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Reminds me of the time I got complacent stamping name plates.

On each vessel we have to put a metal plate with our name and ASME stamp etc. and it's done with a 30 oz. ball peen hammer and metal stamps. Done it a million times but it was right after shit went south for me awhile back and wasn't really paying attention since it has become routine, long story short I fractured my thumb in two places and put about an 1 1/2" gash in the side of it. But I just tossed some butterflies on it and went back to work. Wasn't till 3 days later I actually went to the doctor and had it x-rayed and realized why it was still so swollen. So my lesson is if you do get complacent and smash your thumb or any other body part with a 30 oz. hammer don't be like me go to the doc immediately. :D
I did the same thing with my left hand little finger. Hurt it BAD but had vacation planned so I went. Stayed by the pool the whole time soaking it -- it hurt SO bad. We got back and when I went and had it x-rayed, it had broken in 2 places and part of a bone floated up and grew where it wasn't supposed to. They told me I'd have to have surgery to fix it at that point. So, it's still crooked today.
@Lannie I had to knock a bunch of heads taking care of my mom for 4 years. grrrrr


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Well, I just now heard from Rich's nurse, and the only reason she called me was to let me know that Rich dropped his glasses on the floor, then reached over to pick them up, and fell on his head. Oy. Luckily, he has a hard head. They checked him out and he's fine, but they're gonna run another scan on him in the morning just to make sure his brains are all still where they're supposed to be. In the meantime, they put an alarm on him that dings when he tries to get out of bed. (Rixy, you're DEFINITELY our son!)
OMG Lannie this cracked me up. Yep, you guys are related for sure! Glad the fever is down. :blowkiss:


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PSA for the day: Don't Get Complacent!
So, just like vaping has battery safety precautions, many other activities have certain basic safety precautions you are supposed to follow. What happens when you start to get complacent just because you have never had a problem before? Well, a little background first.
I have a coffee roaster that can best be described as looking like a toaster oven. This is a drum style roaster, you fill the canister with beans, put it inside, close the door, and it rotates and tumbles the beans as they roast. A full pound takes a bit over 20 minutes, plus cooling time. And it is excellent at containing any smoke that naturally results from roasting.
Safety precaution: Never leave the roaster unattended. Chaff comes off the beans during roasting and collects in the bottom of the roaster. This can (though I've never seen it happen) lead to a fire.
So I've never had a problem before and I have the roast cycle down pat for the beans I'm roasting today, so when there was about 4 minutes left on the roast and everything was going well, I LEFT THE ROASTER UNATTENDED!
I heard it switch to the cooling cycle, and then smelled a burned smell. Went to check on it and the room was filled with smoke, and the beans are charred. Seems i had a chaff fire, contained and self extinguished but still View attachment 65291

So anyway, my point is this same scenario could apply to vaping. Just because you've never had an issue, don't get lazy and complacent about battery safety, the way I did about coffee roasting safety.
I'm glad it still works. :)


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Even I was shocked at how it turned out
Very nice!!!!


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Anyone interested in some very slightly used OBS Engine's one hasn't even been delivered yet? :giggle::giggle:

No matter what I do these things vape like shit for me I wind up drinking more juice than I vape. And while my juice tastes amazing when vaped suprisingly chugging it tastes like crap. :D


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Anyone interested in some very slightly used OBS Engine's one hasn't even been delivered yet? :giggle::giggle:

No matter what I do these things vape like shit for me I wind up drinking more juice than I vape. And while my juice tastes amazing when vaped suprisingly chugging it tastes like crap. :D

Oh man, I am so sorry to hear it's not working out for you. Do you have any photos of the builds you're trying? I'm happy to look and see if I have suggestions, and I'm sure Rixy, who knows a lot more than me, can also weigh in on it. @Rixsta any help here? He should be enjoying this tank.


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Oh man, I am so sorry to hear it's not working out for you. Do you have any photos of the builds you're trying? I'm happy to look and see if I have suggestions, and I'm sure Rixy, who knows a lot more than me, can also weigh in on it. @Rixsta any help here? He should be enjoying this tank.


Depends what wicking material is used, I can see rayon being a problem with these tanks, even Cotton bacon can wick too well and cause spitback, I find standard muji cotton pads work best. Also 3mm ID coils are the way to go, I don't even comb the wicks out at all, when you pull you wicks through, stretch one end as you pull it through so they go through easier and when you release the end you have nice thick fluffy wicks each side, cut wicks flush with the edge of the base and carefully push all the wicks into the holes so the hole is totally covered with cotton but not touching the bottom of the deck.....its OK if you can see the wicks at the bottom, I can see mine but not dragging on the bottom as you want the juice to flow freely all in the bottom of the base well.

Don't over prime those wicks either, that can be fatal too, just drop the juice onto the coils and press the fire button on lower wattage so that you see the coils draw the juice into the cotton, repeat until they change color a bit. Assemble and fill up. 50/50 juice won't work either, needs to be at least 70/30 or preferably max VG.

No problems with mine or the mini version........and the mini has bigger wicking holes .........eeekkk..


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Depends what wicking material is used, I can see rayon being a problem with these tanks, even Cotton bacon can wick too well and cause spitback, I find standard muji cotton pads work best. Also 3mm ID coils are the way to go, I don't even comb the wicks out at all, when you pull you wicks through, stretch one end as you pull it through so they go through easier and when you release the end you have nice thick fluffy wicks each side, cut wicks flush with the edge of the base and carefully push all the wicks into the holes so the hole is totally covered with cotton but not touching the bottom of the deck.....its OK if you can see the wicks at the bottom, I can see mine but not dragging on the bottom as you want the juice to flow freely all in the bottom of the base well.

Don't over prime those wicks either, that can be fatal too, just drop the juice onto the coils and press the fire button on lower wattage so that you see the coils draw the juice into the cotton, repeat until they change color a bit. Assemble and fill up. 50/50 juice won't work either, needs to be at least 70/30 or preferably max VG.

No problems with mine or the mini version........and the mini has bigger wicking holes .........eeekkk..

Well there's my issue and I finally did get it vaping OK but not great, all I vape is 50/50 or higher PG as I can't vape anything higher VG. Looks like they will be a no go for me then on the upside I love this Baby Beast so I will just get another one of them for the SS Alien. Hey you live and you learn, sometimes it costs you a bit of $$ but hey I am sure I can find homes for these I have.


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Oh man, I am so sorry to hear it's not working out for you. Do you have any photos of the builds you're trying? I'm happy to look and see if I have suggestions, and I'm sure Rixy, who knows a lot more than me, can also weigh in on it. @Rixsta any help here? He should be enjoying this tank.

Don't worry man it's not like you told me to go out an buy a couple I just saw a cool looking RTA and pulled the trigger. :)


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FERNANDO??? :eek: Is that you buddy???

Leg it..........

Well there's my issue and I finally did get it vaping OK but not great, all I vape is 50/50 or higher PG as I can't vape anything higher VG. Looks like they will be a no go for me then on the upside I love this Baby Beast so I will just get another one of them for the SS Alien. Hey you live and you learn, sometimes it costs you a bit of $$ but hey I am sure I can find homes for these I have.

Yeah thinner juice is causing the issues.

Baby beast is awesome, Baby T8 coil, 70w, flavor for days and those coils last me almost two weeks, that's all I've been vaping lately. It's my out and about tank for sure, no hassle, never leaks or floods, love love that tank for pre made coils. Can't stand the Cloud beast but I will def get the Big baby 25mm when it comes out. I tried the RBA too and that is also great. I like to close the airflow down slightly, it stops the whistle and increases flavor.

I bet you would like a the Aromamizer Supreme, 7ml or 4ml version, you can really control the juice flow for thinner juices, it's been a great tank for me for over 6 months.


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Don't worry man it's not like you told me to go out an buy a couple I just saw a cool looking RTA and pulled the trigger. :)

Yeah, I know, it just sucks because when it does all work well together, it's an amazing tank. But as long as you have other tanks you like and can use, all's good. So you like that baby beast too? I know Rixy was talking it up.

I got my Alien without a tank, so it would be an individual buy to go for it. right now I'm trying to track down these new EUC coils from Vaporesso that fit Atlantis style tanks, which would be good in my Super tank living on the Alien, but I'm having trouble finding it in stock anywhere. Kinda sucks with Halloween sales going on, as I'd give them a spin.


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Leg it..........

Yeah thinner juice is causing the issues.

Baby beast is awesome, Baby T8 coil, 70w, flavor for days and those coils last me almost two weeks, that's all I've been vaping lately. It's my out and about tank for sure, no hassle, never leaks or floods, love love that tank for pre made coils. Can't stand the Cloud beast but I will def get the Big baby 25mm when it comes out. I tried the RBA too and that is also great. I like to close the airflow down slightly, it stops the whistle and increases flavor.

I bet you would like a the Aromamizer Supreme, 7ml or 4ml version, you can really control the juice flow for thinner juices, it's been a great tank for me for over 6 months.

I can't say enough good things about the Baby Beast and the Q2 so far at 50-55 watts it's gives me everything I am looking for in a vape. The only issue I have with it is needing to fill it more often but it's just so damn easy to do so I can't really count that as a huge drawback. Usually my experience with regulated and prefab has been dismal which I give up on very quickly but since having this tank with the Alien I haven't even thought about firing up my Reo's.

I broke out the .15 quad coil the kit came with and am going to try it but think it maybe a little on the extreme side but it was in the kit so I am going to give it a whirl. And thanks for the heads up on the Big Baby I will keep my eye out for it as well as take a second look at the Aromamizer I heard a lot about those over at ECF and looked at them while shopping for the OBS and Baby Beast.
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Yeah, I know, it just sucks because when it does all work well together, it's an amazing tank. But as long as you have other tanks you like and can use, all's good. So you like that baby beast too? I know Rixy was talking it up.

I got my Alien without a tank, so it would be an individual buy to go for it. right now I'm trying to track down these new EUC coils from Vaporesso that fit Atlantis style tanks, which would be good in my Super tank living on the Alien, but I'm having trouble finding it in stock anywhere. Kinda sucks with Halloween sales going on, as I'd give them a spin.

Yeah I am with Rix, can't say enough good things about the BB and my Alien. I am sure I will vape off them again but it might just be the combo that shelves my Reo's/Odin's for quite awhile. Not to mention after two years of building coils and wicking them once a week I am kind of burnt out on it(dry burning always tasted funny). So it's nice to have an option where I can just plug and vape.


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I can't say enough good things about the Baby Beast and the Q2 so far at 50-55 watts it's gives me everything I am looking for in a vape. The only issue I have with it is needing to fill it more often but it's just so damn easy to do so I can't really count that as a huge drawback. Usually my experience with regulated and prefab has been dismal which I give up on very quickly but since having this tank with the Alien I haven't even thought about firing up my Reo's.

I broke out the .15 quad coil the kit came with and am going to try it but think it maybe a little on the extreme side but it was in the kit so I am going to give it a whirl. And thanks for the heads up on the Big Baby I will keep my eye out for it as well as take a second look at the Aromamizer I haeard a lot about those over at ECF and looked at them while shopping for the OBS and Baby Beast.

The T8 isn't a hot vape or anything and it's more restricted than the Q2 and for me gives much better flavor. I loved it so much I bought the entire stock of coils at the vape shop I work at, much to the dismay of the customers LOL.

I bought it for my holiday but find I'm vaping it at home now too, today I even popped it on my beloved Triade. I look forward to the bigger version, more juice capacity but uses the same coils, win win really. Should be out in the next 2 weeks or so buddy.

You right as well, no building or wicking and I can get just as good flavor and clouds as I can with any of my RTA's. In my opinion it's the best sub ohm tank on the market right now. I got the full black version, can't stand those orange o rings ha.


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The T8 isn't a hot vape or anything and it's more restricted than the Q2 and for me gives much better flavor. I loved it so much I bought the entire stock of coils at the vape shop I work at, much to the dismay of the customers LOL.

I bought it for my holiday but find I'm vaping it at home now too, today I even popped it on my beloved Triade. I look forward to the bigger version, more juice capacity but uses the same coils, win win really. Should be out in the next 2 weeks or so buddy.

You right as well, no building or wicking and I can get just as good flavor and clouds as I can with any of my RTA's. In my opinion it's the best sub ohm tank on the market right now.

Well I will take another look at the other coils then being a mostly mech vaper I equate low ohm's with hotter vapor but being in a new arena I am sure I will find that a lot of things I assume are "law" will change. And thanks again for the info on the new one I even googled to see if the Baby Coils would fit in the Beast as that is the only way the tank could get any better is increased juice capacity. Really stoked to hear there is a larger one on the way soon.

This coil I am vaping on now is about done anyway so I think I will pop in that quad coil here in a bit to give it a shot. The juice I vape just wrecks coils in short order so I am not surprised it hasn't lasted any longer though it might have been me "sleep vaping" last night while low on juice and scorched it a little whoops. :giggle:


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Well I will take another look at the other coils then being a mostly mech vaper I equate low ohm's with hotter vapor but being in a new arena I am sure I will find that a lot of things I assume are "law" will change. And thanks again for the info on the new one I even googled to see if the Baby Coils would fit in the Beast as that is the only way the tank could get any better is increased juice capacity. Really stoked to hear there is a larger one on the way soon.

This coil I am vaping on now is about done anyway so I think I will pop in that quad coil here in a bit to give it a shot. The juice I vape just wrecks coils in short order so I am not surprised it hasn't lasted any longer though it might have been me "sleep vaping" last night while low on juice and scorched it a little whoops. :giggle:

Its 4 parallel coils so it will be a lower ohm but that doesn't mean it's a hotter vape. Same as putting 120 watts through a fused clapton, it's more metal to heat up that's why it needs more power, also doesn't mean it's a hot vape. I hate hot vapes, slightly warm is my limit which surprises people.

Let me know what you think of it, I've got a feeling you will be surprised, even at 65w it's a dam good vape. I just find 70w to be my sweet spot.


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Its 4 parallel coils so it will be a lower ohm but that doesn't mean it's a hotter vape. Same as putting 120 watts through a fused clapton, it's more metal to heat up that's why it needs more power, also doesn't mean it's a hot vape. I hate hot vapes, slightly warm is my limit which surprises people.

Let me know what you think of it, I've got a feeling you will be surprised, even at 65w it's a dam good vape. I just find 70w to be my sweet spot.

Makes sense, guess I have more coils to look at now the Q2 seemed like a no brainer since I vaped on .5 duals normally. I'll definitely let you know after I give it a spin, if nothing else just looking at the pre-fabs in this tank is quite interesting. All the different chambers each with their own coil and wick is right up a techie's alley. :)


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Makes sense, guess I have more coils to look at now the Q2 seemed like a no brainer since I vaped on .5 duals normally. I'll definitely let you know after I give it a spin, if nothing else just looking at the pre-fabs in this tank is quite interesting. All the different chambers each with their own coil and wick is right up a techie's alley. :)
You'd of loved my quad coil build on the IJoy tornado lol



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Anyone interested in some very slightly used OBS Engine's one hasn't even been delivered yet? :giggle::giggle:

No matter what I do these things vape like shit for me I wind up drinking more juice than I vape. And while my juice tastes amazing when vaped suprisingly chugging it tastes like crap. :D

My juice tastes good vaped OR chugged! LOL! Rich is forever making faces at me when I wipe up a drip off the table and lick it off my finger. Or, once I knocked my tank over and a ml or two spilled out and I was goin' down to slurp directly but he made a lot of noise, so I used my finger. :p What can I say, I make good joose! ;)


Look away Atcha lol

Cooked some beautiful pork today


Oh, YUM, that looks perfectly crisped on the outside. Why didn't you invite me to dinner? Oh, yeah, because it would take three weeks to get there... :rolleyes:

Still haven't heard from Rich about the stress tests. Either they haven't done them or they tuckered him out so bad, he went back to sleep. I feel so sorry for him, he must be bored to TEARS lying there day after day with nothing to do.


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Still haven't heard from Rich about the stress tests. Either they haven't done them or they tuckered him out so bad, he went back to sleep. I feel so sorry for him, he must be bored to TEARS lying there day after day with nothing to do.

They sure don't rush in hospitals, that's for sure, he will be bored and not been able to get out in the fresh air ect, I'm sure he is totally pissed off x

Main thing is to try and find out why he had such a high fever and get him well again, sooner he is home the better, I know you must miss each other a lot, I mean, your always together.

Fingers crossed he can come home soon xxxxxxxxxx


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Does me get my gold badge now ?

Edit - Guess not lol

Oh silly me, I'm way off yet haha. D'OH

Kadly, hope your keeping well buddy, wheres Crom these days, gone back to Mars for a week or is he in search of another body o_O


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Well the clocks changed here and my body is telling me it's 11.30pm but tonight it's only 10.30pm, ahhhh bugger it, I'm off to bed folks.

Y'all take care.

Emily says hello again, busy weekend x

Oh, so you're only 6 hours ahead of us now, for a bit, anyway, until our clocks change back. They keep changing the date they do that farther and farther out. It used to be the last Sunday in October, and now it's somewhere out near the end of November I think. I can't remember. It doesn't matter for us, anyway, just a bother to change all the damn clocks.


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My juice tastes good vaped OR chugged! LOL! Rich is forever making faces at me when I wipe up a drip off the table and lick it off my finger. Or, once I knocked my tank over and a ml or two spilled out and I was goin' down to slurp directly but he made a lot of noise, so I used my finger. :p What can I say, I make good joose! ;)

Oh, YUM, that looks perfectly crisped on the outside. Why didn't you invite me to dinner? Oh, yeah, because it would take three weeks to get there... :rolleyes:

Still haven't heard from Rich about the stress tests. Either they haven't done them or they tuckered him out so bad, he went back to sleep. I feel so sorry for him, he must be bored to TEARS lying there day after day with nothing to do.

I'm a confessed finger and drip tip licker as well, just not when it's super heated and hit's my tonsils. Yeeech! :D

P.S. Daylight savings time is stupid and outdated, I like it to be dark when I lay down and suns up when I wake.


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I'm a confessed finger and drip tip licker as well, just not when it's super heated and hit's my tonsils. Yeeech! :D

Yeah, I guess if it's superheated, it wouldn't be as pleasant as sucking up a puddle off the table, would it? ;)

We here in the USA change DST at the proper time. Next weekend.

Is it next weekend? I thought it was farther into November this time. Well, it doesn't really matter. We live by the sun here, so who cares what time it says on the clock? LOL!


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Lannie, if he's going to be there longer, maybe one of the inept phone people and go get him a charger. That would totally SUCK if you couldn't tak to him. :eek::eek:

I forgot to reply to this - sorry! I'm going to ask someone tomorrow and if they're planning on keeping him past tomorrow afternoon, I'm telling them to get a charger that will fit on his phone. And they'd better not tell me they can't. :cuss2:

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