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Womper Woom Wejects


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Yeah, but I don't think that was it, otherwise why did they transfer him to a "better" hospital? Hopefully, I can find out something after 8:00.

Sometimes, especially if it takes a while to pass a stone, an infection can develop "behind" the stone, which can then spread "upwards" towards the kidney. If that happens, very high fevers are not uncommon. I don't know what kind of capabilities the VA has in comparison to a "better" hospital in Rapid City, but it might be to have specialists available if the VA is only minimally staffed. Regardless, at least they recognize he needs care and they're making the effort to assure he gets it. A fever of 104 in an adult is not to be trifled with.


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I didn't do the mayo grilled cheese last night. Rich spiked a NASTY high fever yesterday afternoon, and it topped out at 104, so I called an ambulance. Of course, it took an hour to get here, and by that time he was a little better, but he still went to the hospital to get checked out. I haven't heard anything yet, so I don't know what could possibly have caused that, and the EMTs didn't know, either. He passed a kidney stone early yesterday, and they said sometimes that will cause a fever, but 104???? That's way too high. Nothing else seemed to be wrong, other than he was tired yesterday, I don't know where the hell the fever came from. Anyway, I'll let you guys know as soon as I hear anything.
Oh no Lannie!! I'm so sorry to read this. :( I hope they find out what is wrong and quickly and that Rich is on his way to being well and back home soon!


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Sometimes, especially if it takes a while to pass a stone, an infection can develop "behind" the stone, which can then spread "upwards" towards the kidney. If that happens, very high fevers are not uncommon. I don't know what kind of capabilities the VA has in comparison to a "better" hospital in Rapid City, but it might be to have specialists available if the VA is only minimally staffed. Regardless, at least they recognize he needs care and they're making the effort to assure he gets it. A fever of 104 in an adult is not to be trifled with.

Yeah, that's why I called 911 (first time in my life I ever did). I remember hearing something way back when about brain damage if a fever hits or exceeds 105 in an adult, so I didn't want to mess with it.

Anyway, I finally got to talk to Rich on the third try. First time they switched me to his room, but to his roommate's phone, and he wasn't all there or he was just coming out of anesthesia, not sure which, but it was an interesting conversation. When I called back, Little Miss Sunshine at the nurse's desk disconnected me trying to transfer me, and the third time I called I was getting a bit impatient so the operator conference-called me so she could be on the line to make sure I got through, which I did finally.

I would have liked to have spoken to the nurse, because Rich really doesn't know what's going on, but I didn't want to try calling back again. Apparently, they don't really know what's wrong, but did CAT scans (I think that's what he said) of his head and torso, covering all the important bits (brain, heart, lungs), and because he still has a fever, they gave him antibiotics, because that's the first thing you do when someone has a fever, right? :crazy: Well, I guess it is if you're in a hospital and dealing with doctors. To them, everything is a bacteria. Actually, considering the superbugs you can pick up in a hospital, maybe the antibiotics were a good idea. But he still has the fever. So now he's just waiting for someone to come and tell him something, and then he'll call and tell me. I hate the waiting.


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I didn't do the mayo grilled cheese last night. Rich spiked a NASTY high fever yesterday afternoon, and it topped out at 104, so I called an ambulance. Of course, it took an hour to get here, and by that time he was a little better, but he still went to the hospital to get checked out. I haven't heard anything yet, so I don't know what could possibly have caused that, and the EMTs didn't know, either. He passed a kidney stone early yesterday, and they said sometimes that will cause a fever, but 104???? That's way too high. Nothing else seemed to be wrong, other than he was tired yesterday, I don't know where the hell the fever came from. Anyway, I'll let you guys know as soon as I hear anything.
OMG Lannie! Poor Rich.


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Sometimes, especially if it takes a while to pass a stone, an infection can develop "behind" the stone, which can then spread "upwards" towards the kidney. If that happens, very high fevers are not uncommon. I don't know what kind of capabilities the VA has in comparison to a "better" hospital in Rapid City, but it might be to have specialists available if the VA is only minimally staffed. Regardless, at least they recognize he needs care and they're making the effort to assure he gets it. A fever of 104 in an adult is not to be trifled with.
True. Living around mostly military people I see many of them getting transferred out to other hospitals. It happens quite frequently and the important thing is, he's getting the care he needs.


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Lannie, how far away is Rapid City from you? Is it within a travel distance you can see him but not be that far from the farm?

It's pretty far - 110 miles each way, but I don't have a license. I'd maybe risk driving to Sturgis or Faith (no cops or traffic), but Rapid City is full of crazy people AND cops, so I don't want to drive there. Besides, although I've been driving for 43 years, I've never driven Rich's monster truck ;) so it's unfamiliar to me. If it was something I was more comfortable with, I'd risk the trip to Rapid. The neighbor that took him in last night said he'd go get him when the hospital cut him loose, so he has a way home if the VA can't do something about a ride. They have those DAV vans that run around giving rides to disabled vets, but last I heard they don't come out this far. I think if Rich made a stink about it, they might, but he won't. He's a good boy and just does what he's told. Anyway, if he can't find a ride somehow, the neighbor can go get him and bring him back if need be, so he won't be stranded.

I still haven't heard anything. I guess no news is good news, eh? :)


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Sup Wompers :)

Home sweet home.

What did I use when I was away, Triade DNA250 with the TFV8 baby beast and T8 coil, awesome vape, love that little tank and the Velocity RBA works well too.

So the updated Triade, they got rid of the those stupid battery cups because the DNA250 has reverse battery protection, this makes putting the batteries in and out sooooooooo much easier and means less stress on the housing, ya'll notice the gap on the bottom of the Triade that appears after some months of use, ain't gonna happen on this one. Got it in black leather which is nice. Is it worth upgrading, well, probably not but I do prefer it, if you have the $$$ or don't yet own a Triade I can fully recommend it.
Not the best pic but I'm knackered and no, it's not crimbo but I put it over the table to stop the dust lol

Made the Smok Alien Mod more ALIEN haha.......Looks better in real life, camera didn't pick it up too well in the dark but you get the idea.


Emily says ello, going to order Chinese food now, missed it lol

Not got time to catch up but I hope your all keeping well n dandy. :blowkiss:

He's up now and does feel better. He'll be along shortly. :)

Geez Dad, I'm gone for 8 days and ya get all hot n bothered......

Joking apart Rich, thoughts are with you and I'm glad your feeling better :wave:
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It's pretty far - 110 miles each way, but I don't have a license. I'd maybe risk driving to Sturgis or Faith (no cops or traffic), but Rapid City is full of crazy people AND cops, so I don't want to drive there. Besides, although I've been driving for 43 years, I've never driven Rich's monster truck ;) so it's unfamiliar to me. If it was something I was more comfortable with, I'd risk the trip to Rapid. The neighbor that took him in last night said he'd go get him when the hospital cut him loose, so he has a way home if the VA can't do something about a ride. They have those DAV vans that run around giving rides to disabled vets, but last I heard they don't come out this far. I think if Rich made a stink about it, they might, but he won't. He's a good boy and just does what he's told. Anyway, if he can't find a ride somehow, the neighbor can go get him and bring him back if need be, so he won't be stranded.

I still haven't heard anything. I guess no news is good news, eh? :)
:hug:Hang in the sweetie.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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It's pretty far - 110 miles each way, but I don't have a license. I'd maybe risk driving to Sturgis or Faith (no cops or traffic), but Rapid City is full of crazy people AND cops, so I don't want to drive there. Besides, although I've been driving for 43 years, I've never driven Rich's monster truck ;) so it's unfamiliar to me. If it was something I was more comfortable with, I'd risk the trip to Rapid. The neighbor that took him in last night said he'd go get him when the hospital cut him loose, so he has a way home if the VA can't do something about a ride. They have those DAV vans that run around giving rides to disabled vets, but last I heard they don't come out this far. I think if Rich made a stink about it, they might, but he won't. He's a good boy and just does what he's told. Anyway, if he can't find a ride somehow, the neighbor can go get him and bring him back if need be, so he won't be stranded.

I still haven't heard anything. I guess no news is good news, eh? :)
Thoughts and prayers are with you both.


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He better be or I'm going to have to go down and chainsaw some wood for the fire.......Hmmm, probably end up in the bed next to him x

Chainsaw? you?:blech:

Wait, do you have decent insurance?:giggle:

Lannie, be sure to let us know when you hear something, but it will probably take a day or so for some of those tests like cultures for infection to be completed.

Rixy, welcome back to you and Emily! Ah, a Triade 250 for travel. I like the black elephant. I want one of those backs for mine as well. I've been having great fun with my Therion 133. I didn't get the baby beast with my Alien, so just topping it with a Super tank instead. Now come the Halloween sales in the US. Do you have sales there for Halloween as well?


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He better be or I'm going to have to go down and chainsaw some wood for the fire.......Hmmm, probably end up in the bed next to him x

Rixy, I'm so glad you're back! You made me laugh, and I really needed it! :giggle:

I talked to Rich about an hour ago, but he doesn't know anything. All he said is the doctor stopped in earlier and said he still hadn't received the CAT scans from the VA yet (SO typical...), so he's waiting on those, and apparently they've taken a shitload of blood samples for some kind of tests, but he didn't remember what it was now. I'm stressed. Mostly he's been sleeping, because he says he's still running that fever. I asked if they KNEW he was running a fever still, and he said yes, so I guess (I hope) they know what they're doing. I hate not knowing what's going on, but since Rich is mostly asleep, he's not being a squeaky wheel, so they're naturally going to leave him for last. I wish I could go in there and knock some heads. I did finally get that zombie nurse's eyes open when I called before. I told her I was beginning to get a little irritated with the non-response I was getting not only from her but the whole freaking place. She actually got up off her dead ass and walked into Rich's room to wake him up and tell him I was on the phone. Then when I asked her to let me speak to Rich's nurse, of course she was "out to lunch." They came on at 7:00, so they'll probably be leaving soon, or already have, so I guess I'll try calling again in the morning.

Meanwhile, I think I've figured out that FA Tiramisu is Nonna's Cake with Vienna Cream, and maybe a tiny hint of chocolate and coffee. These two juices I made are almost identical as far as the cake flavor. The one I used both cherry flavors in has a bit better cherry flavor, but other than that, I might have made the same juice twice! LOL!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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PSA for the day: Don't Get Complacent!
So, just like vaping has battery safety precautions, many other activities have certain basic safety precautions you are supposed to follow. What happens when you start to get complacent just because you have never had a problem before? Well, a little background first.
I have a coffee roaster that can best be described as looking like a toaster oven. This is a drum style roaster, you fill the canister with beans, put it inside, close the door, and it rotates and tumbles the beans as they roast. A full pound takes a bit over 20 minutes, plus cooling time. And it is excellent at containing any smoke that naturally results from roasting.
Safety precaution: Never leave the roaster unattended. Chaff comes off the beans during roasting and collects in the bottom of the roaster. This can (though I've never seen it happen) lead to a fire.
So I've never had a problem before and I have the roast cycle down pat for the beans I'm roasting today, so when there was about 4 minutes left on the roast and everything was going well, I LEFT THE ROASTER UNATTENDED!
I heard it switch to the cooling cycle, and then smelled a burned smell. Went to check on it and the room was filled with smoke, and the beans are charred. Seems i had a chaff fire, contained and self extinguished but still shock.gif

So anyway, my point is this same scenario could apply to vaping. Just because you've never had an issue, don't get lazy and complacent about battery safety, the way I did about coffee roasting safety.


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So sorry about the beans, Kad. :( But yeah, the only times I've ever gotten squished or stepped on (or fallen down the freaking STAIRS) was when I got complacent. My mind is always going in a zillion different directions at once, and it's hard to concentrate on just one thing. Like where I'm putting my foot. Or my head. :rolleyes:

Well, it's almost time to head out for evening chores. I'll see you all tomorrow!


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Reminds me of the time I got complacent stamping name plates.

On each vessel we have to put a metal plate with our name and ASME stamp etc. and it's done with a 30 oz. ball peen hammer and metal stamps. Done it a million times but it was right after shit went south for me awhile back and wasn't really paying attention since it has become routine, long story short I fractured my thumb in two places and put about an 1 1/2" gash in the side of it. But I just tossed some butterflies on it and went back to work. Wasn't till 3 days later I actually went to the doctor and had it x-rayed and realized why it was still so swollen. So my lesson is if you do get complacent and smash your thumb or any other body part with a 30 oz. hammer don't be like me go to the doc immediately. :D


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30 oz. as in ALMOST TWO POUNDS? Geez, that musta hurt!

Well, I just now heard from Rich's nurse, and the only reason she called me was to let me know that Rich dropped his glasses on the floor, then reached over to pick them up, and fell on his head. Oy. Luckily, he has a hard head. They checked him out and he's fine, but they're gonna run another scan on him in the morning just to make sure his brains are all still where they're supposed to be. In the meantime, they put an alarm on him that dings when he tries to get out of bed. ;) (Rixy, you're DEFINITELY our son!)

So while I had the nurse on the phone I asked about the fever and what the heck was going on with the rest of the problems, and she said he has some sort of really massive infection. His white blood cell count is way high, and he was still running a 102 degree temp this afternoon, however, now it down to 99. They ran virus swabs and ruled out cold/flu and common viral infections, so now they're doing a culture on his blood to find out what's in there. It kinda sounds like he's going to be in there for a couple more days, but I'd rather he was there where the docs and medicines and machines are if there's another problem.

OK, I gotta run and go shut the chicken coop door - it's dark out now - and then I guess I'm going to kick back and relax now that I know WHAT the problem is with Rich and that it's not likely to kill him. Whew! What a relief. :)


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30 oz. as in ALMOST TWO POUNDS? Geez, that musta hurt!

Well, I just now heard from Rich's nurse, and the only reason she called me was to let me know that Rich dropped his glasses on the floor, then reached over to pick them up, and fell on his head. Oy. Luckily, he has a hard head. They checked him out and he's fine, but they're gonna run another scan on him in the morning just to make sure his brains are all still where they're supposed to be. In the meantime, they put an alarm on him that dings when he tries to get out of bed. ;) (Rixy, you're DEFINITELY our son!)

So while I had the nurse on the phone I asked about the fever and what the heck was going on with the rest of the problems, and she said he has some sort of really massive infection. His white blood cell count is way high, and he was still running a 102 degree temp this afternoon, however, now it down to 99. They ran virus swabs and ruled out cold/flu and common viral infections, so now they're doing a culture on his blood to find out what's in there. It kinda sounds like he's going to be in there for a couple more days, but I'd rather he was there where the docs and medicines and machines are if there's another problem.

OK, I gotta run and go shut the chicken coop door - it's dark out now - and then I guess I'm going to kick back and relax now that I know WHAT the problem is with Rich and that it's not likely to kill him. Whew! What a relief. :)

Yeah it wasn't a feeling I would like to have again anytime soon that's for sure.

And while it's still not good he's sick I am glad to hear that it's something that can be taken care of for sure! Have a good evening Lannie and keep us posted, looking forward to his cat memes very soon. :)


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Emily says ello, going to order Chinese food now, missed it lol
First thing you do when you get back is torment me and Lannie about Chinese food??? Soooooo glad you're home. Missed you oodles! :inlove:

So anyway, my point is this same scenario could apply to vaping. Just because you've never had an issue, don't get lazy and complacent about battery safety, the way I did about coffee roasting safety.
Good advice. Glad the chaff fire didn't get any worse.

I didn't do the mayo grilled cheese last night. Rich spiked a NASTY high fever yesterday afternoon, and it topped out at 104, so I called an ambulance. Of course, it took an hour to get here, and by that time he was a little better, but he still went to the hospital to get checked out. I haven't heard anything yet, so I don't know what could possibly have caused that, and the EMTs didn't know, either. He passed a kidney stone early yesterday, and they said sometimes that will cause a fever, but 104???? That's way too high. Nothing else seemed to be wrong, other than he was tired yesterday, I don't know where the hell the fever came from. Anyway, I'll let you guys know as soon as I hear anything.
(((((((((((Lannie))))))))))) If I had the funds, I'd be there with ya sweetie!! Or with Rich, whichever would give you the most peace. Definitely keep calling, and I know you will and be the squeaky wheel for him. Did his nurse call you back when she came back from lunch? You can request a call from his Doctor which I would definitely do if you haven't already! Just let them know why you can't be there, you don't drive, and have farm animals that have to be cared for several times a day. He should see to it under those circumstances that someone updates you, preferably himself at least once a day! I'm not surprised about the antibiotics. A fever that high means infection somewhere and it's first line defense until they find out what kind and where it is. Not even worried about the move so much, since so many VAs have had much reduced funding. I am a bit concerned that the new doc doesn't have the head CT yet. He needs to just do a new one if the VA don't get off their butt and send it. Since there's been no head trauma, I expect it's due to the highness of the fever, just as a precaution, but for that reason someone needs to light a fire under the VA. Do you know if they've done a lumbar puncture? (spinal tap)? Definitely keep us posted. Prayers already gone up, and much love to you!!


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oh glad to hear the update! massive infection not good, but it's good they started antibiotics right away and fever is down some, hoping it stays down. Very possible a kidney infection or one associated with the passage of the stone. They can have sharp edges of course, and cut the ureter as they pass. No wonder he was in so much pain!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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30 oz. as in ALMOST TWO POUNDS? Geez, that musta hurt!

Well, I just now heard from Rich's nurse, and the only reason she called me was to let me know that Rich dropped his glasses on the floor, then reached over to pick them up, and fell on his head. Oy. Luckily, he has a hard head. They checked him out and he's fine, but they're gonna run another scan on him in the morning just to make sure his brains are all still where they're supposed to be. In the meantime, they put an alarm on him that dings when he tries to get out of bed. ;) (Rixy, you're DEFINITELY our son!)

So while I had the nurse on the phone I asked about the fever and what the heck was going on with the rest of the problems, and she said he has some sort of really massive infection. His white blood cell count is way high, and he was still running a 102 degree temp this afternoon, however, now it down to 99. They ran virus swabs and ruled out cold/flu and common viral infections, so now they're doing a culture on his blood to find out what's in there. It kinda sounds like he's going to be in there for a couple more days, but I'd rather he was there where the docs and medicines and machines are if there's another problem.

OK, I gotta run and go shut the chicken coop door - it's dark out now - and then I guess I'm going to kick back and relax now that I know WHAT the problem is with Rich and that it's not likely to kill him. Whew! What a relief. :)

Thoughts and prayers for you and Rich, Lannie. Wow, I know where you are! I spent half the summer in your neighborhood this year. SD,WY and CO were easily my 3 favorite states. You are lovely people, living in Gods country. :)


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Rixy, welcome back to you and Emily! Ah, a Triade 250 for travel. I like the black elephant. I want one of those backs for mine as well. I've been having great fun with my Therion 133. I didn't get the baby beast with my Alien, so just topping it with a Super tank instead. Now come the Halloween sales in the US. Do you have sales there for Halloween as well?
Hi Eskie, yeah we get sales here too, I'll probably get a Aromamizer Supreme 4ml version and run some vertical coils in it, I tried a Spanish guys and wow, verticals in that tank work really well, I really want one for my Triade.......I have always loved that mod and even more so now.

EDIT - Ordered the Aromamizer Supreme 4ml and 7ml gunmetal limited edition with postless deck and black smoked glass. That should look sick on the Triade...

Can test out some verticals on the original deck and horizontals on the postless to see which is best......Now the wait begins :rolleyes:

First thing you do when you get back is torment me and Lannie about Chinese food??? Soooooo glad you're home. Missed you oodles! :inlove:

((((Debs)))) Missed you too, food was great, then we fell asleep
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Morning, guys! I slept better last night - got five whole hours in a row without waking up! :) Something bit my finger, though. Yesterday it was itchy, but I figured it was some tiny scratch that "mouse stuff" might have gotten on when I was doing chores, but I woke up in the middle of the night scratching it and this morning, my whole finger is "all swole up!" I hardly have any knuckle wrinkles! I'm really glad I don't wear a ring on that finger or it would be hurting right now. Anyway, this is more than a mouse allergy reaction, so I'm thinking something musta bit me. I can feel the hard spot in the side of my finger that's the center of the itch, but I can't see any marks or anything. I thought maybe a spider bite, but those usually leave a little mark, don't they? And most spiders can't bite through human skin, so I dunno really what it was. Maybe it's just nerves. :rolleyes:


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Morning all! Lannie, hope you get some good news on Rich today.

Rixy, do you think there's much of an advantage of the Aromamizer over the Boreas?
Now there is a question I get asked a lot.

Boreas has a slightly bigger deck.

Aromamizer has a separate juice control which I prefer. Close juice control, vape for a bit, put in your pocket, no leaking.

Aromamizer was said to have horrible airflow compared to the Boreas, it doesn't, it's the Aromamizer drip tip, replace it and your good to go.

I like the fact I can replace the glass and the chimney section to get a lower profile tank (4ml) or use the taller one (7ml) That's only with the limited edition one or you'll have to buy two separate versions.

Postless deck is a big plus, you can fit 4mm I'D coils in.

They are very simular tanks though.

Is it worth getting one, that's up to you, they vape pretty much the same but I do love the 4ml version of the Aromamizer a lot, it has great flavor too.

I guess it you want a smaller tank with the 4ml version and separate juice control then yes. If you have a Boreas and are thinking of getting the 7ml version then probably not worth it.

In saying that I have always loved the Supreme, it's a tank I keep going back too, it's always in my rotation where the Boreas I don't like to take out with me and the OBS Engine has kind of replaced it full time.

That gunmetal 4ml version should pair really well with the Triade, that's the main reason I bought it. The OBS in black pairs so well with the Hex Ohm V3 with the polished Hex symbol and the OBS mini looks great on the Q class. My TFV8 is on the Smoant Knight V2 and my original 7ml black Supreme is on my Efusion duo. I am not the kind of person that swaps out different tanks for different mods. I marry them together and if I buy a new tank, you can bet a new mod follows. That's just me though lol
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I tried calling Rich earlier, but the hospital moved him, so I was ringing the wrong phone, and when I tried to call back again to get the nurse's desk, I got disconnected. AGAIN. I hope these people are better at medicine than they are at phones. They suck at phones. I was getting pretty ANGRY again, so I decided to wait until later, when I'd cooled off some, to try again.

As it turned out, I didn't have to, Rich just called me and he sounds fine. He wants to go home, but his temp is still 99 (this is a mystery) and they want to do some stress tests on him later this morning to check out his heart and lung function. He said he'd call me after that and let me know what's going on then. Luckily, he took his little emergi-phone with him (a Wal-Mart cheapie he uses on shopping days in case of emergency) because the hospital doesn't allow long distance calls. But, he didn't take his charger, so he can only call me as long as his battery lasts (I have no idea how long that might be).

I wish I knew what the hell was causing this fever. Better yet, I wish the damn HOSPITAL knew what was causing it. They should be able to figure this out.

OK, gotta go feed the dogs and re-wick some tanks. My juices are starting to taste bland... I need FLAVORS! :)


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Now there is a question I get asked a lot.

Boreas has a slightly bigger deck.

Aromamizer has a separate juice control which I prefer. Close juice control, vape for a bit, put in your pocket, no leaking.

Aromamizer was said to have horrible airflow compared to the Boreas, it doesn't, it's the Aromamizer drip tip, replace it and your good to go.

I like the fact I can replace the glass and the chimney section to get a lower profile tank (4ml) or use the taller one (7ml) That's only with the limited edition one or you'll have to buy two separate versions.

Postless deck is a big plus, you can fit 4mm I'D coils in.

They are very simular tanks though.

Is it worth getting one, that's up to you, they vape pretty much the same but I do love the 4ml version of the Aromamizer a lot, it has great flavor too.

I guess it you want a smaller tank with the 4ml version and separate juice control then yes. If you have a Boreas and are thinking of getting the 7ml version then probably not worth it.

In saying that I have always loved the Supreme, it's a tank I keep going back too, it's always in my rotation where the Boreas I don't like to take out with me and the OBS Engine has kind of replaced it full time.

That gunmetal 4ml version should pair really well with the Triade, that's the main reason I bought it. The OBS in black pairs so well with the Hex Ohm V3 with the polished Hex symbol and the OBS mini looks great on the Q class. My TFV8 is on the Smoant Knight V2 and my original 7ml black Supreme is on my Efusion duo. I am not the kind of person that swaps out different tanks for different mods. I marry them together and if I buy a new tank, you can bet a new mod follows. That's just me though lol

And thank you! I think that clears it up for me. I like my Boreas, but don't love it. Separate juice controls would be a nice touch, but I don't think that's enough to push me over to buying it. There's nothing wrong with the Boreas (other than the funky combined juice and airflow) but I have other tanks I like better, even the Limitless+ (not for out and about).

I tried calling Rich earlier, but the hospital moved him, so I was ringing the wrong phone, and when I tried to call back again to get the nurse's desk, I got disconnected. AGAIN. I hope these people are better at medicine than they are at phones. They suck at phones. I was getting pretty ANGRY again, so I decided to wait until later, when I'd cooled off some, to try again.

As it turned out, I didn't have to, Rich just called me and he sounds fine. He wants to go home, but his temp is still 99 (this is a mystery) and they want to do some stress tests on him later this morning to check out his heart and lung function. He said he'd call me after that and let me know what's going on then. Luckily, he took his little emergi-phone with him (a Wal-Mart cheapie he uses on shopping days in case of emergency) because the hospital doesn't allow long distance calls. But, he didn't take his charger, so he can only call me as long as his battery lasts (I have no idea how long that might be).

I wish I knew what the hell was causing this fever. Better yet, I wish the damn HOSPITAL knew what was causing it. They should be able to figure this out.

OK, gotta go feed the dogs and re-wick some tanks. My juices are starting to taste bland... I need FLAVORS! :)

I'm glad Rich is feeling better. sometimes those cultures can take 48 to 72 hours to grow, so his fever could be down because of the antibiotics he's on, and you're just stuck waiting on results. Besides, nothing ever moves fast on a Sunday (or weekend for that matter) in a hospital.


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Wow! GREAT JOB! That is so cool!

Just dotted the picture template that I stuck on the front, took it off, cut out the top, scooped the crud out and then used a little saw, followed the dots and cut it out, it looked ok but when I popped the candle in and turned the lights out, I though WOW, that is pretty bad ass lol

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