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Womper Woom Wejects


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It is, and I'm too lazy to upload photos to keep it off. hehehehe
I could be wrong, cuz I don't know nuttin today, but I thought it puts it on there when ya do that too

Line us all up with our bare butts out and give em a panin ?
Ah drat, yeah OK, I'd enjoy it.....
(Flirt) me? Always
lmao! well yur butts always bare! or do y'all wear clothes now that yur in town? hehehe and jup, you would enjoy that way too much!!


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Ring sting was worse than a panin, I am never eating her chili again lol
My cayenne pepper diet soup is worse I bet. Made the mistake once of eating it 3 days in a row. I was in the bathroom at work for almost an hour thinking I was gonna die! lol. I know, TMI...........:confused:
Deb, there's a way to post without it but I didn't pay much attention to it since I'm too lazy. I like the snippet tool. It was designed for us lazy people. :D


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I did a bad thing. Well, kind of............Went to the grocery yesterday at lunch and the Halloween candy was on sale. So, I bought some. Ate all of it by lunch today and went BACK and got more!
Ok, everyone root for the Cubs tonight.


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I did a bad thing. Well, kind of............Went to the grocery yesterday at lunch and the Halloween candy was on sale. So, I bought some. Ate all of it by lunch today and went BACK and got more!
Ok, everyone root for the Cubs tonight.
will definitely root for the cubs..........and I'm glad you said that bout the candy.......been thinkin all day the kids need to git to the store before all the marked down stuff is gone if it isn't already. Was just on the phone with my son talkin bout grocery stuff and forgot to mention it. Will call him back in a bit. Bout time for me to move stuff to the cave now...... cuz he said he's already loaded the car with their stuff and frankie!!! yay!!!! My puppy is comin home today!!!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I did a bad thing. Well, kind of............Went to the grocery yesterday at lunch and the Halloween candy was on sale. So, I bought some. Ate all of it by lunch today and went BACK and got more!
Ok, everyone root for the Cubs tonight.
Lol! Sounds like something I would do!
And yes, root for the Cubs! They haven't won a World Series since 1908!


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will definitely root for the cubs..........and I'm glad you said that bout the candy.......been thinkin all day the kids need to git to the store before all the marked down stuff is gone if it isn't already. Was just on the phone with my son talkin bout grocery stuff and forgot to mention it. Will call him back in a bit. Bout time for me to move stuff to the cave now...... cuz he said he's already loaded the car with their stuff and frankie!!! yay!!!! My puppy is comin home today!!!
Where have they been? Sorry if you already said, I've been behind lately............


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Winterized the boat today. I try to get my crews to do this kinda stuff for me. Off season, like to keep a few key guys busy so they get checks.
But then I end up doing the "government" work myself, while THEY watch. Then complain that they aren't getting any overtime. Sheesh.

Now I STINK like 90W gear oil from changing the lube in my outdrive. Just had the whole outdrive rebuilt, all new seals and stuff, in the spring. Had to drain it to make sure all of the seals are good, and there was no water getting in. I used 3/4 of 1 tank of gas this year. Mostly just putting around the lake having cocktails. That oil looked brand NEW.

I SO hate the smell of gear oil. And no matter how much I wash my hands, it just keeps coming back.


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I liked the first one better. "Especially one from the Vaping Underground." It just seems to FIT. ;)

Havin a rough day today.........might just have to line em all up and (crap!! earlier I thought of sumpthin real funny to say here, and now I can't remember to save me what it wuz) :xD:

Hellz bellz, you're memory's gettin' as bad as MINE! ROFL!

I SO hate the smell of gear oil. And no matter how much I wash my hands, it just keeps coming back.

OK, call me weird, but I actually kinda like the smell of gear oil. It reminds me of being in the shop with all my buddies, wrenchin' engines. Now, mind you, it doesn't smell anywhere near as good as nitro in the morning, but it's right up there. ;)


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I love your cow stories!! Those are probably the closest I'll ever get to cows.

The only time I ever got involved with cows was being caught in a mess of them at the Iowa state fair. Felt like a stampede, but they were walking and pretty much oblivious to me, but still made sure to drool me up real well. If they got too close and solid push seemed to work at getting them to move along. That, and the pig judging, were the highlights for me. Well, the person I was with was from Iowa, so she was thrilled I got to go (I always thought the Iowa state fair was in movies from the 40's and 50's). Her being thrilled and thanking me for going with her was probably a better highlight than the drooling cows, but the cow drool memory stuck a lot better (cow induced PTSD?).

Funny thing is, she tracked me down after all these years and we just met for a bit while she was in NY for business. How she tracked me down is a whole other story.

There nothing new, couple of years old but I use NI80 wire instead of Kanthal,

Six strands of either Kanthal or NI80 28g wire, cut to the same length, put one wire in at a time into your drill chuck (electric screwdriver). Grab a pair of toothless pliers and put one end in the chuck and hold the other end taking the slack out and spin the drill, this will straighten your wire, run your finger down the wire before you remove it, repeat for all 6 wires.

Now grab 3 of those wires and twist them clockwise with the pilers at one end, put them in a drill bit (twisted end) and as before, hold the other end with the pilers taking out the slack and spin the drill clockwise, keep spinning them until the wire breaks. Put it back in and repeat until the wire breaks again and set it aside.

Now grab the other 3 wires and twist them counter clockwise with the pilers at one end, put them in the chuck (twisted end) and set the electric screwdriver to counter clockwise......repeat as above.

Now you have 2 wires that are twisted in opposite directions.

Set your electric screwdriver to clockwise, grab one of the wires and put in it the chuck, this time we want to smooth the wire out, use the pilers and start at the chuck end, spin the drill and slowly work your way to the end of the wire using the pilers, don't grip it too hard, you just want to gently hold it. You will have to do this about 15 times and you will see the wire flatten out and go smooth, repeat with the other wire.

Wash the wires to get rid of the metal filings that have been created from smoothing and flattening it out.

Now grab both wires and you should see that the lines, line up, the direction of the zipper lines should point down ^ (that direction).

You can now wrap your coil like you would any parallel coil, tad dar, you have just made a zipper coil.

X amount of wraps around X Diameter. I like 2.5mm ID and 6 wraps....RDA use 3mm ID

So basically, two triple twisted and flattened wires you then Clapton together? Does it have to be done with toothless pliers, or will teeth, even if really small on the pliers, mess it all up?


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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OK, call me weird, but I actually kinda like the smell of gear oil. It reminds me of being in the shop with all my buddies, wrenchin' engines. Now, mind you, it doesn't smell anywhere near as good as nitro in the morning, but it's right up there. ;)

Weird. There is something SO unique about it, and to me, just horrid. I'd rather smell putrefaction than gear oil, it's that intense and offensive to MY senses. Funny how people can be so different. Weird. Let me know if you tire of me calling you weird.. :)


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So basically, two triple twisted and flattened wires you then Clapton together? Does it have to be done with toothless pliers, or will teeth, even if really small on the pliers, mess it all up?

There not Claptons, Claptons have wire wrapped around X amount of core wires and not twisted together, these are zipper coils, completely different method. Any teeth on the pliers will mess up the wire, they have to be smooth / toothless pliers or you will damage the wire when smoothing and flattening them out.

Morning Y'all


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Weird. There is something SO unique about it, and to me, just horrid. I'd rather smell putrefaction than gear oil, it's that intense and offensive to MY senses. Funny how people can be so different. Weird. Let me know if you tire of me calling you weird.. :)

Honey, I was BORN weird, so it doesn't bother me at all. And I guess maybe today I wouldn't like the smell so much. I can remember WHAT it smelled like, and it reminds me of fun times, so it has a positive association in my memory. That's probably all it is. But I'm still weird. ;)


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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Ahh the world series gets more real attention from humans than the presidential race does.
Fanatics know all the stats on the Cubs but do not know the stats on the presidential candidates.

But it's BEEN over a hundred years since a CUB won. Besides, I didn't REALLY know who was pitching and who was catching for each of the baseball teams, but in politics, who is pitching and who will be catching is a GIVEN. Getting downright BORING.


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Ahh the world series gets more real attention from humans than the presidential race does.
Fanatics know all the stats on the Cubs but do not know the stats on the presidential candidates.

Only because each baseball player is different who needs to follow the stats of two people that are crooked as the letter Z. :)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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But it's BEEN over a hundred years since a CUB won. Besides, I didn't REALLY know who was pitching and who was catching for each of the baseball teams, but in politics, who is pitching and who will be catching is a GIVEN. Getting downright BORING.
I had heard the Cubs were in the world series, did not even know who else was in there.


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Ahh yes. However to many only the other side has a crooked nominee.
Faith based politics....

You couldn't create two people less worthy of the title POTUS if you made them in a lab. I am embarrassed as an American that this is the best we have to offer along with a reality show TV campaign(s) and election.


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Good morning wompers! :) Nothing to say today so I'll be sitting over there -----> in the quiet corner.
I feel pretty much the same today Lynn

I did however get my shipment from Epic Fireworks and Oh yeah, Saturday is gonna be one hell of a show.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Ahh the world series gets more real attention from humans than the presidential race does.
Fanatics know all the stats on the Cubs but do not know the stats on the presidential candidates.
Not true, I'm a die hard Cubs fan, but I don't know any of the stats. I do, on the other hand, know exactly which candidate I'm voting for, and why. And my candidate does not have a (R) or (D) after their name. Everyone tells me I'm throwing my vote away, but I figure voting for someone I don't like to prevent someone else I don't like from winning would be throwing my vote away.

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