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Womper Woom Wejects


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Yeah but on the other hand it gets light out at a reasonable time after the change. Right now it's still dark until almost 8am here.:p
Wow. 8? Ok, yall can have the regular time. I like Daylight savings time. It gets light here at 7:20 and dark at 7 pm. After the change, I'll drive to work with the sun coming up into my eyeballs and it'll be dark at 6.


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Anyone interested in some very slightly used OBS Engine's one hasn't even been delivered yet?
No matter what I do these things vape like shit for me I wind up drinking more juice than I vape. And while my juice tastes amazing when vaped suprisingly chugging it tastes like crap.
Glad you figgered out it was the thinner juice. I know it wouldn't work for me....... I vape 75 pg. lol

Ok Lannie, here's am old pic of Tabitha and Mr. Freeman to lift your spirits. This was before they started going gray.
awwwwwww that's so precious with her little hannypaw on his head. Glad you realized it was a dane mix. I wondered bout his mouth. Didn't look like a lab at all, but it does look like a dane.

but since having this tank with the Alien I haven't even thought about firing up my Reo's.
HERESY!!!!! :teehee:

I was like wait, you're going to help me quit smoking and I get to build cool stuff with wire and buy gadgets? Where do I sign up.
lmao! I don't enjoy building, but it's so easy I don't mind doing it. I'd much rather build than buy coils!!

Does me get my gold badge now ?
Edit - Guess not lol
Oh silly me, I'm way off yet haha. D'OH
where do ya find how many posts ya need for what ones? Dunno why I care, with my multiquotes, I'll never make it very high lol

I can feel the hard spot in the side of my finger that's the center of the itch, but I can't see any marks or anything. I thought maybe a spider bite, but those usually leave a little mark, don't they? And most spiders can't bite through human skin, so I dunno really what it was. Maybe it's just nerves.
sounds like a spider bite. I've never seen marks, maybe it takes a bigger spider to do that, but they are notorious for the hard centers. I've never been bitten on the finger, but weird it made the whole finger swell. It will spread when ya scratch it though. I usually get bit on the leg, and it's just a big round swollen spot. Itches like crazy though.

Oh, and I forgot to say, thanks for calling, Deb! I know I told you this on the phone, but it was nice to just sit and chat with a friend for a few minutes.
awwwwwww glad it helped some. Was so great to talk to ya. I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I love actually talkin to peeps. Put a voice and face to a name, it's awesome! The hangouts made a lot of us on the porch even closer than we were before. It's almost like being there in person, but nuthin beats that!!!

Luckily, he took his little emergi-phone with him (a Wal-Mart cheapie he uses on shopping days in case of emergency) because the hospital doesn't allow long distance calls. But, he didn't take his charger, so he can only call me as long as his battery lasts (I have no idea how long that might be).
They likely won't check with patients if he's not ambulatory to do it himself. But he might luck out with a staff member who can bring theirs in if they have the same kind. Lots of em these days can use the mini usb but dunno what his is.

Even I was shocked at how it turned out
That's fantastic!! You and my son would have a blast together. Here are a couple he did for Faith. One year she wanted the Hello Kitty, last year the sponge bob. Dunno what they did this year. They did it over at her grandparent's house.
deb hello kitty punkin.jpg Deb sponge bob punkin.jpg

I did the same thing with my left hand little finger. Hurt it BAD but had vacation planned so I went. Stayed by the pool the whole time soaking it -- it hurt SO bad. We got back and when I went and had it x-rayed, it had broken in 2 places and part of a bone floated up and grew where it wasn't supposed to. They told me I'd have to have surgery to fix it at that point. So, it's still crooked today.
@Lannie I had to knock a bunch of heads taking care of my mom for 4 years. grrrrr
Dang darlin!


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Glad you figgered out it was the thinner juice. I know it wouldn't work for me....... I vape 75 pg. lol

awwwwwww that's so precious with her little hannypaw on his head. Glad you realized it was a dane mix. I wondered bout his mouth. Didn't look like a lab at all, but it does look like a dane.

HERESY!!!!! :teehee:

lmao! I don't enjoy building, but it's so easy I don't mind doing it. I'd much rather build than buy coils!!

where do ya find how many posts ya need for what ones? Dunno why I care, with my multiquotes, I'll never make it very high lol

sounds like a spider bite. I've never seen marks, maybe it takes a bigger spider to do that, but they are notorious for the hard centers. I've never been bitten on the finger, but weird it made the whole finger swell. It will spread when ya scratch it though. I usually get bit on the leg, and it's just a big round swollen spot. Itches like crazy though.

awwwwwww glad it helped some. Was so great to talk to ya. I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I love actually talkin to peeps. Put a voice and face to a name, it's awesome! The hangouts made a lot of us on the porch even closer than we were before. It's almost like being there in person, but nuthin beats that!!!

They likely won't check with patients if he's not ambulatory to do it himself. But he might luck out with a staff member who can bring theirs in if they have the same kind. Lots of em these days can use the mini usb but dunno what his is.

That's fantastic!! You and my son would have a blast together. Here are a couple he did for Faith. One year she wanted the Hello Kitty, last year the sponge bob. Dunno what they did this year. They did it over at her grandparent's house.
View attachment 65362 View attachment 65363

Dang darlin!
Wow those are neat! I used to do the fancy ones too when Frankie was still home. Fun stuff!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Wow. 8? Ok, yall can have the regular time. I like Daylight savings time. It gets light here at 7:20 and dark at 7 pm. After the change, I'll drive to work with the sun coming up into my eyeballs and it'll be dark at 6.
Well, OK, it's a little before 8, but the sun is just coming up while I'm driving to work.


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Well Alexa, when I bought her I thought it was a bit silly, now I can't live without her, she helps me to cook, tells me the news, will tell me all my juice recipes, remind me of appointments, hell, we even made Chinese food together. She plays any song I ask for, helps me when gaming, she can even order my favorite food right to my front door. All this by just talking to her, sorry Emmy but I kind a love Alexa :shades:
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@Debadoo - Picture from Boden

Might be something that you'd like.. Pico Squeeeeeeeeeeeze



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How is he holding up without a vape?

He hasn't mentioned missing it, but he's someone who could go without smoking for days at a time, back in the days when he smoked and had to be in the hospital for some reason. I think he doesn't have that addictive gene that a lot of us have. I got his, because I'm TWICE as addicted. I'm vaping almost no nic anymore, but I can't be without my binkie, even for a few minutes! :eek:

sounds like a spider bite. I've never seen marks, maybe it takes a bigger spider to do that, but they are notorious for the hard centers. I've never been bitten on the finger, but weird it made the whole finger swell. It will spread when ya scratch it though. I usually get bit on the leg, and it's just a big round swollen spot. Itches like crazy though.

I think you're right, and that's exactly what this is doing. My whole finger is swollen up, and if I scratch it, it just gets worse and worse. The itch is the most intense itch I've ever felt, and if I scratch, it gets so itchy it feels like the pinky finger next to it is ALSO itching. It's at least as bad as the itching I used to get from my cow allergy. (I'm still allergic to cows, but I've learned how to avoid the worst of it.) The cow allergy would have me scratching until my hands were literally bleeding. Pain from the bloody scratches was BETTER than the itch, believe it or not, so I'd scratch until it hurt too bad to scratch anymore, and then I'd be OK for a while. My hands were an ugly mess, though.

Anyway, enough about my stupid itchy finger, Rich called me last night and said the stress test went well, his fever's down below 99 now (still a tiny bit higher than his normal temp, but going down), and the only thing left is for the doc to look at the apparently new pictures they took of his heart and lungs. I guess the VA never sent theirs over. It amazes me, they sent him to a different hospital because the doctor at the VA didn't feel qualified to read the scans, and they don't send the friggin' scans over with him. Typical. Well, they're getting the bill from the "civilian" hospital, so maybe after they have to pay for new CT scans, they'll be more on the ball in the future. Or not. :rolleyes:

Rich doesn't think there's anything wrong, and expects they'll cut him loose this afternoon, but the neighbor that was going to pick him up is at a cattle sale all day today, so he might not be able to go get him until tomorrow. Which would be OK, because Atcha sent him some cookies! LOL! Hopefully that will brighten his day today, if they get there in time. :D It's possible if the Rapid City hospital releases him, he'll need to get transferred back over to the VA hospital to spend the night there. It would be cheaper there than at Rapid City. So we'll see. Rich said he'll keep me posted and he says hi to everyone. :)


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He hasn't mentioned missing it, but he's someone who could go without smoking for days at a time, back in the days when he smoked and had to be in the hospital for some reason. I think he doesn't have that addictive gene that a lot of us have. I got his, because I'm TWICE as addicted. I'm vaping almost no nic anymore, but I can't be without my binkie, even for a few minutes! :eek:

I'm the same, remember when I tested myself, I went a week without vaping, only thing I missed was the flavors, then I did 2 weeks nic free, nothing, didn't notice any difference. I hardly ever vape with nic now, I use it more for a bit of throat hit more than actually needing it.

Smoking, now that was another box of frogs, half an hour without a smoke and I would be a bad tempered beast, it just goes to show that nic on it's own is no where near as addictive (well not for me)

Too bad the seagulls don't listen. lol

Leg it...........................

Yeah they was at it again this morning, lucky I had to get up for school runs..
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Good morning wompers! Happy Halloween!

Lannie, glad to hear Rich is doing better. Sounds like he'll be home in a day or so. Next up, your finger. Take care of it. Don't scratch it too much and end up with an infection.

Rixy, just wait until Alexa can run one of those full body haptic feedback VR suits. Think of the possibilities. :giggle::devil:


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Good morning Wompers. Made some home made chilli yesterday. It came out good but damn, I couldnt stand myself last night :D
Warm vape chop ?

Just to touch on the Triade DNA 250, this is what I meant about them removing the battery cups (I can't remember if I've posted this already so if I have well, call it middle age syndrome)

It really does make popping the batteries in and out so much easier..


Rixy, just wait until Alexa can run one of those full body haptic feedback VR suits. Think of the possibilities. :giggle::devil:

With grips on each side so I don't fall off hey.......


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No worries Lynn x

Did you ever figure out the Serpent mini at all ?

I only ask cause I was vaping on the 25mm version today, single coil deck, fused clapton, 45w, great vape..
If I had read the post instead of looking at the picture, I would have noted that you said it was from Boden. :rolleyes:
No, I didn't. I bought 2 in the classies at ECF and they both worked fine so I'm guessing that there is something wrong with it.


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Thanks, then we have bonfire night on the beach. I just ordered a massive display pack. That is going to be so good too
Most expensive night of the year too..
I'm going to miss all the Halloween fun cause I'll be at work. :( I won't even get to see my grandson in his costume. :( :( :(
That sucks Lynn, hope you get sent lots of pics though


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Good morning wompers! Happy Halloween!

Lannie, glad to hear Rich is doing better. Sounds like he'll be home in a day or so. Next up, your finger. Take care of it. Don't scratch it too much and end up with an infection.

I have a band-aid on it so I won't tease it by brushing against stuff. Then when it starts to itch anyway, I run very hot water over it. Hot water encourages the histamines to release, so the itch increases a thousand times for a few seconds, then it's gone for several hours.

I might not be on a lot today, because Cricket is going to pop her calf out early. She didn't come in for breakfast this morning (that NEVER happens) and I had to go looking for her. I found her tucked in between a couple of cedar trees down in the tree rows and had to MAKE her get up and go to the barn, then when she got there, she didn't finish her treats, and that ALSO never happens. She's very "loose in the caboose" and her udder is pretty full. It still has a little way to go, but that could happen in a matter of hours. Since I'm here by myself, I have her and Helen locked up in the cow pen today (and until the calf comes) because I don't want to have to hunt down a calf she's hidden somewhere and then try to carry it back to the barn by myself. Sheesh... if it's not one thing, it's another. Her due date is November 10th, so since she's this early, I'm hoping it's another little heifer calf.

Anyway, I'll be running out to the cow pen frequently today to check on her, so I might not get on here much. I'll let you know if I hear anything about Rich, though. :)


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Warm vape chop ?

Just to touch on the Triade DNA 250, this is what I meant about them removing the battery cups (I can't remember if I've posted this already so if I have well, call it middle age syndrome)

It really does make popping the batteries in and out so much easier..


With grips on each side so I don't fall off hey.......

Arrgghhh... I hate those wrap rippin cups! Triade 250 has reverse polarity protection circuitry, I heard? If so, WHY those damn cups? Do you have to remove the sled to take em out? Does the Triade 200 have reverse protection circuitry too? I'd like to lose those suckers, but I HAVE put the batts in the wrong way in the dark, so I don't want to be blowing fuses.

The Cromwell

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I have a band-aid on it so I won't tease it by brushing against stuff. Then when it starts to itch anyway, I run very hot water over it. Hot water encourages the histamines to release, so the itch increases a thousand times for a few seconds, then it's gone for several hours.

I might not be on a lot today, because Cricket is going to pop her calf out early. She didn't come in for breakfast this morning (that NEVER happens) and I had to go looking for her. I found her tucked in between a couple of cedar trees down in the tree rows and had to MAKE her get up and go to the barn, then when she got there, she didn't finish her treats, and that ALSO never happens. She's very "loose in the caboose" and her udder is pretty full. It still has a little way to go, but that could happen in a matter of hours. Since I'm here by myself, I have her and Helen locked up in the cow pen today (and until the calf comes) because I don't want to have to hunt down a calf she's hidden somewhere and then try to carry it back to the barn by myself. Sheesh... if it's not one thing, it's another. Her due date is November 10th, so since she's this early, I'm hoping it's another little heifer calf.

Anyway, I'll be running out to the cow pen frequently today to check on her, so I might not get on here much. I'll let you know if I hear anything about Rich, though. :)
Hang in there girl.
You got a lot goin on. Hope the calving is smooth.


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I have a band-aid on it so I won't tease it by brushing against stuff. Then when it starts to itch anyway, I run very hot water over it. Hot water encourages the histamines to release, so the itch increases a thousand times for a few seconds, then it's gone for several hours.

I might not be on a lot today, because Cricket is going to pop her calf out early. She didn't come in for breakfast this morning (that NEVER happens) and I had to go looking for her. I found her tucked in between a couple of cedar trees down in the tree rows and had to MAKE her get up and go to the barn, then when she got there, she didn't finish her treats, and that ALSO never happens. She's very "loose in the caboose" and her udder is pretty full. It still has a little way to go, but that could happen in a matter of hours. Since I'm here by myself, I have her and Helen locked up in the cow pen today (and until the calf comes) because I don't want to have to hunt down a calf she's hidden somewhere and then try to carry it back to the barn by myself. Sheesh... if it's not one thing, it's another. Her due date is November 10th, so since she's this early, I'm hoping it's another little heifer calf.

Anyway, I'll be running out to the cow pen frequently today to check on her, so I might not get on here much. I'll let you know if I hear anything about Rich, though. :)
Wow how exciting Lannie!!!!! I video'd one of my mini horse's (don't have any horses now) birth. From the time the water broke through the first steps and feeding.


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Arrgghhh... I hate those wrap rippin cups! Triade 250 has reverse polarity protection circuitry, I heard? If so, WHY those damn cups? Do you have to remove the sled to take em out? Does the Triade 200 have reverse protection circuitry too? I'd like to lose those suckers, but I HAVE put the batts in the wrong way in the dark, so I don't want to be blowing fuses.

Triade DNA 200 has NO reverse protection which is why they put those cups in so if you put the batteries in wrong they won't make connection. DNA 250 board has reverse protection so no need for those cups now, it also means that because the batteries go in easier and aren't as tight, it doesn't put pressure on the housing. Notice a gap forming on the Triade DNA 200 at the bottom when the batteries have pushed the housing out over time.


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@Debadoo - Picture from Boden
Might be something that you'd like.. Pico Squeeeeeeeeeeeze
Jup, I've seen those. i did think about that when I got the regular pico, but realized I really don't a regulated squonker, not sure I could wrap my head around that lol I just wanted something for tanks. I've got several Reos, so I wanted something different when I got the pico. Thanks though.

Slapping mine doesn't do any good, I have to swipe it. Yeah, I'm using a tablet as an alarm clock.
The kids use their cell phones. Anddddddd my son said that they're going to switch carriers when he gets his GI bill stipend this month, and since it's going to be a lot cheaper, they're going to put me on it! He's gonna get a new phone and give me his Note 3!! Sooooooo happy. Now folks that stay up, can call me anytime of the day or night cuz I can have it on vibrate and it won't wake the kids. And.....if I have to go pick him up or something, and can't find him, I won't have to drive back to the house to call him like I did before to see where he is!

Which would be OK, because Atcha sent him some cookies!
awwwwwwww she's such a darlin!!! Hope he gets em.

Yeah they was at it again this morning, lucky I had to get up for school runs..
I don't feel sorry for ya no more. You fuss about the seagulls, then go on vacation to the beach!! <3

It came out good but damn, I couldnt stand myself last night
apparently it didn't "come out" so good then. when ya make yurself pass out, that's bad! lol

I just ordered a massive display pack. That is going to be so good too
hiya! display pack? as in fireworks???

I hope my daughter will send a pic or 2 but to be honest, I'm not counting on it. I'll probably wind up seeing them on Facebook.
:( My son used to drive me nuts like that. They would post stuff on FB and expect that everyone saw it. Mama don't do FB!! A few things my SIL would see and ask if I knew about it since I hadn't mentioned it.........uhmmmm newp!! At least when she got pregnant, they actually came over to tell me instead of figgerin I'd see it on FB. They announced earlier than they'd planned on, so I did too on ecf, then she lost it like 2 days later. :(

I might not be on a lot today, because Cricket is going to pop her calf out early.
Oh kewl!!! Glad yur on to her, and have her penned up. Can they easily go a week or two early with no issues? Glad Rich is so much better!! Hope the infection was just from the kidney stone and doesn't come back. I sure don't like y'all being so far from medical care!

hehehe that's cute!!

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