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The Cromwell

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Just found this by the front door.

a 1 gallon zip lok bag with the following written on it containing a box of Lipton Tea.

Background information Pitino was a UK basketball coach that went to coach Lousville basketball.

Please send to
Pitino / Louisville
Perhaps we can
Have Lip-Ton
at the Gualt HS
if it exists and do a "360" together there."

And I have no idea what Gualt HS is...
Nor a 360....

Ohh and it was taped to A "Blondes have more fun" album by Rod Stewart.
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Whew! I'm sure a lot of us are feeling happy relief almost as much as you are! What a wonderful evening you two will have now. Lots of hugging and spoiling is in her future, I'm betting. ;)

Thanks Lannie, and definitely on the spoiling just waiting now to see if she holds down her water I gave her. Poor thing hasn't eaten all day and is looking at me like "Ehem aren't you forgetting something?".

I hate to drop her off for anything but I love it when I pick her up, she usually yanks the leash out of the techs hand as she bolts to me for a huge hug.

The Cromwell

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Oh please please share it with me... this crap she is forcing me to drink is the most awful stuff ever to enter my mouth!!! I don't wanna remember nothin'!
You are on your own with women. Hmm that leads into an whole nuther area of brain malfunctions ;)

Might need to leg it?
Doesn't that fence on the backside need fixin?


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He's definitely dazed today - he's come down with a bug, and it's been so long since he's been sick, he doesn't know how to react to it. Add to that, I'm making him drink a most foul potion today (chaparral tea), and I'm sure today will go on his list of trying to forget. ;)
Oh man! Awe, sorry he has the "bug". I think most of us here have had it. Blech!


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Yeah, but at the moment, I am too dizzy to use the tools. If I didn't have whatever bug is chewing on my throat so I could go work outside, I also wouldn't have to drink that damn poison... uh, potion.
Does your throat hurt REAL bad? Like sand paper? That's how mine was last week. Ended up missing 2 days of work. I hope you feel better soon.
And Reign, aren't those the best!?! I love the pick up puppy hugs and kisses.


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Does your throat hurt REAL bad? Like sand paper? That's how mine was last week. Ended up missing 2 days of work. I hope you feel better soon.
And Reign, aren't those the best!?! I love the pick up puppy hugs and kisses.

Absolutely, and once this tattoo'd bad ass got to his hot rod with her I gave her another and then my eyes started sweating. Damn Texas heat. :giggle::giggle:


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Does your throat hurt REAL bad? Like sand paper?
Actually, no. There is a pinpoint pain where the eustachian tube of the right ear joins the throat (kinda like an ice pick in my throat) and it makes swallowing hard and the inflammation is making my ear hurt too. Of course, Lannie will cure me (she is a witch doctor after all) ;), but I haven't had a bug like this in 20 years, so it is really pissing me off.


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Yea, at least I don't have the humidity you have.

Oh c'mon I can send you some if you like we have plenty to share. At the very least though the offshore breeze has kicked in today so it's bearable but not by much.

Side note I think Marley will be trying this with all these tests. :D


The Cromwell

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Actually, no. There is a pinpoint pain where the eustachian tube of the right ear joins the throat (kinda like an ice pick in my throat) and it makes swallowing hard and the inflammation is making my ear hurt too. Of course, Lannie will cure me (she is a witch doctor after all) ;), but I haven't had a bug like this in 20 years, so it is really pissing me off.
Your postachio tube is probably plugged. some Sudafed not the fake stuff but rela sudafed or generic.


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some Sudafed not the fake stuff but rela sudafed
We don't got none of that. I have, actually, found a way to stop the pain: Push my finger into the front of the throat at the center of pain, hard enough to short the nerve signal that tells that brain there is a problem. This, in and of itself, does not cause any additional pain (I have a very flexible body), but I cannot eat or sleep while doing this, which pretty much negates the value of so doing. I can, however, still vape while doing that, so all is not lost. :rolleyes:


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Actually, no. There is a pinpoint pain where the eustachian tube of the right ear joins the throat (kinda like an ice pick in my throat) and it makes swallowing hard and the inflammation is making my ear hurt too. Of course, Lannie will cure me (she is a witch doctor after all) ;), but I haven't had a bug like this in 20 years, so it is really pissing me off.
Yea, she'll fix ya up. My left ear was stopped up for 2 days. My coworker said it was too bad it didn't make me lose my voice. I wonder what he meant by that. ???? Kad and Deb know I bet. hehehehe

The Cromwell

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I miss sudafed it worked so well but around here you can't find it at all. Thanks math freaks.
Here you go to the pharmacist to get it and have to show ID and can only buy so much per month.

Yeah Damn pill and m*th heads should all just die.
A waste of skin.

Made it almost impossible for those of us who need opoids to get them.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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We don't got none of that. I have, actually, found a way to stop the pain: Push my finger into the front of the throat at the center of pain, hard enough to short the nerve signal that tells that brain there is a problem. This, in and of itself, does not cause any additional pain (I have a very flexible body), but I cannot eat or sleep while doing this, which pretty much negates the value of so doing. I can, however, still vape while doing that, so all is not lost. :rolleyes:
From the little hollow under the bottom of the earlobe and just behind lower jawbone, press gently but firmly with 3 fingers. while pressing move fingers down and to the front a bit. Kind of follow underneath the jawbone. Repeat.

This can help clear postachio tubes.


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Here you go to the pharmacist to get it and have to show ID and can only buy so much per month.

Yeah Damn pill and m*th heads should all just die.
A waste of skin.

Made it almost impossible for those of us who need opoids to get them.

Absolutely in agreement, I have multiple slipped discs and never can get medication for it anymore. So hot baths and icy hot is about as good as it gets and the chiropractor when it gets really bad.


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Too many frying pans?

Uh, yeah... who are you again?

Ahem. :rolleyes:

Of course, Lannie will cure me (she is a witch doctor after all) ;), but I haven't had a bug like this in 20 years, so it is really pissing me off.

Well, Lannie can't cure you if you don't take your medicine. It isn't doing you any damn good at all sitting on the kitchen counter. DRINK! :gaah:

I miss sudafed it worked so well but around here you can't find it at all. Thanks math freaks.

Math freaks! LOL! That was funny! :giggle::giggle::giggle:

Oooh, now that there is purty! Me like! :)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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That's badass, is that those Pico's? And what tank I am still interested in getting a regulated mod soon after the sting from these vet bills wear off.
Yep, one of the Picos with a wrap, I went ahead and got it as a kit with the tank, Melo3, mostly because it is compatible with the only coils I keep stocked on these days. Triton, Starre Pro, Melo, all can use the same coils.


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Ahem. :rolleyes:

Well, Lannie can't cure you if you don't take your medicine. It isn't doing you any damn good at all sitting on the kitchen counter. DRINK! :gaah:

Math freaks! LOL! That was funny! :giggle::giggle::giggle:

Oooh, now that there is purty! Me like! :)

lol Finding ways around mod censored words since, well...the beginning of the internet. :D

Yep, one of the Picos with a wrap, I went ahead and got it as a kit with the tank, Melo3, mostly because it is compatible with the only coils I keep stocked on these days. Triton, Starre Pro, Melo, all can use the same coils.

Looks good, I think I am really digging the size going to have to look at those more. Enjoy it!


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Ok got some news. Still have to wait on the radiologist report which will be tomorrow but Dr. Rogers who I hold in very high regard, said,"She saw nothing unusual while performing the ultrasound." When I asked her what we should do next she said if the other report is clear just retest her blood in 3 weeks.
So while not a definitive answer for the time being I have a happy healthy dog who is just about ready to be picked up. Thank you all for the well wishes it has been so much easier to get through talking to all y'all about it. Definitely has kept me out of full blown panic mode.
Wonderful news!! Hope the radiologist report comes out well!! So glad you're much calmer now and have your baby home. Been wondering bout her all day.

Just found this by the front door.
that's weird, but I want the Rod Stewart album! :D

purdy!! I should get my wrap on Friday

Made it almost impossible for those of us who need opoids to get them
JUP!! Even at the pain clinic, he refused to raise the vicodin from 5 to 10.......I'm not asking for a heroine to save me.......just askin for 10/325 cuz 5's do nothing! I've never had an issue with abuse of anything. Really??? Gonna call tomorrow and see if I can find out exactly why this jerk won't give me the 10s.

What in the hell does Leg it....mean????
Sorry! Good evening all! Rough day at work and I am beyond pissed!!!
I had to ask too..........sumpthin that means runnin away. Sorry you had a rough day........what happened??

Been meaning to make some funnel cakes, but keep forgetting! also need to get some powdered sugar first. Been meaning to make some fry bread too

He's definitely dazed today - he's come down with a bug,
Sorry to hear this.........hope you are much better soon draco!


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Typically, Rixy uses it (and now several others) every time he says something that might result in a frying pan response. So "run away" is good, but I guess it could also be "Get the hell outta here quickly before someone whacks me."


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Deb, at the last place I worked I was in the minority and basically faced discrimination This place is the same way and I have had it with their discrimination shit! A black woman trained on a certain operation but when it came for my time to be trained I was told that training was a no go because of the numbers. Oh hell to the NO!! I ain't putting up with that! This is the cell I was assigned to, she was assigned to another cell in the beginning but asked to be moved in September. I've asked to be moved since July and still haven't been moved. My coordinator and supervisor are both racist as hell. The lady though is as nice as she can be and actually agrees with me.


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Deb, at the last place I worked I was in the minority and basically faced discrimination This place is the same way and I have had it with their discrimination shit! A black woman trained on a certain operation but when it came for my time to be trained I was told that training was a no go because of the numbers. Oh hell to the NO!! I ain't putting up with that! This is the cell I was assigned to, she was assigned to another cell in the beginning but asked to be moved in September. I've asked to be moved since July and still haven't been moved. My coordinator and supervisor are both racist as hell. The lady though is as nice as she can be and actually agrees with me.
So sorry you're having to deal with that! :hug:

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