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Womper Woom Wejects


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Nice gunmetal finish (or at least it looks like that in the photo). I never had a postless deck, but seeing that Alien Clapton build on it makes me see the benefit. In that box of goodies that came with it, it looks like there.s a single coil adapter plug in there. Do they supply one? I'm not sure this is the kind of tank where that would be something you would even want to use one.

And stop holding back on that RDA! There are enquiring minds here!:cry:

Yes there is a single coil option (limited edition only) but I have never tried it so I'm not sure, postless deck is needed with the Supreme as the deck (for me) is too small for my builds. The wicking holes, where as the old one was like the Boreas, 2.5mm deck, this one just has a massive hole each side, to me and from experience, this is going to flood like mad.

We shall see.....this will need wicking well and maybe the juice control here will save it, I think it only needs to open slightly.

Kendo Gold is awesome stuff though


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Cyclon RDA (Updated Velocity is Cyclon VT)

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I have ran out of time today, I'm off to a party, I doubt it holds 6ml of juice as it claims, probably more like 3ml but it is a fantastic RDA.. There are a few reviews on the tube..

With that said, this Aromamizer Supreme in the 4ml version with that postless deck is a dream vape, it just works so well. Im vaping it on the lowest airhole now and it is awesome, what a difference that smaller chimney and that deck makes.

Both great though, just different.

God, Im so late and I've even checked my pm box.


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Cyclon RDA (Updated Velocity us Cyclon VT)

image hosting site over 5mb

I have ran out of time today, I'm off to a party, I doubt it holds 6ml of juice as it claims, probably more like 3ml but it is a fantastic RDA.. There are a few reviews on the tube..

With that said, this Aromamizer Supreme in the 4ml version with that postless deck is a dream vape, it just works so well. Im vaping it on the lowest airhole now and it is awesome, what a difference that smaller chimney and that deck makes.

Both great though, just different.

God, Im so late and I've even checked my pm box.

Huh. Can't find a US vendor with it, but it certainly is affordable from the China sites. I see it's by Fumytech. They also make the windforce rta which looked sorts interesting. Do you know anything about that rta from them?


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Huh. Can't find a US vendor with it, but it certainly is affordable from the China sites. I see it's by Fumytech. They also make the windforce rta which looked sorts interesting. Do you know anything about that rta from them?
No, nothing Eskie but I know you'd like the Supreme 4ml, with or without the postless deck.

Must go, I'll be on later, drunk lol


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Guess I failed to mention that... they did do EKGs (more than once). As the graph was rolling out of the end, I looked over and said, "Looks perfectly normal to me." The technician looked at me, looked at the print-out, then said, "It is."
They told my dad that on 2 occasions. Massive heart attack the third time killed him at 42. That was back in 1974 though and the technology is MUCH better today. I'm sure they will figure out what's going on Rich. Hang in there! :blowkiss:


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They told my dad that on 2 occasions. Massive heart attack the third time killed him at 42. That was back in 1974 though and the technology is MUCH better today. I'm sure they will figure out what's going on Rich. Hang in there! :blowkiss:
My grandfather on my mom's side had a heart problem and took pills for it. This was in the late 60's. For around 3 weeks he complained about heartburn. He went to work one morning and after break, asked if someone had any baking soda as he had heartburn. Folks that were there with him said he walked about a 100 feet from the break room and just keeled over. Ambulance was called and they pronounced him dead at the scene. The doctors in the ER said it wouldn't have mattered if he had been in the cardiac unit at Duke, nothing would have saved him. The heartburn he'd been having had been mini heart attacks.


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Massive heart attack the third time killed him at 42.
Sorry you lost him so young. Here's my current attitude adjustment: I have already made it 25 years past your father, so it's gravy to me from here on out. Did that make sense?
I'm sure they will figure out what's going on Rich. Hang in there!
Wasn't it you who did all those personality profiles back on ECF? I am one of those people who researches and analyzes the data (on ANY subject). If A>B and B>C, what is the relationship between A and C? I have a huge unknown with all the data I have received this past weekend, and even though the doctors seem to have already dismissed it because it doesn't fit neat-and-tidy within their world views, I still have an unknown X-factor floating around that does not fit the standard equations. Maybe I won't figure it out either, but because it is about the body I currently inhabit, I will chase it down. "They" have no intention of figuring it out - to do the work required is beyond what they think the insurance will pay them for. But I have to know, no matter how much work it takes. One way or another, X must be solved.


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Sorry you lost him so young. Here's my current attitude adjustment: I have already made it 25 years past your father, so it's gravy to me from here on out. Did that make sense?

Wasn't it you who did all those personality profiles back on ECF? I am one of those people who researches and analyzes the data (on ANY subject). If A>B and B>C, what is the relationship between A and C? I have a huge unknown with all the data I have received this past weekend, and even though the doctors seem to have already dismissed it because it doesn't fit neat-and-tidy within their world views, I still have an unknown X-factor floating around that does not fit the standard equations. Maybe I won't figure it out either, but because it is about the body I currently inhabit, I will chase it down. "They" have no intention of figuring it out - to do the work required is beyond what they think the insurance will pay them for. But I have to know, no matter how much work it takes. One way or another, X must be solved.
It makes perfect sense. I think of that often, how I've outlived him.
Well, if anyone will figure it out then it will be you! And yes, I did post the 16 personalities test. I didn't finish the spreadsheet though with the porchers data. They were definitely different though. I don't think there were any Analysts.
Here's the link if anyone is interested.
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I thought it was A > B and B > C
That would mean that A > B and C; and B is only > C
Or, A > B+C ?
Aren't you a programmer? If A>B and B>C, if follows that A is also greater than C, and it can be said that A is greater than B and C, but in this case, "and" does not equal +. That is, if A=100 and B=99 and C=98 then clearly A is greater than both, but not if you add 99 and 98. In the electronics world, there are AND gates and OR gates, which produce an output voltage when certain conditions are met. For an AND gate, both input leads must have a voltage on them in order for there to be any output voltage, but with the OR gate, either input lead having a voltage will produce an output voltage. I know, it can get really fuzzy....
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Aren't you a programmer? If A>B and B>C, if follows that A is also greater than C, and it can be said that A is greater than B and C, but in this case, "and" does not equal +. That is, if A=100 and B=99 and C=98 then clearly A is greater than either, but not if you add 99 and 98. In the electronics world, there are AND gates and OR gates, which produce an output voltage when certain conditions are met. For and AND gate, both input leads must have a voltage on them in order for there to be any output voltage, but with the OR gate, either input lead having a voltage will produce an output voltage. I know, it can get really fuzzy....
Yes, T-Sql. And in the case of T-Sql, it would mean A>B and B>C...not A > B+C
I remember the OR gate in school. Vaguely though. We had to memorize the shapes of the basic gates and also several common circuit diagrams. I did NOT like that class. The professor was a jerk and we either got a 1 or a 0 in the class. In other words, a 100 grade or a 0! I was surprised I passed it.


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So I bit and took the quiz and came up with INTP-T quite spot on actually. Really interesting. :)
Another Logician. You scored the same as Rixy with the "T" on the end.
After I add you and Lynn to the spreadsheet, I'll post it so you guys can see it. It's really amazing how many wompers are under the Analyst umbrella.
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Another Logician. You scored the same as Rixy with the "T" on the end.
After I add you and Lynn to the spreadsheet, I'll post it so you guys can see it. It's really amazing how many womper are under the Analyst umbrella.

I wonder if vaping in general attracts those types of personalities? And it got credit with me when it referenced my turbid personality that could not be closer to true if I wrote it, or the fact that I hate rules and guidelines. :giggle::giggle:


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I wonder if vaping in general attracts those types of personalities? And it got credit with me when it referenced my turbid personality that could not be closer to true if I wrote it, or the fact that I hate rules and guidelines. :giggle::giggle:
The biggest argument with my parents were over a curfew. If they told me I had to be home by 11, I'd be home around 1. I knew what would happen but it didn't matter. Once they took away the curfew, I'd be home on time. For me it was just being told I had to.


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I wonder if vaping in general attracts those types of personalities? And it got credit with me when it referenced my turbid personality that could not be closer to true if I wrote it, or the fact that I hate rules and guidelines. :giggle::giggle:
I've got the T also but I'm not a Logician. At first we thought maybe vaping attracted those types, however, once another thread participated in the test, they did NOT have the same personality types as the people attracted to the womper thread. I know it's really weird. I know Boden and Mikey are also Logicians.
Soon as I get some time I'll finish up the spreadsheet and I'll add a column with the thread.


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The biggest argument with my parents were over a curfew. If they told me I had to be home by 11, I'd be home around 1. I knew what would happen but it didn't matter. Once they took away the curfew, I'd be home on time. For me it was just being told I had to.

Same here the quickest way to get me to do anything is to tell me I can't or won't, shit will get done in a rapid fashion. :giggle::giggle:

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