! You're in their territory in a black wet suit with flippers on yur feet, guess what, you look like lunch!

I put a coil in that Serpent Mini but couldnt get the damned thing to work so I gave up and went to bed.
So sorry you're having so much trouble with it. Did you try it on another mod after it metered ok? It may just be the 510 on the bottom of the atty. How far does that stick out?

I didn't know that, so I make my coils clockwise for the Serpent. It's just the way the wire wants to go after I stick the end of it in the holes in the coiling jig thingy. They work fine. In fact BETTER than fine. I don't know why I wasn't using these all day every day until just now. They give me my absolutely most perfect vape.
So you counter clockwise wound a coil for yur biggun and it's better? Which jig do you have? If you have the CM v3, the hole at the bottom is for winding counter clockwise. You may have to do another 1/2 turn cuz it might also be for having one leg stick one way and one leg stick the other way for the coils that need that, but I'm not sure.

Smoant Knight V2 paired with the TFV8 baby beast.
Glad you're liking it! I don't care for the ones with the cages. I know it helps the height profile, but just not my cup o tea. Speaking of should try some of yours with some Mexican vanilla in it! Yummmmmmm

Ooops. Well, I womp too
Hiya. Stick around and talk to us!

Howdy y'all


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Deb had a good idea, case in point....
Not sure that was my point exactly though lmao ;)

Deb, it won't register on any mod I have nor on an ohms meter. I gave up and pitched it in the trash
well git it outta the trash hun. If it is DOA they should replace it without requiring you to send it back....... but if it's a fixable issue, put it aside til you feel like fartin with it, and I'm sure folks here can help you get it going.


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Glad you're liking it! I don't care for the ones with the cages. I know it helps the height profile, but just not my cup o tea. Speaking of should try some of yours with some Mexican vanilla in it! Yummmmmmm

I can relate to that, I much prefer a tank on top too but this for my holiday where it's going to get bashed about and also fits in my shorts pocket better, just a travel mod that I probably wont use indoors.

You still have some of my tea left, Mexican vanilla in hey, sounds nice.


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You still have some of my tea left, Mexican vanilla in hey, sounds nice.
Saving some..........trying to........... Atcha and I still haven't had our tea party!!

but this for my holiday where it's going to get bashed about and also fits in my shorts pocket better, just a travel mod that I probably wont use indoors.
Jup, makes perfect sense for that. Protects the tank.

Cardiologist said last angiogram done showed I had elevated pressure in my lungs at rest which was effecting the pressure of my heart so now gotta deal with Pulmonary doctors. No end in sight for the nightmare ye
(((((((Choppy)))))))))) Hope ya don't mind me callin ya that. Lemme know if you do. did you know roto got moved to the big base?


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I dont mind :) and yep, I talked with her a few weeks ago. Told her to tell the lead mechanic who is a good buddy of mine to bras ma choo (cajun for kiss my ass):giggle: you know quite well, she'll have NO problem doin that! :giggle: She's not been on the porch as much.........she's been a lot busier over there, but hopefully it helps the night go quicker. So glad she has a good opposite now! Not that idiot she had at the other base who got promoted!! :gaah:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Tell me about it. I have a herd of deer (it's a herd for deer, isn't it?) 2 bucks and a bunch of does, and they eat freaking every plant out there. Not only can't I shoot them, I can't even get rid of them with a bow and arrow, as that's considered "discharging a weapon" in my town. Every year there's a hearing to change that, and every year there are a few folks who show up with the "you can't kill the poor deer, let's try birth control instead". Have you ever tried to get a deer to take a birth control pill every morning? "Well, we'll sterilize the bucks". And then what? The deer go into heat and bucks will just come from elsewhere (literally, they'll swim over to get to them).

Best I can do is sic the dog on them. That, or throw a rock.

I would hate NY. Down here, the opening of deer season is a HUGE deal, all the gunhappy hillbillies run amok shooting anything with antlers -- or without. Which is ok if they plan to eat that animal; properly cured, venison is great meat. But put a dead thin';s head on the wall? Ugh.

I once glanced up to see a 10-pt stag in my front yard, and so wished for a shotgun in my hand. But I just sat quietly looking at him, as he looked at me. Of course, up on the north end of Lawrenceville, it's very wooded in parts, and we once saw a golden eagle.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I have that AK airsoft. I don't think I'd kill a seagull though. They really can be a pain in the butt though.

I was kinda amazed up in Michigan that there are gulls around the Great Lakes; I guess they're just inland freshwater seas, but it still seems weird to me -- "Look, a seagull.. er, a lakegull." :giggle:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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all of those will git ya tossed in the pokey except under particular circumstances. However, I am purdy sure there are still parts of Texas, where the "he needed killin" defense is still valid!

Here too -- the verdict is actually named "Justifiable Homicide " -- if someone comes into your house with violence or thievery in mind, and you kill them, well they had it coming. Justifiable Homicide.

My take on gulls.......which I truly can't stand to be around........and deer etc..........if you choose to live at the sea, in the woods, etc where nature is.......... you have to deal with nature. People that go way out in the Ocean, complain they got bit by a shark.......well, keep yur ass outta the Ocean! You're in their territory in a black wet suit with flippers on yur feet, guess what, you look like lunch!

Totally agree. I don't even kill spiders if I'm outdoors, unless it's a black widow or brown recluse -- same for poisonous snakes -- but that's THEIR house; if critters come into mine, then I kill them. I kinda feel that way about people who live in California and complain about drought, fires, and earthquakes -- have they never seen the news from California????



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Here too -- the verdict is actually named "Justifiable Homicide " -- if someone comes into your house with violence or thievery in mind, and you kill them, well they had it coming. Justifiable Homicide.
we have that here too, but I wuz joking about the old Texas. Shoot a bad person and just tell the judge........he needed killin. Judge understands! hehehe


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Hey...........if anyone is interested in seeing the movie A Billion Lives...... and I wanna see it so bad I can't see straight....... check out this link to see where it's coming near you. @Atchafalaya it's going to be in Austin one day in Nov and one day in Dec.

I've signed up to sponsor a viewing near me. That was 4 days ago, and I have yet to hear back. I picked a date far out in November though, so I should be alright, want to get around to the local vape shops and promote it, hopefully get them to pre-order some tickets for their customers, to lock it in.

I dunno though, someone just showed up on the map sponsoring one an hour north of me, on November 14th. This is Michigan. You don't schedule ANYTHING that you hope people will show up for on November 14th. The next day is opening day of deer season. I hope they sell enough to make it happen, but it's not going to be a sausage fest. I'll be in Minnesota that day. Dagnabit. I might have to buy 75 tickets MYSELF to make this happen.


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Final update for awhile and I will try to shut up about it.

Hyperlipidemia - A few very small nodules probably because she has a Daddy that feeds her too many of the things I eat. Steak, chicken, cheese, etc.. Treatable by diet change.

Pancreas - Small area that showed up brighter than the others possibly indicating an area of inflammation that is in the process of recession.

So no treatment other than some more blood tests in 3 weeks unless there is an obvious change in her behavior. :stars::stars2:

So as a celebration I ordered her some new toys and just to try them out some clapton coils for me. I haven't bought anything vaping related in months so I am quite excited, if I like them then I can take the time to try and build 'em.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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we have that here too, but I wuz joking about the old Texas. Shoot a bad person and just tell the judge........he needed killin. Judge understands! hehehe

Michigan has both a "Castle Doctrine" which covers your home pretty well, and even a "Stand Your Ground" law that covers your yard, business, etc. We allow open carry, and are a "Must Permit" concealed carry state, which means barring a Felony conviction, Personal Protection orders against you, or mental health issues, the state MUST give a CPL to any adult resident who requests one.

NOT the state to be in, if your choice of occupation is going to be Home Invasion. Between deer hunting and self defense, this place BRISTLES with iron.


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I've signed up to sponsor a viewing near me. That was 4 days ago, and I have yet to hear back. I picked a date far out in November though, so I should be alright, want to get around to the local vape shops and promote it, hopefully get them to pre-order some tickets for their customers, to lock it in.
oh that's great!! I'm planning to visit vape shops around here also as soon as there is a day I can borrow my son's car for a few hours, and I'm physically up to it. Hope yours goes great and that you don't end up buying 75 tickets hehehe

Final update for awhile and I will try to shut up about it.
Hyperlipidemia - A few very small nodules probably because she has a Daddy that feeds her too many of the things I eat. Steak, chicken, cheese, etc.. Treatable by diet change.
Pancreas - Small area that showed up brighter than the others possibly indicating an area of inflammation that is in the process of recession.
So no treatment other than some more blood tests in 3 weeks unless there is an obvious change in her behavior.
So as a celebration I ordered her some new toys and just to try them out some clapton coils for me. I haven't bought anything vaping related in months so I am quite excited, if I like them then I can take the time to try and build 'em.

So happy for both y'all darlin!! And glad you bought her toys, not treats :teehee:

Michigan has both a "Castle Doctrine" which covers your home pretty well, and even a "Stand Your Ground" law that covers your yard, business, etc. We allow open carry, and are a "Must Permit" concealed carry state, which means barring a Felony conviction, Personal Protection orders against you, or mental health issues, the state MUST give a CPL to any adult resident who requests one.
I haven't checked, but pretty sure Texas is about the same. I know we have the stand your ground law. Don't even think about taking our guns!


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oh that's great!! I'm planning to visit vape shops around here also as soon as there is a day I can borrow my son's car for a few hours, and I'm physically up to it. Hope yours goes great and that you don't end up buying 75 tickets hehehe

So happy for both y'all darlin!! And glad you bought her toys, not treats :teehee:

I haven't checked, but pretty sure Texas is about the same. I know we have the stand your ground law. Don't even think about taking our guns!

Thank you so much! And yes toys not treats is our motto now.

And we have the Castle Doctrine as well, if they are in your home or business you don't even have to wait for them to pose a threat before firing.


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Final update for awhile and I will try to shut up about it.

Hyperlipidemia - A few very small nodules probably because she has a Daddy that feeds her too many of the things I eat. Steak, chicken, cheese, etc.. Treatable by diet change.

Pancreas - Small area that showed up brighter than the others possibly indicating an area of inflammation that is in the process of recession.

So no treatment other than some more blood tests in 3 weeks unless there is an obvious change in her behavior. :stars::stars2:

So as a celebration I ordered her some new toys and just to try them out some clapton coils for me. I haven't bought anything vaping related in months so I am quite excited, if I like them then I can take the time to try and build 'em.


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Thank you so much! And yes toys not treats is our motto now.

And we have the Castle Doctrine as well, if they are in your home or business you don't even have to wait for them to pose a threat before firing.

Glad your girl is getting better :D

That no treats doctrine would of never worked around here but sadly I am pretty sure my boy gets zero treats now. The ex is that kind of bitch. When he lived here I would come home and he would be grinning like a fool because he was so happy I was there and I would ask him if he was a good boy meaning no garbage or stealing the cats food and he would try to talk to me telling me how good he was so he would get two chips ahoy soft chewy cookies. I am willing to bet every penny in the world he hasnt had one single cookie since the last time I seen him.

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