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Womper Woom Wejects


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I used to do something I called EnvelArt. I would draw/paint on envelopes, then mail them to people. One day I walked into the post office to buy stamps to mail one of these and the clerk called all the other employees up front to meet the person they had been talking about for months. Looks kinda like this:

My mom and my sister kept every one they received, which is how I got them back to scan into the computer.


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I used to do something I called EnvelArt. I would draw/paint on envelopes, then mail them to people. One day I walked into the post office to buy stamps to mail one of these and the clerk called all the other employees up front to meet the person they had been talking about for months. Looks kinda like this:
I have a friend who used to do that. When I send hand made cards, I stamp on the envelope also, but more simple than that of course. That's really nice!


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I have a hard time remembering faces, but it's because I don't pay much attention to what people look like. I used to have to make it a point each day when my son was little to pay attn to what he was wearing, just in case anything happened.

kewl pic. And really neat you still have it. My dad was fascinated by a finger painting I did one time when I was a kid, so he framed it, and always kept it.
It's hanging in the living room. At one time I had both kids baby pictures hanging up. By baby pics, I mean like 6 months, 12 months, 18 months etc up to their kindergarten school pics. Got tired of looking at them and took them all down. :)


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My brother was the artist in the family. He could draw anything you described. I'm that way with a sewing machine. If you show it to me, I can sit down, make a pattern and sew it up for you. I stood beside my grandmother when I was very young, like 5 or so, and watched her sew on an old treadle sewing machine.


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The place I had my cards online, deleted their galleries, so all my pics of my cards disappeared. This is a friend of mine's blog. If you scroll down the page, you'll see the types of cards that I used to do, and will do again when I can finally get my stuff outta storage.

Yeah, she had hundreds all over her house, just because one day she said, "I love owls." Be careful...
lol Jup that's how I started collecting dolphins, cuz everyone would give em to me. Whether they actually looked like a dolphin or not. lol

I'm that way with a sewing machine. If you show it to me, I can sit down, make a pattern and sew it up for you
Oh I wish I could sew!


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Member For 4 Years
The place I had my cards online, deleted their galleries, so all my pics of my cards disappeared. This is a friend of mine's blog. If you scroll down the page, you'll see the types of cards that I used to do, and will do again when I can finally get my stuff outta storage.

lol Jup that's how I started collecting dolphins, cuz everyone would give em to me. Whether they actually looked like a dolphin or not. lol

Oh I wish I could sew!
Cool looking cards Deb!! Hurry up and get back to it. I want one!!

When my kids were small, I sewed all the time. My daughter never had a store bought outfit unless it was given to her. I made every piece of clothing that she wore except for underwear and socks. I knitted the socks. Lol After they started school and I returned to public work, I never had time to sew. :(


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ECF Refugee
I wish I could sew!
Well, Deb, you might hit me with the frying pan for this, but I sewed everything in this pic that I am wearing for my Halloween costume. Everything except the sword and the bottom of the boots (I made the roll-over flaps at the top of the boots), so yes, I made all my clothes and the belts and sword sheath, etc. Some men can do girly stuff. ;)



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Member For 4 Years
Cool looking cards Deb!! Hurry up and get back to it. I want one!!
lol thanks. I am hoping my ink pads arent ruined. My son had planned to get a climate controlled storage, and told him if he changed his mind to let me know before I packed my craft room up. He said he was definitely getting the climate controlled. I packed up the stuff........when it came time to get the storage........he came home, I asked him.......and he said he'd gotten so excited that they had one next to (at the time) fiance's storage that he totally forgot. I've got reinkers, but after all this time, I'm afraid the pads are warped. Stamps might be idea what shape my stuff is in, but hopefully it won't be too bad.

Last time I tried to sew, I was 13, made some corduroy bib overalls. put the pocket on the belly not the bib........ made a skirt...... put in my first was so nice! it was straight........flaps laid down great........ put it zipped from the top down on the inside! :facepalm:

Well, Deb, you might hit me with the frying pan for this, but I sewed everything in this pic that I am wearing for my Halloween costume. Everything except the sword and the bottom of the boots (I made the roll-over flaps at the top of the boots), so yes, I made all my clothes and the belts and sword sheath, etc. Some men can do girly stuff. ;)

View attachment 64151

lol newp.......wouldn't whack ya. I admire it when folks can do things like that


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Here's a few examples of some of the dresses I've made.

For a friend of mine's wedding. I made 2 of her bridesmaids dresses.

A friend's daughter..

Same little girl but this outfit was actually my daughters Easter dress when she was 4. The woman was supposed to have returned the outfit but never did. :(

Me and my son when I weighed 175lbs.


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ECF Refugee
I admire it when folks can do things like that
Why, thank you, M'Lady. I borrowed mom's sewing machine, asked a few questions, and did it. I had to do the leather by hand because the machine wouldn't. AND I won first place that year in the city's costume contest. :D (most everyone else bought their costumes)

And I need to put my tired old butt to bed now, so I guess it;s just you and Lynn now.


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well gang, back is really hurting and nothing in my pain arsenal is working so I'm gonna go lay down, see if I can get it to ease up. Hugs to all!
Here's a few examples of some of the dresses I've made.
View attachment 64152

For a friend of mine's wedding. I made 2 of her bridesmaids dresses.

View attachment 64153
A friend's daughter..

View attachment 64154
Same little girl but this outfit was actually my daughters Easter dress when she was 4. The woman was supposed to have returned the outfit but never did. :(
View attachment 64155

Me and my son when I weighed 175lbs.

wow, those are amazing lynn


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And good morning to everyone. Finally sorta caught up in real life.

Andria, my deepest sympathies for your loss. Losing a parent is a painful experience.

For all you talented artists, I'm impressed. I am terrible at drawing. However, my daughter is extremely talented. No doubt she got that from her mother, because it didn't come from me.


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Morning Wompers. Hope yall had a great weekend. Yall been a chatty bunch and I doubt like hell if I will get caught up. :D More than 5 pages is usualy screw it territory :giggle:

Knocked out some mixing this weekend. Mixed up around 1500 ml of juice so I should be good for a week or two. The SS 316 Clapton coils I ordered showed up last week so a couple of my Merlins got new coils. Here is the odd thing about the Merlin. It is a great little tank but it has its quirks. Two of the Merlins got new coils that are 3mm ID. I wicked them like normal and started vaping them. Two or three fabulous hits off it at 30 to 32 watts and then a dryish kinda harsh drag from it. Lossen the top cap, watch the air bubble come up, repeat cycle. Two or three great flavorful clouds, dryish hit. Yesterday I took a new Clapton coil and forced it onto a 4mm coil arbor, straightened out the legs and put it into one of the Merlins. New wick with half of each end down to the bottom and the upper half fluffed up real well. Soaked the wick down, put it together and now it chain vapes at 40 watts with no problems at all. The Merlon just does not like small ID coils. With a larger coil its a vaping beast and it doesnt leak.

Now for the OBS Engine. Been vaping on it a few days now and yes, it is a flavorful tank. I have dual Claptons in it and it ohms out at .2 and am vaping it at 60 watts. As with any dual coil set up it eats batteries and guzzles the juice. Found myself a few times laid back in my recliner going "fuck!" because either the battery indicator is flashing or I see the juice well is about dry. To compare it with the Merlin, I will take the Merlin over it any day. Here is why. I am getting just as good of a vape from the Merlin as I am from the OBS. The flavor production are very close with IMHO the Merlin just slightly better and a 26650 battery last longer with the Merlin than a pair of 18650 batteries on the OBS.

Just my take on it :D


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Now for the OBS Engine. Been vaping on it a few days now and yes, it is a flavorful tank.

I'll take that, I got to try the 25mm OBS Engine today, I prefer the 23mm version over this, more flavor, better saturated vape due to the larger wicking holes, you can really put nice big fluffy wicks in the mini version, instead of the wicking holes being round, they are more kidney shaped, makes a difference.

Good to see ya

Morning Eskie and Lynn x


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Guess I'll keep an eye out for that 23 mm. Was thinking about it for my Pico anyway, but interesting to compare. I will say the Engine held up beautifully with my running around last week on my VT 75. In my pocket, out, sideways, even upside down in my pants pocket and all nice and dry. Just last night I compared the same butterscotch juice I made between the Engine and the Bellus, and I was surprised the Bellus was muted in comparison, and I always felt the Bellus was a great flavor tank..

So Rixy, how was the move? All settled in? I know you got it furnished, but there is still all the personal stuff to set up. I hope Emily is happy there.


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Guess I'll keep an eye out for that 23 mm. Was thinking about it for my Pico anyway, but interesting to compare. I will say the Engine held up beautifully with my running around last week on my VT 75. In my pocket, out, sideways, even upside down in my pants pocket and all nice and dry. Just last night I compared the same butterscotch juice I made between the Engine and the Bellus, and I was surprised the Bellus was muted in comparison, and I always felt the Bellus was a great flavor tank..

So Rixy, how was the move? All settled in? I know you got it furnished, but there is still all the personal stuff to set up. I hope Emily is happy there.

Hiya, getting there, lots of stuff still to sort out really, PC stuff, vape stuff, kitchen stuff, bathroom towels no longer match LOL, just silly things like that.

I have a new mod to show you tomorrow, if you like the Pico, I think your gonna love this !!

Don't get me wrong the OBS 25mm is a great tank but I do get slightly better flavor out of the's not by loads but I could tell vaping them side by side. I don't like the wicking holes on the bigger one, why didn't they make them like the mini.

Good afternoon Rixy :)

Afternoon Lynn, Emily says hello, she is very busy still but is thinking of you all x


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Been rocking the OBS on the trusted Hex


Tell Emily that I said hello and I miss her! :wave:

I will and considering shes only 28 (may sound daft but she has had no life really until recent) shes sorted all the bills out, the redirected post, the gas, electric, internet, phone, everything, shes wonderful x

I love her.......and they say natural blondes are stupid, not this one !
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At work now or I would've multi-quoted each one but thank you all for the well wishes. Got her to the vet this morning after waking up late, on one cup of coffee, strained through napkins since I found out during all of this vet stuff I have forgot to go grocery shopping. Needless to say that coffee fucking sucked even if I had time to drink another cup I don't think I could've.

She was so excited to go on a car ride this morning even without breakfast so I hope that was a preview of more good things to come.


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At work now or I would've multi-quoted each one but thank you all for the well wishes. Got her to the vet this morning after waking up late, on one cup of coffee, strained through napkins since I found out during all of this vet stuff I have forgot to go grocery shopping. Needless to say that coffee fucking sucked even if I had time to drink another cup I don't think I could've.

She was so excited to go on a car ride this morning even without breakfast so I hope that was a preview of more good things to come.
I hope the vet comes through with great news for you today! Good morning and don't forget to breathe...K?


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I will and considering shes only 28 (may sound daft but she has had no life really until recent) shes sorted all the bills out, the redirected post, the gas, electric, internet, phone, everything, shes wonderful x

I love her.......and they say natural blondes are stupid, not this one !
Not all natural blondes are stupid! It's the ones that are that give natural blondes a bad name. It seems like only the stupid ones get the publicity. :confused:


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Not all natural blondes are stupid! It's the ones that are that give natural blondes a bad name. It seems like only the stupid ones get the publicity. :confused:
I doubt hair color has much to do with brain cells ;)

I think it came more from men that saw all blondes as sex objects so they must be dumb.

It's just one of the many stupid presumptions that idiots make, hell even women that dye their hair blonde are put into that category :rolleyes:


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She was so excited to go on a car ride this morning even without breakfast so I hope that was a preview of more good things to come.

Another pup that loves the car. I swear mine would be happy to just live in it. As soon as I pick up the car keys she'll come running from anywhere to see if she can con me into a ride (how can she possibly hear the key rattle from outside in the woods with the door closed).


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My son was blonde, till well into adulthood; he's not dumb at all! Brilliant mind! And he makes me laugh, always; I've always heard that only the intelligent really GET humor; slow people just can't keep up. :giggle:



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LJFinFLA says Hello to you all.....I'm hoping he will come join us soon
hope so too. I see him around a contest thread now and then, but that's about it. Miss him.

And good morning to everyone. Finally sorta caught up in real life.
Yay Hiya hun

Well, GM all and I won't be on much. Very busy at work. Love you all!
Hope you have a good day hun

Emily says hello, she is very busy still but is thinking of you all x
tell her howdy. Moving is such a chore.

At work now or I would've multi-quoted each one but thank you all for the well wishes. Got her to the vet this morning after waking up late, on one cup of coffee, strained through napkins since I found out during all of this vet stuff I have forgot to go grocery shopping. Needless to say that coffee fucking sucked even if I had time to drink another cup I don't think I could've.
so hoping all goes well, do you know how long til you'll hear? Can they call you at work?

(how can she possibly hear the key rattle from outside in the woods with the door closed).
lol Same way Frankie hears the slightest pinch on a chips or cookie bag when he's dead asleep in a room in the other end of the house and comes runnin.

Mornin y'all


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Good morning Deb ~~~waving~~~
hey hun, how ya doin today? oh and meant to tell ya last night........send me your addy and whenever I start doing cards again, I will definitely send you one. Tryin to get another play date together at some friends house who came to my classes when I was still teaching them. Everyone will know when I'm able to do cards again cuz I'll be sooooooo thrilled. So just remind me you're the one who wanted one :)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Well, Deb, you might hit me with the frying pan for this, but I sewed everything in this pic that I am wearing for my Halloween costume. Everything except the sword and the bottom of the boots (I made the roll-over flaps at the top of the boots), so yes, I made all my clothes and the belts and sword sheath, etc. Some men can do girly stuff. ;)

View attachment 64151
Yep I can also sew.


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Well, Deb, you might hit me with the frying pan for this, but I sewed everything in this pic that I am wearing for my Halloween costume. Everything except the sword and the bottom of the boots (I made the roll-over flaps at the top of the boots), so yes, I made all my clothes and the belts and sword sheath, etc. Some men can do girly stuff. ;)

View attachment 64151
Who's a pretty boy then...

Oh and Afternoon Debs n Crom

My son was blonde, till well into adulthood; he's not dumb at all! Brilliant mind! And he makes me laugh, always; I've always heard that only the intelligent really GET humor; slow people just can't keep up. :giggle:


I don't get it ;) (tis true though from my past experiences)

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