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Womper Woom Wejects


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So am I sweetie, there are guys that know waaaaaaay more than me.

Oh I just woke Gary up LOL (work) He is sending you a gunmetal Alien mod, it will be here before 1pm tomorrow x

Embarrassed now, thank you so much but stop spoiling me, really, that's not what I'm about. I am excited though now :)


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Embarrassed now, thank you so much but stop spoiling me, really, that's not what I'm about. I am excited though now :)
I know that x

The bigger one does not have that problem.
On the mini it is a good idea to tug the end of the wire a bit with pliers to check tightness before cutting them off. Very flush.

Or put a clapton in it :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:


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You'll get there. After 4.5 years there is still a lot I don't know. Mostly, cuz I don't wanna know all the technical ways it works. I know what I need to know to vape safely, and know where to find the answers to other stuff if I need to know it.

I just get handed stuff to try. I went to his vape shop last week and it was so much fun. I have trouble around new people but everyone was great.

Little one is awake.

See you all soon and I enjoyed being with you all again.


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I just get handed stuff to try. I went to his vape shop last week and it was so much fun. I have trouble around new people but everyone was great.

Little one is awake.

See you all soon and I enjoyed being with you all again.

Not my shop Emmy x

Breakfast time soon, the gang will be down and I'm half asleep, gonna be a lazy day I feel.

Shes a great person and a great mummy, how can I not spoil her <3

And hang in there, Rixy is probably trainable.

Not done any DIY yet so maybe this trainer has cracked it, well I'm already besotted with her :rolleyes:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I bet y'all never thought to see ME here this early. Amazing, ain't it. :D But I wanted to give out greets, since I won't be around till sometime in the afternoon; funeral's at noon, visitation again at 11, so we'll have to leave here around 10.

So g'mornin', and see y'all later today.



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I bet y'all never thought to see ME here this early. Amazing, ain't it. :D But I wanted to give out greets, since I won't be around till sometime in the afternoon; funeral's at noon, visitation again at 11, so we'll have to leave here around 10.

So g'mornin', and see y'all later today.


Got bit by the early riser bug as well.

Will be thinking of you today Andria.:hug:


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I bet y'all never thought to see ME here this early. Amazing, ain't it. :D But I wanted to give out greets, since I won't be around till sometime in the afternoon; funeral's at noon, visitation again at 11, so we'll have to leave here around 10.

So g'mornin', and see y'all later today.


Thoughts go out to you Andria xx


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Morning all! Another action packed day here, none of it fun stuff, but it's gotta get done.

Rixy, you promised pics of your new travel setup today. That still on? Oh, and sorry about the gulls. Can't you just shoot them? Eventually they'll get the hint.:D:giggle:


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Morning all! Another action packed day here, none of it fun stuff, but it's gotta get done.

Rixy, you promised pics of your new travel setup today. That still on? Oh, and sorry about the gulls. Can't you just shoot them? Eventually they'll get the hint.:D:giggle:

Shoot them, not with our guns laws ha.

Yes travel setup is here, just testing it and will post up some pics and thoughts.

Sorry you have another busy day

Smok Gunmetal Alien mod to review tomorrow


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I bet y'all never thought to see ME here this early. Amazing, ain't it. :D But I wanted to give out greets, since I won't be around till sometime in the afternoon; funeral's at noon, visitation again at 11, so we'll have to leave here around 10.

So g'mornin', and see y'all later today.

Thoughts and prayers are still with you Andria.


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Shoot them, not with our guns laws ha.

See? You thought us colonists were nuts for keeping guns in the hands of anybody who could possibly lift one. We can just shoot the damned birds. Along with any people who dare to cross your section of the beach (yay for no trespassing private property), as well as anyone who cuts you off in traffic. As for that last one, well, leg it after you fire. That one might get you in trouble.


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Good morning...

Good afternoon Rixy..

Thanks for the birthday wishes Emmy.

My thoughts are with you today Andria..

I put a coil in that Serpent Mini but couldnt get the damned thing to work so I gave up and went to bed.


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Yep same with the regular full sized serpent.
And make sure the screws catch the wire good.

I didn't know that, so I make my coils clockwise for the Serpent. It's just the way the wire wants to go after I stick the end of it in the holes in the coiling jig thingy. They work fine. In fact BETTER than fine. I don't know why I wasn't using these all day every day until just now. They give me my absolutely most perfect vape. :)


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Good morning...

Good afternoon Rixy..

I put a coil in that Serpent Mini but couldnt get the damned thing to work so I gave up and went to bed.


I think I know why, was you getting a short ? I should of mentioned that you have to clip the wires flush with the deck and I mean flush, if the tiniest bit of wire is sticking out it won't work.

Wrap coil anti clockwise, hold the coil, centre over the airflow, tighten screws making sure the wires are trapped and that the bottom of the coil is clear of the airflow ring ( slightly, do not raise the coil too high), clip legs flush with the deck, check ohms on the mod, screw the chimney on, check again, if you get the same reading your good to wick her up..

I didn't know that, so I make my coils clockwise for the Serpent. It's just the way the wire wants to go after I stick the end of it in the holes in the coiling jig thingy. They work fine. In fact BETTER than fine. I don't know why I wasn't using these all day every day until just now. They give me my absolutely most perfect vape. :)

Mommy bear xxxxxxxxxx Afternoon / Morning. I had an early one as you probably saw lol

See? You thought us colonists were nuts for keeping guns in the hands of anybody who could possibly lift one. We can just shoot the damned birds. Along with any people who dare to cross your section of the beach (yay for no trespassing private property), as well as anyone who cuts you off in traffic. As for that last one, well, leg it after you fire. That one might get you in trouble.

If I bought the beach and the air space I could use a rifle to shoot them as long as it was registered. I do have a slingshot though :) They mess all the windows up with their crap, rip all the stuff out the bins, swoop down and attack you if you have Ice Cream and keep me awake. I hate them ! They do look kinda cute though.
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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See? You thought us colonists were nuts for keeping guns in the hands of anybody who could possibly lift one. We can just shoot the damned birds. Along with any people who dare to cross your section of the beach (yay for no trespassing private property), as well as anyone who cuts you off in traffic. As for that last one, well, leg it after you fire. That one might get you in trouble.

Good luck in court, if you happen to shoot some damn bird that some bleeding heart has decided is "protected" -- like those fucking Great Horned Owls that wanted to make an owl treat out of my cat! Or those fucking woodpeckers that used to wake me up every fucking morning, banging on the damn house!



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I think I know why, was you getting a short ? I should of mentioned that you have to clip the wires flush with the deck and I mean flush, if the tiniest bit of wire is sticking out it won't work.

Wrap coil anti clockwise, hold the coil, centre over the airflow, tighten screws making sure the wires are trapped and that the bottom of the coil is clear of the airflow ring ( slightly, do not raise the coil too high), clip legs flush with the deck, check ohms on the mod, screw the chimney on, check again, if you get the same reading your good to wick her up..
When I put the tank on the mod to check the ohms all I get is check atomizer. I used the coil that came with it. With the mood I was in last night, I'm surprised I didn't just chuck it across the room. Guess I'll try a new coil. Maybe a fused Clapton, would that work?


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When I put the tank on the mod to check the ohms all I get is check atomizer. I used the coil that came with it. With the mood I was in last night, I'm surprised I didn't just chuck it across the room. Guess I'll try a new coil. Maybe a fused Clapton, would that work?

Might not be the coil at all then, check the positive 510 pin and maybe try it on a different mod to rule that out. I totally get vaping frustration, I can go months without issues and then BAM, nothing works, coil dry hits or leaks, ahhhhhh, yeah that's vaping for ya.

Fused Clapton will work depending on the gauge wire it has, too beefy and it will be way too hot for the mini. I use a 0.6ohm clapton in mine at 40w, lovely vape.


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Good luck in court, if you happen to shoot some damn bird that some bleeding heart has decided is "protected" -- like those fucking Great Horned Owls that wanted to make an owl treat out of my cat! Or those fucking woodpeckers that used to wake me up every fucking morning, banging on the damn house!


Tell me about it. I have a herd of deer (it's a herd for deer, isn't it?) 2 bucks and a bunch of does, and they eat freaking every plant out there. Not only can't I shoot them, I can't even get rid of them with a bow and arrow, as that's considered "discharging a weapon" in my town. Every year there's a hearing to change that, and every year there are a few folks who show up with the "you can't kill the poor deer, let's try birth control instead". Have you ever tried to get a deer to take a birth control pill every morning? "Well, we'll sterilize the bucks". And then what? The deer go into heat and bucks will just come from elsewhere (literally, they'll swim over to get to them).

Best I can do is sic the dog on them. That, or throw a rock.


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I bet y'all never thought to see ME here this early. Amazing, ain't it. :D But I wanted to give out greets, since I won't be around till sometime in the afternoon; funeral's at noon, visitation again at 11, so we'll have to leave here around 10.

So g'mornin', and see y'all later today.

Awe Andria, hang in there! And see you back soon.


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@Rixsta I saw a gunmetal alien in stock. I know your review is tomorrow, but everything goes out of stock so fast these days, and you at least give a yes/no before I click place order? Please?
Yes, I can recommend the mod, the firmware update fixes a lot of issues, the fire button rattle was fixed and a screen protector is on the screen now. Great great mod and looks lovely, the size is about the same a cuboid mini. They are flying off the shelves for sure. Love that screen too, yup, you can't go wrong with that. The design will split the crowd and so with the trigger fire button but I love it. No fire delay either.

Until I get Emmy's tomorrow I can't say 100% there's no problems but ya know, it's worth the money and that TFV8 baby beast is really good too. Worth the money for what you get.

Why is it that when a Man wants sex with his wife, it's a woman's prerogative, but when a Woman wants sex with her husband, it is STILL a woman's prerogative?

Damnit, sometimes NO MEANS,... I might need a little oral first...


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Might not be the coil at all then, check the positive 510 pin and maybe try it on a different mod to rule that out. I totally get vaping frustration, I can go months without issues and then BAM, nothing works, coil dry hits or leaks, ahhhhhh, yeah that's vaping for ya.

Fused Clapton will work depending on the gauge wire it has, too beefy and it will be way too hot for the mini. I use a 0.6ohm clapton in mine at 40w, lovely vape.
Tried the fused Clapton(28 gauge wrapped with 32 gauge) still doesn't work. I'm thinking the atty is junk at this point.


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hehehe.... wrong room.. :embarrassed:

LOL again :) No worries :sneaka:
Tried the fused Clapton(28 gauge wrapped with 32 gauge) still doesn't work. I'm thinking the atty is junk at this point.

Serpent Mini is great, never had a problem with mine :( Wish I could help more x

Got my PC table setup back up and running, home from home now.


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Smoant Knight V2 paired with the TFV8 baby beast.

Great little stealth mod here, much improved over the heavy V1. Nice battery door, magnets very strong, no rattle or movement unless you move it with your fingers left and right but doesn't move when you vape it. TC...I've heard is OK but not tested it, this is just a first look really. Wattage range from 1 - 80w TCR settings, flip display, nice screen. Fits 22mm and 23mm tanks, comes with a extension to raise the tank, it was needed for the OBS Mini as I couldn't get to the juice fill hole otherwise. It does have slight button rattle but other than that it seems really nice.

TFV8 baby with V8 T8 coil, flavor tank, nice clouds, doesn't leak, cant fault this tank, RBA works well too. Great on the go setup / pocket mod.

Will be taking this beauty with me on Friday :)

Probably do an update when I get back.

It did come with the talos tank but it's junk, enough said on that thing.
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So I went back to the OBS Engine 25mm (black version, looks sick)

Now I got it right, this needs bigger coils to bring out the flavor and less wick in them holes. Put some alien claptons in it and boom, it now matches the mini in terms of flavor. Just wanted to let you know @Eskie. I bet this would pair so nice with the Alien Mod, I'll include that in the review tomorrow, see how the tank sits ect.....


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So I went back to the OBS Engine 25mm (black version, looks sick)

Now I got it right, this needs bigger coils to bring out the flavor and less wick in them holes. Put some alien claptons in it and boom, it now matches the mini in terms of flavor. Just wanted to let you know @Eskie. I bet this would pair so nice with the Alien Mod, I'll include that in the review tomorrow, see how the tank sits ect.....

I just ordered a black Engine, as I'm so freaking happy with this tank I had to have two. I just rest the wick in the holes, not through the holes, and no problems at all from it. I wish I could find a 23 mm for stuff like my Pico, but no joy from a US vendor. Oh, and I missed out on the gunmetal Alien. I didn't read the choices correctly. AND I missed the flash sale for them on Ecig, which would have brought a whole kit in for ~$38. Oh well, guess I'll just add it to my list.

That Smoant looks great for travel. I wonder if a Merlin would manage to fit in there. The only other small tanks I have that might fit are a Bellus and an Ultimo. I guess a Super Tank mini would be a good match.

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