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Womper Woom Wejects


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Member For 4 Years to us was the vacay! Got any ocean pics? See any dolphins or whales? I stink at geography so dunno really if there are whales around there, or that migrate through that area. Never thought about, now must find out. What ocean is it? lol


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Oh kewl!!! Glad yur on to her, and have her penned up. Can they easily go a week or two early with no issues? Glad Rich is so much better!! Hope the infection was just from the kidney stone and doesn't come back. I sure don't like y'all being so far from medical care!

I talked to Rich about an hour and a half ago, and he still hadn't seen the doc, so he'll probably be there at least through today then. Then I fed the dogs and had some breakfast myself and then went out to check on Cricket. The good news is she hasn't bashed the pen fence down, but it looks like she's in active labor now, so it could go quick. I'm betting on a calf by evening chore time, if she goes like all the other times. Luckily, she knows what to do and she's a very good mom, so all I really have to do is wring my hands and keep running back and forth to the pen to annoy her (I keep looking under her tail...) I can't even remember how many calves this is by now, probably 15 at least, and I still get all squirrely. :rolleyes:


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Member For 4 Years to us was the vacay! Got any ocean pics? See any dolphins or whales? I stink at geography so dunno really if there are whales around there, or that migrate through that area. Never thought about, now must find out. What ocean is it? lol

We had a great time, it's the Atlantic Ocean. No whales or dolphins I know of and it's a volcanic Island, black sand :) .....

There's not much to tell, lazy days around the pool, meals out, walks, water park with the kids, parrot park, lots of bars and beach bars then back to the villa for 5pm to relax. I spent most of my holiday looking at Emily lol


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Glad yur on to her, and have her penned up. Can they easily go a week or two early with no issues?

Deb, I forgot to answer you there. Yes, two weeks either side of the "due date" (which is basically a due-GUIDELINE) is perfectly normal. She's 10 days early right now, so I foresee no problems. :) It's actually better, because the calf will be a teeny bit smaller, and therefore, a lot quicker to whoosh out. ;)


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Deb, I forgot to answer you there. Yes, two weeks either side of the "due date" (which is basically a due-GUIDELINE) is perfectly normal. She's 10 days early right now, so I foresee no problems. :) It's actually better, because the calf will be a teeny bit smaller, and therefore, a lot quicker to whoosh out. ;)
After 15 of them I bet it's like a bucket LOL


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so all I really have to do is wring my hands and keep running back and forth to the pen to annoy her (I keep looking under her tail...)

We had a great time, it's the Atlantic Ocean. No whales or dolphins I know of and it's a volcanic Island, black sand :) .....

There's not much to tell, lazy days around the pool, meals out, walks, water park with the kids, parrot park, lots of bars and beach bars then back to the villa for 5pm to relax. I spent most of my holiday looking at Emily lol
oh there's lot of both in the Atlantic. Isn't where ya went somewhere around Spain? I really have no idea where spain is come to think of it, but I wouldn't have thought it was the Atlantic. My son makes a lot of fun of me for my lack of Geography knowledge.


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oh there's lot of both in the Atlantic. Isn't where ya went somewhere around Spain? I really have no idea where spain is come to think of it, but I wouldn't have thought it was the Atlantic. My son makes a lot of fun of me for my lack of Geography knowledge.

Tenerife is the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands, off West Africa. It's dominated by Mt. Teide, a dormant volcano that is Spain's tallest peak. Tenerife may be best known for its Carnaval de Santa Cruz, a huge pre-Lent festival with parades, music, dancing and colorful costumes.

The island has many beaches (with sands from yellow to black) and resort areas, including Los Cristianos and Playa de las Américas.




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After 15 of them I bet it's like a bucket LOL

ROFLMAO! All 15 didn't come outta her! That's the combined total from 3 cows. But yeah, everything loosens up and from the time you see the feet, it's usually all over in less than 5 to 10 minutes. It's very possible that if I only check on her once every hour, I'll totally miss the whole thing. That's OK, though. The best calves are the ones that come in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping, then when I go out in the morning to check, there they are, all dried off and with a full belly, scampering around and learning to to use their legs. :)


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ROFLMAO! All 15 didn't come outta her! That's the combined total from 3 cows. But yeah, everything loosens up and from the time you see the feet, it's usually all over in less than 5 to 10 minutes. It's very possible that if I only check on her once every hour, I'll totally miss the whole thing. That's OK, though. The best calves are the ones that come in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping, then when I go out in the morning to check, there they are, all dried off and with a full belly, scampering around and learning to to use their legs. :)
OH LOL, I thought she had 15 of them, silly me. Even so, I bet it's big, oh nevermind, I have visions now that are bordering on beastiatly o_Oo_O


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I might not be on a lot today, because Cricket is going to pop her calf out early. She didn't come in for breakfast this morning (that NEVER happens) and I had to go looking for her. I found her tucked in between a couple of cedar trees down in the tree rows and had to MAKE her get up and go to the barn, then when she got there, she didn't finish her treats, and that ALSO never happens. She's very "loose in the caboose" and her udder is pretty full. It still has a little way to go, but that could happen in a matter of hours. Since I'm here by myself, I have her and Helen locked up in the cow pen today (and until the calf comes) because I don't want to have to hunt down a calf she's hidden somewhere and then try to carry it back to the barn by myself. Sheesh... if it's not one thing, it's another. Her due date is November 10th, so since she's this early, I'm hoping it's another little heifer calf.

A Halloween cow!! My best to Rich. Glad he's doing better and heading home soon.

So I finally made my own Clapton wire. Yay! Took enough practice. I made some coils and threw them in my Limitless+, figured Claptons will be good in there. Came in a 0.24 ohm for the two of them (316L 26G core 32G around). Boy, do those things take some time to heat up. And once they do, they sure stay hot. Can't chain vape with those things. They also managed to drain the L+ in like 7 puffs.:eek: I'm not sure they really match my vape style. I like my laid back, TC nice flavor relaxing vape. Kinda bummed given all the time and practice.

I did, however, also figure out how to make an Alien Clapton. Mostly by using some of my failed less then perfect regular Claptons. I didn't end up with a piece long enough to actually make anything into a coil, but it looked like an Alien wire for that little length. Now I have these new abilities, but not sure I'll ever use them. :facepalm:

In other related news, I ordered a bunch of flavors on Halloween sale at Bull City Flavors :vapemail:

Otherwise, I haven't seen anything great on sale to grab, which is good. I am having vape mail withdrawal, which is bad.:crazy:


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A Halloween cow!! My best to Rich. Glad he's doing better and heading home soon.

So I finally made my own Clapton wire. Yay! Took enough practice. I made some coils and threw them in my Limitless+, figured Claptons will be good in there. Came in a 0.24 ohm for the two of them (316L 26G core 32G around). Boy, do those things take some time to heat up. And once they do, they sure stay hot. Can't chain vape with those things. They also managed to drain the L+ in like 7 puffs.:eek: I'm not sure they really match my vape style. I like my laid back, TC nice flavor relaxing vape. Kinda bummed given all the time and practice.

I did, however, also figure out how to make an Alien Clapton. Mostly by using some of my failed less then perfect regular Claptons. I didn't end up with a piece long enough to actually make anything into a coil, but it looked like an Alien wire for that little length. Now I have these new abilities, but not sure I'll ever use them. :facepalm:

In other related news, I ordered a bunch of flavors on Halloween sale at Bull City Flavors :vapemail:

Otherwise, I haven't seen anything great on sale to grab, which is good. I am having vape mail withdrawal, which is bad.:crazy:
Not those low ohm Claptons, those coils are too close to your mouth due to tank design, pop them in the Boreas :)


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Tenerife is the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands, off West Africa
oh kewl! The day I asked my son what continent Africa was on, he knew I wuz a lost cause! :facepalm: In all fairness, I probably knew Africa IS a continent......but wuz havin a bad brain day. Jup, that's it!! :facepalm:

OH LOL, I thought she had 15 of them, silly me. Even so, I bet it's big, oh nevermind, I have visions now that are bordering on beastiatly
welcome home! :teehee:

No internet until Wednesday..I need a new line. :) Guess I need to add more data to the phone plan now.
:( :( :(

Now I have these new abilities, but not sure I'll ever use them.
In other related news, I ordered a bunch of flavors on Halloween sale at Bull City Flavors
kewl on the flavors!! What are some that you got? At least you do know how to make the stuff. Might find sumpthin you like em on!
Woot! Hey Debadoo! My event has FINALLY posted for A Billion Lives. Could I trouble you dear, to post it over there? I am going to PM all the locals I know, and start hitting the vape shops.
wahooooo! No trouble at all. I can definitely put it on the billion lives needs help......I never heard back from Oliver if he started a thread for the various postings, but he said he was gonna talk to the mods bout doin it then. He probably just didn't think to send me a link. I'll search for it. If I don't find it, do you want me to start a thread for it? That would be the easiest way to find where they posted it if they did make one, cuz they'll move it there lmao

Eskie, I ordered about $75 worth of flavors from BCF this morning too. I used the coupon code but it was negated by the sales tax. ;)
Kewl! What are some that you got???


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I mainly got 4oz bottles of flavors I use a lot of.. cinnamon danish swirl, vanilla custard, vanilla cupcake and cake batter. I did pick up a few FA's that I want to try, the black cherry that Lannie mentioned and also the WOW that chopdoc mentioned a couple of weeks ago.

The Cromwell

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I mainly got 4oz bottles of flavors I use a lot of.. cinnamon danish swirl, vanilla custard, vanilla cupcake and cake batter. I did pick up a few FA's that I want to try, the black cherry that Lannie mentioned and also the WOW that chopdoc mentioned a couple of weeks ago.
Yep like and use those as well. the cake batter not so muc though.
Tried CAP Vanilla Whipped Cream?


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ROFLMAO! All 15 didn't come outta her! That's the combined total from 3 cows. But yeah, everything loosens up and from the time you see the feet, it's usually all over in less than 5 to 10 minutes. It's very possible that if I only check on her once every hour, I'll totally miss the whole thing. That's OK, though. The best calves are the ones that come in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping, then when I go out in the morning to check, there they are, all dried off and with a full belly, scampering around and learning to to use their legs. :)
Awe how precious!

The Cromwell

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She has 3 red stripes down each cheek and on her forearms too.
Regular ensemble for her.

At least today she was not wearing her panties on the outside.

Need to call the postmaster. On her way out she checked my mailbox...
filled it full of leaves last week.


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Not those low ohm Claptons, those coils are too close to your mouth due to tank design, pop them in the Boreas :)



Eskie, I ordered about $75 worth of flavors from BCF this morning too. I used the coupon code but it was negated by the sales tax. ;)

Are you in the same state? I've never been hit with sales tax from them. Your order is a lot bigger than mine. I came in at only ~$25.

The Cromwell

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I thought she was supposed to be going somewhere? Hospital, institution?
False alarm. Cop said to call Adult Protective Services. Maybe something will turn out of it. Social Worker is supposed to show up in a day or 2.
Had her put in mental institution 3 times this year. They turn her loose in 1-4 weeks and she goes back off her meds they forced on her in there and sees no doctors....

am seriously considering electric fence....
with 9 gauge wire she cannot break.

The Cromwell

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Does the reverse work? I have some French Vanilla creamer I use for my coffee. Could I just use that for mixing? Certainly would be a savings if I could get my flavorings at the supermarket in the dairy section than buying these tiny bottles for $5.
Try it at your own peril.

$5 will get you 30ml at Bull City Flavors.

Best I can figure I actually consume maybe $30 worth of flavoring a year.
I mix at around 7-8% max flavoring.

Of course that does not include all the compulsive flavoritis purchases o_O
Last edited:


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False alarm. Cop said to call Adult Protective Services. Maybe something will turn out of it. Social Worker is supposed to show up in a day or 2.
Had her put in mental institution 3 times this year. They turn her loose in 1-4 weeks and she goes back off her meds they forced on her in there and sees no doctors....

am seriously considering electric fence....
with 9 gauge wire she cannot break.

Crom buddy, you should not have to deal with this on your own. I hope something gets sorted out for both of you :hug:

Try it at your own peril.


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She has 3 red stripes down each cheek and on her forearms too.
Regular ensemble for her.

At least today she was not wearing her panties on the outside.

Need to call the postmaster. On her way out she checked my mailbox...
filled it full of leaves last week.
False alarm. Cop said to call Adult Protective Services. Maybe something will turn out of it. Social Worker is supposed to show up in a day or 2.
Had her put in mental institution 3 times this year. They turn her loose in 1-4 weeks and she goes back off her meds they forced on her in there and sees no doctors....

am seriously considering electric fence....
with 9 gauge wire she cannot break.
What are the red stripes? Lipstick?
9 gauge would be too difficult to string up. Plus, it won't shock as hard. I had a Shire (they are big like Clydesdale's) and the only thing that would keep her in was the high powered box strong enough to keep a bull in. Wish I could remember what power it was. It even killed weeds that fell on it. :eek:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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What are the red stripes? Lipstick?
9 gauge would be too difficult to string up. Plus, it won't shock as hard. I had a Shire (they are big like Clydesdale's) and the only thing that would keep her in was the high powered box strong enough to keep a bull in. Wish I could remember what power it was. It even killed weeds that fell on it. :eek:
ohh yeah a weed burning predator grade fence charger.

My wife actually owns 1/2 of the place the SIL lives on and 1/2 of a 25 acre farm as well. Inheritance thing.
I guess we are going to get a Lawyer and push for a forced sale of both properties.

We have been truying for 2 years to split the farm up and the SIL won't do it.
We WERE going to just give the SIL our half of the place she lives on....

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